# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[math, times, strutils], eth/[common/eth_types_rlp, trie/ordered_trie], stew/byteutils, nimcrypto/sha2, ../constants export eth_types_rlp const DEPOSIT_REQUEST_TYPE* = 0x00.byte WITHDRAWAL_REQUEST_TYPE* = 0x01.byte CONSOLIDATION_REQUEST_TYPE* = 0x02.byte template calcTxRoot*(transactions: openArray[Transaction]): Root = orderedTrieRoot(transactions) template calcWithdrawalsRoot*(withdrawals: openArray[Withdrawal]): Root = orderedTrieRoot(withdrawals) template calcReceiptsRoot*(receipts: openArray[Receipt]): Root = orderedTrieRoot(receipts) func calcRequestsHash*(requests: varargs[tuple[reqType: byte, data: seq[byte]]]): Hash32 = func calcHash(reqType: byte, data: openArray[byte]): Hash32 = var ctx: sha256 ctx.init() ctx.update([reqType]) # request type ctx.update data ctx.finish(result.data) ctx.clear() var ctx: sha256 ctx.init() for req in requests: if req.data.len > 0: ctx.update(calcHash(req.reqType, req.data).data) ctx.finish(result.data) ctx.clear() func calcRequestsHash*(requests: openArray[seq[byte]]): Hash32 = var ctx: sha256 ctx.init() for req in requests: if req.len > 0: ctx.update(sha256.digest(req).data) ctx.finish(result.data) ctx.clear() func calcRequestsHash*(reqs: Opt[seq[seq[byte]]]): Opt[Hash32] = if reqs.isNone: Opt.none(Hash32) else: Opt.some(calcRequestsHash(reqs.get)) func sumHash*(hashes: varargs[Hash32]): Hash32 = var ctx: sha256 ctx.init() for hash in hashes: ctx.update hash.data ctx.finish result.data ctx.clear() proc sumHash*(body: BlockBody): Hash32 {.gcsafe, raises: []} = let txRoot = calcTxRoot(body.transactions) let ommersHash = keccak256(rlp.encode(body.uncles)) let wdRoot = if body.withdrawals.isSome: calcWithdrawalsRoot(body.withdrawals.get) else: EMPTY_ROOT_HASH sumHash(txRoot, ommersHash, wdRoot) proc sumHash*(header: Header): Hash32 = let wdRoot = if header.withdrawalsRoot.isSome: header.withdrawalsRoot.get else: EMPTY_ROOT_HASH sumHash(header.txRoot, header.ommersHash, wdRoot) func hasBody*(h: Header): bool = h.txRoot != EMPTY_ROOT_HASH or h.ommersHash != EMPTY_UNCLE_HASH or h.withdrawalsRoot.get(EMPTY_ROOT_HASH) != EMPTY_ROOT_HASH func generateAddress*(address: Address, nonce: AccountNonce): Address = result.data[0..19] = keccak256(rlp.encodeList(address, nonce)).data.toOpenArray(12, 31) const ZERO_CONTRACTSALT* = default(Bytes32) func generateSafeAddress*(address: Address, salt: Bytes32, data: openArray[byte]): Address = const prefix = [0xff.byte] let dataHash = keccak256(data) hashResult = withKeccak256: h.update(prefix) h.update(address.data) h.update(salt.data) h.update(dataHash.data) hashResult.to(Address) proc crc32*(crc: uint32, buf: openArray[byte]): uint32 = const kcrc32 = [ 0'u32, 0x1db71064, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x26d930ac, 0x76dc4190, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x4db26158, 0x5005713c, 0xedb88320'u32, 0xf00f9344'u32, 0xd6d6a3e8'u32, 0xcb61b38c'u32, 0x9b64c2b0'u32, 0x86d3d2d4'u32, 0xa00ae278'u32, 0xbdbdf21c'u32] var crcu32 = not crc for b in buf: crcu32 = (crcu32 shr 4) xor kcrc32[int((crcu32 and 0xF) xor (uint32(b) and 0xF'u32))] crcu32 = (crcu32 shr 4) xor kcrc32[int((crcu32 and 0xF) xor (uint32(b) shr 4'u32))] result = not crcu32 proc short*(h: Hash32): string = var bytes: array[6, byte] bytes[0..2] = h.data[0..2] bytes[^3..^1] = h.data[^3..^1] bytes.toHex proc short*(h: Bytes32): string = var bytes: array[6, byte] bytes[0..2] = h.data[0..2] bytes[^3..^1] = h.data[^3..^1] bytes.toHex func short*(x: Duration): string = let parts = x.toParts if parts[Hours] > 0: result.add $parts[Hours] result.add ':' result.add intToStr(parts[Minutes].int, 2) result.add ':' result.add intToStr(parts[Seconds].int, 2) proc decompose*(rlp: var Rlp, header: var Header, body: var BlockBody) {.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} = var blk = rlp.read(Block) header = system.move(blk.header) body.transactions = system.move(blk.txs) body.uncles = system.move(blk.uncles) body.withdrawals = system.move(blk.withdrawals) proc decompose*(rlpBytes: openArray[byte], header: var Header, body: var BlockBody) {.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} = var rlp = rlpFromBytes(rlpBytes) rlp.decompose(header, body) func gwei*(n: uint64): GasInt = GasInt(n * (10'u64 ^ 9'u64)) # Helper types to convert gwei into wei more easily func weiAmount*(w: Withdrawal): UInt256 = w.amount.u256 * (10'u64 ^ 9'u64).u256 func isGenesis*(header: Header): bool = header.number == 0'u64 and header.parentHash == GENESIS_PARENT_HASH