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synced 2025-03-03 13:20:48 +00:00
* Move premix's downloader and parser to fluffy/tools/eth_data_exporter * Run nph formatter
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659 lines
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# Fluffy
# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Tool to download chain history data from local node, and save it to the json
# file or sqlite database.
# In case of json:
# Block data is stored as it gets transmitted over the wire and as defined here:
# https://github.com/ethereum/portal-network-specs/blob/master/history-network.md#content-keys-and-values
# Json file has following format:
# {
# "hexEncodedBlockHash: {
# "header": "the rlp encoded block header as a hex string"
# "body": "the SSZ encoded container of transactions and uncles as a hex string"
# "receipts: "The SSZ encoded list of the receipts as a hex string"
# "number": "block number"
# },
# ...,
# ...,
# }
# In case of sqlite:
# Data is saved in a format friendly to history network i.e one table with 3
# columns: contentid, contentkey, content.
# Such format enables queries to quickly find content in range of some node
# which makes it possible to offer content to nodes in bulk.
# When using geth as client to download receipts from, be aware that you will
# have to set the number of blocks to maintain the transaction index for to
# unlimited if you want access to all transactions/receipts.
# e.g: `./build/bin/geth --ws --txlookuplimit=0`
{.push raises: [].}
std/[json, typetraits, strutils, strformat, os, uri],
stew/[byteutils, io2],
../network/history/[history_content, validation/historical_hashes_accumulator],
../eth_data/[history_data_json_store, history_data_ssz_e2s, era1],
eth_data_exporter/[exporter_conf, exporter_common, cl_data_exporter],
eth_data_exporter/[downloader, parser]
from eth/common/eth_types_rlp import rlpHash
# Need to be selective due to the `Block` type conflict from downloader
from ../network/history/history_network import encode
proc downloadHeader(client: RpcClient, i: uint64): headers.Header =
let jsonHeader = requestHeader(i, client)
except CatchableError as e:
fatal "Error while requesting BlockHeader", error = e.msg, number = i
quit 1
proc downloadBlock(i: uint64, client: RpcClient): downloader.Block =
return requestBlock(i, client)
except CatchableError as e:
fatal "Error while requesting Block", error = e.msg, number = i
quit 1
proc writeHeadersToJson(config: ExporterConf, client: RpcClient) =
let fh = createAndOpenFile(string config.dataDir, config.fileName)
var writer = JsonWriter[DefaultFlavor].init(fh.s, pretty = true)
for i in config.startBlock .. config.endBlock:
let blck = client.downloadHeader(i)
if ((i - config.startBlock) mod 8192) == 0 and i != config.startBlock:
info "Downloaded 8192 new block headers", currentHeader = i
info "File successfully written", path = config.dataDir / config.fileName
except IOError as e:
fatal "Error occured while writing to file", error = e.msg
quit 1
except IOError as e:
fatal "Error occured while closing file", error = e.msg
quit 1
proc writeBlocksToJson(config: ExporterConf, client: RpcClient) =
let fh = createAndOpenFile(string config.dataDir, config.fileName)
var writer = JsonWriter[DefaultFlavor].init(fh.s, pretty = true)
for i in config.startBlock .. config.endBlock:
let blck = downloadBlock(i, client)
writer.writeBlockRecord(blck.header, blck.body, blck.receipts)
if ((i - config.startBlock) mod 8192) == 0 and i != config.startBlock:
info "Downloaded 8192 new blocks", currentBlock = i
info "File successfully written", path = config.dataDir / config.fileName
except IOError as e:
fatal "Error occured while writing to file", error = e.msg
quit 1
except IOError as e:
fatal "Error occured while closing file", error = e.msg
quit 1
proc exportBlocks(config: ExporterConf, client: RpcClient) =
if config.headersOnly:
writeHeadersToJson(config, client)
writeBlocksToJson(config, client)
