mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 10:55:41 +00:00
Bump nim-json-rpc and nimbus-eth2 too. Reason: both nim-json-rpc and nim-web3 migrate from stdlib/json to nim-json-serialization
741 lines
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741 lines
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
std/[json, os, typetraits, times, sequtils],
asynctest, web3/eth_api,
json_rpc/[rpcserver, rpcclient],
nimcrypto/[keccak, hash],
eth/[rlp, keys, trie/hexary_proof_verification],
../nimbus/[constants, transaction, config, vm_state, vm_types, version],
../nimbus/db/[ledger, storage_types],
../nimbus/core/[tx_pool, chain, executor, executor/executor_helpers, pow/difficulty],
zeroAddress = block:
var rc: EthAddress
Hash256 = common.Hash256
BlockHeader = common.BlockHeader
TestEnv = object
txHash: Hash256
blockHash: Hash256
func ethAddr(x: string): EthAddress =
func w3Addr(x: string): Web3Address =
w3Addr hexToByteArray[20](x)
func w3Hash(x: string): Web3Hash =
Web3Hash hexToByteArray[32](x)
func zeroHash(): Web3Hash =
func emptyCodeHash(): Web3Hash =
func emptyStorageHash(): Web3Hash =
proc verifyAccountProof(trustedStateRoot: Web3Hash, res: ProofResponse): MptProofVerificationResult =
key = toSeq(keccakHash(res.address.ethAddr).data)
value = rlp.encode(Account(
nonce: res.nonce.uint64,
balance: res.balance,
storageRoot: fromHex(Hash256, res.storageHash.toHex()),
codeHash: fromHex(Hash256, res.codeHash.toHex())))
fromHex(KeccakHash, trustedStateRoot.toHex()),
proc verifySlotProof(trustedStateRoot: Web3Hash, slot: StorageProof): MptProofVerificationResult =
key = toSeq(keccakHash(toBytesBE(slot.key)).data)
value = rlp.encode(slot.value)
fromHex(KeccakHash, trustedStateRoot.toHex()),
proc persistFixtureBlock(chainDB: CoreDbRef) =
let header = getBlockHeader4514995()
# Manually inserting header to avoid any parent checks
chainDB.kvt.put(genericHashKey(header.blockHash).toOpenArray, rlp.encode(header))
discard chainDB.persistTransactions(header.blockNumber, getBlockBody4514995().transactions)
discard chainDB.persistReceipts(getReceipts4514995())
proc setupEnv(com: CommonRef, signer, ks2: EthAddress, ctx: EthContext): TestEnv =
parent = com.db.getCanonicalHead()
acc = ctx.am.getAccount(signer).tryGet()
blockNumber = 1.toBlockNumber
parentHash = parent.blockHash
const code = evmByteCode:
Push1 "0x00" # MSTORE AT 0x00
Push1 "0x04" # RETURN LEN
Push1 "0x1C" # RETURN OFFSET at 28
vmHeader = BlockHeader(parentHash: parentHash, gasLimit: 5_000_000)
vmState = BaseVMState.new(
parent = BlockHeader(stateRoot: parent.stateRoot),
header = vmHeader,
com = com)
vmState.stateDB.setCode(ks2, code)
vmState.stateDB.addBalance(signer, 9_000_000_000.u256)
# Test data created for eth_getProof tests
let regularAcc = ethAddr("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001")
vmState.stateDB.addBalance(regularAcc, 2_000_000_000.u256)
vmState.stateDB.setNonce(regularAcc, 1.uint64)
let contractAccWithStorage = ethAddr("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002")
vmState.stateDB.addBalance(contractAccWithStorage, 1_000_000_000.u256)
vmState.stateDB.setNonce(contractAccWithStorage, 2.uint64)
vmState.stateDB.setCode(contractAccWithStorage, code)
vmState.stateDB.setStorage(contractAccWithStorage, u256(0), u256(1234))
vmState.stateDB.setStorage(contractAccWithStorage, u256(1), u256(2345))
let contractAccNoStorage = ethAddr("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003")
vmState.stateDB.setCode(contractAccNoStorage, code)
unsignedTx1 = Transaction(
