# nimbus-eth1 # Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed # except according to those terms. import std/tables, eth/[common, trie/nibbles], stew/results, ../../range_desc, "."/[hexary_desc, hexary_error, hexary_paths] {.push raises: [Defect].} proc hexaryNearbyRight*(path: RPath; db: HexaryTreeDbRef; ): Result[RPath,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} proc hexaryNearbyRight*(path: XPath; getFn: HexaryGetFn; ): Result[XPath,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError]} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc toBranchNode( rlp: Rlp ): XNodeObj {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError]} = var rlp = rlp XNodeObj(kind: Branch, bLink: rlp.read(array[17,Blob])) proc toLeafNode( rlp: Rlp; pSegm: NibblesSeq ): XNodeObj {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError]} = XNodeObj(kind: Leaf, lPfx: pSegm, lData: rlp.listElem(1).toBytes) proc toExtensionNode( rlp: Rlp; pSegm: NibblesSeq ): XNodeObj {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError]} = XNodeObj(kind: Extension, ePfx: pSegm, eLink: rlp.listElem(1).toBytes) proc `<=`(a, b: NibblesSeq): bool = ## Compare nibbles, different lengths are padded to the right with zeros let abMin = min(a.len, b.len) for n in 0 ..< abMin: if a[n] < b[n]: return true if b[n] < a[n]: return false # otherwise a[n] == b[n] # Assuming zero for missing entries if b.len < a.len: for n in abMin + 1 ..< a.len: if 0 < a[n]: return false true proc `<`(a, b: NibblesSeq): bool = not (b <= a) template noKeyErrorOops(info: static[string]; code: untyped) = try: code except KeyError as e: raiseAssert "Impossible KeyError (" & info & "): " & e.msg template noRlpErrorOops(info: static[string]; code: untyped) = try: code except RlpError as e: raiseAssert "Impossible RlpError (" & info & "): " & e.msg # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private functions, wrappers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc hexaryNearbyRightImpl( baseTag: NodeTag; ## Some node rootKey: NodeKey; ## State root db: HexaryTreeDbRef|HexaryGetFn; ## Database abstraction ): Result[NodeTag,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError,RlpError]} = ## Wrapper let path = block: let rc = baseTag.hexaryPath(rootKey, db).hexaryNearbyRight(db) if rc.isErr: return err(rc.error) rc.value if 0 < path.path.len and path.path[^1].node.kind == Leaf: let nibbles = path.getNibbles if nibbles.len == 64: return ok(nibbles.getBytes.convertTo(NodeTag)) err(NearbyLeafExpected) proc hexaryNearbyLeftImpl( baseTag: NodeTag; ## Some node rootKey: NodeKey; ## State root db: HexaryTreeDbRef|HexaryGetFn; ## Database abstraction ): Result[NodeTag,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError,RlpError]} = ## Wrapper let path = block: let rc = baseTag.hexaryPath(rootKey, db).hexaryNearbyLeft(db) if rc.isErr: return err(rc.error) rc.value if 0 < path.path.len and path.path[^1].node.kind == Leaf: let nibbles = path.getNibbles if nibbles.len == 64: return ok(nibbles.getBytes.convertTo(NodeTag)) err(NearbyLeafExpected) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc completeLeast( path: RPath; key: RepairKey; db: HexaryTreeDbRef; pathLenMax = 64; ): Result[RPath,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError].} = ## Extend path using least nodes without recursion. var rPath = RPath(path: path.path) if not db.tab.hasKey(key): return err(NearbyDanglingLink) var key = key node = db.tab[key] while rPath.path.len < pathLenMax: case node.kind: of Leaf: rPath.path.add RPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: -1) return ok(rPath) # done of Extension: block useExtensionLink: let newKey = node.eLink if not newkey.isZero: if db.tab.hasKey(newKey): rPath.path.add RPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: -1) key = newKey node = db.tab[key] break useExtensionLink return err(NearbyExtensionError) # Oops, no way of Branch: block findBranchLink: for inx in 0 .. 