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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
## EVM Opcode Handlers: Stack, Memory, Storage And Flow Operations
## ===============================================================
kludge {.intdefine.}: int = 0
breakCircularDependency {.used.} = kludge > 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Kludge BEGIN
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
when not breakCircularDependency:
import macros
ColdSloadCost = 42
WarmStorageReadCost = 43
blindGasCosts: array[Op,int]
# copied from stack.nim
macro genTupleType(len: static[int], elemType: untyped): untyped =
result = nnkTupleConstr.newNimNode()
for i in 0 ..< len: result.add(elemType)
# function stubs from stack.nim (to satisfy compiler logic)
proc push[T](x: Stack; n: T) = discard
proc popInt(x: var Stack): UInt256 = discard
proc popInt(x: var Stack, n: static[int]): auto =
var rc: genTupleType(n, UInt256)
return rc
# function stubs from v2computation.nim (to satisfy compiler logic)
proc getStorage(c: Computation, slot: Uint256): Uint256 = 0.u256
proc gasCosts(c: Computation): array[Op,int] = blindGasCosts
# function stubs from v2utils_numeric.nim
func cleanMemRef(x: UInt256): int = 0
# function stubs from v2memory.nim
proc len(mem: Memory): int = 0
proc extend(mem: var Memory; startPos: Natural; size: Natural) = discard
proc write(mem: var Memory, startPos: Natural, val: openarray[byte]) = discard
proc read(mem: var Memory, startPos: Natural, size: Natural): seq[byte] = @[]
# function stubs from code_stream.nim
proc len(c: CodeStream): int = len(c.bytes)
proc peek(c: var CodeStream): Op = Stop
proc isValidOpcode(c: CodeStream, position: int): bool = false
# function stubs from v2state.nim
proc readOnlyStateDB(x: BaseVMState): ReadOnlyStateDB = x.accountDb
template mutateStateDB(vmState: BaseVMState, body: untyped) =
var db {.inject.} = vmState.accountDb
# function stubs from gas_meter.nim
proc refundGas(gasMeter: var GasMeter; amount: int) = discard
proc consumeGas(gasMeter: var GasMeter; amount: int; reason: string) = discard
# stubs from v2gas_costs.nim
type GasParams = object
case kind*: Op
of Sstore:
s_currentValue: Uint256
s_originalValue: Uint256
proc c_handler(x: int; y: Uint256, z: GasParams): (int,int) = (0,0)
proc m_handler(x: int; curMemSize, memOffset, memLen: int64): int = 0
# function stubs from state_db.nim
proc getCommittedStorage[A,B](x: A; y: B; z: Uint256): Uint256 = 0.u256
# function stubs from accounts_cache.nim:
func inAccessList[A,B](ac: A; address: B; slot: UInt256): bool = false
proc accessList[A,B](ac: var A; address: B; slot: UInt256) = discard
proc setStorage[A,B](ac: var A; address: B, slot, value: UInt256) = discard
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Kludge END
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc sstoreNetGasMeteringImpl(c: Computation; slot, newValue: Uint256) =
stateDB = c.vmState.readOnlyStateDB
currentValue = c.getStorage(slot)
gasParam = GasParams(
kind: Op.Sstore,
s_currentValue: currentValue,
s_originalValue: stateDB.getCommittedStorage(c.msg.contractAddress, slot))
(gasCost, gasRefund) = c.gasCosts[Sstore].c_handler(newValue, gasParam)
gasCost, &"SSTORE EIP2200: {c.msg.contractAddress}[{slot}]" &
&" -> {newValue} ({currentValue})")
if gasRefund != 0:
db.setStorage(c.msg.contractAddress, slot, newValue)
proc jumpImpl(c: Computation; jumpTarget: UInt256) =
if jumpTarget >= c.code.len.u256:
raise newException(
InvalidJumpDestination, "Invalid Jump Destination")
let jt = jumpTarget.truncate(int)
c.code.pc = jt
let nextOpcode = c.code.peek
if nextOpcode != JUMPDEST:
raise newException(InvalidJumpDestination, "Invalid Jump Destination")
# TODO: next check seems redundant
if not c.code.isValidOpcode(jt):
raise newException(
InvalidInstruction, "Jump resulted in invalid instruction")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private, op handlers implementation
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
popOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x50, Remove item from stack.
