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synced 2025-03-03 05:10:47 +00:00
Avoids pointless rocksdb writes that cause write compaction / amplification, specially in the case where code is shared between multiple accounts
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882 lines
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[tables, hashes, sets],
"../../.."/[constants, utils/utils],
../../access_list as ac_access_list,
"../.."/[core_db, storage_types, transient_storage],
debugAccountsLedgerRef = false
codeLruSize = 16*1024
# An LRU cache of 16K items gives roughly 90% hit rate anecdotally on a
# small range of test blocks - this number could be studied in more detail
# Per EIP-170, a the code of a contract can be up to `MAX_CODE_SIZE` = 24kb,
# which would cause a worst case of 386MB memory usage though in reality
# code sizes are much smaller - it would make sense to study these numbers
# in greater detail.
slotsLruSize = 16 * 1024
AccountFlag = enum
NewlyCreated # EIP-6780: self destruct only in same transaction
AccountFlags = set[AccountFlag]
AccountRef = ref object
statement: CoreDbAccount
accPath: Hash256
flags: AccountFlags
code: CodeBytesRef
originalStorage: TableRef[UInt256, UInt256]
overlayStorage: Table[UInt256, UInt256]
WitnessData* = object
storageKeys*: HashSet[UInt256]
codeTouched*: bool
AccountsLedgerRef* = ref object
ledger: CoreDbAccRef # AccountLedger
kvt: CoreDbKvtRef
savePoint: LedgerSavePoint
witnessCache: Table[EthAddress, WitnessData]
isDirty: bool
ripemdSpecial: bool
cache: Table[EthAddress, AccountRef]
# Second-level cache for the ledger save point, which is cleared on every
# persist
code: KeyedQueue[Hash256, CodeBytesRef]
## The code cache provides two main benefits:
## * duplicate code is shared in memory beween accounts
## * the jump destination table does not have to be recomputed for every
## execution, for commonly called called contracts
## The former feature is specially important in the 2.3-2.7M block range
## when underpriced code opcodes are being run en masse - both advantages
## help performance broadly as well.
slots: KeyedQueue[UInt256, Hash256]
## Because the same slots often reappear, we want to avoid writing them
## over and over again to the database to avoid the WAL and compation
## write amplification that ensues
ReadOnlyStateDB* = distinct AccountsLedgerRef
TransactionState = enum
LedgerSavePoint* = ref object
parentSavepoint: LedgerSavePoint
cache: Table[EthAddress, AccountRef]
dirty: Table[EthAddress, AccountRef]
selfDestruct: HashSet[EthAddress]
logEntries: seq[Log]
accessList: ac_access_list.AccessList
transientStorage: TransientStorage
state: TransactionState
when debugAccountsLedgerRef:
depth: int
emptyEthAccount = newAccount()
resetFlags = {
when debugAccountsLedgerRef:
proc inspectSavePoint(name: string, x: LedgerSavePoint) =
debugEcho "*** ", name, ": ", x.depth, " ***"
var sp = x
while sp != nil:
for address, acc in sp.cache:
debugEcho address.toHex, " ", acc.flags
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
template logTxt(info: static[string]): static[string] =
"AccountsLedgerRef " & info
template toAccountKey(acc: AccountRef): Hash256 =
template toAccountKey(eAddr: EthAddress): Hash256 =
proc beginSavepoint*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): LedgerSavePoint {.gcsafe.}
proc resetCoreDbAccount(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, acc: AccountRef) =
const info = "resetCoreDbAccount(): "
raiseAssert info & $$error
acc.statement.nonce = emptyEthAccount.nonce
acc.statement.balance = emptyEthAccount.balance
acc.statement.codeHash = emptyEthAccount.codeHash
# The AccountsLedgerRef is modeled after TrieDatabase for it's transaction style
proc init*(x: typedesc[AccountsLedgerRef], db: CoreDbRef,
root: KeccakHash): AccountsLedgerRef =
new result
result.ledger = db.ctx.getAccounts()
result.kvt = db.ctx.getKvt()
result.witnessCache = Table[EthAddress, WitnessData]()
discard result.beginSavepoint
proc init*(x: typedesc[AccountsLedgerRef], db: CoreDbRef): AccountsLedgerRef =
init(x, db, EMPTY_ROOT_HASH)
# Renamed `rootHash()` => `state()`
proc state*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): KeccakHash =
const info = "state(): "
# make sure all savepoint already committed
# make sure all cache already committed
doAssert(ac.isDirty == false)
raiseAssert info & $$error
proc isTopLevelClean*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): bool =