15: let newKey = node.bLink[inx] if not newKey.isZero: if db.tab.hasKey(newKey): rPath.path.add RPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: inx.int8) key = newKey node = db.tab[key] break findBranchLink return err(NearbyBranchError) # Oops, no way err(NearbyNestingTooDeep) proc completeLeast( path: XPath; key: Blob; getFn: HexaryGetFn; pathLenMax = 64; ): Result[XPath,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError].} = ## Variant of `completeLeast()` for persistent database var xPath = XPath(path: path.path) if key.getFn().len == 0: return err(NearbyDanglingLink) var key = key nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes key.getFn() while xPath.path.len < pathLenMax: case nodeRlp.listLen: of 2: let (isLeaf,pathSegment) = hexPrefixDecode nodeRlp.listElem(0).toBytes if isLeaf: let node = nodeRlp.toLeafNode(pathSegment) xPath.path.add XPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: -1) return ok(xPath) # done # Extension block useExtensionLink: let node = nodeRlp.toExtensionNode(pathSegment) newKey = node.eLink if 0 < newKey.len: let newNode = newKey.getFn() if 0 < newNode.len: xPath.path.add XPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: -1) key = newKey nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes newNode break useExtensionLink return err(NearbyExtensionError) # Oops, no way of 17: block findBranchLink: let node = nodeRlp.toBranchNode() for inx in 0 .. 15: let newKey = node.bLink[inx] if 0 < newKey.len: let newNode = newKey.getFn() if 0 < newNode.len: xPath.path.add XPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: inx.int8) key = newKey nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes newNode break findBranchLink return err(NearbyBranchError) # Oops, no way else: return err(NearbyGarbledNode) # Oops, no way err(NearbyNestingTooDeep) proc completeMost( path: RPath; key: RepairKey; db: HexaryTreeDbRef; pathLenMax = 64; ): Result[RPath,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError].} = ## Extend path using max nodes without recursion. var rPath = RPath(path: path.path) if not db.tab.hasKey(key): return err(NearbyDanglingLink) var key = key node = db.tab[key] while rPath.path.len < pathLenMax: case node.kind: of Leaf: rPath.path.add RPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: -1) return ok(rPath) # done of Extension: block useExtensionLink: let newKey = node.eLink if not newkey.isZero: if db.tab.hasKey(newKey): rPath.path.add RPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: -1) key = newKey node = db.tab[newKey] break useExtensionLink return err(NearbyExtensionError) # Oops, no way of Branch: block findBranchLink: for inx in 15.countDown(0): let newKey = node.bLink[inx] if not newKey.isZero: if db.tab.hasKey(newKey): rPath.path.add RPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: inx.int8) key = newKey node = db.tab[key] break findBranchLink return err(NearbyBranchError) # Oops, no way err(NearbyNestingTooDeep) proc completeMost( path: XPath; key: Blob; getFn: HexaryGetFn; pathLenMax = 64; ): Result[XPath,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError].} = ## Variant of `completeLeast()` for persistent database var xPath = XPath(path: path.path) if key.getFn().len == 0: return err(NearbyDanglingLink) var key = key nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes key.getFn() while xPath.path.len < pathLenMax: case nodeRlp.listLen: of 2: let (isLeaf,pathSegment) = hexPrefixDecode nodeRlp.listElem(0).toBytes if isLeaf: let node = nodeRlp.toLeafNode(pathSegment) xPath.path.add XPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: -1) return ok(xPath) # done # Extension block useExtensionLink: let node = nodeRlp.toExtensionNode(pathSegment) newKey = node.eLink if 0 < newKey.len: let newNode = newKey.getFn() if 0 < newNode.len: xPath.path.add XPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: -1) key = newKey nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes newNode break useExtensionLink return err(NearbyExtensionError) # Oops, no way of 17: block findBranchLink: let node = nodeRlp.toBranchNode() for inx in 15.countDown(0): let newKey = node.bLink[inx] if 0 < newKey.len: let newNode = newKey.getFn() if 0 < newNode.len: xPath.path.add XPathStep(key: key, node: node, nibble: inx.int8) key = newKey nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes newNode break findBranchLink return err(NearbyBranchError) # Oops, no way else: return err(NearbyGarbledNode) # Oops, no way err(NearbyNestingTooDeep) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions, left boundary proofs (moving right) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc hexaryNearbyRight*( path: RPath; ## Partially expanded path db: HexaryTreeDbRef; ## Database ): Result[RPath,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} = ## Extends the maximally extended argument nodes `path` to the right (i.e. ## with non-decreasing path value). This is similar to the ## `hexary_path.next()` function, only that this algorithm does not ## backtrack if there are dangling links in between and rather returns ## a error. ## ## This code is intended be used for verifying a left-bound proof to verify ## that there is no leaf node. # Some easy cases if path.path.len == 0: return err(NearbyEmptyPath) # error if path.path[^1].node.kind == Leaf: return ok(path) var rPath = path while 0 < rPath.path.len: let top = rPath.path[^1] if top.node.kind != Branch or top.nibble < 0 or rPath.tail.len == 0: return err(NearbyUnexpectedNode) # error let topLink = top.node.bLink[top.nibble] if topLink.isZero or not db.tab.hasKey(topLink): return err(NearbyDanglingLink) # error let nextNibble = rPath.tail[0].int8 if nextNibble < 15: let nextNode = db.tab[topLink] rPathLen = rPath.path.len # in case of backtracking rPathTail = rPath.tail case nextNode.kind of Leaf: if rPath.tail <= nextNode.lPfx: return rPath.completeLeast(topLink, db) of Extension: if rPath.tail <= nextNode.ePfx: return rPath.completeLeast(topLink, db) of Branch: # Step down and complete with a branch link on the child node rPath.path = rPath.path & RPathStep( key: topLink, node: nextNode, nibble: nextNibble) # Find the next item to the right of the new top entry let step = rPath.path[^1] for inx in (step.nibble + 1) .. 15: let link = step.node.bLink[inx] if not link.isZero: rPath.path[^1].nibble = inx.int8 return rPath.completeLeast(link, db) # Restore `rPath` and backtrack rPath.path.setLen(rPathLen) rPath.tail = rPathTail # Pop `Branch` node on top and append nibble to `tail` rPath.tail = @[top.nibble.byte].initNibbleRange.slice(1) & rPath.tail rPath.path.setLen(rPath.path.len - 1) # Pathological case: nfffff.. for n < f var step = path.path[0] for inx in (step.nibble + 1) .. 15: let link = step.node.bLink[inx] if not link.isZero: step.nibble = inx.int8 rPath.path = @[step] return rPath.completeLeast(link, db) err(NearbyFailed) # error proc hexaryNearbyRight*( path: XPath; ## Partially expanded path getFn: HexaryGetFn; ## Database abstraction ): Result[XPath,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError]} = ## Variant of `hexaryNearbyRight()` for persistant database # Some easy cases if path.path.len == 0: return err(NearbyEmptyPath) # error if path.path[^1].node.kind == Leaf: return ok(path) var xPath = path while 0 < xPath.path.len: let top = xPath.path[^1] if top.node.kind != Branch or top.nibble < 0 or xPath.tail.len == 0: return err(NearbyUnexpectedNode) # error let topLink = top.node.bLink[top.nibble] if topLink.len == 0 or topLink.getFn().len == 0: return err(NearbyDanglingLink) # error let nextNibble = xPath.tail[0].int8 if nextNibble < 15: let nextNodeRlp = rlpFromBytes topLink.getFn() xPathLen = xPath.path.len # in case of backtracking xPathTail = xPath.tail case nextNodeRlp.listLen: of 2: if xPath.tail <= nextNodeRlp.listElem(0).toBytes.hexPrefixDecode[1]: return xPath.completeLeast(topLink, getFn) of 17: # Step down and complete with a branch link on the child node xPath.path = xPath.path & XPathStep( key: topLink, node: nextNodeRlp.toBranchNode, nibble: nextNibble) else: return err(NearbyGarbledNode) # error # Find the next item to the right of the new top entry let step = xPath.path[^1] for inx in (step.nibble + 1) .. 