# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import std/[options, json, strutils], eth/[common, keys], eth/trie/trie_defs, stint, stew/byteutils, ../../nimbus/transaction, ../../nimbus/db/accounts_cache, ../../nimbus/common/chain_config template fromJson(T: type EthAddress, n: JsonNode): EthAddress = hexToByteArray(n.getStr, sizeof(T)) proc fromJson(T: type UInt256, n: JsonNode): UInt256 = # stTransactionTest/ValueOverflow.json # prevent parsing exception and subtitute it with max uint256 let hex = n.getStr if ':' in hex: high(UInt256) else: UInt256.fromHex(hex) template fromJson*(T: type Hash256, n: JsonNode): Hash256 = Hash256(data: hexToByteArray(n.getStr, 32)) proc fromJson(T: type Blob, n: JsonNode): Blob = let hex = n.getStr if hex.len == 0: @[] else: hexToSeqByte(hex) template fromJson(T: type GasInt, n: JsonNode): GasInt = fromHex[GasInt](n.getStr) template fromJson(T: type AccountNonce, n: JsonNode): AccountNonce = fromHex[AccountNonce](n.getStr) template fromJson(T: type EthTime, n: JsonNode): EthTime = fromUnix(fromHex[int64](n.getStr)) proc fromJson(T: type PrivateKey, n: JsonNode): PrivateKey = var secretKey = n.getStr removePrefix(secretKey, "0x") PrivateKey.fromHex(secretKey).tryGet() proc fromJson(T: type AccessList, n: JsonNode): AccessList = if n.kind == JNull: return for x in n: var ap = AccessPair( address: EthAddress.fromJson(x["address"]) ) let sks = x["storageKeys"] for sk in sks: ap.storageKeys.add hexToByteArray(sk.getStr, 32) result.add ap proc fromJson(T: type VersionedHashes, list: JsonNode): VersionedHashes = for x in list: result.add Hash256.fromJson(x) template required(T: type, nField: string): auto = fromJson(T, n[nField]) template required(T: type, nField: string, index: int): auto = fromJson(T, n[nField][index]) template omitZero(T: type, nField: string): auto = if n.hasKey(nField): fromJson(T, n[nField]) else: default(T) template omitZero(T: type, nField: string, index: int): auto = if n.hasKey(nField): fromJson(T, n[nField][index]) else: default(T) template optional(T: type, nField: string): auto = if n.hasKey(nField): some(T.fromJson(n[nField])) else: none(T) proc txType(n: JsonNode): TxType = if "blobVersionedHashes" in n: return TxEip4844 if "gasPrice" notin n: return TxEip1559 if "accessLists" in n: return TxEip2930 TxLegacy proc parseHeader*(n: JsonNode): BlockHeader = BlockHeader( coinbase : required(EthAddress, "currentCoinbase"), difficulty : required(DifficultyInt, "currentDifficulty"), blockNumber: required(BlockNumber, "currentNumber"), gasLimit : required(GasInt, "currentGasLimit"), timestamp : required(EthTime, "currentTimestamp"), stateRoot : emptyRlpHash, mixDigest : omitZero(Hash256, "currentRandom"), fee : optional(UInt256, "currentBaseFee"), withdrawalsRoot: optional(Hash256, "currentWithdrawalsRoot"), parentBeaconBlockRoot: optional(Hash256, "currentBeaconRoot"), ) proc parseParentHeader*(n: JsonNode): BlockHeader = BlockHeader( stateRoot: emptyRlpHash, excessBlobGas: optional(uint64, "parentExcessBlobGas"), blobGasUsed: optional(uint64, "parentBlobGasUsed"), ) proc parseTx*(n: JsonNode, dataIndex, gasIndex, valueIndex: int): Transaction = var tx = Transaction( txType : txType(n), nonce : required(AccountNonce, "nonce"), gasLimit: required(GasInt, "gasLimit", gasIndex), value : required(UInt256, "value", valueIndex), payload : required(Blob, "data", dataIndex), chainId : ChainId(1), gasPrice: omitZero(GasInt, "gasPrice"), maxFee : omitZero(GasInt, "maxFeePerGas"), accessList: omitZero(AccessList, "accessLists", dataIndex), maxPriorityFee: omitZero(GasInt, "maxPriorityFeePerGas"), maxFeePerBlobGas: omitZero(UInt256, "maxFeePerBlobGas"), versionedHashes: omitZero(VersionedHashes, "blobVersionedHashes") ) let rawTo = n["to"].getStr if rawTo != "": tx.to = some(hexToByteArray(rawTo, 20)) let secretKey = required(PrivateKey, "secretKey") signTransaction(tx, secretKey, tx.chainId, false) proc parseTx*(txData, index: JsonNode): Transaction = let dataIndex = index["data"].getInt gasIndex = index["gas"].getInt valIndex = index["value"].getInt parseTx(txData, dataIndex, gasIndex, valIndex) proc setupStateDB*(wantedState: JsonNode, stateDB: AccountsCache) = for ac, accountData in wantedState: let account = hexToByteArray[20](ac) for slot, value in accountData{"storage"}: stateDB.setStorage(account, fromHex(UInt256, slot), fromHex(UInt256, value.getStr)) stateDB.setNonce(account, fromJson(AccountNonce, accountData["nonce"])) stateDB.setCode(account, fromJson(Blob, accountData["code"])) stateDB.setBalance(account, fromJson(UInt256, accountData["balance"])) iterator postState*(node: JsonNode): (EthAddress, GenesisAccount) = for ac, accountData in node: let account = hexToByteArray[20](ac) var ga = GenesisAccount( nonce : fromJson(AccountNonce, accountData["nonce"]), code : fromJson(Blob, accountData["code"]), balance: fromJson(UInt256, accountData["balance"]), ) for slot, value in accountData{"storage"}: ga.storage[fromHex(UInt256, slot)] = fromHex(UInt256, value.getStr) yield (account, ga)