import strformat, strutils, sequtils, macros, constants, logging, errors, opcode_values, computation, vm/stack, ttmath template run*(opcode: Opcode, computation: var BaseComputation) = # Hook for performing the actual VM execution computation.gasMeter.consumeGas(opcode.gasCost(computation), reason = $opcode.kind) opcode.runLogic(computation) method logger*(opcode: Opcode): Logger = logging.getLogger(&"vm.opcode.{opcode.kind}") method gasCost*(opcode: Opcode, computation: var BaseComputation): Int256 = if opcode.kind in VARIABLE_GAS_COST_OPS: opcode.gasCostHandler(computation) else: opcode.gasCostConstant template newOpcode*(kind: Op, gasCost: Int256, logic: proc(computation: var BaseComputation)): Opcode = Opcode(kind: kind, gasCostConstant: gasCost, runLogic: logic) template newOpcode*(kind: Op, gasHandler: proc(computation: var BaseComputation): Int256, logic: proc(computation: var BaseComputation)): Opcode = Opcode(kind: kind, gasCostHandler: gasHandler, runLogic: logic) method `$`*(opcode: Opcode): string = let gasCost = if opcode.kind in VARIABLE_GAS_COST_OPS: "variable" else: $opcode.gasCostConstant &"{opcode.kind}(0x{}: {gasCost})" macro initOpcodes*(spec: untyped): untyped = var value = ident("value") result = quote: block: var `value` = initTable[Op, Opcode]() for child in spec: var ops, gasCosts, handlers: seq[NimNode] if child.kind == nnkInfix and child[0].repr == "..": ops = @[] gasCosts = @[] handlers = @[] let first = child[1].repr.parseInt let last = child[2][0].repr.parseInt let op = child[2][1][1].repr for z in first .. last: ops.add(nnkDotExpr.newTree(ident("Op"), ident(op.replace("XX", $z)))) gasCosts.add(child[3][0][0]) handlers.add(ident(child[3][0][1].repr.replace("XX", $z))) else: ops = @[child[0]] gasCosts = @[child[1][0][0]] handlers = @[child[1][0][1]] for z in 0 ..< ops.len: let (op, gasCost, handler) = (ops[z], gasCosts[z], handlers[z]) let opcode = if gasCost.repr[0].isLowerAscii(): quote: `value`[`op`] = Opcode(kind: `op`, gasCostHandler: `gasCost`, runLogic: `handler`) else: quote: `value`[`op`] = Opcode(kind: `op`, gasCostConstant: `gasCost`, runLogic: `handler`) result[1].add(opcode) result[1].add(value)