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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
## TODO:
## =====
## * No uncles are handled by this pool
## * Impose a size limit to the bucket database. Which items would be removed?
## * There is a conceivable problem with the per-account optimisation. The
## algorithm chooses an account and does not stop packing until all txs
## of the account are packed or the block is full. In the latter case,
## there might be some txs left unpacked from the account which might be
## the most lucrative ones. Should this be tackled (see also next item)?
## * The classifier throws out all txs with negative gas tips. This implies
## that all subsequent txs must also be suspended for this account even
## though these following txs might be extraordinarily profitable so that
## packing the whole account might be woth wile. Should this be considered,
## somehow (see also previous item)?
## Transaction Pool
## ================
## The transaction pool collects transactions and holds them in a database.
## This database consists of the three buckets *pending*, *staged*, and
## *packed* and a *waste basket*. These database entities are discussed in
## more detail, below.
## At some point, there will be some transactions in the *staged* bucket.
## Upon request, the pool will pack as many of those transactions as possible
## into to *packed* bucket which will subsequently be used to generate a
## new Ethereum block.
## When packing transactions from *staged* into *packed* bucked, the staged
## transactions are sorted by *sender account* and *nonce*. The *sender
## account* values are ordered by a *ranking* function (highest ranking first)
## and the *nonce* values by their natural integer order. Then, transactions
## are greedily picked from the ordered set until there are enough
## transactions in the *packed* bucket. Some boundary condition applies which
## roughly says that for a given account, all the transactions packed must
## leave no gaps between nonce values when sorted.
## The rank function applied to the *sender account* sorting is chosen as a
## guess for higher profitability which goes with a higher rank account.
## Rank calculator
## ---------------
## Let *tx()* denote the mapping
## ::
## tx: (account,nonce) -> tx
## from an index pair *(account,nonce)* to a transaction *tx*. Also, for some
## external parameter *baseFee*, let
## ::
## maxProfit: (tx,baseFee) -> tx.effectiveGasTip(baseFee) * tx.gasLimit
## be the maximal tip a single transation can achieve (where unit of the
## *effectiveGasTip()* is a *price* and *gasLimit* is a *commodity value*.).
## Then the rank function
## ::
## rank(account) = Σ maxProfit(tx(account,ν),baseFee) / Σ tx(account,ν).gasLimit
## ν ν
## is a *price* estimate of the maximal avarage tip per gas unit over all
## transactions for the given account. The nonces `ν` for the summation
## run over all transactions from the *staged* and *packed* bucket.
## Pool database:
## --------------
## ::
## <Transactions> . <Status buckets> . <Terminal state>
## . .
## . . +----------+
## add() ----+---------------------------------> | |
## | . +-----------+ . | disposed |
## +-----------> | pending | ------> | |
## . +-----------+ . | |
## . | ^ ^ . | waste |
## . v | | . | basket |
## . +----------+ | . | |
## . | staged | | . | |
## . +----------+ | . | |
## . | | ^ | . | |
## . | v | | . | |
## . | +----------+ . | |
## . | | packed | -------> | |
## . | +----------+ . | |
## . +----------------------> | |
## . . +----------+
## The three columns *Batch queue*, *State bucket*, and *Terminal state*
## represent three different accounting (or database) systems. The pool
## database is continuosly updated while new transactions are added.
## Transactions are bundled with meta data which holds the full datanbase
## state in addition to other cached information like the sender account.
## New transactions
## ----------------
## When entering the pool, new transactions are bundled with meta data and
## appended to the batch queue. These bundles are called *items* which are
## forwarded to one of the following entites:
## * the *staged* bucket if the transaction is valid and match some constraints
## on expected minimum mining fees (or a semblance of that for *non-PoW*
## networks)
## * the *pending* bucket if the transaction is valid but is not subject to be
## held in the *staged* bucket
## * the *waste basket* if the transaction is invalid
## If a valid transaction item supersedes an existing one, the existing
## item is moved to the waste basket and the new transaction replaces the
## existing one in the current bucket if the gas price of the transaction is
## at least `priceBump` per cent higher (see adjustable parameters, below.)
