# Nimbus fluffy # Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/strutils, stew/byteutils, metrics const versionMajor* = 0 versionMinor* = 1 versionBuild* = 0 gitRevision* = strip(staticExec("git rev-parse --short HEAD"))[0 .. 5] versionAsStr* = $versionMajor & "." & $versionMinor & "." & $versionBuild fullVersionStr* = "v" & versionAsStr & "-" & gitRevision clientName* = "fluffy" nimFullBanner = staticExec("nim --version") nimBanner* = staticExec("nim --version | grep Version") # The web3_clientVersion clientVersion* = clientName & "/" & fullVersionStr & "/" & hostOS & "-" & hostCPU & "/" & "Nim" & NimVersion compileYear = CompileDate[0 ..< 4] # YYYY-MM-DD (UTC) copyrightBanner* = "Copyright (c) 2021-" & compileYear & " Status Research & Development GmbH" # Short debugging identifier to be placed in the ENR enrClientInfoShort* = toBytes("f") func getNimGitHash*(): string = const gitPrefix = "git hash: " let tmp = splitLines(nimFullBanner) if tmp.len == 0: return for line in tmp: if line.startsWith(gitPrefix) and line.len > 8 + gitPrefix.len: result = line[gitPrefix.len ..< gitPrefix.len + 8] # TODO: Currently prefixing these metric names as the non prefixed names give # a collector already registered conflict at runtime. This is due to the same # names in nimbus-eth2 nimbus_binary_common.nim even though there are no direct # imports of that file. declareGauge versionGauge, "Fluffy version info (as metric labels)", ["version", "commit"], name = "fluffy_version" versionGauge.set(1, labelValues = [fullVersionStr, gitRevision]) declareGauge nimVersionGauge, "Nim version info", ["version", "nim_commit"], name = "fluffy_nim_version" nimVersionGauge.set(1, labelValues = [NimVersion, getNimGitHash()])