
94 lines
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
os, macros, json, strformat, strutils, parseutils, ospaths, tables,
../src/utils/[hexadecimal, address, padding],
../src/[chain, vm_state, constants],
../src/db/[db_chain, state_db], ../src/vm/forks/frontier/vm
Status* {.pure.} = enum OK, Fail, Skip
proc validTest*(folder: string, name: string): bool =
# tests we want to skip or which segfault will be skipped here
# TODO fix
result = "calldatacopy" notin name and
"balanceAddressInputTooBigRightMyAddress." notin name and
"callstatelessToReturn1" notin name and
"arith" notin name and
folder notin @["vmRandomTest", "vmSystemOperations", "vmPerformance", "vmEnvironmentalInfo", "vmLogTest", "vmSha3Test", "vmIOandFlowOperations"]
#result = name == "exp2.json"
macro jsonTest*(s: static[string], handler: untyped): untyped =
let testStatusIMPL = ident("testStatusIMPL")
result = quote:
var z = 0
var filenames: seq[(string, string, string)] = @[]
var status = initOrderedTable[string, OrderedTable[string, Status]]()
for filename in walkDirRec("tests" / "fixtures" / `s`):
var (folder, name) = filename.splitPath()
let last = folder.splitPath().tail
if not status.hasKey(last):
status[last] = initOrderedTable[string, Status]()
status[last][name] = Status.Skip
if last.validTest(name):
filenames.add((filename, last, name))
for child in filenames:
let (filename, folder, name) = child
test filename:
echo folder, name
status[folder][name] = Status.FAIL
`handler`(parseJSON(readFile(filename)), `testStatusIMPL`)
if `testStatusIMPL` == OK:
status[folder][name] = Status.OK
z += 1
status.sort do (a: (string, OrderedTable[string, Status]), b: (string, OrderedTable[string, Status])) -> int:
cmp(a[0], b[0])
let symbol: array[Status, string] = ["+", "-", " "]
var raw = ""
raw.add(`s` & "\n")
for folder, statuses in status:
raw.add("## " & folder & "\n")
var sortedStatuses = statuses
sortedStatuses.sort do (a: (string, Status), b: (string, Status)) -> int:
cmp(a[0], b[0])
var okCount = 0
var failCount = 0
var skipCount = 0
for name, final in sortedStatuses:
raw.add(symbol[final] & " " & name.padRight(64, " ") & $final & "\n")
case final:
of Status.OK: okCount += 1
of Status.Fail: failCount += 1
of Status.Skip: skipCount += 1
let sum = okCount + failCount + skipCount
raw.add("OK: " & $okCount & "/" & $sum & " Fail: " & $failCount & "/" & $sum & " Skip: " & $skipCount & "/" & $sum & "\n")
writeFile(`s` & ".md", raw)
proc setupStateDB*(desiredState: JsonNode, stateDB: var AccountStateDB) =
for account, accountData in desiredState:
for slot, value in accountData{"storage"}:
stateDB.setStorage(account, slot.parseInt.u256, value.getInt.u256)
let nonce = accountData{"nonce"}.getInt.u256
let code = accountData{"code"}.getStr
let balance = accountData{"balance"}.getInt.u256
stateDB.setNonce(account, nonce)
stateDB.setCode(account, code)
stateDB.setBalance(account, balance)
proc getHexadecimalInt*(j: JsonNode): int =
discard parseHex(j.getStr, result)