# Nimbus Fluffy # Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # Note: # Code taken from nimbus-eth2/beacon_chain/nimbus_binary_common with minor # adjustments. The write to file logic is removed as it never was an option # in Fluffy. {.push raises: [].} import std/[strutils, tables, terminal, typetraits], pkg/chronicles, pkg/chronicles/helpers, chronicles/topics_registry, pkg/stew/results export results type StdoutLogKind* {.pure.} = enum Auto = "auto" Colors = "colors" NoColors = "nocolors" Json = "json" None = "none" # silly chronicles, colors is a compile-time property proc stripAnsi(v: string): string = var res = newStringOfCap(v.len) i: int while i < v.len: let c = v[i] if c == '\x1b': var x = i + 1 found = false while x < v.len: # look for [..m let c2 = v[x] if x == i + 1: if c2 != '[': break else: if c2 in {'0' .. '9'} + {';'}: discard # keep looking elif c2 == 'm': i = x + 1 found = true break else: break inc x if found: # skip adding c continue res.add c inc i res proc updateLogLevel(logLevel: string) {.raises: [ValueError].} = # Updates log levels (without clearing old ones) let directives = logLevel.split(";") try: setLogLevel(parseEnum[LogLevel](directives[0].capitalizeAscii())) except ValueError: raise (ref ValueError)( msg: "Please specify one of TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARN, ERROR or FATAL" ) if directives.len > 1: for topicName, settings in parseTopicDirectives(directives[1 ..^ 1]): if not setTopicState(topicName, settings.state, settings.logLevel): warn "Unrecognized logging topic", topic = topicName proc detectTTY(stdoutKind: StdoutLogKind): StdoutLogKind = if stdoutKind == StdoutLogKind.Auto: if isatty(stdout): # On a TTY, let's be fancy StdoutLogKind.Colors else: # When there's no TTY, we output no colors because this matches what # released binaries were doing before auto-detection was around and # looks decent in systemd-captured journals. StdoutLogKind.NoColors else: stdoutKind proc setupLogging*(logLevel: string, stdoutKind: StdoutLogKind) = # In the cfg file for fluffy, we create two formats: textlines and json. # Here, we either write those logs to an output, or not, depending on the # given configuration. # Arguably, if we don't use a format, chronicles should not create it. when defaultChroniclesStream.outputs.type.arity != 2: warn "Logging configuration options not enabled in the current build" else: # Naive approach where chronicles will form a string and we will discard # it, even if it could have skipped the formatting phase proc noOutput(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = discard proc writeAndFlush(f: File, msg: LogOutputStr) = try: f.write(msg) f.flushFile() except IOError as err: logLoggingFailure(cstring(msg), err) proc stdoutFlush(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = writeAndFlush(stdout, msg) proc noColorsFlush(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = writeAndFlush(stdout, stripAnsi(msg)) defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[1].writer = noOutput let tmp = detectTTY(stdoutKind) case tmp of StdoutLogKind.Auto: raiseAssert "checked in detectTTY" of StdoutLogKind.Colors: defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = stdoutFlush of StdoutLogKind.NoColors: defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = noColorsFlush of StdoutLogKind.Json: defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = noOutput let prevWriter = defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[1].writer defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[1].writer = proc( logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr ) = stdoutFlush(logLevel, msg) prevWriter(logLevel, msg) of StdoutLogKind.None: defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = noOutput try: updateLogLevel(logLevel) except ValueError as err: try: stderr.write "Invalid value for --log-level. " & err.msg except IOError: echo "Invalid value for --log-level. " & err.msg quit 1