## Getter, returns `true` if all pending data have been commited.
not ac.isDirty and ac.savePoint.parentSavepoint.isNil
proc beginSavepoint*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): LedgerSavePoint =
new result
result.cache = Table[EthAddress, AccountRef]()
result.state = Pending
result.parentSavepoint = ac.savePoint
ac.savePoint = result
when debugAccountsLedgerRef:
if not result.parentSavePoint.isNil:
result.depth = result.parentSavePoint.depth + 1
inspectSavePoint("snapshot", result)
proc rollback*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, sp: LedgerSavePoint) =
# Transactions should be handled in a strictly nested fashion.
# Any child transaction must be committed or rolled-back before
# its parent transactions:
doAssert ac.savePoint == sp and sp.state == Pending
ac.savePoint = sp.parentSavepoint
sp.state = RolledBack
when debugAccountsLedgerRef:
inspectSavePoint("rollback", ac.savePoint)
proc commit*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, sp: LedgerSavePoint) =
# Transactions should be handled in a strictly nested fashion.
# Any child transaction must be committed or rolled-back before
# its parent transactions:
doAssert ac.savePoint == sp and sp.state == Pending
# cannot commit most inner savepoint
doAssert not sp.parentSavepoint.isNil
ac.savePoint = sp.parentSavepoint
for k, v in sp.cache:
sp.parentSavepoint.cache[k] = v
for k, v in sp.dirty:
sp.parentSavepoint.dirty[k] = v
ac.savePoint.selfDestruct.incl sp.selfDestruct
ac.savePoint.logEntries.add sp.logEntries
sp.state = Committed
when debugAccountsLedgerRef:
inspectSavePoint("commit", ac.savePoint)
proc dispose*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, sp: LedgerSavePoint) =
if sp.state == Pending:
proc safeDispose*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, sp: LedgerSavePoint) =
if (not isNil(sp)) and (sp.state == Pending):
proc getAccount(
ac: AccountsLedgerRef;
address: EthAddress;
shouldCreate = true;
): AccountRef =
# search account from layers of cache
var sp = ac.savePoint
while sp != nil:
result = sp.cache.getOrDefault(address)
if not result.isNil:
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
if ac.cache.pop(address, result):
# Check second-level cache
ac.savePoint.cache[address] = result
# not found in cache, look into state trie
let rc = ac.ledger.fetch address.toAccountKey
if rc.isOk:
result = AccountRef(
statement: rc.value,
accPath: address.keccakHash,
flags: {Alive})
elif shouldCreate:
result = AccountRef(
statement: CoreDbAccount(
nonce: emptyEthAccount.nonce,
balance: emptyEthAccount.balance,
codeHash: emptyEthAccount.codeHash),
accPath: address.keccakHash,
flags: {Alive, IsNew})
return # ignore, don't cache
# cache the account
ac.savePoint.cache[address] = result
ac.savePoint.dirty[address] = result
proc clone(acc: AccountRef, cloneStorage: bool): AccountRef =
result = AccountRef(
statement: acc.statement,
accPath: acc.accPath,
flags: acc.flags,
code: acc.code)
if cloneStorage:
result.originalStorage = acc.originalStorage
# it's ok to clone a table this way
result.overlayStorage = acc.overlayStorage
proc isEmpty(acc: AccountRef): bool =
acc.statement.nonce == 0 and
acc.statement.balance.isZero and
acc.statement.codeHash == EMPTY_CODE_HASH
template exists(acc: AccountRef): bool =
Alive in acc.flags
proc originalStorageValue(
acc: AccountRef;
slot: UInt256;
ac: AccountsLedgerRef;
): UInt256 =
# share the same original storage between multiple
# versions of account
if acc.originalStorage.isNil:
acc.originalStorage = newTable[UInt256, UInt256]()
acc.originalStorage[].withValue(slot, val) do:
return val[]
