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synced 2025-03-03 13:20:48 +00:00
Now that branches are small, we can add a branch cache that fits more verticies in memory by only storing the branch portion (16 bytes) of the VertexRef (136 bytes). Where the original vertex cache hovers around a hit rate of ~60:ish, this branch cache reaches >90% hit rate instead around block 20M which gives a nice boost to processing. A downside of this approach is that a new VertexRef must be allocated for every cache hit instead of reusing an existing instance - this causes some GC overhead that needs to be addressed. Nice 15% improvement nonetheless, can't complain! ``` blocks: 19630784, baseline: 161h18m38s, contender: 136h23m23s Time (total): -24h55m14s, -15.45% ```
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206 lines
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Rocksdb constructor/destructor for Aristo DB
## ============================================
{.push raises: [].}
std/[exitprocs, sets, sequtils, strformat, os],
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private constructor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const lruOverhead = 20 # Approximate LRU cache overhead per entry based on minilru sizes
proc dumpCacheStats(keySize, vtxSize, branchSize: int) =
block vtx:
var misses, hits: uint64
echo "vtxLru(", vtxSize, ")"
echo " state vtype miss hit total hitrate"
for state in RdbStateType:
for vtype in VertexType:
(miss, hit) = (
hitRate = float64(hit * 100) / (float64(hit + miss))
misses += miss
hits += hit
echo &"{state:>8} {vtype:>8} {miss:>10} {hit:>10} {miss+hit:>10} {hitRate:>6.2f}%"
let hitRate = float64(hits * 100) / (float64(hits + misses))
echo &" all all {misses:>10} {hits:>10} {misses+hits:>10} {hitRate:>6.2f}%"
block key:
var misses, hits: uint64
echo "keyLru(", keySize, ") "
echo " state miss hit total hitrate"
for state in RdbStateType:
(miss, hit) =
(rdbKeyLruStats[state].get(false), rdbKeyLruStats[state].get(true))
hitRate = float64(hit * 100) / (float64(hit + miss))
misses += miss
hits += hit
echo &"{state:>8} {miss:>10} {hit:>10} {miss+hit:>10} {hitRate:>5.2f}%"
let hitRate = float64(hits * 100) / (float64(hits + misses))
echo &" all {misses:>10} {hits:>10} {misses+hits:>10} {hitRate:>5.2f}%"
block key:
var misses, hits: uint64
echo "branchLru(", branchSize, ") "
echo " state miss hit total hitrate"
for state in RdbStateType:
(miss, hit) =
(rdbBranchLruStats[state].get(false), rdbBranchLruStats[state].get(true))
hitRate = float64(hit * 100) / (float64(hit + miss))
misses += miss
hits += hit
echo &"{state:>8} {miss:>10} {hit:>10} {miss+hit:>10} {hitRate:>5.2f}%"
let hitRate = float64(hits * 100) / (float64(hits + misses))
echo &" all {misses:>10} {hits:>10} {misses+hits:>10} {hitRate:>5.2f}%"
proc initImpl(
rdb: var RdbInst,
basePath: string,
opts: DbOptions,
dbOpts: DbOptionsRef,
cfOpts: ColFamilyOptionsRef,
guestCFs: openArray[ColFamilyDescriptor] = [],
): Result[seq[ColFamilyReadWrite], (AristoError, string)] =
## Database backend constructor
const initFailed = "RocksDB/init() failed"
rdb.basePath = basePath
# bytes -> entries based on overhead estimates
rdb.rdKeySize =
opts.rdbKeyCacheSize div (sizeof(VertexID) + sizeof(HashKey) + lruOverhead)
rdb.rdVtxSize =
opts.rdbVtxCacheSize div
(sizeof(VertexID) + sizeof(default(VertexRef)[]) + lruOverhead)
rdb.rdBranchSize =
opts.rdbBranchCacheSize div (sizeof(typeof(rdb.rdBranchLru).V) + lruOverhead)
rdb.rdKeyLru = typeof(rdb.rdKeyLru).init(rdb.rdKeySize)
rdb.rdVtxLru = typeof(rdb.rdVtxLru).init(rdb.rdVtxSize)
rdb.rdBranchLru = typeof(rdb.rdBranchLru).init(rdb.rdBranchSize)
if opts.rdbPrintStats:
ks = rdb.rdKeySize
vs = rdb.rdVtxSize
bs = rdb.rdBranchSize
# TODO instead of dumping at exit, these stats could be logged or written
# to a file for better tracking over time - that said, this is mainly
# a debug utility at this point
proc() =
dumpCacheStats(ks, vs, bs)
let dataDir = rdb.dataDir
except OSError, IOError:
return err((RdbBeCantCreateDataDir, ""))
# Column familiy names to allocate when opening the database. This list
# might be extended below.
var useCFs = AristoCFs.mapIt($it).toHashSet
# The `guestCFs` list must not overwrite `AristoCFs` options
let guestCFs = guestCFs.filterIt(it.name notin useCFs)
# If the database exists already, check for missing column families and
# allocate them for opening. Otherwise rocksdb might reject the peristent
# database.
if (dataDir / "CURRENT").fileExists:
let hdCFs = dataDir.listColumnFamilies.valueOr:
raiseAssert initFailed & " cannot read existing CFs: " & error
# Update list of column families for opener.
useCFs = useCFs + hdCFs.toHashSet
# The `guestCFs` list might come with a different set of options. So it is
# temporarily removed from `useCFs` and will be re-added with appropriate
# options.
let guestCFq = @guestCFs
useCFs = useCFs - guestCFs.mapIt(it.name).toHashSet
# Finalise list of column families
let cfs = useCFs.toSeq.mapIt(it.initColFamilyDescriptor cfOpts) & guestCFq
# Open database for the extended family :)
let baseDb = openRocksDb(dataDir, dbOpts, columnFamilies = cfs).valueOr:
raiseAssert initFailed & " cannot create base descriptor: " & error
# Initialise column handlers (this stores implicitely `baseDb`)
rdb.admCol = baseDb.getColFamily($AdmCF).valueOr:
raiseAssert initFailed & " cannot initialise AdmCF descriptor: " & error
rdb.vtxCol = baseDb.getColFamily($VtxCF).valueOr:
raiseAssert initFailed & " cannot initialise VtxCF descriptor: " & error
ok(guestCFs.mapIt(baseDb.getColFamily(it.name).expect("loaded cf")))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public constructor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc init*(
rdb: var RdbInst,
basePath: string,
opts: DbOptions,
dbOpts: DbOptionsRef,
cfOpts: ColFamilyOptionsRef,
guestCFs: openArray[ColFamilyDescriptor],
): Result[seq[ColFamilyReadWrite], (AristoError, string)] =
## Temporarily define a guest CF list here.
rdb.initImpl(basePath, opts, dbOpts, cfOpts, guestCFs)
proc destroy*(rdb: var RdbInst, eradicate: bool) =
## Destructor
if eradicate:
# Remove the base folder if it is empty
block done:
for w in rdb.baseDir.walkDirRec:
# Ignore backup files
if 0 < w.len and w[^1] != '~':
break done
except CatchableError:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------