## Status buckets
## --------------
## The term *bucket* is a nickname for a set of *items* (i.e. transactions
## bundled with meta data as mentioned earlier) all labelled with the same
## `status` symbol and not marked *waste*. In particular, bucket membership
## for an item is encoded as
## * the `status` field indicates the particular *bucket* membership
## * the `reject` field is reset/unset and has zero-equivalent value
## The following boundary conditions hold for the union of all buckets:
## * *Unique index:*
## Let **T** be the union of all buckets and **Q** be the
## set of *(sender,nonce)* pairs derived from the items of **T**. Then
## **T** and **Q** are isomorphic, i.e. for each pair *(sender,nonce)*
## from **Q** there is exactly one item from **T**, and vice versa.
## * *Consecutive nonces:*
## For each *(sender0,nonce0)* of **Q**, either
## *(sender0,nonce0-1)* is in **Q** or *nonce0* is the current nonce as
## registered with the *sender account* (implied by the block chain),
## The *consecutive nonces* requirement involves the *sender account*
## which depends on the current state of the block chain as represented by the
## internally cached head (i.e. insertion point where a new block is to be
## appended.)
## The following notation describes sets of *(sender,nonce)* pairs for
## per-bucket items. It will be used for boundary conditions similar to the
## ones above.
## * **Pending** denotes the set of *(sender,nonce)* pairs for the
## *pending* bucket
## * **Staged** denotes the set of *(sender,nonce)* pairs for the
## *staged* bucket
## * **Packed** denotes the set of *(sender,nonce)* pairs for the
## *packed* bucket
## The pending bucket
## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
## Items in this bucket hold valid transactions that are not in any of the
## other buckets. All itmes might be promoted form here into other buckets if
## the current state of the block chain as represented by the internally cached
## head changes.
## The staged bucket
## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
## Items in this bucket are ready to be added to a new block. They typycally
## imply some expected minimum reward when mined on PoW networks. Some
## boundary condition holds:
## * *Consecutive nonces:*
## For any *(sender0,nonce0)* pair from **Staged**, the pair
## *(sender0,nonce0-1)* is not in **Pending**.
## Considering the respective boundary condition on the union of buckets
## **T**, this condition here implies that a *staged* per sender nonce has a
## predecessor in the *staged* or *packed* bucket or is a nonce as registered
## with the *sender account*.
## The packed bucket
## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
## All items from this bucket have been selected from the *staged* bucket, the
## transactions of which (i.e. unwrapped items) can go right away into a new
## ethernet block. How these items are selected was described at the beginning
## of this chapter. The following boundary conditions holds:
## * *Consecutive nonces:*
## For any *(sender0,nonce0)* pair from **Packed**, the pair
## *(sender0,nonce0-1)* is neither in **Pending**, nor in **Staged**.
## Considering the respective boundary condition on the union of buckets
## **T**, this condition here implies that a *packed* per-sender nonce has a
## predecessor in the very *packed* bucket or is a nonce as registered with the
## *sender account*.
## Terminal state
## --------------
## After use, items are disposed into a waste basket *FIFO* queue which has a
## maximal length. If the length is exceeded, the oldest items are deleted.
## The waste basket is used as a cache for discarded transactions that need to
## re-enter the system. Recovering from the waste basket saves the effort of
## recovering the sender account from the signature. An item is identified
## *waste* if
## * the `reject` field is explicitely set and has a value different
## from a zero-equivalent.
## So a *waste* item is clearly distinguishable from any active one as a
## member of one of the *status buckets*.
## Pool coding
## ===========
## A piece of code using this pool architecture could look like as follows:
## ::
## # see also unit test examples, e.g. "Block packer tests"
## var db: CoreDbRef # to be initialised
## var txs: seq[Transaction] # to be initialised
## proc mineThatBlock(blk: EthBlock) # external function
## ..
## var xq = # initialise tx-pool
## ..
## xq.add(txs) # add transactions ..