proc newRpcClient(web3Url: Web3Url): RpcClient =
# TODO: I don't like this API. I think the creation of the RPC clients should
# already include the URL. And then an optional connect may be necessary
# depending on the protocol.
let client: RpcClient =
case web3Url.kind
of HttpUrl:
of WsUrl:
proc connectRpcClient(
client: RpcClient, web3Url: Web3Url
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
case web3Url.kind
of HttpUrl:
await RpcHttpClient(client).connect(web3Url.url)
except CatchableError as e:
return err(e.msg)
of WsUrl:
await RpcWebSocketClient(client).connect(web3Url.url)
except CatchableError as e:
return err(e.msg)
proc cmdExportEra1(config: ExporterConf) =
let client = newRpcClient(config.web3Url)
let connectRes = waitFor client.connectRpcClient(config.web3Url)
if connectRes.isErr():
fatal "Failed connecting to JSON-RPC client", error = connectRes.error
quit 1
except CatchableError as e:
# TODO: Add async raises to get rid of this.
fatal "Failed connecting to JSON-RPC client", error = e.msg
quit 1
var era = Era1(config.era)
while config.eraCount == 0 or era < Era1(config.era) + config.eraCount:
era += 1
startNumber = era.startNumber()
endNumber = era.endNumber()
if startNumber >= mergeBlockNumber:
info "Stopping era as it is after the merge"
var accumulatorRoot = default(Digest)
let tmpName = era1FileName("mainnet", era, default(Digest)) & ".tmp"
info "Writing era1", tmpName
var completed = false
block writeFileBlock:
let e2 =
openFile(tmpName, {OpenFlags.Write, OpenFlags.Create, OpenFlags.Truncate}).get()
discard closeFile(e2)
# TODO: Not checking the result of init, update or finish here, as all
# error cases are fatal. But maybe we could throw proper errors still.
var group = Era1Group.init(e2, startNumber).get()
# Header records to build the HistoricalHashesAccumulator root
var headerRecords: seq[historical_hashes_accumulator.HeaderRecord]
for blockNumber in startNumber .. endNumber:
let blck =
# TODO: Not sure about the errors that can occur here. But the whole
# block requests over json-rpc should be reworked here (and can be
# used in the bridge also then)
requestBlock(blockNumber, client)
except CatchableError as e:
error "Failed retrieving block, skip creation of era1 file",
blockNumber, era, error = e.msg
break writeFileBlock
var ttd: UInt256
blck.jsonData.fromJson "totalDifficulty", ttd
except ValueError:
break writeFileBlock
blockHash: blck.header.rlpHash(), totalDifficulty: ttd
group.update(e2, blockNumber, blck.header, blck.body, blck.receipts, ttd).get()
accumulatorRoot = getEpochRecordRoot(headerRecords)
group.finish(e2, accumulatorRoot, endNumber).get()
completed = true
if completed:
let name = era1FileName("mainnet", era, accumulatorRoot)
