import stew/[byteutils, endians2], nimcrypto/[keccak, hash], eth/[common, rlp], eth/trie/[trie_defs, nibbles, db], faststreams/output_stream, ./witness_types, ../nimbus/constants, ../nimbus/db/storage_types type DB = TrieDatabaseRef WitnessBuilder* = object db*: DB root: KeccakHash output: OutputStream flags: WitnessFlags proc initWitnessBuilder*(db: DB, rootHash: KeccakHash, flags: WitnessFlags = {}): WitnessBuilder = result.db = db result.root = rootHash result.output = memoryOutput().s result.flags = flags template extensionNodeKey(r: Rlp): auto = hexPrefixDecode r.listElem(0).toBytes proc expectHash(r: Rlp): seq[byte] = result = r.toBytes if result.len != 32: raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "RLP expected to be a Keccak hash value, but has an incorrect length") template getNode(elem: untyped): untyped = if elem.isList: @(elem.rawData) else: get(wb.db, elem.expectHash) proc rlpListToBitmask(r: var Rlp): uint = var i = 0 for branch in r: if not branch.isEmpty: result.setBranchMaskBit(i) inc i r.position = 0 proc writeU32(wb: var WitnessBuilder, x: uint32) = wb.output.append(toBytesBE(x)) proc writeNibbles(wb: var WitnessBuilder; n: NibblesSeq, withLen: bool = true) = # convert the NibblesSeq into left aligned byte seq # perhaps we can optimize it if the NibblesSeq already left aligned let nibblesLen = n.len let numBytes = nibblesLen div 2 + nibblesLen mod 2 var bytes: array[32, byte] doAssert(nibblesLen >= 1) doAssert(numBytes >= 0 and numBytes <= 64) for pos in 0..= 2 and <= 16 wb.output.append(((mask shr 8) and 0xFF).byte) wb.output.append((mask and 0xFF).byte) when defined(debugDepth): wb.output.append(depth.byte) when defined(debugHash): wb.output.append(keccak(node).data) proc writeHashNode(wb: var WitnessBuilder, node: openArray[byte]) = # write type wb.output.append(HashNodeType.byte) wb.output.append(node) proc getBranchRecurseAux(wb: var WitnessBuilder, node: openArray[byte], path: NibblesSeq, depth: int, storageMode: bool) proc writeAccountNode(wb: var WitnessBuilder, acc: Account, nibbles: NibblesSeq, node: openArray[byte], depth: int) = # write type wb.output.append(AccountNodeType.byte) when defined(debugHash): wb.writeU32(node.len.uint32) wb.output.append(node) when defined(debugDepth): wb.output.append(depth.byte) doAssert(nibbles.len == 64 - depth) let accountType = if acc.codeHash == blankStringHash and acc.storageRoot == emptyRlpHash: SimpleAccountType else: ExtendedAccountType wb.output.append(accountType.byte) wb.writeNibbles(nibbles, false) # TODO: where the address come from? # single proof is easy, but multiproof will be harder # concat the path and then look into LUT? # wb.output.append(acc.address) wb.output.append(acc.balance.toBytesBE) wb.output.append(acc.nonce.u256.toBytesBE) if accountType == ExtendedAccountType: if acc.codeHash != blankStringHash: let code = get(wb.db, contractHashKey(acc.codeHash).toOpenArray) if wfEIP170 in wb.flags and code.len > EIP170_CODE_SIZE_LIMIT: raise newException(ContractCodeError, "code len exceed EIP170 code size limit") wb.writeU32(code.len.uint32) wb.output.append(code) else: wb.writeU32(0'u32) if acc.storageRoot != emptyRlpHash: # switch to account mode var node = wb.db.get( var key = keccak(0.u256.toByteArrayBE) getBranchRecurseAux(wb, node, initNibbleRange(, 0, true) else: wb.writeHashNode( #0x00 pathnibbles: address:
balance: nonce: #0x01 pathnibbles: address:
balance: nonce: bytecode: storage: proc writeAccountStorageLeafNode(wb: var WitnessBuilder, val: UInt256, nibbles: NibblesSeq, node: openArray[byte], depth: int) = wb.output.append(StorageLeafNodeType.byte) doAssert(nibbles.len == 64 - depth) wb.writeNibbles(nibbles, false) # TODO: write key # wb.output.append(key.toByteArrayBE) wb.output.append(val.toByteArrayBE) # := pathnibbles: key: val: proc writeShortNode(wb: var WitnessBuilder, node: openArray[byte], depth: int, storageMode: bool) = var nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes node if not nodeRlp.hasData or nodeRlp.isEmpty: return case nodeRlp.listLen of 2: let (isLeaf, k) = nodeRlp.extensionNodeKey if isLeaf: if storageMode: let val = nodeRlp.listElem(1).toBytes.decode(UInt256) writeAccountStorageLeafNode(wb, val, k, node, depth) else: let acc = nodeRlp.listElem(1).toBytes.decode(Account) writeAccountNode(wb, acc, k, node, depth) else: # why this short extension node have no # child and still valid when we reconstruct # the trie on the other side? # a bug in hexary trie algo? # or a bug in nim hexary trie implementation? writeExtensionNode(wb, k, depth, node) of 17: let branchMask = rlpListToBitmask(nodeRlp) writeBranchNode(wb, branchMask, depth, node) for i in 0..<16: if branchMask.branchMaskBitIsSet(i): var branch = nodeRlp.listElem(i) let nextLookup = branch.getNode writeShortNode(wb, nextLookup, depth + 1, storageMode) # contrary to yellow paper spec, # the 17th elem never exist in reality. # block witness spec also omit it. # probably a flaw in hexary trie design # 17th elem should always empty doAssert branchMask.branchMaskBitIsSet(16) == false else: raise newException(CorruptedTrieDatabase, "HexaryTrie short node with an unexpected number of children") proc getBranchRecurseAux(wb: var WitnessBuilder, node: openArray[byte], path: NibblesSeq, depth: int, storageMode: bool) = var nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes node if not nodeRlp.hasData or nodeRlp.isEmpty: return case nodeRlp.listLen of 2: let (isLeaf, k) = nodeRlp.extensionNodeKey let sharedNibbles = sharedPrefixLen(path, k) if sharedNibbles == k.len: let value = nodeRlp.listElem(1) if not isLeaf: # ExtensionNodeType writeExtensionNode(wb, k, depth, node) let nextLookup = value.getNode getBranchRecurseAux(wb, nextLookup, path.slice(sharedNibbles), depth + sharedNibbles, storageMode) else: # AccountNodeType if storageMode: writeAccountStorageLeafNode(wb, value.toBytes.decode(UInt256), k, node, depth) else: writeAccountNode(wb, value.toBytes.decode(Account), k, node, depth) else: # this is a potential branch for multiproof writeHashNode(wb, keccak(node).data) of 17: let branchMask = rlpListToBitmask(nodeRlp) writeBranchNode(wb, branchMask, depth, node) let notLeaf = path.len != 0 for i in 0..<16: if branchMask.branchMaskBitIsSet(i): var branch = nodeRlp.listElem(i) if notLeaf and i == path[0].int: let nextLookup = branch.getNode getBranchRecurseAux(wb, nextLookup, path.slice(1), depth + 1, storageMode) else: if branch.isList: let nextLookup = branch.getNode writeShortNode(wb, nextLookup, depth + 1, storageMode) else: # this is a potential branch for multiproof writeHashNode(wb, branch.expectHash) # 17th elem should always empty doAssert branchMask.branchMaskBitIsSet(16) == false else: raise newException(CorruptedTrieDatabase, "HexaryTrie node with an unexpected number of children") proc buildWitness*(wb: var WitnessBuilder; address: EthAddress, withVersion: bool = true): seq[byte] {.raises: [ContractCodeError, IOError, WitnessError, Defect].} = # witness version wb.output.append(BlockWitnessVersion.byte) # one or more trees # we only output one tree wb.output.append(MetadataNothing.byte) let key = keccak(address) try: var node = wb.db.get( getBranchRecurseAux(wb, node, initNibbleRange(, 0, false) except CorruptedTrieDatabase, RlpTypeMismatch, CatchableError, Exception: raise newException(WitnessError, getCurrentExceptionMsg()) # result result = wb.output.getOutput(seq[byte])