## .. # .. into the buckets
## let newBlock = xq.assembleBlock # fetch current mining block
## ..
## mineThatBlock(newBlock) ... # external mining & signing process
## ..
## xp.smartHead(newBlock.header) # update pool, new insertion point
## Discussion of example
## ---------------------
## In the example, transactions are processed into buckets via `add()`.
## The `ethBlock()` directive assembles and retrieves a new block for mining
## derived from the current pool state. It invokes the block packer which
## accumulates txs from the `pending` buscket into the `packed` bucket which
## then go into the block.
## Then mining and signing takes place ...
## After mining and signing, the view of the block chain as seen by the pool
## must be updated to be ready for a new mining process. In the best case, the
## canonical head is just moved to the currently mined block which would imply
## just to discard the contents of the *packed* bucket with some additional
## transactions from the *staged* bucket. A more general block chain state
## head update would be more complex, though.
## In the most complex case, the newly mined block was added to some block
## chain branch which has become an uncle to the new canonical head retrieved
## by `getCanonicalHead()`. In order to update the pool to the very state
## one would have arrived if worked on the retrieved canonical head branch
## in the first place, the directive `smartHead()` calculates the actions of
## what is needed to get just there from the locally cached head state of the
## pool. These actions are applied by `smartHead()` after the internal head
## position was moved.
## The *setter* behind the internal head position adjustment also caches
## updated internal parameters as base fee, state, fork, etc.
## Adjustable Parameters
## ---------------------
## flags
## The `flags` parameter holds a set of strategy symbols for how to process
## items and buckets.
## *stageItems1559MinFee*
## Stage tx items with `tx.maxFee` at least `minFeePrice`. Other items are
## left or set pending. This symbol affects post-London tx items, only.
## *stageItems1559MinTip*
## Stage tx items with `tx.effectiveGasTip(baseFee)` at least
## `minTipPrice`. Other items are considered underpriced and left or set
## pending. This symbol affects post-London tx items, only.
## *stageItemsPlMinPrice*
## Stage tx items with `tx.gasPrice` at least `minPreLondonGasPrice`.
## Other items are considered underpriced and left or set pending. This
## symbol affects pre-London tx items, only.
## *packItemsMaxGasLimit*
## It set, the *packer* will execute and collect additional items from
## the `staged` bucket while accumulating `gasUsed` as long as
## `maxGasLimit` is not exceeded. If `packItemsTryHarder` flag is also
## set, the *packer* will not stop until at least `hwmGasLimit` is
## reached.
## Otherwise the *packer* will accumulate up until `trgGasLimit` is
## not exceeded, and not stop until at least `lwmGasLimit` is reached
## in case `packItemsTryHarder` is also set,
## *packItemsTryHarder*
## It set, the *packer* will *not* stop accumulaing transactions up until
## the `lwmGasLimit` or `hwmGasLimit` is reached, depending on whether
## the `packItemsMaxGasLimit` is set. Otherwise, accumulating stops
## immediately before the next transaction exceeds `trgGasLimit`, or
## `maxGasLimit` depending on `packItemsMaxGasLimit`.
## *autoUpdateBucketsDB*
## Automatically update the state buckets after running batch jobs if the
## `dirtyBuckets` flag is also set.
## *autoZombifyUnpacked*
## Automatically dispose *pending* or *staged* tx items that were added to
## the state buckets database at least `lifeTime` ago.
## *autoZombifyPacked*
## Automatically dispose *packed* tx itemss that were added to
## the state buckets database at least `lifeTime` ago.
## *..there might be more strategy symbols..*
## hwmTrgPercent
## This parameter implies the size of `hwmGasLimit` which is calculated
## as `max(trgGasLimit, maxGasLimit * lwmTrgPercent / 100)`.
## lifeTime
## Txs that stay longer in one of the buckets will be moved to a waste
## basket. From there they will be eventually deleted oldest first when
## the maximum size would be exceeded.
## lwmMaxPercent
## This parameter implies the size of `lwmGasLimit` which is calculated
## as `max(minGasLimit, trgGasLimit * lwmTrgPercent / 100)`.
## minFeePrice
## Applies no EIP-1559 txs only. Txs are packed if `maxFee` is at least
## that value.
## minTipPrice
## For EIP-1559, txs are packed if the expected tip (see `estimatedGasTip()`)
## is at least that value. In compatibility mode for legacy txs, this
## degenerates to `gasPrice - baseFee`.