# We cannot check for the exact file any earlier as we need to know the
# HistoricalHashesAccumulator root.
# TODO: Could scan for file with era number in it.
if isFile(name):
info "Era1 file already exists", era, name
if (let e = io2.removeFile(tmpName); e.isErr):
warn "Failed to clean up tmp era1 file", tmpName, error = e.error
moveFile(tmpName, name)
except Exception as e: # TODO
warn "Failed to rename era1 file to its final name",
name, tmpName, error = e.msg
info "Writing era1 completed", name
error "Failed creating the era1 file", era
if (let e = io2.removeFile(tmpName); e.isErr):
warn "Failed to clean up incomplete era1 file", tmpName, error = e.error
proc cmdVerifyEra1(config: ExporterConf) =
let f = Era1File.open(config.era1FileName).valueOr:
warn "Failed to open era file", error = error
quit 1
let root = f.verify.valueOr:
warn "Verification of era file failed", error = error
quit 1
notice "Era1 file succesfully verified",
accumulatorRoot = root.data.to0xHex(), file = config.era1FileName
when isMainModule:
let config = ExporterConf.load()
{.push raises: [].}
let dataDir = config.dataDir.string
if not isDir(dataDir):
let res = createPath(dataDir)
if res.isErr():
fatal "Error occurred while creating data directory",
dir = dataDir, error = ioErrorMsg(res.error)
quit 1
case config.cmd
of ExporterCmd.history:
case config.historyCmd
of HistoryCmd.exportBlockData:
let client = newRpcClient(config.web3Url)
let connectRes = waitFor client.connectRpcClient(config.web3Url)
if connectRes.isErr():
fatal "Failed connecting to JSON-RPC client", error = connectRes.error
quit 1
if (config.endBlock < config.startBlock):
fatal "Initial block number should be smaller than end block number",
startBlock = config.startBlock, endBlock = config.endBlock
quit 1
exportBlocks(config, client)
waitFor client.close()
of HistoryCmd.exportEpochHeaders:
let client = newRpcClient(config.web3Url)
let connectRes = waitFor client.connectRpcClient(config.web3Url)
if connectRes.isErr():
fatal "Failed connecting to JSON-RPC client", error = connectRes.error
quit 1
proc exportEpochHeaders(file: string, epoch: uint64): Result[void, string] =
# Downloading headers from JSON RPC endpoint
info "Requesting epoch headers", epoch
var headers: seq[headers.Header]
for j in 0 ..< EPOCH_SIZE.uint64:
debug "Requesting block", number = j
let header = client.downloadHeader(epoch * EPOCH_SIZE + j)
let fh = ?openFile(file, {OpenFlags.Write, OpenFlags.Create}).mapErr(toString)
discard closeFile(fh)
info "Writing headers to file", file
for header in headers:
discard ?fh.appendRecord(ExecutionBlockHeaderRecord, rlp.encode(header))
# TODO: Could make the JSON-RPC requests concurrent per epoch.
# Batching would also be nice but our json-rpc does not support that:
# https://geth.ethereum.org/docs/rpc/batch
for i in config.startEpoch .. config.endEpoch:
let file = dataDir / &"mainnet-headers-epoch-{i.uint64:05}.e2s"
if isFile(file):
notice "Skipping epoch headers, file already exists", file
let res = exportEpochHeaders(file, i)
if res.isErr():
error "Failed exporting epoch headers", file, error = res.error
waitFor client.close()
of HistoryCmd.verifyEpochHeaders:
proc verifyEpochHeaders(file: string, epoch: uint64): Result[void, string] =
let fh = ?openFile(file, {OpenFlags.Read}).mapErr(toString)
discard closeFile(fh)
var data: seq[byte]
while true:
let header = readRecord(fh, data).valueOr:
if header.typ == ExecutionBlockHeaderRecord:
blockHeader =
rlp.decode(data, headers.Header)
except RlpError as e:
return err("Invalid block header: " & e.msg)
headerHash = to0xHex(rlpHash(blockHeader).data)
debug "Header decoded successfully",
hash = headerHash, blockNumber = blockHeader.number
warn "Skipping record, not a block header", typ = toHex(header.typ)
for i in config.startEpochVerify .. config.endEpochVerify:
let file = dataDir / &"mainnet-headers-epoch-{i.uint64:05}.e2s"
let res = verifyEpochHeaders(file, i)
if res.isErr():
error "Failed verifying epoch headers", file, error = res.error
info "Successfully decoded epoch headers", file
of HistoryCmd.exportAccumulatorData:
# Lets first check if the accumulator file already exists before starting
# to build it.
let accumulatorFile = dataDir / config.accumulatorFileName
if isFile(accumulatorFile):
