# nimbus-eth1 # Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed # except according to those terms. ## Aristo DB -- Patricia Trie Merkleisation ## ======================================== ## ## For the current state of the `Patricia Trie`, keys (equivalent to hashes) ## are associated with the vertex IDs. Existing key associations are checked ## (i.e. recalculated and compared) unless the ID is locked. In the latter ## case, the key is assumed to be correct without checking. ## ## The folllowing properties are required from the top layer cache. ## ## * All recently (i.e. not saved to backend) added entries must have an ## `lTab[]` entry with `(root-vertex,path,leaf-vertex-ID)`. ## ## * All recently (i.e. not saved to backend) deleted entries must have an ## `lTab[]` entry with `(root-vertex,path,VertexID(0))`. ## ## * All vertices where the key (aka Merkle hash) has changed must have a ## top layer cache `kMap[]` entry `(vertex-ID,VOID_HASH_LABEL)` indicating ## that there is no key available for this vertex. This also applies for ## backend verices where the key has changed while the structural logic ## did not change. ## ## The association algorithm is an optimised version of: ## ## * For all leaf vertices which have all child links on the top layer cache ## where the node keys (aka hashes) can be compiled, proceed with the parent ## vertex. Note that a top layer cache vertex can only have a key on the top ## top layer cache (whereas a bachend b ## ## Apparently, keys (aka hashes) can be compiled for leaf vertices. The same ## holds for follow up vertices where the child keys were available, alteady. ## This process stops when a vertex has children on the backend or children ## lead to a chain not sorted, yet. ## ## * For the remaining vertex chains (where the process stopped) up to the root ## vertex, set up a width-first schedule starting at the vertex where the ## previous chain broke off and follow up to the root vertex. ## ## * Follow the width-first schedule fo labelling all vertices with a hash key. ## ## Note that there are some tweaks for `proof` nodes with incomplete tries and ## handling of possible stray vertices on the top layer cache left over from ## deletion processes. ## {.push raises: [].} import std/[sequtils, sets, tables], chronicles, eth/common, results, stew/byteutils, "."/[aristo_desc, aristo_get, aristo_hike, aristo_layers, aristo_serialise, aristo_utils] type FollowUpVid = object ## Link item: VertexID -> VertexID root: VertexID ## Root vertex, might be void unless known toVid: VertexID ## Valid next/follow up vertex BackVidTab = Table[VertexID,FollowUpVid] WidthFirstForest = object ## Collected width first search trees completed: HashSet[VertexID] ## Top level, root targets reached root: HashSet[VertexID] ## Top level, root targets not reached yet pool: BackVidTab ## Upper links pool base: BackVidTab ## Width-first leaf level links const SubTreeSearchDepthMax = 64 logScope: topics = "aristo-hashify" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template logTxt(info: static[string]): static[string] = "Hashify " & info func getOrVoid(tab: BackVidTab; vid: VertexID): FollowUpVid = tab.getOrDefault(vid, FollowUpVid()) func isValid(w: FollowUpVid): bool = w.toVid.isValid func contains(wff: WidthFirstForest; vid: VertexID): bool = vid in wff.base or vid in wff.pool or vid in wff.root or vid in wff.completed # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc cloudConnect( cloud: HashSet[VertexID]; # Vertex IDs to start connecting from db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer target: BackVidTab; # Vertices to arrive to ): tuple[paths: WidthFirstForest, unresolved: HashSet[VertexID]] = ## For each vertex ID from argument `cloud` find a chain of `FollowUpVid` ## type links reaching into argument `target`. The `paths` entry from the ## `result` tuple contains the connections to the `target` argument and the ## `unresolved` entries the IDs left over from `cloud`. if 0 < cloud.len: result.unresolved = cloud var hold = target while 0 < hold.len: # Greedily trace back `bottomUp[]` entries for finding parents of # unresolved vertices from `cloud` var redo: BackVidTab for (vid,val) in hold.pairs: let vtx = db.getVtx vid if vtx.isValid: result.paths.pool[vid] = val # Grab child links for sub in vtx.subVids: let w = FollowUpVid( root: val.root, toVid: vid) if sub notin cloud: redo[sub] = w else: result.paths.base[sub] = w # ok, use this result.unresolved.excl sub if result.unresolved.len == 0: return redo.swap hold proc setNextLink( wff: var WidthFirstForest; # Search tree to update redo: var BackVidTab; # Temporary `base` list val: FollowUpVid; # Current vertex value to follow up ) = ## Given the follow up argument `vid`, update the `redo[]` argument (an ## optional substitute for the `wff.base[]` list) so that the `redo[]` ## list contains the next `from->to` vertex pair from the `wff.pool[]` ## list. ## ## Unless the `redo` argument is passed as `wff.base`, this function ## supports the following construct: ## :: ## while 0 < wff.base.len: ## var redo: BackVidTab ## for (vid,val) in wff.base.pairs: ## ... ## wff.setNextLink(redo, val) ## wff.base.swap redo ## ## Otherwise, one would use the function as in ## :: ## wff.base.del vid ## wff.setNextLink(wff.pool, val) ## # Get current `from->to` vertex pair if val.isValid: # Find follow up `from->to` vertex pair in `pool` let nextVal = wff.pool.getOrVoid val.toVid if nextVal.isValid: # Make sure that strict hierachial order is kept. If the successor # is in the temporary `redo[]` base list, move it to the `pool[]`. if nextVal.toVid in redo: wff.pool[nextVal.toVid] = redo.getOrVoid nextVal.toVid redo.del nextVal.toVid elif val.toVid in redo.values.toSeq.mapIt(it.toVid): # The follow up vertex ID is already a follow up ID for some # `from->to` vertex pair in the temporary `redo[]` base list. return # Move next `from->to vertex` pair to `redo[]` wff.pool.del val.toVid redo[val.toVid] = nextVal proc updateSchedule( wff: var WidthFirstForest; # Search tree to update db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer hike: Hike; # Chain of vertices ) = ## Use vertices from the `hike` argument and link them leaf-to-root in a way ## so so that they can be traversed later in a width-first search. ## let root = hike.root var legInx = 0 # find index of first unresolved vertex unresolved: seq[VertexID] # vtx links, reason for unresolved vertex # Find the index `legInx` of the first vertex that could not be compiled as # node all from the top layer cache keys. block findlegInx: # Directly set leaf vertex key let leaf = hike.legs[^1].wp node = leaf.vtx.toNode(db, stopEarly=false, beKeyOk=false).valueOr: # Oops, depends on unresolved storage trie? legInx = hike.legs.len - 1 unresolved = error break findlegInx vid = leaf.vid if not db.layersGetKeyOrVoid(vid).isValid: db.layersPutLabel(vid, HashLabel(root: root, key: node.digestTo(HashKey))) # Clean up unnecessay leaf node from previous session wff.base.del vid wff.setNextLink(wff.pool, wff.base.getOrVoid vid) # If possible, compute a node from the current vertex with all links # resolved on the cache layer. If this is not possible, stop here and # return the list of vertex IDs that could not be resolved (see option # `stopEarly=false`.) for n in (hike.legs.len-2).countDown(0): let vtx = hike.legs[n].wp.vtx discard vtx.toNode(db, stopEarly=false, beKeyOk=false).valueOr: legInx = n unresolved = error break findlegInx # All done this `hike` if db.layersGetKeyOrVoid(root).isValid: wff.root.excl root wff.completed.incl root return # Unresolved root target to reach via width-first search if root notin wff.completed: wff.root.incl root # Current situation: # # ..unresolved hash keys.. | ..all set here.. # | # | # hike.legs: (leg[0], leg[1], ..leg[legInx], ..) # | | | | # | <---- | <----- | +-------+---- \ # | | | | # | wff.pool[] | +---- | vertices from the # : | `unresoved` set # | # +---- / # Add unresolved nodes for top level links for u in 1 .. legInx: let vid = hike.legs[u].wp.vid # Make sure that `base[]` and `pool[]` are disjunkt, possibly moving # `base[]` entries to the `pool[]`. wff.base.del vid wff.pool[vid] = FollowUpVid( root: root, toVid: hike.legs[u-1].wp.vid) # These ones have been resolved, already for u in legInx+1 ..