# Not in the original values cache - go to the DB.
slotKey = ac.slots.lruFetch(slot).valueOr:
rc = ac.ledger.slotFetch(acc.toAccountKey, slotKey)
if rc.isOk:
result = rc.value
acc.originalStorage[slot] = result
proc storageValue(
acc: AccountRef;
slot: UInt256;
ac: AccountsLedgerRef;
): UInt256 =
acc.overlayStorage.withValue(slot, val) do:
return val[]
result = acc.originalStorageValue(slot, ac)
proc kill(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, acc: AccountRef) =
acc.flags.excl Alive
acc.originalStorage = nil
ac.resetCoreDbAccount acc
PersistMode = enum
proc persistMode(acc: AccountRef): PersistMode =
result = DoNothing
if Alive in acc.flags:
if IsNew in acc.flags or Dirty in acc.flags:
result = Update
if IsNew notin acc.flags:
result = Remove
proc persistCode(acc: AccountRef, ac: AccountsLedgerRef) =
if acc.code.len != 0 and not acc.code.persisted:
let rc = ac.kvt.put(
contractHashKey(acc.statement.codeHash).toOpenArray, acc.code.bytes())
if rc.isErr:
warn logTxt "persistCode()",
codeHash=acc.statement.codeHash, error=($$rc.error)
# If the ledger changes rolled back entirely from the database, the ledger
# code cache must also be cleared!
acc.code.persisted = true
proc persistStorage(acc: AccountRef, ac: AccountsLedgerRef) =
const info = "persistStorage(): "
if acc.overlayStorage.len == 0:
# TODO: remove the storage too if we figure out
# how to create 'virtual' storage room for each account
if acc.originalStorage.isNil:
acc.originalStorage = newTable[UInt256, UInt256]()
# Make sure that there is an account entry on the database. This is needed by
# `Aristo` for updating the account's storage area reference. As a side effect,
# this action also updates the latest statement data.
ac.ledger.merge(acc.toAccountKey, acc.statement).isOkOr:
raiseAssert info & $$error
# Save `overlayStorage[]` on database
for slot, value in acc.overlayStorage:
acc.originalStorage[].withValue(slot, v):
if v[] == value:
continue # Avoid writing A-B-A updates
var cached = true
let slotKey = ac.slots.lruFetch(slot).valueOr:
cached = false
ac.slots.lruAppend(slot, slot.toBytesBE.keccakHash, slotsLruSize)
if value > 0:
ac.ledger.slotMerge(acc.toAccountKey, slotKey, value).isOkOr:
raiseAssert info & $$error
# move the overlayStorage to originalStorage, related to EIP2200, EIP1283
acc.originalStorage[slot] = value
ac.ledger.slotDelete(acc.toAccountKey, slotKey).isOkOr:
if error.error != StoNotFound:
raiseAssert info & $$error
if not cached:
# Write only if it was not cached to avoid writing the same data over and
# over..
key = slotKey.data.slotHashToSlotKey
rc = ac.kvt.put(key.toOpenArray, blobify(slot).data)
if rc.isErr:
warn logTxt "persistStorage()", slot, error=($$rc.error)
proc makeDirty(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, cloneStorage = true): AccountRef =
ac.isDirty = true
result = ac.getAccount(address)
if address in ac.savePoint.cache:
# it's already in latest savepoint
result.flags.incl Dirty
ac.savePoint.dirty[address] = result
# put a copy into latest savepoint
result = result.clone(cloneStorage)
result.flags.incl Dirty
ac.savePoint.cache[address] = result
ac.savePoint.dirty[address] = result
proc getCodeHash*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): Hash256 =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyEthAccount.codeHash
else: acc.statement.codeHash
proc getBalance*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): UInt256 =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyEthAccount.balance
else: acc.statement.balance
proc getNonce*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): AccountNonce =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyEthAccount.nonce
else: acc.statement.nonce
proc getCode*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): CodeBytesRef =
