# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) # at your option. # This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to # those terms. import std/strutils, eth/[common], stew/byteutils, stint, chronos, unittest2, json_rpc/[rpcclient], "."/[vault, client, test_env] export client type TestSpec* = object name*: string run*: proc(t: TestEnv): Future[TestStatus] func eth(n: int): UInt256 {.compileTime.} = n.u256 * pow(10.u256, 18) func u256(x: string): UInt256 = UInt256.fromHex(x) func ethAddr(x: string): EthAddress = hexToByteArray[20](x) # envTest make sure the env is set up properly for subsequent tests proc envTest(t: TestEnv): Future[TestStatus] {.async.} = let client = t.rpcClient const kv = { "cf49fda3be353c69b41ed96333cd24302da4556f": "0x123450000000000000000", "0161e041aad467a890839d5b08b138c1e6373072": "0x123450000000000000000", "87da6a8c6e9eff15d703fc2773e32f6af8dbe301": "0x123450000000000000000", "b97de4b8c857e4f6bc354f226dc3249aaee49209": "0x123450000000000000000", "c5065c9eeebe6df2c2284d046bfc906501846c51": "0x123450000000000000000" } for x in kv: let res = await client.balanceAt(ethAddr(x[0])) let expected = u256(x[1]) if res != expected: echo "expected: $1, got $2" % [x[1], $res] return TestStatus.Failed result = TestStatus.OK # balanceAndNonceAtTest creates a new account and transfers funds to it. # It then tests if the balance and nonce of the sender and receiver # address are updated correct. proc balanceAndNonceAtTest(t: TestEnv): Future[TestStatus] {.async.} = let client = t.rpcClient vault = t.vault sourceAddr = await vault.createAccount(1.eth) targetAddr = await vault.createAccount(0.u256) var sourceNonce = 0.AccountNonce # Get current balance let sourceAddressBalanceBefore = await client.balanceAt(sourceAddr) let expected = 1.eth if sourceAddressBalanceBefore != expected: echo "Expected balance $1, got $1" % [$expected, $sourceAddressBalanceBefore] return TestStatus.Failed let nonceBefore = await client.nonceAt(sourceAddr) if nonceBefore != sourceNonce: echo "Invalid nonce, want $1, got $1" % [$sourceNonce, $nonceBefore] return TestStatus.Failed # send 1234 wei to target account and verify balances and nonces are updated let amount = 1234.u256 gasLimit = 50000.GasInt let tx = vault.signTx(sourceAddr, sourceNonce, targetAddr, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice) inc sourceNonce let txHash = rlpHash(tx) echo "BalanceAt: send $1 wei from 0x$2 to 0x$3 in 0x$4" % [ $tx.tx.value, sourceAddr.toHex, targetAddr.toHex, txHash.data.toHex] let ok = await client.sendTransaction(tx) if not ok: echo "failed to send transaction" return TestStatus.Failed var gasUsed: GasInt var loop = 0 while true: let res = await client.gasUsed(txHash) if res.isSome: gasUsed = res.get() break let period = chronos.seconds(1) await sleepAsync(period) inc loop if loop == 5: echo "get gas used timeout" return TestStatus.Failed # ensure balances have been updated let accountBalanceAfter = await client.balanceAt(sourceAddr) let balanceTargetAccountAfter = await client.balanceAt(targetAddr) # expected balance is previous balance - tx amount - tx fee (gasUsed * gasPrice) let exp = sourceAddressBalanceBefore - amount - (gasUsed * tx.tx.gasPrice).u256 if exp != accountBalanceAfter: echo "Expected sender account to have a balance of $1, got $2" % [$exp, $accountBalanceAfter] return TestStatus.Failed if balanceTargetAccountAfter != amount: echo "Expected new account to have a balance of $1, got $2" % [ $tx.tx.value, $balanceTargetAccountAfter] return TestStatus.Failed # ensure nonce is incremented by 1 let nonceAfter = await client.nonceAt(sourceAddr) let expectedNonce = nonceBefore + 1 if expectedNonce != nonceAfter: echo "Invalid nonce, want $1, got $2" % [$expectedNonce, $nonceAfter] return TestStatus.Failed result = TestStatus.OK const testList* = [ TestSpec( name: "env is set up properly for subsequent tests", run: envTest ), TestSpec( name: "balance and nonce update correctly", run: balanceAndNonceAtTest ) ]