# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import std/[os, sequtils, strformat, strutils], eth/[common, rlp], nimcrypto/utils, ../../nimbus/db/core_db, ./gunzip # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template say(args: varargs[untyped]) = # echo args discard proc startAt( h: openArray[BlockHeader]; b: openArray[BlockBody]; start: uint64; ): (seq[BlockHeader],seq[BlockBody]) = ## Filter out blocks with smaller `blockNumber` if start.toBlockNumber <= h[0].blockNumber: return (h.toSeq,b.toSeq) if start.toBlockNumber <= h[^1].blockNumber: # There are at least two headers, find the least acceptable one var n = 1 while h[n].blockNumber < start.toBlockNumber: n.inc return (h[n ..< h.len], b[n ..< b.len]) proc stopAfter( h: openArray[BlockHeader]; b: openArray[BlockBody]; last: uint64; ): (seq[BlockHeader],seq[BlockBody]) = ## Filter out blocks with larger `blockNumber` if h[^1].blockNumber <= last.toBlockNumber: return (h.toSeq,b.toSeq) if h[0].blockNumber <= last.toBlockNumber: # There are at least two headers, find the last acceptable one var n = 1 while h[n].blockNumber <= last.toBlockNumber: n.inc return (h[0 ..< n], b[0 ..< n]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public capture # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc dumpBlocksBegin*(headers: openArray[BlockHeader]): string = & "transaction #{headers[0].blockNumber} {headers.len}" proc dumpBlocksList*(header: BlockHeader; body: BlockBody): string = & "block {rlp.encode(header).toHex} {rlp.encode(body).toHex}" proc dumpBlocksEnd*: string = "commit" proc dumpBlocksEndNl*: string = dumpBlocksEnd() & "\n\n" proc dumpBlocksListNl*(header: BlockHeader; body: BlockBody): string = dumpBlocksList(header, body) & "\n" proc dumpBlocksBeginNl*(db: CoreDbRef; headers: openArray[BlockHeader]): string = if headers[0].blockNumber == 1.u256: let h0 = db.getBlockHeader(0.u256) b0 = db.getBlockBody(h0.blockHash) result = "" & dumpBlocksBegin(@[h0]) & "\n" & dumpBlocksListNl(h0,b0) & dumpBlocksEndNl() result &= dumpBlocksBegin(headers) & "\n" proc dumpBlocksNl*(db: CoreDbRef; headers: openArray[BlockHeader]; bodies: openArray[BlockBody]): string = ## Add this below the line `transaction.commit()` in the function ## `p2p/chain/persist_blocks.persistBlocksImpl()`: ## :: ## dumpStream.write c.db.dumpGroupNl(headers,bodies) ## dumpStream.flushFile ## ## where `dumpStream` is some stream (think of `stdout`) of type `File` ## that could be initialised with ## :: ## var dumpStream: File ## if dumpStream.isNil: ## doAssert dumpStream.open("./dump-stream.out", fmWrite) ## db.dumpBlocksBeginNl(headers) & toSeq(countup(0, headers.len-1)) .mapIt(dumpBlocksListNl(headers[it], bodies[it])) .join & dumpBlocksEndNl() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public undump # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iterator undumpBlocks*(gzFile: string): (seq[BlockHeader],seq[BlockBody]) = var headerQ: seq[BlockHeader] bodyQ: seq[BlockBody] current = 0u start = 0u top = 0u waitFor = "transaction" if not gzFile.fileExists: raiseAssert &"No such file: \"{gzFile}\"" for lno,line in gzFile.gunzipLines: if line.len == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue var flds = line.split if 0 < flds.len and (waitFor == "" or waitFor == flds[0]): case flds[0] of "transaction": let flds1Len = flds[1].len if flds.len == 3 and 0 < flds1Len and flds[1][0] == '#' and 0 < flds[2].len: start = flds[1][1 ..< flds1Len].parseUInt top = start + flds[2].parseUInt current = start waitFor = "" headerQ.reset bodyQ.reset continue else: echo &"*** Ignoring line({lno}): {line}." waitFor = "transaction" of "block": if flds.len == 3 and 0 < flds[1].len and 0 < flds[2].len and start <= current and current < top: var rlpHeader = flds[1].rlpFromHex rlpBody = flds[2].rlpFromHex headerQ.add rlpHeader.read(BlockHeader) bodyQ.add rlpBody.read(BlockBody) current.inc continue else: echo &"*** Ignoring line({lno}): {line}." waitFor = "transaction" of "commit": if current == top: say &"*** commit({lno}) #{start}..{top-1}" else: echo &"*** commit({lno}) error, current({current}) should be {top}" yield (headerQ, bodyQ) waitFor = "transaction" continue echo &"*** Ignoring line({lno}): {line}." waitFor = "transaction" iterator undumpBlocks*(gzs: seq[string]): (seq[BlockHeader],seq[BlockBody])= ## Variant of `undumpBlocks()` for f in gzs: for w in f.undumpBlocks: yield w iterator undumpBlocks*( gzFile: string; # Data dump file least: uint64; # First block to extract stopAfter = high(uint64); # Last block to extract ): (seq[BlockHeader],seq[BlockBody]) = ## Variant of `undumpBlocks()` for (seqHdr,seqBdy) in gzFile.undumpBlocks: let (h,b) = startAt(seqHdr, seqBdy, least) if h.len == 0: continue let w = stopAfter(h, b, stopAfter) if w[0].len == 0: break yield w # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------