< hike.legs.len: let vid = hike.legs[u].wp.vid wff.pool.del vid wff.base.del vid assert 0 < unresolved.len # debugging, only let vid = hike.legs[legInx].wp.vid for sub in unresolved: # Update request for unresolved sub-links by adding a new tail # entry (unless registered, already.) if sub notin wff: wff.base[sub] = FollowUpVid( root: root, toVid: vid) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc hashify*( db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer ): Result[HashSet[VertexID],(VertexID,AristoError)] = ## Add keys to the `Patricia Trie` so that it becomes a `Merkle Patricia ## Tree`. If successful, the function returns the keys (aka Merkle hash) of ## the root vertices. var deleted = false # Need extra check for orphaned vertices wff: WidthFirstForest # Leaf-to-root traversal structure if not db.dirty: return ok wff.completed for (lky,lfVid) in db.lTab.pairs: let rc = lky.hikeUp db hike = rc.to(Hike) if not lfVid.isValid: # Remember that there are left overs from a delete proedure which have # to be eventually found before starting width-first processing. deleted = true if hike.legs.len == 0: # Ignore left over path from deleted entry. if not lfVid.isValid: # FIXME: Is there a case for adding unresolved child-to-root links # to the `wff` schedule? continue if rc.isErr: return err((lfVid,rc.error[1])) return err((hike.root,HashifyEmptyHike)) # Compile width-first forest search schedule wff.updateSchedule(db, hike) if deleted: # Update unresolved keys left over after delete operations when overlay # vertices have been added and there was no `hike` path to capture them. # # Considering a list of updated paths to these vertices after deleting # a `Leaf` vertex is deemed too expensive and more error prone. So it # is the task to search for unresolved node keys and add glue paths to # the width-first schedule. var unresolved: HashSet[VertexID] for (vid,lbl) in db.layersWalkLabel: if not lbl.isValid and vid notin wff: let rc = db.layersGetVtx vid if rc.isErr or rc.value.isValid: unresolved.incl vid let glue = unresolved.cloudConnect(db, wff.base) if 0 < glue.unresolved.len: return err((glue.unresolved.toSeq[0],HashifyNodeUnresolved)) # Add glue items to `wff.base[]` and `wff.pool[]` tables for (vid,val) in glue.paths.base.pairs: # Add vid to `wff.base[]` list wff.base[vid] = val # Move tail of VertexID chain to `wff.pool[]` var toVid = val.toVid while true: let w = glue.paths.pool.getOrVoid toVid if not w.isValid: break wff.base.del toVid wff.pool[toVid] = w toVid = w.toVid # Traverse width-first schedule and update remaining hashes. while 0 < wff.base.len: var redo: BackVidTab for (vid,val) in wff.base.pairs: let vtx = db.getVtx vid if not vtx.isValid: # This might happen when proof nodes (see `snap` protocol) are on # an incomplete trie where this `vid` has a key but no vertex yet. # Also, the key (as part of the proof data) must be on the backend # by the way `leafToRootCrawler()` works. So it is enough to verify # the key there. discard db.getKeyBE(vid).valueOr: return err((vid,HashifyNodeUnresolved)) else: # Try to convert the vertex to a node. This is possible only if all # link references have Merkle hash keys, already. let node = vtx.toNode(db, stopEarly=false).valueOr: # Cannot complete this vertex unless its child node keys are compiled. # So do this vertex later, i.e. add the vertex to the `pool[]`. wff.pool[vid] = val # Add the child vertices to `redo[]` for the schedule `base[]` list. for w in error: if w notin wff.base: if db.layersGetVtx(w).isErr: # Ooops, should have been marked for update return err((w,HashifyNodeUnresolved)) redo[w] = FollowUpVid(root: val.root, toVid: vid) continue # terminates error clause # Could resolve => update Merkle hash let key = node.digestTo(HashKey) db.layersPutLabel(vid, HashLabel(root: val.root, key: key)) # Set follow up link for next round wff.setNextLink(redo, val) # Restart `wff.base[]` wff.base.swap redo # Update root nodes for vid in wff.root - db.pPrf: # Convert root vertex to a node. let node = db.getVtx(vid).toNode(db,stopEarly=false).valueOr: return err((vid,HashifyRootNodeUnresolved)) db.layersPutLabel(vid, HashLabel(root: vid, key: node.digestTo(HashKey))) wff.completed.incl vid db.top.final.dirty = false db.top.final.lTab.clear ok wff.completed # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------