## minPreLondonGasPrice
## For pre-London or legacy txs, this parameter has precedence over
## `minTipPrice`. Txs are packed if the `gasPrice` is at least that value.
## priceBump
## There can be only one transaction in the database for the same `sender`
## account and `nonce` value. When adding a transaction with the same
## (`sender`, `nonce`) pair, the new transaction will replace the current one
## if it has a gas price which is at least `priceBump` per cent higher.
## Read-Only Parameters
## --------------------
## baseFee
## This parameter is derived from the internally cached block chain state.
## The base fee parameter modifies/determines the expected gain when packing
## a new block (is set to *zero* for *pre-London* blocks.)
## dirtyBuckets
## If `true`, the state buckets database is ready for re-org if the
## `autoUpdateBucketsDB` flag is also set.
## gasLimit
## Taken or derived from the current block chain head, incoming txs that
## exceed this gas limit are stored into the *pending* bucket (maybe
## eligible for staging at the next cycle when the internally cached block
## chain state is updated.)
## head
## Cached block chain insertion point, not necessarily the same header as
## retrieved by the `getCanonicalHead()`. This insertion point can be
## adjusted with the `smartHead()` function.
## hwmGasLimit
## This parameter is at least `trgGasLimit` and does not exceed
## `maxGasLimit` and can be adjusted by means of setting `hwmMaxPercent`. It
## is used by the packer as a minimum block size if both flags
## `packItemsTryHarder` and `packItemsMaxGasLimit` are set.
## lwmGasLimit
## This parameter is at least `minGasLimit` and does not exceed
## `trgGasLimit` and can be adjusted by means of setting `lwmTrgPercent`. It
## is used by the packer as a minimum block size if the flag
## `packItemsTryHarder` is set and `packItemsMaxGasLimit` is unset.
## maxGasLimit
## This parameter is at least `hwmGasLimit`. It is calculated considering
## the current state of the block chain as represented by the internally
## cached head. This parameter is used by the *packer* as a size limit if
## `packItemsMaxGasLimit` is set.
## minGasLimit
## This parameter is calculated considering the current state of the block
## chain as represented by the internally cached head. It can be used for
## verifying that a generated block does not underflow minimum size.
## Underflow can only be happen if there are not enough transaction available
## in the pool.
## trgGasLimit
## This parameter is at least `lwmGasLimit` and does not exceed
## `maxGasLimit`. It is calculated considering the current state of the block
## chain as represented by the internally cached head. This parameter is
## used by the *packer* as a size limit if `packItemsMaxGasLimit` is unset.
std/[sequtils, tables],
./tx_pool/[tx_chain, tx_desc, tx_info, tx_item],
stew/[keyed_queue, results],
{.push raises: [].}
topics = "tx-pool"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions: tasks processor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc maintenanceProcessing(xp: TxPoolRef)
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Tasks to be done after add/del txs processing
# Purge expired items
if autoZombifyUnpacked in xp.pFlags or
autoZombifyPacked in xp.pFlags:
# Move transactions older than `xp.lifeTime` to the waste basket.
# Update buckets
if autoUpdateBucketsDB in xp.pFlags:
if xp.pDirtyBuckets:
# For all items, re-calculate item status values (aka bucket labels).
# If the `force` flag is set, re-calculation is done even though the
# change flag has remained unset.
discard xp.bucketUpdateAll
xp.pDirtyBuckets = false
proc setHead(xp: TxPoolRef; val: BlockHeader)
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Update cached block chain insertion point. This will also update the
## internally cached `baseFee` (depends on the block chain state.)
if xp.chain.head != val:
xp.chain.head = val # calculates the new baseFee
xp.txDB.baseFee = xp.chain.baseFee
xp.pDirtyBuckets = true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public constructor/destructor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc new*(T: type TxPoolRef; com: CommonRef; miner: EthAddress): T
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Constructor, returns a new tx-pool descriptor. The `miner` argument is
## the fee beneficiary for informational purposes only.
new result
result.init(com, miner)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions, task manager, pool actions serialiser
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# core/tx_pool.go(848): func (pool *TxPool) AddLocals(txs []..