# Always returns non-nil!
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
return CodeBytesRef()
if acc.code == nil:
acc.code =
if acc.statement.codeHash != EMPTY_CODE_HASH:
var rc = ac.kvt.get(contractHashKey(acc.statement.codeHash).toOpenArray)
if rc.isErr:
warn logTxt "getCode()", codeHash=acc.statement.codeHash, error=($$rc.error)
let newCode = CodeBytesRef.init(move(rc.value), persisted = true)
ac.code.lruAppend(acc.statement.codeHash, newCode, codeLruSize)
proc getCodeSize*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): int =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
return 0
if acc.code == nil:
if acc.statement.codeHash == EMPTY_CODE_HASH:
return 0
acc.code = ac.code.lruFetch(acc.statement.codeHash).valueOr:
# On a cache miss, we don't fetch the code - instead, we fetch just the
# length - should the code itself be needed, it will typically remain
# cached and easily accessible in the database layer - this is to prevent
# EXTCODESIZE calls from messing up the code cache and thus causing
# recomputation of the jump destination table
var rc = ac.kvt.len(contractHashKey(acc.statement.codeHash).toOpenArray)
return rc.valueOr:
warn logTxt "getCodeSize()", codeHash=acc.statement.codeHash, error=($$rc.error)
proc getCommittedStorage*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
acc.originalStorageValue(slot, ac)
proc getStorage*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
acc.storageValue(slot, ac)
proc contractCollision*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): bool =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
acc.statement.nonce != 0 or
acc.statement.codeHash != EMPTY_CODE_HASH or
not ac.ledger.slotStateEmptyOrVoid(acc.toAccountKey)
proc accountExists*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): bool =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
proc isEmptyAccount*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): bool =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
doAssert not acc.isNil
doAssert acc.exists()
proc isDeadAccount*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): bool =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
return true
if not acc.exists():
return true
proc setBalance*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, balance: UInt256) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {Alive}
if acc.statement.balance != balance:
ac.makeDirty(address).statement.balance = balance
proc addBalance*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, delta: UInt256) =
# EIP161: We must check emptiness for the objects such that the account
# clearing (0,0,0 objects) can take effect.
if delta.isZero:
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
if acc.isEmpty:
ac.makeDirty(address).flags.incl Touched
ac.setBalance(address, ac.getBalance(address) + delta)
proc subBalance*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, delta: UInt256) =
if delta.isZero:
# This zero delta early exit is important as shown in EIP-4788.
# If the account is created, it will change the state.
# But early exit will prevent the account creation.
# In this case, the SYSTEM_ADDRESS
ac.setBalance(address, ac.getBalance(address) - delta)
proc setNonce*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, nonce: AccountNonce) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {Alive}
if acc.statement.nonce != nonce:
ac.makeDirty(address).statement.nonce = nonce
proc incNonce*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress) =
ac.setNonce(address, ac.getNonce(address) + 1)
proc setCode*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, code: seq[byte]) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {Alive}
let codeHash = keccakHash(code)
if acc.statement.codeHash != codeHash:
var acc = ac.makeDirty(address)
acc.statement.codeHash = codeHash
# Try to reuse cache entry if it exists, but don't save the code - it's not
# a given that it will be executed within LRU range
acc.code = ac.code.lruFetch(codeHash).valueOr(CodeBytesRef.init(code))
acc.flags.incl CodeChanged
proc setStorage*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, slot, value: UInt256) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {Alive}
let oldValue = acc.storageValue(slot, ac)
if oldValue != value:
var acc = ac.makeDirty(address)
acc.overlayStorage[slot] = value
acc.flags.incl StorageChanged
proc clearStorage*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress) =
const info = "clearStorage(): "