txType : TxLegacy,
nonce : 0,
gasPrice: 1_100,
gasLimit: 70_000,
value : 1.u256,
to : some(zeroAddress)
unsignedTx2 = Transaction(
txType : TxLegacy,
nonce : 1,
gasPrice: 1_200,
gasLimit: 70_000,
value : 2.u256,
to : some(zeroAddress)
eip155 = com.isEIP155(com.syncCurrent)
signedTx1 = signTransaction(unsignedTx1, acc.privateKey, com.chainId, eip155)
signedTx2 = signTransaction(unsignedTx2, acc.privateKey, com.chainId, eip155)
txs = [signedTx1, signedTx2]
txRoot = com.db.persistTransactions(blockNumber, txs)
vmState.receipts = newSeq[Receipt](txs.len)
vmState.cumulativeGasUsed = 0
for txIndex, tx in txs:
let sender = tx.getSender()
let rc = vmState.processTransaction(tx, sender, vmHeader)
doAssert(rc.isOk, "Invalid transaction")
vmState.receipts[txIndex] = makeReceipt(vmState, tx.txType)
receiptRoot = com.db.persistReceipts(vmState.receipts)
date = dateTime(2017, mMar, 30)
timeStamp = date.toTime.toUnix.EthTime
difficulty = com.calcDifficulty(timeStamp, parent)
# call persist() before we get the rootHash
var header = BlockHeader(
parentHash : parentHash,
#coinbase*: EthAddress
stateRoot : vmState.stateDB.rootHash,
txRoot : txRoot,
receiptRoot : receiptRoot,
bloom : createBloom(vmState.receipts),
difficulty : difficulty,
blockNumber : blockNumber,
gasLimit : vmState.cumulativeGasUsed + 1_000_000,
gasUsed : vmState.cumulativeGasUsed,
timestamp : timeStamp
#extraData: Blob
#mixDigest: Hash256
#nonce: BlockNonce
let uncles = [header]
header.ommersHash = com.db.persistUncles(uncles)
discard com.db.persistHeaderToDb(header,
com.consensus == ConsensusType.POS)
result = TestEnv(
txHash: signedTx1.rlpHash,
blockHash: header.hash
proc rpcMain*() =
suite "Remote Procedure Calls":
# TODO: Include other transports such as Http
conf = makeTestConfig()
ctx = newEthContext()
ethNode = setupEthNode(conf, ctx, eth)
com = CommonRef.new(
newCoreDbRef LegacyDbMemory,
conf.pruneMode == PruneMode.Full,
signer = ethAddr("0x0e69cde81b1aa07a45c32c6cd85d67229d36bb1b")
ks2 = ethAddr("0xa3b2222afa5c987da6ef773fde8d01b9f23d481f")
ks3 = ethAddr("0x597176e9a64aad0845d83afdaf698fbeff77703b")
# disable POS/post Merge feature
com.setTTD none(DifficultyInt)
let keyStore = "tests" / "keystore"
let res = ctx.am.loadKeystores(keyStore)
if res.isErr:
debugEcho res.error
let acc1 = ctx.am.getAccount(signer).tryGet()
let unlock = ctx.am.unlockAccount(signer, acc1.keystore["password"].getStr())
if unlock.isErr:
debugEcho unlock.error
let env = setupEnv(com, signer, ks2, ctx)
# Create Ethereum RPCs
let RPC_PORT = 8545
rpcServer = newRpcSocketServer(["" & $RPC_PORT])
client = newRpcSocketClient()
txPool = TxPoolRef.new(com, conf.engineSigner)
setupCommonRpc(ethNode, conf, rpcServer)
setupEthRpc(ethNode, ctx, com, txPool, rpcServer)
# Begin tests
waitFor client.connect("", Port(RPC_PORT))
# TODO: add more tests here
test "web3_clientVersion":
let res = await client.web3_clientVersion()
check res == NimbusIdent
test "web3_sha3":
let data = @(NimbusName.toOpenArrayByte(0, NimbusName.len-1))
let res = await client.web3_sha3(data)
let hash = keccakHash(data)
check hash == ethHash res
test "net_version":
let res = await client.net_version()
check res == $conf.networkId
test "net_listening":
let res = await client.net_listening()
let listening = ethNode.peerPool.connectedNodes.len < conf.maxPeers
check res == listening
test "net_peerCount":
let res = await client.net_peerCount()
let peerCount = ethNode.peerPool.connectedNodes.len
check res == w3Qty(peerCount)
test "eth_protocolVersion":
let res = await client.eth_protocolVersion()