# core/tx_pool.go(864): func (pool *TxPool) AddRemotes(txs []..
proc add*(xp: TxPoolRef; txs: openArray[Transaction]; info = "")
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Add a list of transactions to be processed and added to the buckets
## database. It is OK pass an empty list in which case some maintenance
## check can be forced.
## The argument Transactions `txs` may come in any order, they will be
## sorted by `<account,nonce>` before adding to the database with the
## least nonce first. For this reason, it is suggested to pass transactions
## in larger groups. Calling single transaction jobs, they must strictly be
## passed *smaller nonce* before *larger nonce*.
xp.pDoubleCheckAdd xp.addTxs(txs, info).topItems
# core/tx_pool.go(854): func (pool *TxPool) AddLocals(txs []..
# core/tx_pool.go(883): func (pool *TxPool) AddRemotes(txs []..
proc add*(xp: TxPoolRef; tx: Transaction; info = "")
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Variant of `add()` for a single transaction.
xp.add(@[tx], info)
proc smartHead*(xp: TxPoolRef; pos: BlockHeader; blindMode = false): bool
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## This function moves the internal head cache (i.e. tx insertion point,
## vmState) and ponts it to a now block on the chain.
## In standard mode when argument `blindMode` is `false`, it calculates the
## txs that need to be added or deleted after moving the insertion point
## head so that the tx-pool will not fail to re-insert quered txs that are
## on the chain, already. Neither will it loose any txs. After updating the
## the internal head cache, the previously calculated actions will be
## applied.
## If the argument `blindMode` is passed `true`, the insertion head is
## simply set ignoring all changes. This mode makes sense only in very
## particular circumstances.
if blindMode:
return true
let rcDiff = xp.headDiff(pos)
if rcDiff.isOk:
let changes = rcDiff.value
# Need to move head before adding txs which may rightly be rejected in
# `addTxs()` otherwise.
# Re-inject transactions, do that via job queue
if 0 < changes.addTxs.len:
debug "queuing delta txs",
mode = "inject",
num = changes.addTxs.len
xp.pDoubleCheckAdd xp.addTxs(toSeq(changes.addTxs.nextValues)).topItems
# Delete already *mined* transactions
if 0 < changes.remTxs.len:
debug "queuing delta txs",
mode = "remove",
num = changes.remTxs.len
xp.disposeById(toSeq(changes.remTxs.keys), txInfoChainHeadUpdate)
return true
proc triggerReorg*(xp: TxPoolRef)
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## This function triggers a tentative bucket re-org action by setting the
## `dirtyBuckets` parameter. This re-org action eventually happens only if
## the `autoUpdateBucketsDB` flag is also set.
xp.pDirtyBuckets = true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions, getters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc com*(xp: TxPoolRef): CommonRef =
## Getter
proc baseFee*(xp: TxPoolRef): GasPrice =
## Getter, this parameter modifies/determines the expected gain when packing
proc dirtyBuckets*(xp: TxPoolRef): bool =
## Getter, bucket database is ready for re-org if the `autoUpdateBucketsDB`
## flag is also set.
proc assembleBlock*(xp: TxPoolRef, someBaseFee: bool = false): Result[EthBlock, string]
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Getter, retrieves a packed block ready for mining and signing depending
