
127 lines
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func wdRoot(list: openArray[WithdrawalV1]): common.Hash256
{.gcsafe, raises:[].} =
calcWithdrawalsRoot(ethWithdrawals list)
func wdRoot(x: Opt[seq[WithdrawalV1]]): Opt[common.Hash256]
{.gcsafe, raises:[].} =
if x.isNone: Opt.none(common.Hash256)
else: Opt.some(wdRoot x.get)
func txRoot(list: openArray[Web3Tx]): common.Hash256
{.gcsafe, raises:[RlpError].} =
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
{.push gcsafe, raises:[].}
func executionPayload*(blk: EthBlock): ExecutionPayload =
parentHash : w3Hash blk.header.parentHash,
feeRecipient : w3Addr blk.header.coinbase,
stateRoot : w3Hash blk.header.stateRoot,
receiptsRoot : w3Hash blk.header.receiptsRoot,
logsBloom : w3Bloom blk.header.logsBloom,
prevRandao : w3PrevRandao blk.header.prevRandao,
blockNumber : w3Qty blk.header.number,
gasLimit : w3Qty blk.header.gasLimit,
gasUsed : w3Qty blk.header.gasUsed,
timestamp : w3Qty blk.header.timestamp,
extraData : w3ExtraData blk.header.extraData,
baseFeePerGas: blk.header.baseFeePerGas.get(0.u256),
blockHash : w3Hash blk.header,
transactions : w3Txs blk.txs,
withdrawals : w3Withdrawals blk.withdrawals,
blobGasUsed : w3Qty blk.header.blobGasUsed,
excessBlobGas: w3Qty blk.header.excessBlobGas
func executionPayloadV1V2*(blk: EthBlock): ExecutionPayloadV1OrV2 =
parentHash : w3Hash blk.header.parentHash,
feeRecipient : w3Addr blk.header.coinbase,
stateRoot : w3Hash blk.header.stateRoot,
receiptsRoot : w3Hash blk.header.receiptsRoot,
logsBloom : w3Bloom blk.header.logsBloom,
prevRandao : w3PrevRandao blk.header.prevRandao,
blockNumber : w3Qty blk.header.number,
gasLimit : w3Qty blk.header.gasLimit,
gasUsed : w3Qty blk.header.gasUsed,
timestamp : w3Qty blk.header.timestamp,
extraData : w3ExtraData blk.header.extraData,
baseFeePerGas: blk.header.baseFeePerGas.get(0.u256),
blockHash : w3Hash blk.header,
transactions : w3Txs blk.txs,
withdrawals : w3Withdrawals blk.withdrawals,
func blockHeader*(p: ExecutionPayload,
beaconRoot: Opt[common.Hash256]):
common.BlockHeader {.gcsafe, raises:[RlpError].} =
parentHash : ethHash p.parentHash,
ommersHash : EMPTY_UNCLE_HASH,
coinbase : ethAddr p.feeRecipient,
stateRoot : ethHash p.stateRoot,
txRoot : txRoot p.transactions,
receiptsRoot : ethHash p.receiptsRoot,
logsBloom : ethBloom p.logsBloom,
difficulty : 0.u256,
number : common.BlockNumber(p.blockNumber),
gasLimit : ethGasInt p.gasLimit,
gasUsed : ethGasInt p.gasUsed,
timestamp : ethTime p.timestamp,
extraData : ethBlob p.extraData,
mixHash : ethHash p.prevRandao,
nonce : default(BlockNonce),
baseFeePerGas : Opt.some(p.baseFeePerGas),
withdrawalsRoot: wdRoot p.withdrawals,
blobGasUsed : u64(p.blobGasUsed),
excessBlobGas : u64(p.excessBlobGas),
parentBeaconBlockRoot: beaconRoot
func blockBody*(p: ExecutionPayload):
common.BlockBody {.gcsafe, raises:[RlpError].} =
uncles : @[],
transactions: ethTxs p.transactions,
withdrawals : ethWithdrawals p.withdrawals,
func ethBlock*(p: ExecutionPayload,
beaconRoot: Opt[common.Hash256]):
common.EthBlock {.gcsafe, raises:[RlpError].} =
header : blockHeader(p, beaconRoot),
uncles : @[],
transactions: ethTxs p.transactions,
withdrawals: ethWithdrawals p.withdrawals,