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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
## Descriptor Objects for Clique PoA Consensus Protocol
## ====================================================
## For details see
## `EIP-225 <>`_
## and
## `go-ethereum <>`_
{.push raises: [].}
stew/[keyed_queue, results]
RawSignature* = array[RawSignatureSize, byte]
# clique/clique.go(142): type SignerFn func(signer [..]
CliqueSignerFn* = ## Hashes and signs the data to be signed by
## a backing account
proc(signer: EthAddress;
message: openArray[byte]): Result[RawSignature, cstring]
{.gcsafe, raises: [CatchableError].}
Proposals = Table[EthAddress,bool]
CliqueSnapKey* = ##\
## Internal key used for the LRU cache (derived from Hash256).
CliqueSnapLru = ##\
## Snapshots cache
CliqueFailed* = ##\
## Last failed state: block hash and error result
(Hash256, CliqueError)
# clique/clique.go(172): type Clique struct { [..]
Clique* = ref object ##\
## Clique is the proof-of-authority consensus engine proposed to support
## the Ethereum testnet following the Ropsten attacks.
signer*: EthAddress ##\
## Ethereum address of the current signing key
signFn*: CliqueSignerFn ## Signer function to authorize hashes with
cfg: CliqueCfg ##\
## Common engine parameters to fine tune behaviour
recents: CliqueSnapLru ##\
## Snapshots cache for recent block search
snapshot: Snapshot ##\
## Last successful snapshot
failed: CliqueFailed ##\
## Last verification error (if any)
proposals: Proposals ##\
## Cu1rrent list of proposals we are pushing
applySnapsMinBacklog: bool ##\
## Epoch is a restart and sync point. Eip-225 requires that the epoch
## header contains the full list of currently authorised signers.
## If this flag is set `true`, then the `cliqueSnapshot()` function will
## walk back to the1 `epoch` header with at least `cfg.roThreshold` blocks
## apart from the current header. This is how it is done in the reference
## implementation.
## Leving the flag `false`, the assumption is that all the checkponts
## before have been vetted already regardless of the current branch. So
## the nearest `epoch` header is used.
topics = "clique PoA constructor"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public constructor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# clique/clique.go(191): func New(config [..]
proc newClique*(cfg: CliqueCfg): Clique =
## Initialiser for Clique proof-of-authority consensus engine with the
## initial signers set to the ones provided by the user.
result = Clique(cfg: cfg,
snapshot: cfg.newSnapshot(BlockHeader()),
proposals: initTable[EthAddress,bool]())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public debug/pretty print
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc `$`*(e: CliqueError): string =
## Join text fragments
result = $e[0]
if e[1] != "":
result &= ": " & e[1]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public getters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc recents*(
c: Clique;
): var KeyedQueue[CliqueSnapKey,Snapshot]
## Getter
proc proposals*(c: Clique): var Proposals =
## Getter
proc snapshot*(c: Clique): Snapshot =
## Getter, last successfully processed snapshot.
proc failed*(c: Clique): CliqueFailed =
## Getter, last snapshot error.
proc cfg*(c: Clique): CliqueCfg =
## Getter
proc db*(c: Clique): CoreDbRef =
## Getter
proc applySnapsMinBacklog*(c: Clique): bool =
## Getter.
## If this flag is set `true`, then the `cliqueSnapshot()` function will
## walk back to the `epoch` header with at least `cfg.roThreshold` blocks
## apart from the current header. This is how it is done in the reference
## implementation.
## Setting the flag `false` which is the default, the assumption is that all
## the checkponts before have been vetted already regardless of the current
## branch. So the nearest `epoch` header is used.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public setters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc `db=`*(c: Clique; db: CoreDbRef) =
## Setter, re-set database
c.cfg.db = db
c.proposals = initTable[EthAddress,bool]()
proc `snapshot=`*(c: Clique; snaps: Snapshot) =
## Setter
c.snapshot = snaps
proc `failed=`*(c: Clique; failure: CliqueFailed) =
## Setter
c.failed = failure
proc `applySnapsMinBacklog=`*(c: Clique; value: bool) =
## Setter
c.applySnapsMinBacklog = value
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------