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synced 2025-03-03 21:30:53 +00:00
* Unit tests update, code cosmetics * Fix segfault with zombie handling why: In order to save memory, the data records of zombie entries are removed and only the key (aka peer node) is kept. Consequently, logging these zombies can only be done by the key. * Allow to accept V2 payload without `shanghaiTime` set while syncing why: Currently, `shanghaiTime` is missing (alt least) while snap syncing. So beacon node headers can be processed regardless. Normal (aka strict) processing will be automatically restored when leaving snap sync mode.
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# Nimbus - Fetch account and storage states from peers efficiently
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[strformat, strutils],
eth/[common, p2p],
topics = "tick"
TickerSnapStatsUpdater* = proc: TickerSnapStats {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
## Snap sync state update function
TickerFullStatsUpdater* = proc: TickerFullStats {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
## Full sync state update function
SnapDescDetails = object
## Private state descriptor
snapCb: TickerSnapStatsUpdater
recovery: bool
lastRecov: bool
lastStats: TickerSnapStats
FullDescDetails = object
## Private state descriptor
fullCb: TickerFullStatsUpdater
lastStats: TickerFullStats
TickerSnapStats* = object
## Snap sync state (see `TickerSnapStatsUpdater`)
beaconBlock*: Option[BlockNumber]
pivotBlock*: Option[BlockNumber]
nAccounts*: (float,float) ## Mean and standard deviation
accountsFill*: (float,float,float) ## Mean, standard deviation, merged total
nAccountStats*: int ## #chunks
nSlotLists*: (float,float) ## Mean and standard deviation
nContracts*: (float,float) ## Mean and standard deviation
nStorageQueue*: Option[int]
nContractQueue*: Option[int]
nQueues*: int
TickerFullStats* = object
## Full sync state (see `TickerFullStatsUpdater`)
pivotBlock*: Option[BlockNumber]
topPersistent*: BlockNumber
nextUnprocessed*: Option[BlockNumber]
nextStaged*: Option[BlockNumber]
nStagedQueue*: int
suspended*: bool
reOrg*: bool
TickerRef* = ref object
## Ticker descriptor object
nBuddies: int
logTicker: TimerCallback
started: Moment
visited: Moment
prettyPrint: proc(t: TickerRef) {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
case fullMode: bool
of false:
snap: SnapDescDetails
of true:
full: FullDescDetails
extraTraceMessages = false # or true
## Enabled additional logging noise
tickerStartDelay = chronos.milliseconds(100)
tickerLogInterval = chronos.seconds(1)
tickerLogSuppressMax = chronos.seconds(100)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions: pretty printing
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc pc99(val: float): string =
if 0.99 <= val and val < 1.0: "99%"
elif 0.0 < val and val <= 0.01: "1%"
else: val.toPC(0)
proc toStr(a: Option[int]): string =
if a.isNone: "n/a"
else: $a.unsafeGet
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions: printing ticker messages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template logTxt(info: static[string]): static[string] =
"Ticker " & info
template noFmtError(info: static[string]; code: untyped) =
except ValueError as e:
raiseAssert "Inconveivable (" & info & "): " & e.msg
proc snapTicker(t: TickerRef) {.gcsafe.} =
data = t.snap.snapCb()
now = Moment.now()
if data != t.snap.lastStats or
t.snap.recovery != t.snap.lastRecov or
tickerLogSuppressMax < (now - t.visited):
nAcc, nSto, nCon: string
pv = "n/a"
nStoQ = data.nStorageQueue.toStr
nConQ = data.nContractQueue.toStr
bc = data.beaconBlock.toStr
recoveryDone = t.snap.lastRecov
accCov = data.accountsFill[0].pc99 &
"(" & data.accountsFill[1].pc99 & ")" &
"/" & data.accountsFill[2].pc99 &
"~" & data.nAccountStats.uint.toSI
nInst = t.nBuddies
# With `int64`, there are more than 29*10^10 years range for seconds
up = (now - t.started).seconds.uint64.toSI
mem = getTotalMem().uint.toSI
t.snap.lastStats = data
t.visited = now
t.snap.lastRecov = t.snap.recovery
if data.pivotBlock.isSome:
pv = data.pivotBlock.toStr & "/" & $data.nQueues
nAcc = (&"{(data.nAccounts[0]+0.5).int64}" &
nSto = (&"{(data.nSlotLists[0]+0.5).int64}" &
