# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) # at your option. # This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to # those terms. {.push raises: [].} import stint, web3/conversions, json_rpc/rpcserver, ../common, ../db/ledger, ../core/chain/forked_chain, ../beacon/web3_eth_conv, ../transaction/call_evm, ../evm/evm_errors, ./rpc_types, ./filters, ./server_api_helpers type ServerAPIRef* = ref object com: CommonRef chain: ForkedChainRef const defaultTag = blockId("latest") func newServerAPI*(c: ForkedChainRef): ServerAPIRef = ServerAPIRef( com: c.com, chain: c, ) proc headerFromTag(api: ServerAPIRef, blockTag: BlockTag): Result[common.BlockHeader, string] = if blockTag.kind == bidAlias: let tag = blockTag.alias.toLowerAscii case tag of "latest": return ok(api.chain.latestHeader) else: return err("Unsupported block tag " & tag) else: let blockNum = common.BlockNumber blockTag.number return api.chain.headerByNumber(blockNum) proc headerFromTag(api: ServerAPIRef, blockTag: Opt[BlockTag]): Result[common.BlockHeader, string] = let blockId = blockTag.get(defaultTag) api.headerFromTag(blockId) proc ledgerFromTag(api: ServerAPIRef, blockTag: BlockTag): Result[LedgerRef, string] = let header = ?api.headerFromTag(blockTag) if api.chain.stateReady(header): ok(LedgerRef.init(api.com.db, header.stateRoot)) else: # TODO: Replay state? err("Block state not ready") proc blockFromTag(api: ServerAPIRef, blockTag: BlockTag): Result[EthBlock, string] = if blockTag.kind == bidAlias: let tag = blockTag.alias.toLowerAscii case tag of "latest": return ok(api.chain.latestBlock) else: return err("Unsupported block tag " & tag) else: let blockNum = common.BlockNumber blockTag.number return api.chain.blockByNumber(blockNum) proc setupServerAPI*(api: ServerAPIRef, server: RpcServer) = server.rpc("eth_getBalance") do(data: Web3Address, blockTag: BlockTag) -> UInt256: ## Returns the balance of the account of given address. let ledger = api.ledgerFromTag(blockTag).valueOr: raise newException(ValueError, error) address = ethAddr data result = ledger.getBalance(address) server.rpc("eth_getStorageAt") do(data: Web3Address, slot: UInt256, blockTag: BlockTag) -> Web3FixedBytes[32]: ## Returns the value from a storage position at a given address. let ledger = api.ledgerFromTag(blockTag).valueOr: raise newException(ValueError, error) address = ethAddr data value = ledger.getStorage(address, slot) result = w3FixedBytes value server.rpc("eth_getTransactionCount") do(data: Web3Address, blockTag: BlockTag) -> Web3Quantity: ## Returns the number of transactions ak.s. nonce sent from an address. let ledger = api.ledgerFromTag(blockTag).valueOr: raise newException(ValueError, error) address = ethAddr data nonce = ledger.getNonce(address) result = w3Qty nonce server.rpc("eth_blockNumber") do() -> Web3Quantity: ## Returns integer of the current block number the client is on. result = w3Qty(api.chain.latestNumber) server.rpc("eth_chainId") do() -> Web3Quantity: return w3Qty(distinctBase(api.com.chainId)) server.rpc("eth_getCode") do(data: Web3Address, blockTag: BlockTag) -> seq[byte]: ## Returns code at a given address. ## ## data: address ## blockTag: integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", see the default block parameter. ## Returns the code from the given address. let ledger = api.ledgerFromTag(blockTag).valueOr: raise newException(ValueError, error) address = ethAddr data result = ledger.getCode(address).bytes() server.rpc("eth_getBlockByHash") do(data: Web3Hash, fullTransactions: bool) -> BlockObject: ## Returns information about a block by hash. ## ## data: Hash of a block. ## fullTransactions: If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions. ## Returns BlockObject or nil when no block was found. let blockHash = data.ethHash let blk = api.chain.blockByHash(blockHash).valueOr: return nil return populateBlockObject(blockHash, blk, fullTransactions) server.rpc("eth_getBlockByNumber") do(blockTag: BlockTag, fullTransactions: bool) -> BlockObject: ## Returns information about a block by block number. ## ## blockTag: integer of a block number, or the string "earliest", "latest" or "pending", as in the default block parameter. ## fullTransactions: If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions. ## Returns BlockObject or nil when no block was found. let blk = api.blockFromTag(blockTag).valueOr: return nil let blockHash = blk.header.blockHash return populateBlockObject(blockHash, blk, fullTransactions) server.rpc("eth_syncing") do() -> SyncingStatus: ## Returns SyncObject or false when not syncing. if api.com.syncState != Waiting: let sync = SyncObject( startingBlock: w3Qty api.com.syncStart, currentBlock : w3Qty api.com.syncCurrent, highestBlock : w3Qty api.com.syncHighest ) return SyncingStatus(syncing: true, syncObject: sync) else: return SyncingStatus(syncing: false) proc getLogsForBlock( chain: ForkedChainRef, blk: EthBlock, opts: FilterOptions): seq[FilterLog] {.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} = if headerBloomFilter(blk.header, opts.address, opts.topics): let receipts = chain.db.getReceipts(blk.header.receiptsRoot) # Note: this will hit assertion error if number of block transactions # do not match block receipts. # Although this is fine as number of receipts should always match number # of transactions let logs = deriveLogs(blk.header, blk.transactions, receipts) let filteredLogs = filterLogs(logs, opts.address, opts.topics) return filteredLogs else: return @[] proc getLogsForRange( chain: ForkedChainRef, start: common.BlockNumber, finish: common.BlockNumber, opts: FilterOptions): seq[FilterLog] {.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} = var logs = newSeq[FilterLog]() blockNum = start while blockNum <= finish: let blk = chain.blockByNumber(blockNum).valueOr: return logs filtered = chain.getLogsForBlock(blk, opts) logs.add(filtered) blockNum = blockNum + 1 return logs server.rpc("eth_getLogs") do(filterOptions: FilterOptions) -> seq[FilterLog]: ## filterOptions: settings for this filter. ## Returns a list of all logs matching a given filter object. ## TODO: Current implementation is pretty naive and not efficient ## as it requires to fetch all transactions and all receipts from database. ## Other clients (Geth): ## - Store logs related data in receipts. ## - Have separate indexes for Logs in given block ## Both of those changes require improvements to the way how we keep our data ## in Nimbus. if filterOptions.blockHash.isSome(): let hash = ethHash filterOptions.blockHash.expect("blockHash") blk = api.chain.blockByHash(hash).valueOr: raise newException(ValueError, "Block not found") return getLogsForBlock(api.chain, blk, filterOptions) else: # TODO: do something smarter with tags. It would be the best if # tag would be an enum (Earliest, Latest, Pending, Number), and all operations # would operate on this enum instead of raw strings. This change would need # to be done on every endpoint to be consistent. let blockFrom = api.headerFromTag(filterOptions.fromBlock).valueOr: raise newException(ValueError, "Block not found") blockTo = api.headerFromTag(filterOptions.toBlock).valueOr: raise newException(ValueError, "Block not found") # Note: if fromHeader.number > toHeader.number, no logs will be # returned. This is consistent with, what other ethereum clients return return api.chain.getLogsForRange( blockFrom.number, blockTo.number, filterOptions ) server.rpc("eth_call") do(args: TransactionArgs, blockTag: BlockTag) -> seq[byte]: ## Executes a new message call immediately without creating a transaction on the block chain. ## ## call: the transaction call object. ## quantityTag: integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", see the default block parameter. ## Returns the return value of executed contract. let header = api.headerFromTag(blockTag).valueOr: raise newException(ValueError, "Block not found") res = rpcCallEvm(args, header, api.com).valueOr: raise newException(ValueError, "rpcCallEvm error: " & $error.code) result = res.output