notice "Not building HistoricalHashesAccumulator, file already exists",
file = accumulatorFile
quit 1
# Lets verify if the necessary files exists before starting to build the
# accumulator.
for i in 0 ..< preMergeEpochs:
let file = dataDir / &"mainnet-headers-epoch-{i.uint64:05}.e2s"
if not isFile(file):
fatal "Required epoch headers file does not exist", file
quit 1
proc buildAccumulator(
dataDir: string, writeEpochRecords = false
): Result[FinishedHistoricalHashesAccumulator, string] =
var accumulator: HistoricalHashesAccumulator
for i in 0 ..< preMergeEpochs:
let file =
dataDir / &"mainnet-headers-epoch-{i.uint64:05}.e2s"
except ValueError as e:
raiseAssert e.msg
let fh = ?openFile(file, {OpenFlags.Read}).mapErr(toString)
discard closeFile(fh)
var data: seq[byte]
var count = 0'u64
while true:
let header = readRecord(fh, data).valueOr:
if header.typ == ExecutionBlockHeaderRecord:
let blockHeader =
rlp.decode(data, headers.Header)
except RlpError as e:
return err("Invalid block header in " & file & ": " & e.msg)
# Quick sanity check
if blockHeader.number != i * EPOCH_SIZE + count:
fatal "Incorrect block headers in file",
file = file,
blockNumber = blockHeader.number,
expectedBlockNumber = i * EPOCH_SIZE + count
quit 1
updateAccumulator(accumulator, blockHeader)
# Note: writing away of epoch accumulators occurs 1 iteration before
# updating the epoch accumulator, as the latter happens when passed
# a header for the next epoch (or on finishing the epoch).
if writeEpochRecords:
if accumulator.currentEpoch.len() == EPOCH_SIZE or
blockHeader.number == mergeBlockNumber - 1:
let file =
dataDir / &"mainnet-epoch-record-{i.uint64:05}.ssz"
except ValueError as e:
raiseAssert e.msg
let res = io2.writeFile(file, SSZ.encode(accumulator.currentEpoch))
if res.isErr():
error "Failed writing epoch record to file", file, error = res.error
notice "Succesfully wrote epoch record to file", file
if count == EPOCH_SIZE - 1:
info "Updated an epoch", epoch = i
if blockHeader.number == mergeBlockNumber - 1:
let finishedAccumulator = finishAccumulator(accumulator)
info "Updated last epoch, finished building HistoricalHashesAccumulatorr",
epoch = i
return ok(finishedAccumulator)
warn "Skipping record, not a block header", typ = toHex(header.typ)
err("Not enough headers provided to finish the HistoricalHashesAccumulator")
let accumulatorRes = buildAccumulator(dataDir, config.writeEpochRecords)
if accumulatorRes.isErr():
fatal "Could not build HistoricalHashesAccumulator",
error = accumulatorRes.error
quit 1
let accumulator = accumulatorRes.get()
let res = io2.writeFile(accumulatorFile, SSZ.encode(accumulator))
if res.isErr():
error "Failed writing HistoricalHashesAccumulator to file",
file = accumulatorFile, error = res.error
quit 1
notice "Succesfully wrote HistoricalHashesAccumulator to file",
file = accumulatorFile
of HistoryCmd.printAccumulatorData:
let file = dataDir / config.accumulatorFileNamePrint
let res = readAccumulator(file)
if res.isErr():
fatal "Failed reading HistoricalHashesAccumulator from file",
error = res.error, file
quit 1
accumulator = res.get()
accumulatorRoot = hash_tree_root(accumulator)
info "HistoricalHashesAccumulator decoded successfully", root = accumulatorRoot
echo "HistoricalHashesAccumulator:"
echo "-------------------"
echo &"Root: {accumulatorRoot}"
echo ""
echo "Historical Epochs:"
echo "------------------"
echo "Epoch Root"
for i, root in accumulator.historicalEpochs:
echo &"{i.uint64:05} 0x{root.toHex()}"
of HistoryCmd.exportHeaderRange:
let client = newRpcClient(config.web3Url)
let connectRes = waitFor client.connectRpcClient(config.web3Url)
if connectRes.isErr():
fatal "Failed connecting to JSON-RPC client", error = connectRes.error
quit 1
startBlockNumber = config.startBlockNumber
endBlockNumber = config.endBlockNumber
if (endBlockNumber < startBlockNumber):
