# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import std/[options, sugar], stew/results, chronos, eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[protocol, node, enr], ../../content_db, ../wire/portal_protocol, ./state_content, ./state_distance const stateProtocolId* = [byte 0x50, 0x0A] type StateNetwork* = ref object portalProtocol*: PortalProtocol contentDB*: ContentDB proc getHandler(contentDB: ContentDB): ContentHandler = return (proc (contentKey: state_content.ByteList): ContentResult = let contentId = toContentId(contentKey) if contentId.isSome(): let maybeContent = contentDB.get(contentId.get()) if (maybeContent.isSome()): ContentResult(kind: ContentFound, content: maybeContent.unsafeGet()) else: ContentResult(kind: ContentMissing, contentId: contentId.get()) else: ContentResult(kind: ContentKeyValidationFailure, error: "")) proc getContent*(n: StateNetwork, key: ContentKey): Future[Option[seq[byte]]] {.async.} = let keyEncoded = encode(key) contentId = toContentId(key) let nodeId = n.portalProtocol.localNode.id let distance = n.portalProtocol.routingTable.distance(nodeId, contentId) let inRange = distance <= n.portalProtocol.dataRadius # When the content id is in our radius range, try to look it up in our db. if inRange: let contentFromDB = n.contentDB.get(contentId) if contentFromDB.isSome(): return contentFromDB let content = await n.portalProtocol.contentLookup(keyEncoded, contentId) if content.isSome() and inRange: n.contentDB.put(contentId, content.get().asSeq()) # TODO: for now returning bytes, ultimately it would be nice to return proper # domain types. return content.map(x => x.asSeq()) proc new*(T: type StateNetwork, baseProtocol: protocol.Protocol, contentDB: ContentDB , dataRadius = UInt256.high(), bootstrapRecords: openArray[Record] = []): T = let portalProtocol = PortalProtocol.new( baseProtocol, stateProtocolId, getHandler(contentDB), dataRadius, bootstrapRecords, stateDistanceCalculator) return StateNetwork(portalProtocol: portalProtocol, contentDB: contentDB) proc start*(n: StateNetwork) = n.portalProtocol.start() proc stop*(n: StateNetwork) = n.portalProtocol.stop()