discard k.cpt.stack.popInt
mloadOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x51, Load word from memory
let (memStartPos) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(1)
let memPos = memStartPos.cleanMemRef
k.cpt.gasCosts[MLoad].m_handler(k.cpt.memory.len, memPos, 32),
reason = "MLOAD: GasVeryLow + memory expansion")
k.cpt.memory.extend(memPos, 32)
k.cpt.stack.push:, 32)
mstoreOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x52, Save word to memory
let (memStartPos, value) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(2)
let memPos = memStartPos.cleanMemRef
k.cpt.gasCosts[MStore].m_handler(k.cpt.memory.len, memPos, 32),
reason = "MSTORE: GasVeryLow + memory expansion")
k.cpt.memory.extend(memPos, 32)
k.cpt.memory.write(memPos, value.toByteArrayBE)
mstore8Op: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x53, Save byte to memory
let (memStartPos, value) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(2)
let memPos = memStartPos.cleanMemRef
k.cpt.gasCosts[MStore].m_handler(k.cpt.memory.len, memPos, 1),
reason = "MSTORE8: GasVeryLow + memory expansion")
k.cpt.memory.extend(memPos, 1)
k.cpt.memory.write(memPos, [value.toByteArrayBE[31]])
# -------
sloadOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x54, Load word from storage.
let (slot) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(1)
sloadEIP2929Op: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x54, EIP2929: Load word from storage for Berlin and later
let (slot) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(1)
let gasCost = if not db.inAccessList(k.cpt.msg.contractAddress, slot):
db.accessList(k.cpt.msg.contractAddress, slot)
k.cpt.gasMeter.consumeGas(gasCost, reason = "sloadEIP2929")
# -------
sstoreOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x55, Save word to storage.
let (slot, newValue) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(2)
# sstoreImpl(k.cpt, slot, newValue)
# template sstoreImpl(c: Computation, slot, newValue: Uint256) =
currentValue = k.cpt.getStorage(slot)
gasParam = GasParams(
kind: Op.Sstore,
s_currentValue: currentValue)
(gasCost, gasRefund) =
k.cpt.gasCosts[Sstore].c_handler(newValue, gasParam)
gasCost, &"SSTORE: {k.cpt.msg.contractAddress}[{slot}] " &
&"-> {newValue} ({currentValue})")
if gasRefund > 0:
db.setStorage(k.cpt.msg.contractAddress, slot, newValue)
sstoreEIP1283Op: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x55, EIP1283: sstore for Constantinople and later
let (slot, newValue) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(2)
sstoreNetGasMeteringImpl(k.cpt, slot, newValue)
sstoreEIP2200Op: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x55, EIP2200: sstore for Istanbul and later
let (slot, newValue) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(2)
const SentryGasEIP2200 = 2300
if k.cpt.gasMeter.gasRemaining <= SentryGasEIP2200:
raise newException(
"Gas not enough to perform EIP2200 SSTORE")
sstoreNetGasMeteringImpl(k.cpt, slot, newValue)
sstoreEIP2929Op: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x55, EIP2929: sstore for Berlin and later
let (slot, newValue) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(2)
# Minimum gas required to be present for an SSTORE call, not consumed
const SentryGasEIP2200 = 2300
if k.cpt.gasMeter.gasRemaining <= SentryGasEIP2200:
raise newException(OutOfGas, "Gas not enough to perform EIP2200 SSTORE")
if not db.inAccessList(k.cpt.msg.contractAddress, slot):
db.accessList(k.cpt.msg.contractAddress, slot)
k.cpt.gasMeter.consumeGas(ColdSloadCost, reason = "sstoreEIP2929")
sstoreNetGasMeteringImpl(k.cpt, slot, newValue)
# -------
jumpOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x56, Alter the program counter
let (jumpTarget) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(1)
jumpImpl(k.cpt, jumpTarget)
jumpIOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x57, Conditionally alter the program counter.
let (jumpTarget, testedValue) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(2)
if testedValue != 0:
jumpImpl(k.cpt, jumpTarget)
pcOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x58, Get the value of the program counter prior to the increment
## corresponding to this instruction.
max(k.cpt.code.pc - 1, 0)
msizeOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x59, Get the size of active memory in bytes.
gasOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x5a, Get the amount of available gas, including the corresponding
## reduction for the cost of this instruction.
jumpDestOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x5b, Mark a valid destination for jumps. This operation has no effect
## on machine state during execution.
beginSubOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x5c, Marks the entry point to a subroutine
raise newException(
"Abort: Attempt to execute BeginSub opcode")
returnSubOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x5d, Returns control to the caller of a subroutine.
if k.cpt.returnStack.len == 0:
raise newException(
"Abort: invalid returnStack during ReturnSub")
k.cpt.code.pc = k.cpt.returnStack.pop()
jumpSubOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x5e, Transfers control to a subroutine.
let (jumpTarget) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(1)
if jumpTarget >= k.cpt.code.len.u256:
raise newException(
InvalidJumpDestination, "JumpSub destination exceeds code len")
let returnPC = k.cpt.code.pc
let jt = jumpTarget.truncate(int)
k.cpt.code.pc = jt
let nextOpcode = k.cpt.code.peek
if nextOpcode != BeginSub:
raise newException(
InvalidJumpDestination, "Invalid JumpSub destination")
if k.cpt.returnStack.len == 1023:
raise newException(
FullStack, "Out of returnStack")
k.cpt.returnStack.add returnPC
inc k.cpt.code.pc
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public, op exec table entries
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vm2OpExecMemory*: seq[Vm2OpExec] = @[
(opCode: Pop, ## x50, Remove item from stack
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "pop",
info: "Remove item from stack",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: popOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Mload, ## 0x51, Load word from memory
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "mload",
info: "Load word from memory",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: mloadOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Mstore, ## 0x52, Save word to memory
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "mstore",
info: "Save word to memory",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: mstoreOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Mstore8, ## 0x53, Save byte to memory
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "mstore8",
info: "Save byte to memory",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: mstore8Op,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Sload, ## 0x54, Load word from storage
forks: Vm2OpAllForks - Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "sload",
info: "Load word from storage",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: sloadOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Sload, ## 0x54, sload for Berlin and later
forks: Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "sloadEIP2929",
info: "EIP2929: sload for Berlin and later",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: sloadEIP2929Op,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Sstore, ## 0x55, Save word
forks: Vm2OpAllForks - Vm2OpConstantinopleAndLater,
name: "sstore",
info: "Save word to storage",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: sstoreOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Sstore, ## 0x55, sstore for Constantinople and later
forks: Vm2OpConstantinopleAndLater - Vm2OpPetersburgAndLater,
name: "sstoreEIP1283",
info: "EIP1283: sstore for Constantinople and later",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: sstoreEIP1283Op,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Sstore, ## 0x55, sstore for Petersburg and later
forks: Vm2OpPetersburgAndLater - Vm2OpIstanbulAndLater,
name: "sstore",
info: "sstore for Constantinople and later",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: sstoreOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Sstore, ## 0x55, sstore for Istanbul and later
forks: Vm2OpIstanbulAndLater - Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "sstoreEIP2200",
info: "EIP2200: sstore for Istanbul and later",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: sstoreEIP2200Op,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Sstore, ## 0x55, sstore for Berlin and later
forks: Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "sstoreEIP2929",
info: "EIP2929: sstore for Istanbul and later",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: sstoreEIP2929Op,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Jump, ## 0x56, Jump
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "jump",
info: "Alter the program counter",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: jumpOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: JumpI, ## 0x57, Conditional jump
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "jumpI",
info: "Conditionally alter the program counter",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: jumpIOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Pc, ## 0x58, Program counter prior to instruction
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "pc",
info: "Get the value of the program counter prior to the increment "&
"corresponding to this instruction",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: pcOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Msize, ## 0x59, Memory size
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "msize",
info: "Get the size of active memory in bytes",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: msizeOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Gas, ## 0x5a, Get available gas
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "gas",
info: "Get the amount of available gas, including the corresponding "&
"reduction for the cost of this instruction",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: gasOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: JumpDest, ## 0x5b, Mark jump target. This operation has no effect
## on machine state during execution
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "jumpDest",
info: "Mark a valid destination for jumps",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: jumpDestOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: BeginSub, ## 0x5c, Begin subroutine
forks: Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "beginSub",
info: " Marks the entry point to a subroutine",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: beginSubOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: ReturnSub, ## 0x5d, Return
forks: Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "returnSub",
info: "Returns control to the caller of a subroutine",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: returnSubOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: JumpSub, ## 0x5e, Call subroutine
forks: Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "jumpSub",
info: "Transfers control to a subroutine",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: jumpSubOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore))]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------