# Use a hard-coded number instead of the same expression as the client,
# so that bugs introduced via that expression are detected. Using the
# same expression as the client can hide issues when the value is wrong
# in both places. When the expected value genuinely changes, it'll be
# obvious. Just change this number.
check res == $ethVersion
test "eth_chainId":
let res = await client.eth_chainId()
check res == w3Qty(distinctBase(com.chainId))
test "eth_syncing":
let res = await client.eth_syncing()
if res.syncing == false:
let syncing = ethNode.peerPool.connectedNodes.len > 0
check syncing == false
check com.syncStart == res.syncObject.startingBlock.uint64.u256
check com.syncCurrent == res.syncObject.currentBlock.uint64.u256
check com.syncHighest == res.syncObject.highestBlock.uint64.u256
test "eth_coinbase":
let res = await client.eth_coinbase()
# currently we don't have miner
check res == w3Address()
test "eth_mining":
let res = await client.eth_mining()
# currently we don't have miner
check res == false
test "eth_hashrate":
let res = await client.eth_hashrate()
# currently we don't have miner
check res == w3Qty(0'u64)
test "eth_gasPrice":
let res = await client.eth_gasPrice()
check res == w3Qty(0x47E'u64)
test "eth_accounts":
let res = await client.eth_accounts()
check signer.w3Addr in res
check ks2.w3Addr in res
check ks3.w3Addr in res
test "eth_blockNumber":
let res = await client.eth_blockNumber()
check res == w3Qty(0x1'u64)
test "eth_getBalance":
let a = await client.eth_getBalance(w3Addr("0xfff33a3bd36abdbd412707b8e310d6011454a7ae"), blockId(0'u64))
check a == UInt256.fromHex("0x1b1ae4d6e2ef5000000")
let b = await client.eth_getBalance(w3Addr("0xfff4bad596633479a2a29f9a8b3f78eefd07e6ee"), blockId(0'u64))
check b == UInt256.fromHex("0x56bc75e2d63100000")
let c = await client.eth_getBalance(w3Addr("0xfff7ac99c8e4feb60c9750054bdc14ce1857f181"), blockId(0'u64))
check c == UInt256.fromHex("0x3635c9adc5dea00000")
test "eth_getStorageAt":
let res = await client.eth_getStorageAt(w3Addr("0xfff33a3bd36abdbd412707b8e310d6011454a7ae"), 0.u256, blockId(0'u64))
check w3Hash() == res
test "eth_getTransactionCount":
let res = await client.eth_getTransactionCount(w3Addr("0xfff7ac99c8e4feb60c9750054bdc14ce1857f181"), blockId(0'u64))
check res == w3Qty(0'u64)
test "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash":
let hash = com.db.getBlockHash(0.toBlockNumber)
let res = await client.eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash(w3Hash hash)
check res == w3Qty(0'u64)
test "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber":
let res = await client.eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber(blockId(0'u64))
check res == w3Qty(0'u64)
test "eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash":
let hash = com.db.getBlockHash(0.toBlockNumber)
let res = await client.eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash(w3Hash hash)
check res == w3Qty(0'u64)
test "eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber":
let res = await client.eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber(blockId(0'u64))
check res == w3Qty(0'u64)
test "eth_getCode":
let res = await client.eth_getCode(w3Addr("0xfff7ac99c8e4feb60c9750054bdc14ce1857f181"), blockId(0'u64))
check res.len == 0
test "eth_sign":
let msg = "hello world"
let msgBytes = @(msg.toOpenArrayByte(0, msg.len-1))
expect JsonRpcError:
discard await client.eth_sign(w3Addr(ks2), msgBytes)
let res = await client.eth_sign(w3Addr(signer), msgBytes)
let sig = Signature.fromRaw(res).tryGet()
# now let us try to verify signature
let msgData = "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" & $msg.len & msg
let msgDataBytes = @(msgData.toOpenArrayByte(0, msgData.len-1))
let msgHash = await client.web3_sha3(msgDataBytes)
let pubkey = recover(sig, SkMessage(msgHash.bytes)).tryGet()
