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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Aristo DB -- Handy Helpers
## ==========================
{.push raises: [].}
"."/[aristo_constants, aristo_desc, aristo_get, aristo_layers]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions, converters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc toNode*(
vtx: VertexRef; # Vertex to convert
root: VertexID; # Sub-tree root the `vtx` belongs to
db: AristoDbRef; # Database
stopEarly = true; # Full list of missing links if `false`
beKeyOk = true; # Allow fetching DB backend keys
): Result[NodeRef,seq[VertexID]] =
## Convert argument the vertex `vtx` to a node type. Missing Merkle hash
## keys are searched for on the argument database `db`.
## On error, at least the vertex ID of the first missing Merkle hash key is
## returned. If the argument `stopEarly` is set `false`, all missing Merkle
## hash keys are returned.
## In the argument `beKeyOk` is set `false`, keys for node links are accepted
## only from the cache layer. This does not affect a link key for a payload
## storage root.
proc getKey(db: AristoDbRef; rvid: RootedVertexID; beOk: bool): HashKey =
block body:
let key = db.layersGetKey(rvid).valueOr:
break body
if key[0].isValid:
return key[0]
if beOk:
let rc = db.getKeyBE rvid
if rc.isOk:
return rc.value[0]
case vtx.vType:
of Leaf:
let node = NodeRef(vtx: vtx.dup())
# Need to resolve storage root for account leaf
if vtx.lData.pType == AccountData:
let stoID = vtx.lData.stoID
if stoID.isValid:
let key = db.getKey (stoID.vid, stoID.vid)
if not key.isValid:
return err(@[stoID.vid])
node.key[0] = key
return ok node
of Branch:
let node = NodeRef(vtx: vtx.dup())
var missing: seq[VertexID]
for n in 0 .. 15:
let vid = vtx.bVid[n]
if vid.isValid:
let key = db.getKey((root, vid), beOk=beKeyOk)
if key.isValid:
node.key[n] = key
elif stopEarly:
return err(@[vid])
missing.add vid
if 0 < missing.len:
return err(missing)
return ok node
iterator subVids*(vtx: VertexRef): VertexID =
## Returns the list of all sub-vertex IDs for the argument `vtx`.
case vtx.vType:
of Leaf:
if vtx.lData.pType == AccountData:
let stoID = vtx.lData.stoID
if stoID.isValid:
yield stoID.vid
of Branch:
for vid in vtx.bVid:
if vid.isValid:
yield vid
iterator subVidKeys*(node: NodeRef): (VertexID,HashKey) =
## Simolar to `subVids()` but for nodes
case node.vtx.vType:
of Leaf:
if node.vtx.lData.pType == AccountData:
let stoID = node.vtx.lData.stoID
if stoID.isValid:
yield (stoID.vid, node.key[0])
of Branch:
for n in 0 .. 15:
let vid = node.vtx.bVid[n]
if vid.isValid:
yield (vid,node.key[n])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------