## on the internally cached block chain head, the txs in the pool and some
## tuning parameters. The following block header fields are left
## uninitialised:
## * *extraData*: Blob
## * *mixDigest*: Hash256
## * *nonce*: BlockNonce
## Note that this getter runs *ad hoc* all the txs through the VM in
## order to build the block.
xp.packerVmExec().isOkOr: # updates vmState
return err(error)
var blk = EthBlock(
header: xp.chain.getHeader # uses updated vmState
for (_,nonceList) in xp.txDB.packingOrderAccounts(txItemPacked):
blk.txs.add toSeq(nonceList.incNonce).mapIt(it.tx)
let com =
if com.forkGTE(Shanghai):
blk.withdrawals = some(com.pos.withdrawals)
if someBaseFee:
# make sure baseFee always has something
blk.header.fee = some(blk.header.fee.get(0.u256))
proc gasCumulative*(xp: TxPoolRef): GasInt =
## Getter, retrieves the gas that will be burned in the block after
## retrieving it via `ethBlock`.
proc gasTotals*(xp: TxPoolRef): TxTabsGasTotals =
## Getter, retrieves the current gas limit totals per bucket.
proc lwmTrgPercent*(xp: TxPoolRef): int =
## Getter, `trgGasLimit` percentage for `lwmGasLimit` which is
## `max(minGasLimit, trgGasLimit * lwmTrgPercent / 100)`
proc flags*(xp: TxPoolRef): set[TxPoolFlags] =
## Getter, retrieves strategy symbols for how to process items and buckets.
proc head*(xp: TxPoolRef): BlockHeader =
## Getter, cached block chain insertion point. Typocally, this should be the
## the same header as retrieved by the `getCanonicalHead()` (unless in the
## middle of a mining update.)
proc hwmMaxPercent*(xp: TxPoolRef): int =
## Getter, `maxGasLimit` percentage for `hwmGasLimit` which is
## `max(trgGasLimit, maxGasLimit * hwmMaxPercent / 100)`
proc maxGasLimit*(xp: TxPoolRef): GasInt =
## Getter, hard size limit when packing blocks (see also `trgGasLimit`.)
# core/tx_pool.go(435): func (pool *TxPool) GasPrice() *big.Int {
proc minFeePrice*(xp: TxPoolRef): GasPrice =
## Getter, retrieves minimum for the current gas fee enforced by the
## transaction pool for txs to be packed. This is an EIP-1559 only
## parameter (see `stage1559MinFee` strategy.)
proc minPreLondonGasPrice*(xp: TxPoolRef): GasPrice =
## Getter. retrieves, the current gas price enforced by the transaction
## pool. This is a pre-London parameter (see `packedPlMinPrice` strategy.)
proc minTipPrice*(xp: TxPoolRef): GasPrice =
## Getter, retrieves minimum for the current gas tip (or priority fee)
## enforced by the transaction pool. This is an EIP-1559 parameter but it
## comes with a fall back interpretation (see `stage1559MinTip` strategy.)
## for legacy transactions.
# core/tx_pool.go(474): func (pool SetGasPrice,*TxPool) Stats() (int, int) {
# core/tx_pool.go(1728): func (t *txLookup) Count() int {
# core/tx_pool.go(1737): func (t *txLookup) LocalCount() int {
# core/tx_pool.go(1745): func (t *txLookup) RemoteCount() int {
proc nItems*(xp: TxPoolRef): TxTabsItemsCount =
## Getter, retrieves the current number of items per bucket and
## some totals.
proc profitability*(xp: TxPoolRef): GasPrice =
## Getter, a calculation of the average *price* per gas to be rewarded after
## packing the last block (see `ethBlock`). This *price* is only based on
## execution transaction in the VM without *PoW* specific rewards. The net
## profit (as opposed to the *PoW/PoA* specifc *reward*) can be calculated
## as `gasCumulative * profitability`.
if 0 < xp.chain.gasUsed:
(xp.chain.profit div xp.chain.gasUsed.u256).truncate(uint64).GasPrice
proc trgGasLimit*(xp: TxPoolRef): GasInt =
## Getter, soft size limit when packing blocks (might be extended to
## `maxGasLimit`)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions, setters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc `baseFee=`*(xp: TxPoolRef; val: GasPrice)