let recoveredAddr = pubkey.toCanonicalAddress()
check recoveredAddr == signer # verified
test "eth_signTransaction, eth_sendTransaction, eth_sendRawTransaction":
var unsignedTx = EthSend(
`from`: w3Addr(signer),
to: w3Addr(ks2).some,
gas: w3Qty(100000'u).some,
gasPrice: none(Quantity),
value: some 100.u256,
data: @[],
nonce: none(Quantity)
let signedTxBytes = await client.eth_signTransaction(unsignedTx)
let signedTx = rlp.decode(signedTxBytes, Transaction)
check signer == signedTx.getSender() # verified
let hashAhex = await client.eth_sendTransaction(unsignedTx)
let hashBhex = await client.eth_sendRawTransaction(signedTxBytes)
check hashAhex == hashBhex
test "eth_call":
var ec = EthCall(
`from`: w3Addr(signer).some,
to: w3Addr(ks2).some,
gas: w3Qty(100000'u).some,
gasPrice: none(Quantity),
value: some 100.u256
let res = await client.eth_call(ec, "latest")
check res == hexToSeqByte("deadbeef")
test "eth_estimateGas":
var ec = EthCall(
`from`: w3Addr(signer).some,
to: w3Addr(ks3).some,
gas: w3Qty(42000'u).some,
gasPrice: w3Qty(100'u).some,
value: some 100.u256
let res = await client.eth_estimateGas(ec)
check res == w3Qty(21000'u64)
test "eth_getBlockByHash":
let res = await client.eth_getBlockByHash(w3Hash env.blockHash, true)
check res.isNil.not
check res.hash == w3Hash env.blockHash
let res2 = await client.eth_getBlockByHash(w3Hash env.txHash, true)
check res2.isNil
test "eth_getBlockByNumber":
let res = await client.eth_getBlockByNumber("latest", true)
check res.isNil.not
check res.hash == w3Hash env.blockHash
let res2 = await client.eth_getBlockByNumber($1, true)
check res2.isNil
test "eth_getTransactionByHash":
let res = await client.eth_getTransactionByHash(w3Hash env.txHash)
check res.isNil.not
check res.blockNumber.get() == w3Qty(1'u64)
let res2 = await client.eth_getTransactionByHash(w3Hash env.blockHash)
check res2.isNil
test "eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex":
let res = await client.eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(w3Hash env.blockHash, w3Qty(0'u64))
check res.isNil.not
check res.blockNumber.get() == w3Qty(1'u64)
let res2 = await client.eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(w3Hash env.blockHash, w3Qty(3'u64))
check res2.isNil
let res3 = await client.eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(w3Hash env.txHash, w3Qty(3'u64))
check res3.isNil
test "eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex":
let res = await client.eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex("latest", w3Qty(1'u64))
check res.isNil.not
check res.blockNumber.get() == w3Qty(1'u64)
let res2 = await client.eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex("latest", w3Qty(3'u64))
check res2.isNil
test "eth_getTransactionReceipt":
let res = await client.eth_getTransactionReceipt(w3Hash env.txHash)
check res.isNil.not
check res.blockNumber == w3Qty(1'u64)
let res2 = await client.eth_getTransactionReceipt(w3Hash env.blockHash)
check res2.isNil
test "eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex":
let res = await client.eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(w3Hash env.blockHash, w3Qty(0'u64))
check res.isNil.not
check res.number == w3Qty(1'u64)
let res2 = await client.eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(w3Hash env.blockHash, w3Qty(1'u64))
check res2.isNil
let res3 = await client.eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(w3Hash env.txHash, w3Qty(0'u64))
check res3.isNil
test "eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex":
let res = await client.eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex("latest", w3Qty(0'u64))
check res.isNil.not
check res.number == w3Qty(1'u64)
let res2 = await client.eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex("latest", w3Qty(1'u64))
check res2.isNil
test "eth_getLogs by blockhash, no filters":
