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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
json_rpc/[rpcproxy, rpcserver], stew/byteutils,
export rpcserver
# Note:
# Using a string for the network parameter will give an error in the rpc macro:
# Error: Invalid node kind nnkInfix for macros.`$`
# Using a static string works but some sandwich problem seems to be happening,
# as the proc becomes generic, where the rpc macro from router.nim can no longer
# be found, which is why we export rpcserver which should export router.
proc installPortalApiHandlers*(
rpcServer: RpcServer|RpcProxy, p: PortalProtocol, network: static string)
{.raises: [Defect, CatchableError].} =
## Portal routing table and portal wire json-rpc API is not yet defined but
## will look something similar as what exists here now:
## https://github.com/ethereum/portal-network-specs/pull/88
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "NodeInfo") do() -> NodeInfo:
return p.routingTable.getNodeInfo()
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "RoutingTableInfo") do() -> RoutingTableInfo:
return getRoutingTableInfo(p.routingTable)
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "AddEnr") do(enr: Record) -> bool:
let node = newNode(enr).valueOr:
raise newException(ValueError, "Failed creating Node from ENR")
let addResult = p.addNode(node)
return addResult == Added
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "AddEnrs") do(enrs: seq[Record]) -> bool:
# Note: unspecified RPC, but useful for our local testnet test
for enr in enrs:
let nodeRes = newNode(enr)
if nodeRes.isOk():
let node = nodeRes.get()
discard p.addNode(node)
return true
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "GetEnr") do(nodeId: NodeId) -> Record:
let node = p.getNode(nodeId)
if node.isSome():
return node.get().record
raise newException(ValueError, "Record not in local routing table.")
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "DeleteEnr") do(nodeId: NodeId) -> bool:
# TODO: Adjust `removeNode` to accept NodeId as param and to return bool.
let node = p.getNode(nodeId)
if node.isSome():
return true
raise newException(ValueError, "Record not in local routing table.")
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "LookupEnr") do(nodeId: NodeId) -> Record:
# TODO: Not fully according to spec, missing optional enrSeq
# Can add `enrSeq: Option[uint64]` as parameter but Option appears to be
# not implemented as an option parameter in nim-json-rpc?
let lookup = await p.resolve(nodeId)
if lookup.isSome():
return lookup.get().record
raise newException(ValueError, "Record not found in DHT lookup.")
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "Ping") do(
enr: Record) -> tuple[enrSeq: uint64, customPayload: string]:
# TODO: Not fully according to spec:
# - missing optional dataRadius
# - customPayload instead of dataRadius returned
node = toNodeWithAddress(enr)
pong = await p.ping(node)
if pong.isErr():
raise newException(ValueError, $pong.error)
let p = pong.get()
return (p.enrSeq, p.customPayload.asSeq().toHex())
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "FindNodes") do(
enr: Record, distances: seq[uint16]) -> seq[Record]:
node = toNodeWithAddress(enr)
nodes = await p.findNodes(node, distances)
if nodes.isErr():
raise newException(ValueError, $nodes.error)
return nodes.get().map(proc(n: Node): Record = n.record)
# TODO: This returns null values for the `none`s. Not sure what it should be
# according to spec, no k:v pair at all?
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "FindContent") do(
enr: Record, contentKey: string) -> tuple[
connectionId: Option[string],
content: Option[string],
enrs: Option[seq[Record]]]:
node = toNodeWithAddress(enr)
res = await p.findContentImpl(
node, ByteList.init(hexToSeqByte(contentKey)))
if res.isErr():
raise newException(ValueError, $res.error)
let contentMessage = res.get()
case contentMessage.contentMessageType:
of connectionIdType:
return (
some("0x" & contentMessage.connectionId.toHex()),
of contentType:
return (
some("0x" & contentMessage.content.asSeq().toHex()),
of enrsType:
let records = recordsFromBytes(contentMessage.enrs)
if records.isErr():
raise newException(ValueError, $records.error)
return (
# Note: Could also pass not verified nodes
records.get(), node, enrsResultLimit).map(
proc(n: Node): Record = n.record)))
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "FindContentFull") do(
enr: Record, contentKey: string) -> tuple[
content: Option[string], enrs: Option[seq[Record]]]:
# Note: unspecified RPC, but useful as we can get content from uTP also
node = toNodeWithAddress(enr)
foundContentResult = await p.findContent(
node, ByteList.init(hexToSeqByte(contentKey)))
if foundContentResult.isErr():
raise newException(ValueError, $foundContentResult.error)
let foundContent = foundContentResult.get()
case foundContent.kind:
of Content:
return (
some("0x" & foundContent.content.toHex()),
of Nodes:
return (
some(foundContent.nodes.map(proc(n: Node): Record = n.record)))
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "OfferReal") do(
enr: Record, contentKey: string, contentValue: string) -> bool:
# Note: unspecified RPC, but the spec took over the Offer call to actually
# do gossip. This should be adjusted.
node = toNodeWithAddress(enr)
key = hexToSeqByte(contentKey)
content = hexToSeqByte(contentValue)
contentInfo = ContentInfo(contentKey: ByteList.init(key), content: content)
res = await p.offer(node, @[contentInfo])
if res.isOk():
return true
raise newException(ValueError, $res.error)
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "Offer") do(
contentKey: string, contentValue: string) -> int:
key = hexToSeqByte(contentKey)
content = hexToSeqByte(contentValue)
contentKeys = ContentKeysList(@[ByteList.init(key)])
numberOfPeers = await p.neighborhoodGossip(contentKeys, @[content])
return numberOfPeers
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "RecursiveFindNodes") do(
nodeId: NodeId) -> seq[Record]:
let discovered = await p.lookup(nodeId)
return discovered.map(proc(n: Node): Record = n.record)
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "RecursiveFindContent") do(
contentKey: string) -> string:
key = ByteList.init(hexToSeqByte(contentKey))
contentId = p.toContentId(key).valueOr:
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid content key")
contentResult = (await p.contentLookup(key, contentId)).valueOr:
raise newException(ValueError, "Content not found")
return contentResult.content.toHex()
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "Store") do(
contentKey: string, contentValue: string) -> bool:
let key = ByteList.init(hexToSeqByte(contentKey))
let contentId = p.toContentId(key)
if contentId.isSome():
p.storeContent(key, contentId.get(), hexToSeqByte(contentValue))
return true
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid content key")
rpcServer.rpc("portal_" & network & "LocalContent") do(
contentKey: string) -> string:
key = ByteList.init(hexToSeqByte(contentKey))
contentId = p.toContentId(key).valueOr:
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid content key")
let contentResult = p.dbGet(key, contentId)
if contentResult.isOk():
return contentResult.get().toHex()
return "0x0"