15: let link = step.node.bLink[inx] if 0 < link.len: xPath.path[^1].nibble = inx.int8 return xPath.completeLeast(link, getFn) # Restore `xPath` and backtrack xPath.path.setLen(xPathLen) xPath.tail = xPathTail # Pop `Branch` node on top and append nibble to `tail` xPath.tail = @[top.nibble.byte].initNibbleRange.slice(1) & xPath.tail xPath.path.setLen(xPath.path.len - 1) # Pathological case: nfffff.. for n < f var step = path.path[0] for inx in (step.nibble + 1) .. 15: let link = step.node.bLink[inx] if 0 < link.len: step.nibble = inx.int8 xPath.path = @[step] return xPath.completeLeast(link, getFn) err(NearbyFailed) # error proc hexaryNearbyRightMissing*( path: RPath; db: HexaryTreeDbRef; ): bool {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} = ## Returns `true` if the maximally extended argument nodes `path` is the ## rightmost on the hexary trie database. It verifies that there is no more ## leaf entry to the right of the argument `path`. ## ## This code is intended be used for verifying a left-bound proof. if 0 < path.path.len and 0 < path.tail.len: let top = path.path[^1] if top.node.kind == Branch and 0 <= top.nibble: let topLink = top.node.bLink[top.nibble] if not topLink.isZero and db.tab.hasKey(topLink): let nextNibble = path.tail[0] nextNode = db.tab[topLink] case nextNode.kind of Leaf: return nextNode.lPfx < path.tail of Extension: return nextNode.ePfx < path.tail of Branch: # Step down and verify that there is no branch link for inx in nextNibble .. 15: if not nextNode.bLink[inx].isZero: return false return true # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions, right boundary proofs (moving left) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc hexaryNearbyLeft*( path: RPath; ## Partially expanded path db: HexaryTreeDbRef; ## Database ): Result[RPath,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} = ## Similar to `hexaryNearbyRight()`. ## ## This code is intended be used for verifying a right-bound proof to verify ## that there is no leaf node. # Some easy cases if path.path.len == 0: return err(NearbyEmptyPath) # error if path.path[^1].node.kind == Leaf: return ok(path) var rPath = path while 0 < rPath.path.len: let top = rPath.path[^1] if top.node.kind != Branch or top.nibble < 0 or rPath.tail.len == 0: return err(NearbyUnexpectedNode) # error let topLink = top.node.bLink[top.nibble] if topLink.isZero or not db.tab.hasKey(topLink): return err(NearbyDanglingLink) # error let nextNibble = rPath.tail[0].int8 if 0 < nextNibble: let nextNode = db.tab[topLink] rPathLen = rPath.path.len # in case of backtracking rPathTail = rPath.tail case nextNode.kind of Leaf: if nextNode.lPfx <= rPath.tail: return rPath.completeMost(topLink, db) of Extension: if nextNode.ePfx <= rPath.tail: return rPath.completeMost(topLink, db) of Branch: # Step down and complete with a branch link on the child node rPath.path = rPath.path & RPathStep( key: topLink, node: nextNode, nibble: nextNibble) # Find the next item to the right of the new top entry let step = rPath.path[^1] for inx in (step.nibble - 1).countDown(0): let link = step.node.bLink[inx] if not link.isZero: rPath.path[^1].nibble = inx.int8 return rPath.completeMost(link, db) # Restore `rPath` and backtrack rPath.path.setLen(rPathLen) rPath.tail = rPathTail # Pop `Branch` node on top and append nibble to `tail` rPath.tail = @[top.nibble.byte].initNibbleRange.slice(1) & rPath.tail