fatal "Start block number should be smaller than end block number",
startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber
quit 1
proc exportHeaders(
file: string, startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber: uint64
): Result[void, string] =
# Downloading headers from JSON RPC endpoint
info "Requesting headers", startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber
var headers: seq[headers.Header]
for j in startBlockNumber .. endBlockNumber:
debug "Requesting block", number = j
let header = client.downloadHeader(j)
let fh = ?openFile(file, {OpenFlags.Write, OpenFlags.Create}).mapErr(toString)
discard closeFile(fh)
info "Writing headers to file", file
for header in headers:
discard ?fh.appendRecord(ExecutionBlockHeaderRecord, rlp.encode(header))
let file =
dataDir / &"mainnet-headers-{startBlockNumber:05}-{endBlockNumber:05}.e2s"
except ValueError as e:
raiseAssert e.msg
let res = exportHeaders(file, startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber)
if res.isErr():
fatal "Failed exporting headers", error = res.error
quit 1
of HistoryCmd.exportHeadersWithProof:
startBlockNumber = config.startBlockNumber2
endBlockNumber = config.endBlockNumber2
if (endBlockNumber < startBlockNumber):
fatal "Start block number should be smaller than end block number",
startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber
quit 1
let file =
let fh = createAndOpenFile(string config.dataDir, file)
var contentTable: JsonPortalContentTable
for blockNumber in startBlockNumber .. endBlockNumber:
epochIndex = getEpochIndex(blockNumber)
epochHeadersFile = dataDir / &"mainnet-headers-epoch-{epochIndex:05}.e2s"
epochRecordFile = dataDir / &"mainnet-epoch-record-{epochIndex:05}.ssz"
let res = readBlockHeaders(epochHeadersFile)
if res.isErr():
error "Could not read headers epoch file", error = res.error
quit 1
let blockHeaders = res.get()
let epochRecordRes = readEpochRecordCached(epochRecordFile)
if epochRecordRes.isErr():
error "Could not read epoch record file", error = res.error
quit 1
let epochRecord = epochRecordRes.get()
let headerIndex = getHeaderRecordIndex(blockNumber, epochIndex)
let header = blockHeaders[headerIndex]
if header.isPreMerge():
let headerWithProof = buildHeaderWithProof(header, epochRecord)
if headerWithProof.isErr:
error "Error building proof", error = headerWithProof.error
quit 1
content = headerWithProof.get()
contentKey = ContentKey(
contentType: blockHeader,
blockHeaderKey: BlockKey(blockHash: header.rlpHash()),
encodedContentKey = history_content.encode(contentKey)
encodedContent = SSZ.encode(content)
let portalContent = JsonPortalContent(
content_key: encodedContentKey.asSeq().to0xHex(),
content_value: encodedContent.to0xHex(),
contentTable[$blockNumber] = portalContent
# TODO: Deal with writing post merge headers
error "Not a pre merge header"
quit 1
writePortalContentToJson(fh, contentTable)
except IOError as e:
fatal "Error occured while closing file", error = e.msg
quit 1
of HistoryCmd.exportEra1:
of HistoryCmd.verifyEra1:
of ExporterCmd.beacon:
let (cfg, forkDigests, _) = getBeaconData()
case config.beaconCmd
of BeaconCmd.exportLCBootstrap:
waitFor exportLCBootstrapUpdate(
config.restUrl, string config.dataDir, config.trustedBlockRoot, cfg, forkDigests
of BeaconCmd.exportLCUpdates:
waitFor exportLCUpdates(
string config.dataDir,
of BeaconCmd.exportLCFinalityUpdate:
waitFor exportLCFinalityUpdate(
config.restUrl, string config.dataDir, cfg, forkDigests
of BeaconCmd.exportLCOptimisticUpdate:
waitFor exportLCOptimisticUpdate(
config.restUrl, string config.dataDir, cfg, forkDigests
of BeaconCmd.exportHistoricalRoots:
waitFor exportHistoricalRoots(
config.restUrl, string config.dataDir, cfg, forkDigests
of BeaconCmd.exportBeaconBlockProof:
string config.dataDir, string config.eraDir, config.slotNumber