# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import chronicles, ../nimbus/[vm_state, vm_types], ../nimbus/core/executor, ../nimbus/common/common, ../nimbus/db/core_db/persistent, configuration # must be late (compilation annoyance) const numBlocks = 256 proc validateBlock(com: CommonRef, blockNumber: BlockNumber): BlockNumber = var parentNumber = blockNumber - 1 parent = com.db.getBlockHeader(parentNumber) headers = newSeq[BlockHeader](numBlocks) bodies = newSeq[BlockBody](numBlocks) lastBlockHash: Hash256 for i in 0 ..< numBlocks: headers[i] = com.db.getBlockHeader(blockNumber + i.u256) bodies[i] = com.db.getBlockBody(headers[i].blockHash) let transaction = com.db.beginTransaction() defer: transaction.dispose() for i in 0 ..< numBlocks: stdout.write blockNumber + i.u256 stdout.write "\r" let vmState = BaseVMState.new(parent, headers[i], com) validationResult = vmState.processBlock(headers[i], bodies[i]) if validationResult != ValidationResult.OK: error "block validation error", validationResult, blockNumber = blockNumber + i.u256 parent = headers[i] transaction.rollback() result = blockNumber + numBlocks.u256 proc main() {.used.} = let conf = getConfiguration() com = CommonRef.new(newCoreDbRef(LegacyDbPersistent, conf.dataDir), false) # move head to block number ... if conf.head == 0.u256: raise newException(ValueError, "please set block number with --head: blockNumber") var counter = 0 var blockNumber = conf.head while true: blockNumber = com.validateBlock(blockNumber) inc counter if conf.maxBlocks != 0 and counter >= conf.maxBlocks: break when isMainModule: var message: string ## Processing command line arguments if processArguments(message) != Success: echo message quit(QuitFailure) else: if len(message) > 0: echo message quit(QuitSuccess) try: main() except: echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()