import std/[times], eth/[common, rlp], eth/trie/db, #stew/results, stint, chronicles, ../db/[db_chain, storage_types], ".."/[utils, chain_config], ../p2p/chain {.push raises: [].} logScope: topics = "skeleton" type # Contiguous header chain segment that is backed by the database, # but may not be linked to the live chain. The skeleton downloader may produce # a new one of these every time it is restarted until the subchain grows large # enough to connect with a previous subchain. SkeletonSubchain* = object head*: UInt256 # Block number of the newest header in the subchain tail*: UInt256 # Block number of the oldest header in the subchain next*: Hash256 # Block hash of the next oldest header in the subchain # Database entry to allow suspending and resuming a chain # sync. As the skeleton header chain is downloaded backwards, restarts can and # will produce temporarily disjoint subchains. There is no way to restart a # suspended skeleton sync without prior knowledge of all prior suspension points. SkeletonProgress = seq[SkeletonSubchain] # The Skeleton chain class helps support beacon sync by accepting head blocks # while backfill syncing the rest of the chain. SkeletonRef* = ref object subchains: SkeletonProgress started : Time # Timestamp when the skeleton syncer was created logged : Time # Timestamp when progress was last logged to user pulled : int64 # Number of headers downloaded in this run filling : bool # Whether we are actively filling the canonical chain chainTTD : DifficultyInt chainDB : ChainDBRef chain : Chain # config skeletonFillCanonicalBackStep: int skeletonSubchainMergeMinimum: int syncTargetHeight: int ignoreTxs: bool SkeletonError* = object of CatchableError # SyncReorged is an internal helper error to signal that the head chain of # the current sync cycle was (partially) reorged, thus the skeleton syncer # should abort and restart with the new state. ErrSyncReorged* = object of SkeletonError # ReorgDenied is returned if an attempt is made to extend the beacon chain # with a new header, but it does not link up to the existing sync. ErrReorgDenied* = object of SkeletonError # SyncMerged is an internal helper error to signal that the current sync # cycle merged with a previously aborted subchain, thus the skeleton syncer # should abort and restart with the new state. ErrSyncMerged* = object of SkeletonError ErrHeaderNotFound* = object of SkeletonError const # How often to log sync status (in ms) STATUS_LOG_INTERVAL = initDuration(microseconds = 8000) proc new*(_: type SkeletonRef, chain: Chain): SkeletonRef = new(result) result.chain = chain result.chainDB = chain.db result.started = getTime() result.logged = getTime() result.pulled = 0'i64 result.filling = false result.chainTTD = chain.db.ttd() result.skeletonFillCanonicalBackStep = 100 result.skeletonSubchainMergeMinimum = 1000 #result.syncTargetHeight = ? result.ignoreTxs = false template get(sk: SkeletonRef, key: untyped): untyped = get(sk.chainDB.db, key.toOpenArray) template put(sk: SkeletonRef, key, val: untyped): untyped = put(sk.chainDB.db, key.toOpenArray, val) template del(sk: SkeletonRef, key: untyped): untyped = del(sk.chainDB.db, key.toOpenArray) template toFork(sk: SkeletonRef, number: untyped): untyped = toFork(sk.chainDB.config, number) template blockHeight(sk: SkeletonRef): untyped = sk.chainDB.currentBlock # Reads the SkeletonProgress from db proc readSyncProgress(sk: SkeletonRef) {.raises: [RlpError].} = let rawProgress = sk.get(skeletonProgressKey()) if rawProgress.len == 0: return sk.subchains = rlp.decode(rawProgress, SkeletonProgress) # Writes the SkeletonProgress to db proc writeSyncProgress(sk: SkeletonRef) = for x in sk.subchains: debug "Writing sync progress subchains", head=x.head, tail=x.tail, next=short( let encodedProgress = rlp.encode(sk.subchains) sk.put(skeletonProgressKey(), encodedProgress) proc open*(sk: SkeletonRef){.raises: [RlpError].} = sk.readSyncProgress() sk.started = getTime() # Gets a block from the skeleton or canonical db by number. proc getHeader*(sk: SkeletonRef, number: BlockNumber, output: var BlockHeader, onlySkeleton: bool = false): bool {.raises: [RlpError].} = let rawHeader = sk.get(skeletonBlockKey(number)) if rawHeader.len != 0: output = rlp.decode(rawHeader, BlockHeader) return true else: if onlySkeleton: return false # As a fallback, try to get the block from the canonical chain in case it is available there return sk.chainDB.getBlockHeader(number, output) # Gets a skeleton block from the db by hash proc getHeaderByHash*(sk: SkeletonRef, hash: Hash256, output: var BlockHeader): bool {.raises: [RlpError].} = let rawNumber = sk.get(skeletonBlockHashToNumberKey(hash)) if rawNumber.len == 0: return false return sk.getHeader(rlp.decode(rawNumber, BlockNumber), output) # Deletes a skeleton block from the db by number proc deleteBlock(sk: SkeletonRef, header: BlockHeader) = sk.del(skeletonBlockKey(header.blockNumber)) sk.del(skeletonBlockHashToNumberKey(header.blockHash)) sk.del(skeletonTransactionKey(header.blockNumber)) # Writes a skeeton block to the db by number proc putHeader*(sk: SkeletonRef, header: BlockHeader) = let encodedHeader = rlp.encode(header) sk.put(skeletonBlockKey(header.blockNumber), encodedHeader) sk.put( skeletonBlockHashToNumberKey(header.blockHash), rlp.encode(header.blockNumber) ) proc putBlock(sk: SkeletonRef, header: BlockHeader, txs: openArray[Transaction]) = let encodedHeader = rlp.encode(header) sk.put(skeletonBlockKey(header.blockNumber), encodedHeader) sk.put( skeletonBlockHashToNumberKey(header.blockHash), rlp.encode(header.blockNumber) ) sk.put(skeletonTransactionKey(header.blockNumber), rlp.encode(txs)) proc getTxs( sk: SkeletonRef, number: BlockNumber, output: var seq[Transaction]) {.raises: [CatchableError].} = let rawTxs = sk.get(skeletonTransactionKey(number)) if rawTxs.len > 0: output = rlp.decode(rawTxs, seq[Transaction]) else: raise newException(SkeletonError, "getTxs: no transactions from block number " & $number) # Bounds returns the current head and tail tracked by the skeleton syncer. proc bounds*(sk: SkeletonRef): SkeletonSubchain = sk.subchains[0] # Returns true if the skeleton chain is linked to canonical proc isLinked*(sk: SkeletonRef): bool {.raises: [CatchableError].} = if sk.subchains.len == 0: return false let sc = sk.bounds() # make check for genesis if tail is 1? let head = sk.blockHeight if sc.tail > head + 1.toBlockNumber: return false var nextHeader: BlockHeader let number = sc.tail - 1.toBlockNumber if sk.getHeader(number, nextHeader): return == nextHeader.blockHash else: raise newException(ErrHeaderNotFound, "isLinked: No header with number=" & $number) proc trySubChainsMerge(sk: SkeletonRef): bool {.raises: RlpError].} = var merged = false edited = false head: BlockHeader let subchainMergeMinimum = sk.skeletonSubchainMergeMinimum.u256 # If the subchain extended into the next subchain, we need to handle # the overlap. Since there could be many overlaps, do this in a loop. while sk.subchains.len > 1 and sk.subchains[1].head >= sk.subchains[0].tail: # Extract some stats from the second subchain let sc = sk.subchains[1] # Since we just overwrote part of the next subchain, we need to trim # its head independent of matching or mismatching content if sc.tail >= sk.subchains[0].tail: # Fully overwritten, get rid of the subchain as a whole debug "Previous subchain fully overwritten", head=sc.head, tail=sc.tail, next=short( sk.subchains.delete(1) edited = true continue else: # Partially overwritten, trim the head to the overwritten size debug "Previous subchain partially overwritten", head=sc.head, tail=sc.tail, next=short( sk.subchains[1].head = sk.subchains[0].tail - 1.toBlockNumber edited = true # If the old subchain is an extension of the new one, merge the two # and let the skeleton syncer restart (to clean internal state) if sk.getHeader(sk.subchains[1].head, head) and head.blockHash == sk.subchains[0].next: # only merge is we can integrate a big progress, as each merge leads # to disruption of the block fetcher to start a fresh if (sc.head - sc.tail) > subchainMergeMinimum: debug "Previous subchain merged head", head=sc.head, tail=sc.tail, next=short( sk.subchains[0].tail = sc.tail sk.subchains[0].next = sk.subchains.delete(1) # If subchains were merged, all further available headers # are invalid since we skipped ahead. merged = true else: debug "Subchain ignored for merge", head=sc.head, tail=sc.tail, next=short( sk.subchains.delete(1) edited = true if edited: sk.writeSyncProgress() return merged proc backStep(sk: SkeletonRef) {.raises: [RlpError].}= if sk.skeletonFillCanonicalBackStep <= 0: return let sc = sk.bounds() var hasTail: bool tailHeader: BlockHeader newTail = sc.tail while true: newTail = newTail + sk.skeletonFillCanonicalBackStep.u256 hasTail = sk.getHeader(newTail, tailHeader, true) if hasTail or newTail > sc.head: break if newTail > sc.head: newTail = sc.head hasTail = sk.getHeader(newTail, tailHeader, true) if hasTail and newTail > 0.toBlockNumber: trace "Backstepped skeleton", head=sc.head, tail=newTail sk.subchains[0].tail = newTail sk.subchains[0].next = tailHeader.parentHash sk.writeSyncProgress() else: # we need a new head, emptying the subchains sk.subchains = @[] sk.writeSyncProgress() warn "Couldn't backStep subchain 0, dropping subchains for new head signal" # processNewHead does the internal shuffling for a new head marker and either # accepts and integrates it into the skeleton or requests a reorg. Upon reorg, # the syncer will tear itself down and restart with a fresh head. It is simpler # to reconstruct the sync state than to mutate it. # # @returns true if the chain was reorged proc processNewHead( sk: SkeletonRef, head: BlockHeader, force = false): bool {.raises: [RlpError].} = # If the header cannot be inserted without interruption, return an error for # the outer loop to tear down the skeleton sync and restart it let number = head.blockNumber if sk.subchains.len == 0: warn "Skeleton reorged and cleaned, no current subchain", newHead=number return true let lastchain = sk.subchains[0] if lastchain.tail >= number: # If the chain is down to a single beacon header, and it is re-announced # once more, ignore it instead of tearing down sync for a noop. if lastchain.head == lastchain.tail: var header: BlockHeader let hasHeader = sk.getHeader(number, header) # TODO: what should we do when hasHeader == false? if hasHeader and header.blockHash == head.blockHash: return false # Not a noop / double head announce, abort with a reorg if force: warn "Beacon chain reorged", tail=lastchain.tail, head=lastchain.head, newHead=number return true if lastchain.head + 1.toBlockNumber < number: if force: warn "Beacon chain gapped", head=lastchain.head, newHead=number return true var parent: BlockHeader let hasParent = sk.getHeader(number - 1.toBlockNumber, parent) if hasParent and parent.blockHash != head.parentHash: if force: warn "Beacon chain forked", ancestor=parent.blockNumber, hash=short(parent.blockHash), want=short(head.parentHash) return true # Update the database with the new sync stats and insert the new # head header. We won't delete any trimmed skeleton headers since # those will be outside the index space of the many subchains and # the database space will be reclaimed eventually when processing # blocks above the current head. sk.putHeader(head) sk.subchains[0].head = number sk.writeSyncProgress() return false # Inserts skeleton blocks into canonical chain and runs execution. proc fillCanonicalChain*(sk: SkeletonRef) {.raises: [CatchableError].