let testHeader = getBlockHeader4514995()
let testHash = testHeader.blockHash
let filterOptions = FilterOptions(
blockHash: some(w3Hash testHash),
topics: @[]
let logs = await client.eth_getLogs(filterOptions)
len(logs) == 54
var i = 0
for l in logs:
l.blockHash.unsafeGet() == w3Hash testHash
l.logIndex.unsafeGet() == w3Qty(i.uint64)
inc i
test "eth_getLogs by blockNumber, no filters":
let testHeader = getBlockHeader4514995()
let testHash = testHeader.blockHash
let fBlock = blockId(testHeader.blockNumber.truncate(uint64))
let tBlock = blockId(testHeader.blockNumber.truncate(uint64))
let filterOptions = FilterOptions(
fromBlock: some(fBlock),
toBlock: some(tBlock)
let logs = await client.eth_getLogs(filterOptions)
len(logs) == 54
var i = 0
for l in logs:
l.blockHash.unsafeGet() == w3Hash testHash
l.logIndex.unsafeGet() == w3Qty(i.uint64)
inc i
test "eth_getLogs by blockhash, filter logs at specific positions":
let testHeader = getBlockHeader4514995()
let testHash = testHeader.blockHash
let topic = w3Hash("0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef")
let topic1 = w3Hash("0x000000000000000000000000fdc183d01a793613736cd40a5a578f49add1772b")
let filterOptions = FilterOptions(
blockHash: some(w3Hash testHash),
topics: @[
TopicOrList(kind: slkList, list: @[topic]),
TopicOrList(kind: slkNull),
TopicOrList(kind: slkList, list: @[topic1])
let logs = await client.eth_getLogs(filterOptions)
len(logs) == 1
test "eth_getLogs by blockhash, filter logs at specific postions with or options":
let testHeader = getBlockHeader4514995()
let testHash = testHeader.blockHash
let topic = w3Hash("0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef")
let topic1 = w3Hash("0xa64da754fccf55aa65a1f0128a648633fade3884b236e879ee9f64c78df5d5d7")
let topic2 = w3Hash("0x000000000000000000000000e16c02eac87920033ac72fc55ee1df3151c75786")
let topic3 = w3Hash("0x000000000000000000000000b626a5facc4de1c813f5293ec3be31979f1d1c78")
let filterOptions = FilterOptions(
blockHash: some(w3Hash testHash),
topics: @[
TopicOrList(kind: slkList, list: @[topic, topic1]),
TopicOrList(kind: slkList, list: @[topic2, topic3])
let logs = await client.eth_getLogs(filterOptions)
len(logs) == 2
test "eth_getProof - Non existent account and storage slots":
let blockData = await client.eth_getBlockByNumber("latest", true)
# account doesn't exist
address = w3Addr("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000004")
proofResponse = await client.eth_getProof(address, @[], blockId(1'u64))
storageProof = proofResponse.storageProof
proofResponse.address == address
verifyAccountProof(blockData.stateRoot, proofResponse).isMissing()
proofResponse.balance == 0.u256
proofResponse.codeHash == zeroHash()
proofResponse.nonce == w3Qty(0.uint64)
proofResponse.storageHash == zeroHash()
storageProof.len() == 0
# account exists but requested slots don't exist
address = w3Addr("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001")
slot1Key = 0.u256
slot2Key = 1.u256
proofResponse = await client.eth_getProof(address, @[slot1Key, slot2Key], blockId(1'u64))
storageProof = proofResponse.storageProof
proofResponse.address == address
verifyAccountProof(blockData.stateRoot, proofResponse).isValid()
proofResponse.balance == 2_000_000_000.u256
proofResponse.codeHash == emptyCodeHash()
proofResponse.nonce == w3Qty(1.uint64)
proofResponse.storageHash == emptyStorageHash()
storageProof.len() == 2
storageProof[0].key == slot1Key
storageProof[0].proof.len() == 0
storageProof[0].value == 0.u256
storageProof[1].key == slot2Key
storageProof[1].proof.len() == 0
storageProof[1].value == 0.u256
# contract account with no storage slots
address = w3Addr("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003")
slot1Key = 0.u256 # Doesn't exist
proofResponse = await client.eth_getProof(address, @[slot1Key], blockId(1'u64))