{.gcsafe,raises: [KeyError].} =
## Setter, sets `baseFee` explicitely witout triggering a packer update.
## Stil a database update might take place when updating account ranks.
## Typically, this function would *not* be called but rather the `smartHead()`
## update would be employed to do the job figuring out the proper value
## for the `baseFee`.
xp.txDB.baseFee = val
xp.chain.baseFee = val
proc `lwmTrgPercent=`*(xp: TxPoolRef; val: int) =
## Setter, `val` arguments outside `0..100` are ignored
if 0 <= val and val <= 100:
xp.chain.lhwm = (
lwmTrg: val,
hwmMax: xp.chain.lhwm.hwmMax,
gasFloor: xp.chain.lhwm.gasFloor,
gasCeil: xp.chain.lhwm.gasCeil
proc `flags=`*(xp: TxPoolRef; val: set[TxPoolFlags]) =
## Setter, strategy symbols for how to process items and buckets.
xp.pFlags = val
proc `hwmMaxPercent=`*(xp: TxPoolRef; val: int) =
## Setter, `val` arguments outside `0..100` are ignored
if 0 <= val and val <= 100:
xp.chain.lhwm = (
lwmTrg: xp.chain.lhwm.lwmTrg,
hwmMax: val,
gasFloor: xp.chain.lhwm.gasFloor,
gasCeil: xp.chain.lhwm.gasCeil
proc `maxRejects=`*(xp: TxPoolRef; val: int) =
## Setter, the size of the waste basket. This setting becomes effective with
## the next move of an item into the waste basket.
xp.txDB.maxRejects = val
# core/tx_pool.go(444): func (pool *TxPool) SetGasPrice(price *big.Int) {
proc `minFeePrice=`*(xp: TxPoolRef; val: GasPrice) =
## Setter for `minFeePrice`. If there was a value change, this function
## implies `triggerReorg()`.
if xp.pMinFeePrice != val:
xp.pMinFeePrice = val
xp.pDirtyBuckets = true
# core/tx_pool.go(444): func (pool *TxPool) SetGasPrice(price *big.Int) {
proc `minPreLondonGasPrice=`*(xp: TxPoolRef; val: GasPrice) =
## Setter for `minPlGasPrice`. If there was a value change, this function
## implies `triggerReorg()`.
if xp.pMinPlGasPrice != val:
xp.pMinPlGasPrice = val
xp.pDirtyBuckets = true
# core/tx_pool.go(444): func (pool *TxPool) SetGasPrice(price *big.Int) {
proc `minTipPrice=`*(xp: TxPoolRef; val: GasPrice) =
## Setter for `minTipPrice`. If there was a value change, this function
## implies `triggerReorg()`.
if xp.pMinTipPrice != val:
xp.pMinTipPrice = val
xp.pDirtyBuckets = true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions, per-tx-item operations
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# core/tx_pool.go(979): func (pool *TxPool) Get(hash common.Hash) ..
# core/tx_pool.go(985): func (pool *TxPool) Has(hash common.Hash) bool {
proc getItem*(xp: TxPoolRef; hash: Hash256): Result[TxItemRef,void] =
## Returns a transaction if it is contained in the pool.
proc disposeItems*(xp: TxPoolRef; item: TxItemRef;
reason = txInfoExplicitDisposal;
otherReason = txInfoImpliedDisposal): int
{.discardable,gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Move item to wastebasket. All items for the same sender with nonces
## greater than the current one are deleted, as well. The function returns
## the number of items eventally removed.
xp.disposeItemAndHigherNonces(item, reason, otherReason)
iterator txHashes*(xp: TxPoolRef): Hash256 =
for txHash in nextKeys(xp.txDB.byItemID):
yield txHash
iterator okPairs*(xp: TxPoolRef): (Hash256, TxItemRef) =
for x in nextPairs(xp.txDB.byItemID):
if == txInfoOk:
yield (x.key,
proc numTxs*(xp: TxPoolRef): int =
proc disposeAll*(xp: TxPoolRef) {.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
let numTx = xp.numTxs
var list = newSeqOfCap[TxItemRef](numTx)
for x in nextPairs(xp.txDB.byItemID):
for x in list:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions, local/remote accounts
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc isLocal*(xp: TxPoolRef; account: EthAddress): bool =
## This function returns `true` if argument `account` is tagged local.
proc setLocal*(xp: TxPoolRef; account: EthAddress) =
## Tag argument `account` local which means that the transactions from this
## account -- together with all other local accounts -- will be considered
## first for packing.
proc resLocal*(xp: TxPoolRef; account: EthAddress) =
## Untag argument `account` as local which means that the transactions from
## this account -- together with all other untagged accounts -- will be
## considered for packing after the locally tagged accounts.
proc flushLocals*(xp: TxPoolRef) =
## Untag all *local* addresses on the system.
proc accountRanks*(xp: TxPoolRef): TxTabsLocality =
## Returns two lists, one for local and the other for non-local accounts.
## Any of these lists is sorted by the highest rank first. This sorting
## means that the order may be out-dated after adding transactions.
proc addRemote*(xp: TxPoolRef;
tx: Transaction; force = false): Result[void,TxInfo]
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Adds the argument transaction `tx` to the buckets database.
## If the argument `force` is set `false` and the sender account of the
## argument transaction is tagged local, this function returns with an error.
## If the argument `force` is set `true`, the sender account will be untagged,
## i.e. made non-local.
## Note: This function is rather inefficient if there are more than one
## txs to be added for a known account. The preferable way to do this
## would be to use a combination of `xp.add()` and `xp.resLocal()` in any
## order.
# Create or recover new item. This will wrap the argument `tx` and cache
# the sender account and other derived data accessible.
let rc = xp.recoverItem(
tx, txItemPending, "remote tx peek", acceptExisting = true)
if rc.isErr:
return err(rc.error)
# Temporarily stash the item in the rubbish bin to be recovered, later
let sender = rc.value.sender
discard xp.txDB.dispose(rc.value, txInfoTxStashed)
# Verify local/remote account
if force:
elif xp.txDB.isLocal(sender):
return err(txInfoTxErrorRemoteExpected)
xp.add(tx, "remote tx")
proc addLocal*(xp: TxPoolRef;
tx: Transaction; force = false): Result[void,TxInfo]
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Adds the argument transaction `tx` to the buckets database.
## If the argument `force` is set `false` and the sender account of the
## argument transaction is _not_ tagged local, this function returns with
## an error. If the argument `force` is set `true`, the sender account will
## be tagged local.
## Note: This function is rather inefficient if there are more than one
## txs to be added for a known account. The preferable way to do this
## would be to use a combination of `xp.add()` and `xp.setLocal()` in any
## order.
# Create or recover new item. This will wrap the argument `tx` and cache
# the sender account and other derived data accessible.
let rc = xp.recoverItem(
tx, txItemPending, "local tx peek", acceptExisting = true)
if rc.isErr:
return err(rc.error)
# Temporarily stash the item in the rubbish bin to be recovered, later
let sender = rc.value.sender
discard xp.txDB.dispose(rc.value, txInfoTxStashed)
# Verify local/remote account
if force:
elif not xp.txDB.isLocal(sender):
return err(txInfoTxErrorLocalExpected)
xp.add(tx, "local tx")
proc inPoolAndOk*(xp: TxPoolRef; txHash: Hash256): bool =
let res = xp.getItem(txHash)
if res.isErr: return false
res.get().reject == txInfoOk
proc inPoolAndReason*(xp: TxPoolRef; txHash: Hash256): Result[void, string] =
let res = xp.getItem(txHash)
if res.isErr:
# try to look in rejecteds
let r = xp.txDB.byRejects.eq(txHash)
if r.isErr:
return err("cannot find tx in txpool")
return err(r.get().rejectInfo)
let item = res.get()
if item.reject == txInfoOk:
return ok()
return err(item.rejectInfo)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------