nCon = (&"{(data.nContracts[0]+0.5).int64}" &
if t.snap.recovery:
info "Snap sync ticker (recovery)",
up, nInst, bc, pv, nAcc, accCov, nSto, nStoQ, nCon, nConQ, mem
elif recoveryDone:
info "Snap sync ticker (recovery done)",
up, nInst, bc, pv, nAcc, accCov, nSto, nStoQ, nCon, nConQ, mem
info "Snap sync ticker",
up, nInst, bc, pv, nAcc, accCov, nSto, nStoQ, nCon, nConQ, mem
proc fullTicker(t: TickerRef) {.gcsafe.} =
data = t.full.fullCb()
now = Moment.now()
if data != t.full.lastStats or
tickerLogSuppressMax < (now - t.visited):
persistent = data.topPersistent.toStr
staged = data.nextStaged.toStr
unprocessed = data.nextUnprocessed.toStr
queued = data.nStagedQueue
reOrg = if data.reOrg: "t" else: "f"
pv = data.pivotBlock.toStr
nInst = t.nBuddies
# With `int64`, there are more than 29*10^10 years range for seconds
up = (now - t.started).seconds.uint64.toSI
mem = getTotalMem().uint.toSI
t.full.lastStats = data
t.visited = now
if data.suspended:
info "Full sync ticker (suspended)", up, nInst, pv,
persistent, unprocessed, staged, queued, reOrg, mem
info "Full sync ticker", up, nInst, pv,
persistent, unprocessed, staged, queued, reOrg, mem
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions: ticking log messages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc setLogTicker(t: TickerRef; at: Moment) {.gcsafe.}
proc runLogTicker(t: TickerRef) {.gcsafe.} =
proc setLogTicker(t: TickerRef; at: Moment) =
if t.logTicker.isNil:
when extraTraceMessages:
debug logTxt "was stopped", fullMode=t.fullMode, nBuddies=t.nBuddies
t.logTicker = safeSetTimer(at, runLogTicker, t)
proc initImpl(t: TickerRef; cb: TickerSnapStatsUpdater) =
t.fullMode = false
t.prettyPrint = snapTicker
t.snap = SnapDescDetails(snapCb: cb)
proc initImpl(t: TickerRef; cb: TickerFullStatsUpdater) =
t.fullMode = true
t.prettyPrint = fullTicker
t.full = FullDescDetails(fullCb: cb)
proc startImpl(t: TickerRef) =
t.logTicker = safeSetTimer(Moment.fromNow(tickerStartDelay),runLogTicker,t)
if t.started == Moment.default:
t.started = Moment.now()
proc stopImpl(t: TickerRef) =
## Stop ticker unconditionally
t.logTicker = nil
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public constructor and start/stop functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc init*(
T: type TickerRef;
cb: TickerSnapStatsUpdater|TickerFullStatsUpdater;
): T =
## Constructor
new result
proc init*(t: TickerRef; cb: TickerSnapStatsUpdater) =
## Re-initialise ticket
if not t.isNil:
if t.fullMode:
t.prettyPrint(t) # print final state for full sync
proc init*(t: TickerRef; cb: TickerFullStatsUpdater) =
## Re-initialise ticket
if not t.isNil:
if not t.fullMode:
t.prettyPrint(t) # print final state for snap sync
proc start*(t: TickerRef) =
## Re/start ticker unconditionally
if not t.isNil:
when extraTraceMessages:
debug logTxt "start", fullMode=t.fullMode, nBuddies=t.nBuddies
proc stop*(t: TickerRef) =
## Stop ticker unconditionally
if not t.isNil:
when extraTraceMessages:
debug logTxt "stop", fullMode=t.fullMode, nBuddies=t.nBuddies
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc startBuddy*(t: TickerRef) =
## Increment buddies counter and start ticker unless running.
if not t.isNil:
if t.nBuddies <= 0:
t.nBuddies = 1
if t.fullMode or not t.snap.recovery:
when extraTraceMessages:
debug logTxt "start buddy", fullMode=t.fullMode, nBuddies=t.nBuddies
proc startRecovery*(t: TickerRef) =
## Ditto for recovery mode
if not t.isNil and not t.fullMode and not t.snap.recovery:
t.snap.recovery = true
if t.nBuddies <= 0:
when extraTraceMessages:
debug logTxt "start recovery", fullMode=t.fullMode, nBuddies=t.nBuddies
proc stopBuddy*(t: TickerRef) =
## Decrement buddies counter and stop ticker if there are no more registered
## buddies.
if not t.isNil:
if t.nBuddies <= 0 and not t.fullMode and not t.snap.recovery:
t.nBuddies = 0
when extraTraceMessages:
debug logTxt "stop (buddy)", fullMode=t.fullMode, nBuddies=t.nBuddies
proc stopRecovery*(t: TickerRef) =
## Ditto for recovery mode
if not t.isNil and not t.fullMode and t.snap.recovery:
t.snap.recovery = false
when extraTraceMessages:
debug logTxt "stop (recovery)", fullMode=t.fullMode, nBuddies=t.nBuddies
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------