Jordan Hrycaj 0d4ef023ed
Update aristo journal functionality (#2155)
* Aristo: Code cosmetics, e.g. update some CamelCase names

* CoreDb+Aristo: Provide oldest known state root implied

  The Aristo journal allows to recover earlier but not all state roots.

* Aristo: Fix journal backward index operator, e.g. `[^1]`

* Aristo: Fix journal updater

  The `fifosStore()` store function slightly misinterpreted the update
  instructions when translation is to database `put()` functions. The
  effect was that the journal was ever growing due to stale entries which
  were never deleted.

* CoreDb+Aristo: Provide utils for purging stale data from the KVT

  See earlier patch, not all state roots are available. This patch
  provides a mapping from some state root to a block number and allows to
  remove all KVT data related to a particular block number

* Aristo+Kvt: Implement a clean up schedule for expired data in KVT

  For a single state ledger like `Aristo`, there is only a limited
  backlog of states. So KVT data (i.e. headers etc.) are cleaned up

* Fix copyright year
2024-04-26 13:43:52 +00:00
2024-04-19 18:37:27 +00:00

Nimbus-eth1 -- Ethereum execution layer database architecture

Last update: 2024-03-08

The following diagram gives a simplified view how components relate with regards to the data storage management.

An arrow between components a and b (as in a->b) is meant to be read as a relies directly on b, or a is served by b. For classifying the functional type of a component in the below diagram, the abstraction type is enclosed in brackets after the name of a component.

  • (application)
    This is a group of software modules at the top level of the hierarchy. In the diagram below, the EVM is used as an example. Another application might be the RPC service.

  • (API)
    The API classification is used for a thin software layer hiding a set of different drivers where only one driver is active for the same API instance. It servers as sort of a logical switch.

  • (concentrator)
    The concentrator merges several sub-module instances and provides their collected services as a single unified instance. There is not much additional logic implemented besides what the sub-modules provide.

  • (driver)
    The driver instances are sort of the lower layer workhorses. The implement logic for solving a particular problem, providing a typically well defined service, etc.

  • (engine)
    This is a bottom level driver in the below diagram.

                                          | EVM (application) |
                                               |          |
                                               v          |
                            +-------------------------+   |
                            | State DB (concentrator) |   |
                            +-------------------------+   |
                                |           |       |     |
                                v           |       |     |
       +----------------------------+       |       |     |
       |       Ledger (API)         |       |       |     |
       +----------------------------+       |       |     |
                    |      |                |       |     |
                    v      v                |       |     |
       +--------------+  +--------------+   |       |     |
       | legacy cache |  | ledger cache |   |       |     |
       |   (driver)   |  |   (driver)   |   |       |     |
       +--------------+  +--------------+   |       |     |
                    |      |                v       |     |
                    |      |   +----------------+   |     |
                    |      |   |   Common       |   |     |
                    |      |   | (concentrator) |   |     |
                    |      |   +----------------+   |     |
                    |      |         |              |     |
                    v      v         v              v     v
       |               Core DB (API)                                         |
                       |                  |
                       v                  v
       +--------------------------+   +--------------------------------------+
       | legacy DB (concentrator) |   |   Aristo DB (driver,concentrator)    |
       +--------------------------+   +--------------------------------------+
             |                 |                |          |
             v                 |                v          v
       +--------------------+  |     +--------------+  +---------------------+
       | Hexary DB (driver) |  |     | Kvt (driver) |  | Aristo MPT (driver) |
       +--------------------+  |     +--------------+  +---------------------+
             |                 |                |          |
             v                 v                |          |
       +--------------------------+             |          |
       | Key-value table (driver) |             |          |
       +--------------------------+             |          |
                    |                           |          |
                    v                           v          v
       |                Rocks DB (engine)                                    |

Here is a list of path references for the components with some explanation. The sources for the components are not always complete but indicate the main locations where to start looking at.

  • Aristo DB (driver)

    • Sources:

    • Synopsis:
      Combines both, the Kvt and the Aristo driver sub-modules providing an interface similar to the legacy DB (concentrator) module.

  • Aristo MPT (driver)

    • Sources:

    • Synopsis:
      Revamped implementation of a hexary Merkle Patricia Tree.

  • Common (concentrator)

    • Sources:

    • Synopsis:
      Collected information for running block chain execution layer applications.

  • Core DB (API)

    • Sources:

    • Synopsis:
      Database abstraction layer. Unless for legacy applications, there should be no need to reach out to the layers below.

  • EVM (application)

    • Sources:
      ./nimbus/core/executor/* ./nimbus/evm/*

    • Synopsis:
      An implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

  • Hexary DB (driver)

  • Key-value table (driver)

    • Sources:

    • Synopsis:
      Key value table interface to be used directly for key-value storage or by the Hexary DB (driver) module for storage. Some magic is applied in order to treat hexary data accordingly (based on key length.)

  • Kvt (driver)

  • Ledger (API)

  • ledger cache (driver)

    • Sources:

    • Synopsis:
      Management of accounts and storage data. This is a re-write of the legacy DB (driver) which is supposed to work with all Core DB (API) backends.

  • legacy cache (driver)

    • Sources:

    • Synopsis:
      Management of accounts and storage data. It works only for the legacy driver of the Core DB (API) backend.

  • legacy DB (concentrator)

  • Rocks DB (engine)

    • Sources:

    • Synopsis:
      Persistent storage engine.

  • State DB (concentrator)

    • Sources:

    • Synopsis:
      Integrated collection of modules and methods relevant for the EVM.