import std/[options, os, strutils], confutils, ./types export options func combineForks(): string = for x in low(TestFork)..high(TestFork): result.add "- " & $x & "\n" const availableForks = combineForks() type HexOrInt* = distinct uint64 T8NConf* = object of RootObj traceEnabled* {. desc: "Output full trace logs to files trace--.jsonl" defaultValue: false name: "trace" }: bool traceMemory* {. desc: "Enable full memory dump in traces" defaultValue: false name: "trace.memory" }: bool traceNostack* {. desc: "Disable stack output in traces" defaultValue: false name: "trace.nostack" }: bool traceReturnData* {. desc: "Enable return data output in traces" defaultValue: false name: "trace.returndata" }: bool outputBaseDir* {. desc: "Specifies where output files are placed. Will be created if it does not exist" defaultValue: "" name: "output.basedir" }: string outputBody* {. desc: "If set, the RLP of the transactions (block body) will be written to this file" defaultValue: "" name: "output.body" }: string outputAlloc* {. desc: "Determines where to put the `alloc` of the post-state." longDesc: "`stdout` - into the stdout output\n" & "`stderr` - into the stderr output\n" & " - into the file \n" defaultValue: "alloc.json" name: "output.alloc" }: string outputResult* {. desc: "Determines where to put the `result` (stateroot, txroot etc) of the post-state." longDesc: "`stdout` - into the stdout output\n" & "`stderr` - into the stderr output\n" & " - into the file \n" defaultValue: "result.json" name: "output.result" }: string inputAlloc* {. desc: "`stdin` or file name of where to find the prestate alloc to use." defaultValue: "alloc.json" name: "input.alloc" }: string inputEnv* {. desc: "`stdin` or file name of where to find the prestate env to use." defaultValue: "env.json" name: "input.env" }: string inputTxs* {. desc: "`stdin` or file name of where to find the transactions to apply. " & "If the file extension is '.rlp', then the data is interpreted as an RLP list of signed transactions. " & "The '.rlp' format is identical to the output.body format." defaultValue: "txs.json" name: "input.txs" }: string stateReward* {. desc: "Mining reward. Set to 0 to disable" defaultValue: 0 name: "state.reward" }: HexOrInt stateChainId* {. desc: "ChainID to use" defaultValue: 1 name: "state.chainid" }: HexOrInt stateFork* {. desc: "Name of ruleset to use." longDesc: $availableForks defaultValue: "GrayGlacier" name: "state.fork" }: string verbosity* {. desc: "sets the verbosity level" longDesc: "0 = silent, 1 = error, 2 = warn, 3 = info, 4 = debug, 5 = detail" defaultValue: 3 name: "verbosity" }: int proc parseCmdArg*(T: type HexOrInt, p: TaintedString): T = if startsWith(p.string, "0x"): parseHexInt(p.string).T else: parseInt(p.string).T proc completeCmdArg*(T: type HexOrInt, val: TaintedString): seq[string] = return @[] proc notCmd(x: string): bool = if x.len == 0: return true x[0] != '-' proc convertToNimStyle(cmds: openArray[string]): seq[string] = # convert something like '--key value' to '--key=value' var i = 0 while i < cmds.len: if notCmd(cmds[i]) or i == cmds.len-1: result.add cmds[i] inc i continue if i < cmds.len and notCmd(cmds[i+1]): result.add cmds[i] & "=" & cmds[i+1] inc i else: result.add cmds[i] inc i const Copyright = "Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH" Version = "Nimbus-t8n 0.1.0" proc init*(_: type T8NConf, cmdLine = commandLineParams()): T8NConf = {.push warning[ProveInit]: off.} result = T8NConf.load( cmdLine.convertToNimStyle, version = Version, copyrightBanner = Copyright ) {.pop.}