# a.k.a createStateObject. If there is an existing account with
# the given address, it is overwritten.
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {Alive, NewlyCreated}
let empty = ac.ledger.slotStateEmpty(acc.toAccountKey).valueOr: return
if not empty:
# need to clear the storage from the database first
let acc = ac.makeDirty(address, cloneStorage = false)
raiseAssert info & $$error
# update caches
if acc.originalStorage.isNil.not:
# also clear originalStorage cache, otherwise
# both getStorage and getCommittedStorage will
# return wrong value
proc deleteAccount*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress) =
# make sure all savepoints already committed
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
ac.savePoint.dirty[address] = acc
ac.kill acc
proc selfDestruct*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress) =
ac.setBalance(address, 0.u256)
ac.savePoint.selfDestruct.incl address
proc selfDestruct6780*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
if NewlyCreated in acc.flags:
proc selfDestructLen*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): int =
proc addLogEntry*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, log: Log) =
ac.savePoint.logEntries.add log
proc logEntries*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): lent seq[Log] =
proc getAndClearLogEntries*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): seq[Log] =
swap(result, ac.savePoint.logEntries)
proc ripemdSpecial*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef) =
ac.ripemdSpecial = true
proc deleteEmptyAccount(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
if not acc.isEmpty:
if not acc.exists:
ac.savePoint.dirty[address] = acc
ac.kill acc
proc clearEmptyAccounts(ac: AccountsLedgerRef) =
# https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-161.md
for acc in ac.savePoint.dirty.values():
if Touched in acc.flags and
acc.isEmpty and acc.exists:
ac.kill acc
# https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/716
if ac.ripemdSpecial:
ac.ripemdSpecial = false
proc persist*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef,
clearEmptyAccount: bool = false,
clearCache = false) =
const info = "persist(): "
# make sure all savepoint already committed
if clearEmptyAccount:
for address in ac.savePoint.selfDestruct:
for (eAddr,acc) in ac.savePoint.dirty.pairs(): # This is a hotspot in block processing
case acc.persistMode()
of Update:
if CodeChanged in acc.flags:
if StorageChanged in acc.flags:
# This one is only necessary unless `persistStorage()` is run which needs
# to `merge()` the latest statement as well.
ac.ledger.merge(acc.toAccountKey, acc.statement).isOkOr:
raiseAssert info & $$error
of Remove:
if error.error != AccNotFound:
raiseAssert info & $$error
ac.savePoint.cache.del eAddr
of DoNothing:
# dead man tell no tales
# remove touched dead account from cache
if Alive notin acc.flags:
ac.savePoint.cache.del eAddr
acc.flags = acc.flags - resetFlags
if clearCache:
# This overwrites the cache from the previous persist, providing a crude LRU
# scheme with little overhead
# TODO https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/23759
swap(ac.cache, ac.savePoint.cache)
# EIP2929
ac.isDirty = false
iterator addresses*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): EthAddress =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
for address, _ in ac.savePoint.cache:
yield address
iterator accounts*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): Account =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
for _, acc in ac.savePoint.cache:
yield ac.ledger.recast(
acc.toAccountKey, acc.statement, updateOk=true).value
iterator pairs*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): (EthAddress, Account) =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
for address, acc in ac.savePoint.cache:
yield (address, ac.ledger.recast(
acc.toAccountKey, acc.statement, updateOk=true).value)
iterator storage*(
ac: AccountsLedgerRef;
eAddr: EthAddress;
): (UInt256, UInt256) =
# beware that if the account not persisted,
# the storage root will not be updated
for (slotHash, value) in ac.ledger.slotPairs eAddr.toAccountKey:
let rc = ac.kvt.get(slotHashToSlotKey(slotHash).toOpenArray)
if rc.isErr:
warn logTxt "storage()", slotHash, error=($$rc.error)
let r = deblobify(rc.value, UInt256)
if r.isErr:
warn logTxt "storage.deblobify", slotHash, msg=r.error
yield (r.value, value)
iterator cachedStorage*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): (UInt256, UInt256) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if not acc.isNil:
if not acc.originalStorage.isNil:
for k, v in acc.originalStorage:
yield (k, v)
proc getStorageRoot*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): Hash256 =