rPath.path.setLen(rPath.path.len - 1) # Pathological case: n0000.. for 0 < n var step = path.path[0] for inx in (step.nibble - 1).countDown(0): let link = step.node.bLink[inx] if not link.isZero: step.nibble = inx.int8 rPath.path = @[step] return rPath.completeMost(link, db) err(NearbyFailed) # error proc hexaryNearbyLeft*( path: XPath; ## Partially expanded path getFn: HexaryGetFn; ## Database abstraction ): Result[XPath,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError]} = ## Variant of `hexaryNearbyLeft()` for persistant database # Some easy cases if path.path.len == 0: return err(NearbyEmptyPath) # error if path.path[^1].node.kind == Leaf: return ok(path) var xPath = path while 0 < xPath.path.len: let top = xPath.path[^1] if top.node.kind != Branch or top.nibble < 0 or xPath.tail.len == 0: return err(NearbyUnexpectedNode) # error let topLink = top.node.bLink[top.nibble] if topLink.len == 0 or topLink.getFn().len == 0: return err(NearbyDanglingLink) # error let nextNibble = xPath.tail[0].int8 if 0 < nextNibble: let nextNodeRlp = rlpFromBytes topLink.getFn() xPathLen = xPath.path.len # in case of backtracking xPathTail = xPath.tail case nextNodeRlp.listLen: of 2: if nextNodeRlp.listElem(0).toBytes.hexPrefixDecode[1] <= xPath.tail: return xPath.completeMost(topLink, getFn) of 17: # Step down and complete with a branch link on the child node xPath.path = xPath.path & XPathStep( key: topLink, node: nextNodeRlp.toBranchNode, nibble: nextNibble) else: return err(NearbyGarbledNode) # error # Find the next item to the right of the new top entry let step = xPath.path[^1] for inx in (step.nibble - 1).countDown(0): let link = step.node.bLink[inx] if 0 < link.len: xPath.path[^1].nibble = inx.int8 return xPath.completeMost(link, getFn) # Restore `xPath` and backtrack xPath.path.setLen(xPathLen) xPath.tail = xPathTail # Pop `Branch` node on top and append nibble to `tail` xPath.tail = @[top.nibble.byte].initNibbleRange.slice(1) & xPath.tail xPath.path.setLen(xPath.path.len - 1) # Pathological case: n00000.. for 0 < n var step = path.path[0] for inx in (step.nibble - 1).countDown(0): let link = step.node.bLink[inx] if 0 < link.len: step.nibble = inx.int8 xPath.path = @[step] return xPath.completeMost(link, getFn) err(NearbyFailed) # error # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions, convenience wrappers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc hexaryNearbyRight*( baseTag: NodeTag; ## Some node rootKey: NodeKey; ## State root db: HexaryTreeDbRef; ## Database ): Result[NodeTag,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} = ## Variant of `hexaryNearbyRight()` working with `NodeTag` arguments rather ## than `RPath()` ones. noRlpErrorOops("hexaryNearbyRight"): return baseTag.hexaryNearbyRightImpl(rootKey, db) proc hexaryNearbyRight*( baseTag: NodeTag; ## Some node rootKey: NodeKey; ## State root getFn: HexaryGetFn; ## Database abstraction ): Result[NodeTag,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError]} = ## Variant of `hexaryNearbyRight()` for persistant database noKeyErrorOops("hexaryNearbyRight"): return baseTag.hexaryNearbyRightImpl(rootKey, getFn) proc hexaryNearbyLeft*( baseTag: NodeTag; ## Some node rootKey: NodeKey; ## State root db: HexaryTreeDbRef; ## Database ): Result[NodeTag,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} = ## Similar to `hexaryNearbyRight()` for `NodeKey` arguments. noRlpErrorOops("hexaryNearbyLeft"): return baseTag.hexaryNearbyLeftImpl(rootKey, db) proc hexaryNearbyLeft*( baseTag: NodeTag; ## Some node rootKey: NodeKey; ## State root getFn: HexaryGetFn; ## Database abstraction ): Result[NodeTag,HexaryError] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError]} = ## Variant of `hexaryNearbyLeft()` for persistant database noKeyErrorOops("hexaryNearbyLeft"): return baseTag.hexaryNearbyLeftImpl(rootKey, getFn) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------