storageProof = proofResponse.storageProof
proofResponse.address == address
verifyAccountProof(blockData.stateRoot, proofResponse).isValid()
proofResponse.balance == 0.u256
proofResponse.codeHash == w3Hash("0x09044b55d7aba83cb8ac3d2c9c8d8bcadbfc33f06f1be65e8cc1e4ddab5f3074")
proofResponse.nonce == w3Qty(0.uint64)
proofResponse.storageHash == emptyStorageHash()
storageProof.len() == 1
storageProof[0].key == slot1Key
storageProof[0].proof.len() == 0
storageProof[0].value == 0.u256
test "eth_getProof - Existing accounts and storage slots":
let blockData = await client.eth_getBlockByNumber("latest", true)
# contract account with storage slots
address = w3Addr("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002")
slot1Key = 0.u256
slot2Key = 1.u256
slot3Key = 2.u256 # Doesn't exist
proofResponse = await client.eth_getProof(address, @[slot1Key, slot2Key, slot3Key], blockId(1'u64))
storageProof = proofResponse.storageProof
proofResponse.address == address
verifyAccountProof(blockData.stateRoot, proofResponse).isValid()
proofResponse.balance == 1_000_000_000.u256
proofResponse.codeHash == w3Hash("0x09044b55d7aba83cb8ac3d2c9c8d8bcadbfc33f06f1be65e8cc1e4ddab5f3074")
proofResponse.nonce == w3Qty(2.uint64)
proofResponse.storageHash == w3Hash("0x2ed06ec37dad4cd8c8fc1a1172d633a8973987fa6995b14a7c0a50c0e8d1a9c3")
storageProof.len() == 3
storageProof[0].key == slot1Key
storageProof[0].proof.len() > 0
storageProof[0].value == 1234.u256
storageProof[1].key == slot2Key
storageProof[1].proof.len() > 0
storageProof[1].value == 2345.u256
storageProof[2].key == slot3Key
storageProof[2].proof.len() > 0
storageProof[2].value == 0.u256
verifySlotProof(proofResponse.storageHash, storageProof[0]).isValid()
verifySlotProof(proofResponse.storageHash, storageProof[1]).isValid()
verifySlotProof(proofResponse.storageHash, storageProof[2]).isMissing()
# externally owned account
address = w3Addr("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001")
proofResponse = await client.eth_getProof(address, @[], blockId(1'u64))
storageProof = proofResponse.storageProof
proofResponse.address == address
verifyAccountProof(blockData.stateRoot, proofResponse).isValid()
proofResponse.balance == 2_000_000_000.u256
proofResponse.codeHash == emptyCodeHash()
proofResponse.nonce == w3Qty(1.uint64)
proofResponse.storageHash == emptyStorageHash()
storageProof.len() == 0
test "eth_getProof - Multiple blocks":
let blockData = await client.eth_getBlockByNumber("latest", true)
# block 0 - account doesn't exist yet
address = w3Addr("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002")
slot1Key = 100.u256
proofResponse = await client.eth_getProof(address, @[slot1Key], blockId(0'u64))
storageProof = proofResponse.storageProof
proofResponse.address == address
verifyAccountProof(blockData.stateRoot, proofResponse).kind == InvalidProof
proofResponse.balance == 0.u256
proofResponse.codeHash == zeroHash()
proofResponse.nonce == w3Qty(0.uint64)
proofResponse.storageHash == zeroHash()
storageProof.len() == 1
verifySlotProof(proofResponse.storageHash, storageProof[0]).kind == InvalidProof
# block 1 - account has balance, code and storage
address = w3Addr("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002")
slot2Key = 1.u256
proofResponse = await client.eth_getProof(address, @[slot2Key], blockId(1'u64))
storageProof = proofResponse.storageProof
proofResponse.address == address
verifyAccountProof(blockData.stateRoot, proofResponse).isValid()
proofResponse.balance == 1_000_000_000.u256
proofResponse.codeHash == w3Hash("0x09044b55d7aba83cb8ac3d2c9c8d8bcadbfc33f06f1be65e8cc1e4ddab5f3074")
proofResponse.nonce == w3Qty(2.uint64)
proofResponse.storageHash == w3Hash("0x2ed06ec37dad4cd8c8fc1a1172d633a8973987fa6995b14a7c0a50c0e8d1a9c3")
storageProof.len() == 1
verifySlotProof(proofResponse.storageHash, storageProof[0]).isValid()
when isMainModule: