# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2019-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import evmc/evmc, ./evmc_helpers, eth/common, ../constants {.push raises: [].} type # we are not using EVMC original signature here # because we want to trick the compiler # and reduce unnecessary conversion/typecast # TODO: move this type definition to nim-evmc # after we have implemented ABI compatibility test # TODO: investigate the possibility to use Big Endian VMWord # directly if it's not involving stint computation # and we can reduce unecessary conversion further nimbus_tx_context* = object tx_gas_price* : evmc_uint256be # The transaction gas price. tx_origin* : Address # The transaction origin account. block_coinbase* : Address # The miner of the block. block_number* : int64 # The block number. block_timestamp* : int64 # The block timestamp. block_gas_limit* : int64 # The block gas limit. block_prev_randao*: evmc_uint256be # The block difficulty. chain_id* : evmc_uint256be # The blockchain's ChainID. block_base_fee* : evmc_uint256be # The block base fee. blob_hashes* : ptr evmc_bytes32 # The array of blob hashes (EIP-4844). blob_hashes_count*: csize_t # The number of blob hashes (EIP-4844). blob_base_fee* : evmc_uint256be # The blob base fee (EIP-7516). initcodes* : ptr evmc_tx_initcode # The array of transaction initcodes (TXCREATE). initcodes_count* : csize_t # The number of transaction initcodes (TXCREATE). nimbus_message* = object kind* : evmc_call_kind flags* : evmc_flags depth* : int32 gas* : int64 recipient* : Address sender* : Address input_data* : ptr byte input_size* : uint value* : evmc_uint256be create2_salt*: evmc_bytes32 code_address*: Address code* : ptr byte code_size* : csize_t nimbus_result* = object status_code* : evmc_status_code gas_left* : int64 gas_refund* : int64 output_data* : ptr byte output_size* : uint release* : proc(result: var nimbus_result) {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} create_address*: Address padding* : array[4, byte] nimbus_host_interface* = object account_exists*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address): bool {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} get_storage*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address, key: ptr evmc_uint256be): evmc_uint256be {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} set_storage*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address, key, value: ptr evmc_uint256be): evmc_storage_status {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} get_balance*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address): evmc_uint256be {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} get_code_size*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address): uint {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} get_code_hash*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address): evmc_bytes32 {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} copy_code*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address, code_offset: int, buffer_data: ptr byte, buffer_size: int): int {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} selfdestruct*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address, beneficiary: ptr evmc_address) {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} call*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, msg: ptr nimbus_message): nimbus_result {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} get_tx_context*: proc(context: evmc_host_context): nimbus_tx_context {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} get_block_hash*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, number: int64): evmc_bytes32 {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} emit_log*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address, data: ptr byte, data_size: uint, topics: ptr evmc_bytes32, topics_count: uint) {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} access_account*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address): evmc_access_status {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} access_storage*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address, key: ptr evmc_bytes32): evmc_access_status {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} get_transient_storage*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address, key: ptr evmc_uint256be): evmc_uint256be {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} set_transient_storage*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address, key, value: ptr evmc_uint256be) {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} get_delegate_address*: proc(context: evmc_host_context, address: ptr evmc_address): evmc_address {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [].} proc nim_host_get_interface*(): ptr nimbus_host_interface {.importc, cdecl.} proc nim_host_create_context*(vmstate: pointer, msg: ptr evmc_message): evmc_host_context {.importc, cdecl.} proc nim_host_destroy_context*(ctx: evmc_host_context) {.importc, cdecl.} proc nim_create_nimbus_vm*(): ptr evmc_vm {.importc, cdecl.} type HostContext* = object host*: ptr nimbus_host_interface context*: evmc_host_context proc init*(x: var HostContext, host: ptr nimbus_host_interface, context: evmc_host_context) = x.host = host x.context = context proc init*(x: typedesc[HostContext], host: ptr nimbus_host_interface, context: evmc_host_context): HostContext = result.init(host, context) proc getTxContext*(ctx: HostContext): nimbus_tx_context = ctx.host.get_tx_context(ctx.context) proc getBlockHash*(ctx: HostContext, number: BlockNumber): Hash32 = Hash32.fromEvmc ctx.host.get_block_hash(ctx.context, number.int64) proc accountExists*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address): bool = var address = toEvmc(address) ctx.host.account_exists(ctx.context, address.addr) proc getStorage*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address, key: UInt256): UInt256 = var address = toEvmc(address) key = toEvmc(key) UInt256.fromEvmc ctx.host.get_storage(ctx.context, address.addr, key.addr) proc setStorage*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address, key, value: UInt256): evmc_storage_status = var address = toEvmc(address) key = toEvmc(key) value = toEvmc(value) ctx.host.set_storage(ctx.context, address.addr, key.addr, value.addr) proc getBalance*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address): UInt256 = var address = toEvmc(address) UInt256.fromEvmc ctx.host.get_balance(ctx.context, address.addr) proc getCodeSize*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address): uint = var address = toEvmc(address) ctx.host.get_code_size(ctx.context, address.addr) proc getCodeHash*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address): Hash32 = var address = toEvmc(address) Hash32.fromEvmc ctx.host.get_code_hash(ctx.context, address.addr) proc copyCode*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address, codeOffset: int = 0): seq[byte] = let size = ctx.getCodeSize(address).int if size - codeOffset > 0: result = newSeq[byte](size - codeOffset) var address = toEvmc(address) let read = ctx.host.copy_code(ctx.context, address.addr, codeOffset, result[0].addr, result.len) doAssert(read == result.len) proc selfDestruct*(ctx: HostContext, address, beneficiary: Address) = var address = toEvmc(address) beneficiary = toEvmc(beneficiary) ctx.host.selfdestruct(ctx.context, address.addr, beneficiary.addr) proc emitLog*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address, data: openArray[byte], topics: ptr evmc_bytes32, topicsCount: int) = var address = toEvmc(address) ctx.host.emit_log(ctx.context, address.addr, if data.len > 0: data[0].unsafeAddr else: nil, data.len.uint, topics, topicsCount.uint) proc call*(ctx: HostContext, msg: nimbus_message): nimbus_result = ctx.host.call(ctx.context, msg.unsafeAddr) proc accessAccount*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address): evmc_access_status = var address = toEvmc(address) ctx.host.access_account(ctx.context, address.addr) proc accessStorage*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address, key: UInt256): evmc_access_status = var address = toEvmc(address) key = toEvmc(key) ctx.host.access_storage(ctx.context, address.addr, key.addr) proc getTransientStorage*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address, key: UInt256): UInt256 = var address = toEvmc(address) key = toEvmc(key) UInt256.fromEvmc ctx.host.get_transient_storage(ctx.context, address.addr, key.addr) proc setTransientStorage*(ctx: HostContext, address: Address, key, value: UInt256) = var address = toEvmc(address) key = toEvmc(key) value = toEvmc(value) ctx.host.set_transient_storage(ctx.context, address.addr, key.addr, value.addr) # The following two templates put here because the stupid style checker # complaints about block_number vs blockNumber and chain_id vs chainId # if they are written directly in computation.nim template getBlockNumber*(ctx: HostContext): uint64 = ctx.getTxContext().block_number.uint64 template getChainId*(ctx: HostContext): uint64 = UInt256.fromEvmc(ctx.getTxContext().chain_id).truncate(uint64)