# Nimbus # # Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed # except according to those terms. import std/[hashes, math, options, sets], chronicles, chronos, eth/[common/eth_types, p2p], stew/[interval_set, keyed_queue], ../../db/select_backend, ".."/[protocol, sync_desc], ./worker/[accounts_db, fetch_accounts, pivot, ticker], "."/[range_desc, worker_desc] logScope: topics = "snap-sync" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc hash(h: Hash256): Hash = ## Mixin for `Table` or `keyedQueue` h.data.hash proc meanStdDev(sum, sqSum: float; length: int): (float,float) = if 0 < length: result[0] = sum / length.float result[1] = sqrt(sqSum / length.float - result[0] * result[0]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc rndNodeTag(buddy: SnapBuddyRef): NodeTag = ## Create random node tag let ctx = buddy.ctx peer = buddy.peer var data: array[32,byte] ctx.data.rng[].generate(data) UInt256.fromBytesBE(data).NodeTag proc setPivotEnv(buddy: SnapBuddyRef; header: BlockHeader) = ## Activate environment for state root implied by `header` argument let ctx = buddy.ctx key = header.stateRoot rc = ctx.data.pivotTable.lruFetch(key) if rc.isOk: ctx.data.pivotEnv = rc.value return let env = SnapPivotRef( stateHeader: header, pivotAccount: buddy.rndNodeTag, availAccounts: LeafRangeSet.init()) # Pre-filled with the largest possible interval discard env.availAccounts.merge(low(NodeTag),high(NodeTag)) # Statistics ctx.data.pivotCount.inc ctx.data.pivotEnv = ctx.data.pivotTable.lruAppend(key, env, ctx.buddiesMax) # ----- if ctx.data.proofDumpOk: let peer = buddy.peer trace "Snap proofs dump enabled", peer ctx.data.proofDumpOk = false env.proofDumpOk = true #env.pivotAccount = 0.to(NodeTag) proc updatePivotEnv(buddy: SnapBuddyRef): bool = ## Update global state root environment from local `pivotHeader`. Choose the ## latest block number. Returns `true` if the environment was changed if buddy.data.pivotHeader.isSome: let ctx = buddy.ctx newStateNumber = buddy.data.pivotHeader.unsafeGet.blockNumber stateNumber = if ctx.data.pivotEnv.isNil: 0.toBlockNumber else: ctx.data.pivotEnv.stateHeader.blockNumber if stateNumber + maxPivotBlockWindow < newStateNumber: buddy.setPivotEnv(buddy.data.pivotHeader.get) return true proc tickerUpdate*(ctx: SnapCtxRef): TickerStatsUpdater = result = proc: TickerStats = var aSum, aSqSum, uSum, uSqSum: float count = 0 for kvp in ctx.data.pivotTable.nextPairs: # Accounts mean & variance let aLen = kvp.data.nAccounts.float if 0 < aLen: count.inc aSum += aLen aSqSum += aLen * aLen # Fill utilisation mean & variance let fill = kvp.data.availAccounts.freeFactor uSum += fill uSqSum += fill * fill let tabLen = ctx.data.pivotTable.len pivotBlock = if ctx.data.pivotEnv.isNil: none(BlockNumber) else: some(ctx.data.pivotEnv.stateHeader.blockNumber) TickerStats( pivotBlock: pivotBlock, activeQueues: tabLen, flushedQueues: ctx.data.pivotCount.int64 - tabLen, accounts: meanStdDev(aSum, aSqSum, count), fillFactor: meanStdDev(uSum, uSqSum, count), bulkStore: ctx.data.accountsDb.dbImportStats) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public start/stop and admin functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc setup*(ctx: SnapCtxRef; tickerOK: bool): bool = ## Global set up ctx.data.accountRangeMax = high(UInt256) div ctx.buddiesMax.u256 ctx.data.accountsDb = if ctx.data.dbBackend.isNil: AccountsDbRef.init(ctx.chain.getTrieDB) else: AccountsDbRef.init(ctx.data.dbBackend) if tickerOK: ctx.data.ticker = TickerRef.init(ctx.tickerUpdate) else: trace "Ticker is disabled" # ---- if snapAccountsDumpEnable: doAssert ctx.data.proofDumpFile.open("./dump-stream.out", fmWrite) ctx.data.proofDumpOk = true # ---- true proc release*(ctx: SnapCtxRef) = ## Global clean up if not ctx.data.ticker.isNil: ctx.data.ticker.stop() ctx.data.ticker = nil proc start*(buddy: SnapBuddyRef): bool = ## Initialise worker peer let ctx = buddy.ctx peer = buddy.peer if peer.supports(protocol.snap) and peer.supports(protocol.eth) and peer.state(protocol.eth).initialized: buddy.pivotStart() if not ctx.data.ticker.isNil: ctx.data.ticker.startBuddy() return true proc stop*(buddy: SnapBuddyRef) = ## Clean up this peer let ctx = buddy.ctx peer = buddy.peer buddy.ctrl.stopped = true buddy.pivotStop() if not ctx.data.ticker.isNil: ctx.data.ticker.stopBuddy() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc runSingle*(buddy: SnapBuddyRef) {.async.} = ## This peer worker is invoked if the peer-local flag `buddy.ctrl.multiOk` ## is set `false` which is the default mode. This flag is updated by the ## worker when deemed appropriate. ## * For all workers, there can be only one `runSingle()` function active ## simultaneously for all worker peers. ## * There will be no `runMulti()` function active for the same worker peer ## simultaneously ## * There will be no `runPool()` iterator active simultaneously. ## ## Note that this function runs in `async` mode. ## buddy.ctrl.multiOk = true proc runPool*(buddy: SnapBuddyRef) = ## Ocne started, the function `runPool()` is called for all worker peers in ## a row (as the body of an iteration.) There will be no other worker peer ## functions activated simultaneously. ## ## This procedure is started if the global flag `buddy.ctx.poolMode` is set ## `true` (default is `false`.) It is the responsibility of the `runPool()` ## instance to reset the flag `buddy.ctx.poolMode`, typically at the first ## peer instance as the number of active instances is unknown to `runPool()`. ## ## Note that this function does not run in `async` mode. ## discard proc runMulti*(buddy: SnapBuddyRef) {.async.} = ## This peer worker is invoked if the `buddy.ctrl.multiOk` flag is set ## `true` which is typically done after finishing `runSingle()`. This ## instance can be simultaneously active for all peer workers. ## let ctx = buddy.ctx peer = buddy.peer if buddy.data.pivotHeader.isNone: await buddy.pivotExec() if not buddy.updatePivotEnv(): return if await buddy.fetchAccounts(): buddy.ctrl.multiOk = false buddy.data.pivotHeader = none(BlockHeader) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------