# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[macros, strformat], pkg/[chronicles, chronos, stew/byteutils], ".."/[constants, db/ledger], "."/[code_stream, computation, evm_errors], "."/[message, precompiles, state, types], ./interpreter/op_dispatcher logScope: topics = "vm opcode" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc runVM( c: VmCpt, fork: static EVMFork, tracingEnabled: static bool, ): EvmResultVoid = ## VM instruction handler main loop - for each fork, a distinc version of ## this function is instantiated so that selection of fork-specific ## versions of functions happens only once when tracingEnabled: c.prepareTracer() while true: {.computedGoto.} c.instr = c.code.next() dispatchInstr(fork, tracingEnabled, c.instr, c) ok() macro selectVM(v: VmCpt, fork: EVMFork, tracingEnabled: bool): EvmResultVoid = # Generate opcode dispatcher that calls selectVM with a literal for each fork: # # case fork # of A: runVM(v, A, ...) # ... let caseStmt = nnkCaseStmt.newTree(fork) for fork in EVMFork: let forkVal = quote: `fork` call = quote: case `tracingEnabled` of false: runVM(`v`, `fork`, false) of true: runVM(`v`, `fork`, true) caseStmt.add nnkOfBranch.newTree(forkVal, call) caseStmt proc beforeExecCall(c: Computation) = c.snapshot() if c.msg.kind == EVMC_CALL: c.vmState.mutateLedger: db.subBalance(c.msg.sender, c.msg.value) db.addBalance(c.msg.contractAddress, c.msg.value) proc afterExecCall(c: Computation) = ## Collect all of the accounts that *may* need to be deleted based on EIP161 ## https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-161.md ## also see: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/716 if c.isError or c.fork >= FkByzantium: if c.msg.contractAddress == RIPEMD_ADDR: # Special case to account for geth+parity bug c.vmState.ledger.ripemdSpecial() if c.isSuccess: c.commit() else: c.rollback() proc beforeExecCreate(c: Computation): bool = c.vmState.mutateLedger: let nonce = db.getNonce(c.msg.sender) if nonce + 1 < nonce: let sender = c.msg.sender.toHex c.setError( "Nonce overflow when sender=" & sender & " wants to create contract", false ) return true db.setNonce(c.msg.sender, nonce + 1) # We add this to the access list _before_ taking a snapshot. # Even if the creation fails, the access-list change should not be rolled # back EIP2929 if c.fork >= FkBerlin: db.accessList(c.msg.contractAddress) c.snapshot() if c.vmState.readOnlyLedger().contractCollision(c.msg.contractAddress): let blurb = c.msg.contractAddress.toHex c.setError("Address collision when creating contract address=" & blurb, true) c.rollback() return true c.vmState.mutateLedger: db.subBalance(c.msg.sender, c.msg.value) db.addBalance(c.msg.contractAddress, c.msg.value) db.clearStorage(c.msg.contractAddress) if c.fork >= FkSpurious: # EIP161 nonce incrementation db.incNonce(c.msg.contractAddress) return false proc afterExecCreate(c: Computation) = if c.isSuccess: # This can change `c.isSuccess`. c.writeContract() # Contract code should never be returned to the caller. Only data from # `REVERT` is returned after a create. Clearing in this branch covers the # right cases, particularly important with EVMC where it must be cleared. if c.output.len > 0: c.output = @[] if c.isSuccess: c.commit() else: c.rollback() const MsgKindToOp: array[CallKind, Op] = [Call, DelegateCall, CallCode, Create, Create2, EofCreate] func msgToOp(msg: Message): Op = if EVMC_STATIC in msg.flags: return StaticCall MsgKindToOp[msg.kind] proc beforeExec(c: Computation): bool = if c.msg.depth > 0: c.vmState.captureEnter( c, msgToOp(c.msg), c.msg.sender, c.msg.contractAddress, c.msg.data, c.msg.gas, c.msg.value, ) if not c.msg.isCreate: c.beforeExecCall() false else: c.beforeExecCreate() proc afterExec(c: Computation) = if not c.msg.isCreate: c.afterExecCall() else: c.afterExecCreate() if c.msg.depth > 0: let gasUsed = c.msg.gas - c.gasMeter.gasRemaining c.vmState.captureExit(c, c.output, gasUsed, c.errorOpt) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template handleEvmError(x: EvmErrorObj) = let msg = $x.code depth = $(c.msg.depth + 1) # plus one to match tracer depth, and avoid confusion c.setError("Opcode Dispatch Error: " & msg & ", depth=" & depth, true) proc executeOpcodes*(c: Computation) = let fork = c.fork block blockOne: let cont = c.continuation if cont.isNil: let precompile = c.fork.getPrecompile(c.msg.codeAddress) if precompile.isSome: c.execPrecompile(precompile[]) break blockOne else: c.continuation = nil cont().isOkOr: handleEvmError(error) break blockOne let nextCont = c.continuation if not nextCont.isNil: # Return up to the caller, which will run the child # and then call this proc again. break blockOne # traceOpCodeEnded is normally called directly after opcode execution # but in the case that a continuation is created, it must run after that # continuation has finished if c.tracingEnabled: c.traceOpCodeEnded(c.instr, c.opIndex) if c.instr == Return or c.instr == Revert or c.instr == SelfDestruct: break blockOne c.selectVM(fork, c.tracingEnabled).isOkOr: handleEvmError(error) break blockOne # this break is not needed but make the flow clear if c.isError() and c.continuation.isNil: if c.tracingEnabled: c.traceError() when vm_use_recursion: # Recursion with tiny stack frame per level. proc execCallOrCreate*(c: Computation) = if not c.beforeExec(): c.executeOpcodes() while not c.continuation.isNil: # If there's a continuation, then it's because there's either # a child (i.e. call or create) when evmc_enabled: c.res = c.host.call(c.child[]) else: execCallOrCreate(c.child) c.child = nil c.executeOpcodes() c.afterExec() c.dispose() else: proc execCallOrCreate*(cParam: Computation) = var (c, before) = (cParam, true) # No actual recursion, but simulate recursion including before/after/dispose. while true: while true: if before and c.beforeExec(): break c.executeOpcodes() if c.continuation.isNil: c.afterExec() break (before, c.child, c, c.parent) = (true, nil.Computation, c.child, c) if c.parent.isNil: break c.dispose() (before, c.parent, c) = (false, nil.Computation, c.parent) while not c.isNil: c.dispose() c = c.parent proc postExecComputation*(c: Computation) = if c.isSuccess: if c.fork < FkLondon: # EIP-3529: Reduction in refunds c.refundSelfDestruct() c.vmState.status = c.isSuccess # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------