# beware that if the account not persisted,
# the storage root will not be updated
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: EMPTY_ROOT_HASH
else: ac.ledger.slotState(acc.toAccountKey).valueOr: EMPTY_ROOT_HASH
proc update(wd: var WitnessData, acc: AccountRef) =
# once the code is touched make sure it doesn't get reset back to false in another update
if not wd.codeTouched:
wd.codeTouched = CodeChanged in acc.flags or acc.code != nil
if not acc.originalStorage.isNil:
for k, v in acc.originalStorage:
if v.isZero: continue
wd.storageKeys.incl k
for k, v in acc.overlayStorage:
wd.storageKeys.incl k
proc witnessData(acc: AccountRef): WitnessData =
result.storageKeys = HashSet[UInt256]()
update(result, acc)
proc collectWitnessData*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef) =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
# usually witness data is collected before we call persist()
for address, acc in ac.savePoint.cache:
ac.witnessCache.withValue(address, val) do:
update(val[], acc)
ac.witnessCache[address] = witnessData(acc)
func multiKeys(slots: HashSet[UInt256]): MultiKeysRef =
if slots.len == 0: return
new result
for x in slots:
result.add x.toBytesBE
proc makeMultiKeys*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): MultiKeysRef =
# this proc is called after we done executing a block
new result
for k, v in ac.witnessCache:
result.add(k, v.codeTouched, multiKeys(v.storageKeys))
proc accessList*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress) =
proc accessList*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256) =
ac.savePoint.accessList.add(address, slot)
func inAccessList*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): bool =
var sp = ac.savePoint
while sp != nil:
result = sp.accessList.contains(address)
if result:
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
func inAccessList*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): bool =
var sp = ac.savePoint
while sp != nil:
result = sp.accessList.contains(address, slot)
if result:
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
func getTransientStorage*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef,
address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 =
var sp = ac.savePoint
while sp != nil:
let (ok, res) = sp.transientStorage.getStorage(address, slot)
if ok:
return res
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
proc setTransientStorage*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef,
address: EthAddress, slot, val: UInt256) =
ac.savePoint.transientStorage.setStorage(address, slot, val)
proc clearTransientStorage*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef) =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
func getAccessList*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef): common.AccessList =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
proc getEthAccount*(ac: AccountsLedgerRef, address: EthAddress): Account =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
return emptyEthAccount
## Convert to legacy object, will throw an assert if that fails
let rc = ac.ledger.recast(acc.toAccountKey, acc.statement)
if rc.isErr:
raiseAssert "getAccount(): cannot convert account: " & $$rc.error
proc state*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB): KeccakHash {.borrow.}
proc getCodeHash*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): Hash256 {.borrow.}
proc getStorageRoot*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): Hash256 {.borrow.}
proc getBalance*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): UInt256 {.borrow.}
proc getStorage*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 {.borrow.}
proc getNonce*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): AccountNonce {.borrow.}
proc getCode*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): CodeBytesRef {.borrow.}
proc getCodeSize*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): int {.borrow.}
proc contractCollision*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): bool {.borrow.}
proc accountExists*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): bool {.borrow.}
proc isDeadAccount*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): bool {.borrow.}
proc isEmptyAccount*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): bool {.borrow.}
proc getCommittedStorage*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 {.borrow.}
func inAccessList*(ac: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): bool {.borrow.}
func inAccessList*(ac: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): bool {.borrow.}
func getTransientStorage*(ac: ReadOnlyStateDB,
address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 {.borrow.}