} = if sk.filling: return sk.filling = true var canonicalHead = sk.blockHeight let start = canonicalHead let sc = sk.bounds() debug "Starting canonical chain fill", canonicalHead=canonicalHead, subchainHead=sc.head var fillLogIndex = 0 while sk.filling and canonicalHead < sc.head: # Get next block let number = canonicalHead + 1.toBlockNumber var header: BlockHeader let hasHeader = sk.getHeader(number, header) if not hasHeader: # This shouldn't happen, but if it does because of some issues, we should back step # and fetch again debug "fillCanonicalChain block number not found, backStepping", number=number sk.backStep() break # Insert into chain var body: BlockBody if not sk.ignoreTxs: sk.getTxs(header.blockNumber, body.transactions) let res = sk.chain.persistBlocks([header], [body]) if res != ValidationResult.OK: let hardFork = sk.toFork(number) error "Failed to put block from skeleton chain to canonical", number=number, fork=hardFork, hash=short(header.blockHash) sk.backStep() break # Delete skeleton block to clean up as we go sk.deleteBlock(header) canonicalHead += 1.toBlockNumber inc fillLogIndex # num block inserted if fillLogIndex > 50: trace "Skeleton canonical chain fill status", canonicalHead=canonicalHead, chainHead=sk.blockHeight, subchainHead=sc.head fillLogIndex = 0 sk.filling = false trace "Successfully put blocks from skeleton chain to canonical target", start=start, stop=canonicalHead, skeletonHead=sc.head, syncTargetHeight=sk.syncTargetHeight # Announce and integrate a new head. # throws if the new head causes a reorg. proc setHead*( sk: SkeletonRef, head: BlockHeader, force = false) {.raises: [CatchableError].} = debug "New skeleton head announced", number=head.blockNumber, hash=short(head.blockHash), force=force let reorged = sk.processNewHead(head, force) # If linked, fill the canonical chain. if force and sk.isLinked(): sk.fillCanonicalChain() if reorged: if force: raise newException(ErrSyncReorged, "setHead: sync reorg") else: raise newException(ErrReorgDenied, "setHead: reorg denied") # Attempts to get the skeleton sync into a consistent state wrt any # past state on disk and the newly requested head to sync to. proc initSync*( sk: SkeletonRef, head: BlockHeader) {.raises: [CatchableError].} = let number = head.blockNumber if sk.subchains.len == 0: # Start a fresh sync with a single subchain represented by the currently sent # chain head. sk.subchains.add(SkeletonSubchain( head: number, tail: number, next: head.parentHash )) debug "Created initial skeleton subchain", head=number, tail=number else: # Print some continuation logs for x in sk.subchains: debug "Restarting skeleton subchain", head=x.head, tail=x.tail, next=short( # Create a new subchain for the head (unless the last can be extended), # trimming anything it would overwrite let headchain = SkeletonSubchain( head: number, tail: number, next: head.parentHash ) while sk.subchains.len > 0: # If the last chain is above the new head, delete altogether let lastchain = addr sk.subchains[0] if lastchain.tail >= headchain.tail: debug "Dropping skeleton subchain", head=lastchain.head, tail=lastchain.tail sk.subchains.delete(0) # remove `lastchain` continue # Otherwise truncate the last chain if needed and abort trimming if lastchain.head >= headchain.tail: debug "Trimming skeleton subchain", oldHead=lastchain.head, newHead=headchain.tail - 1.toBlockNumber, tail=lastchain.tail lastchain.head = headchain.tail - 1.toBlockNumber break # If the last subchain can be extended, we're lucky. Otherwise create # a new subchain sync task. var extended = false if sk.subchains.len > 0: let lastchain = addr sk.subchains[0] if lastchain.head == headchain.tail - 1.toBlockNumber: var header: BlockHeader let lasthead = sk.getHeader(lastchain.head, header) if lasthead and header.blockHash == head.parentHash: debug "Extended skeleton subchain with new", head=headchain.tail, tail=lastchain.tail lastchain.head = headchain.tail extended = true if not extended: debug "Created new skeleton subchain", head=number, tail=number sk.subchains.insert(headchain) sk.putHeader(head) sk.writeSyncProgress() # If the sync is finished, start filling the canonical chain. if sk.isLinked(): sk.fillCanonicalChain() # Writes skeleton blocks to the db by number # @returns number of blocks saved proc putBlocks*( sk: SkeletonRef, headers: openArray[BlockHeader]): int {.raises: [CatchableError].} = var merged = false if headers.len > 0: let first {.used.} = headers[0] let last {.used.} = headers[^1] let sc {.used.} = if sk.subchains.len > 0: sk.subchains[0] else: SkeletonSubchain() debug "Skeleton putBlocks start", count = headers.len, first = first.blockNumber, hash = short(first.blockHash), fork = sk.toFork(first.blockNumber), last = last.blockNumber, hash = short(last.blockHash), fork = sk.toFork(last.blockNumber), head = sc.head, tail = sc.tail, next = short( for header in headers: let number = header.blockNumber if number >= sk.subchains[0].tail: # These blocks should already be in skeleton, and might be coming in # from previous events especially if the previous subchains merge continue # Extend subchain or create new segment if necessary if sk.subchains[0].next == header.blockHash: sk.putHeader(header) sk.pulled += 1'i64 sk.subchains[0].tail -= 1.toBlockNumber sk.subchains[0].next = header.parentHash else: # Critical error, we expect new incoming blocks to extend the canonical # subchain which is the [0]'th let fork = sk.toFork(number) warn "Blocks don't extend canonical subchain", head=sk.subchains[0].head, tail=sk.subchains[0].tail, next=short(sk.subchains[0].next), number=number, hash=short(header.blockHash), fork=fork raise newException(SkeletonError, "Blocks don't extend canonical subchain") merged = sk.trySubChainsMerge() # If its merged, we need to break as the new tail could be quite ahead # so we need to clear out and run the reverse block fetcher again if merged: break sk.writeSyncProgress() # Print a progress report making the UX a bit nicer if getTime() - sk.logged > STATUS_LOG_INTERVAL: var left = sk.bounds().tail - 1.toBlockNumber - sk.blockHeight if sk.isLinked(): left = 0.toBlockNumber if left > 0.toBlockNumber: sk.logged = getTime() if sk.pulled == 0: info "Beacon sync starting", left=left else: let sinceStarted = getTime() - sk.started let eta = (sinceStarted div sk.pulled) * left.truncate(int64) info "Syncing beacon headers", downloaded=sk.pulled, left=left, eta=eta # If the sync is finished, start filling the canonical chain. if sk.isLinked(): sk.fillCanonicalChain() if merged: raise newException(ErrSyncMerged, "putBlocks: sync merged") return headers.len proc `subchains=`*(sk: SkeletonRef, subchains: openArray[SkeletonSubchain]) = sk.subchains = @subchains proc len*(sk: SkeletonRef): int = sk.subchains.len iterator items*(sk: SkeletonRef): SkeletonSubChain = for x in sk.subchains: yield x iterator pairs*(sk: SkeletonRef): tuple[key: int, val: SkeletonSubChain] = for i, x in sk.subchains: yield (i, x) proc ignoreTxs*(sk: SkeletonRef): bool = sk.ignoreTxs proc `ignoreTxs=`*(sk: SkeletonRef, val: bool) = sk.ignoreTxs = val