# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import std/[os, strutils], stew/arrayops, nimcrypto/sha2, kzg4844/kzg, results, stint, ./eip7691, ../constants, ../common/common from std/sequtils import mapIt {.push raises: [].} type Bytes64 = array[64, byte] const BLS_MODULUS_STR = "52435875175126190479447740508185965837690552500527637822603658699938581184513" BLS_MODULUS* = parse(BLS_MODULUS_STR, UInt256, 10).toBytesBE PrecompileInputLength = 192 proc pointEvaluationResult(): Bytes64 {.compileTime.} = result[0..<32] = FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB.u256.toBytesBE[0..^1] result[32..^1] = BLS_MODULUS[0..^1] const PointEvaluationResult* = pointEvaluationResult() POINT_EVALUATION_PRECOMPILE_GAS* = 50000.GasInt # kzgToVersionedHash implements kzg_to_versioned_hash from EIP-4844 proc kzgToVersionedHash*(kzg: kzg.KzgCommitment): VersionedHash = result = sha256.digest(kzg.bytes).to(Hash32) result.data[0] = VERSIONED_HASH_VERSION_KZG # pointEvaluation implements point_evaluation_precompile from EIP-4844 # return value and gas consumption is handled by pointEvaluation in # precompiles.nim proc pointEvaluation*(input: openArray[byte]): Result[void, string] = # Verify p(z) = y given commitment that corresponds to the polynomial p(x) and a KZG proof. # Also verify that the provided commitment matches the provided versioned_hash. # The data is encoded as follows: versioned_hash | z | y | commitment | proof | if input.len != PrecompileInputLength: return err("invalid input length") template copyFrom(T: type, input, a, b): auto = type X = (type T().bytes) T(bytes: X.initCopyFrom(input.toOpenArray(a, b))) let versionedHash = KzgBytes32.copyFrom(input, 0, 31) z = KzgBytes32.copyFrom(input, 32, 63) y = KzgBytes32.copyFrom(input, 64, 95) commitment = KzgBytes48.copyFrom(input, 96, 143) kzgProof = KzgBytes48.copyFrom(input, 144, 191) if kzgToVersionedHash(commitment).data != versionedHash.bytes: return err("versionedHash should equal to kzgToVersionedHash(commitment)") # Verify KZG proof let res = kzg.verifyKzgProof(commitment, z, y, kzgProof) if res.isErr: return err(res.error) # The actual verify result if not res.get(): return err("Failed to verify KZG proof") ok() # calcExcessBlobGas implements calc_excess_data_gas from EIP-4844 proc calcExcessBlobGas*(parent: Header, electra: bool): uint64 = let excessBlobGas = parent.excessBlobGas.get(0'u64) blobGasUsed = parent.blobGasUsed.get(0'u64) targetBlobGasPerBlock = getTargetBlobGasPerBlock(electra) if excessBlobGas + blobGasUsed < targetBlobGasPerBlock: 0'u64 else: excessBlobGas + blobGasUsed - targetBlobGasPerBlock # fakeExponential approximates factor * e ** (num / denom) using a taylor expansion # as described in the EIP-4844 spec. func fakeExponential*(factor, numerator, denominator: UInt256): UInt256 = var i = 1.u256 output = 0.u256 numeratorAccum = factor * denominator while numeratorAccum > 0.u256: output += numeratorAccum numeratorAccum = (numeratorAccum * numerator) div (denominator * i) i = i + 1.u256 output div denominator proc getTotalBlobGas*(tx: Transaction): uint64 = GAS_PER_BLOB * tx.versionedHashes.len.uint64 proc getTotalBlobGas*(versionedHashesLen: int): uint64 = GAS_PER_BLOB * versionedHashesLen.uint64 # getBlobBaseFee implements get_data_gas_price from EIP-4844 func getBlobBaseFee*(excessBlobGas: uint64, com: CommonRef, fork: EVMFork): UInt256 = if fork >= FkCancun: let blobBaseFeeUpdateFraction = com.getBlobBaseFeeUpdateFraction(fork).u256 fakeExponential( MIN_BLOB_GASPRICE.u256, excessBlobGas.u256, blobBaseFeeUpdateFraction ) else: 0.u256 proc calcDataFee*(versionedHashesLen: int, excessBlobGas: uint64, com: CommonRef, fork: EVMFork): UInt256 = getTotalBlobGas(versionedHashesLen).u256 * getBlobBaseFee(excessBlobGas, com, fork) func blobGasUsed(txs: openArray[Transaction]): uint64 = for tx in txs: result += tx.getTotalBlobGas # https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4844 func validateEip4844Header*( com: CommonRef, header, parentHeader: Header, txs: openArray[Transaction]): Result[void, string] {.raises: [].} = if not com.isCancunOrLater(header.timestamp): if header.blobGasUsed.isSome: return err("unexpected EIP-4844 blobGasUsed in block header") if header.excessBlobGas.isSome: return err("unexpected EIP-4844 excessBlobGas in block header") return ok() if header.blobGasUsed.isNone: return err("expect EIP-4844 blobGasUsed in block header") if header.excessBlobGas.isNone: return err("expect EIP-4844 excessBlobGas in block header") let electra = com.isPragueOrLater(header.timestamp) headerBlobGasUsed = header.blobGasUsed.get() blobGasUsed = blobGasUsed(txs) headerExcessBlobGas = header.excessBlobGas.get excessBlobGas = calcExcessBlobGas(parentHeader, electra) maxBlobGasPerBlock = getMaxBlobGasPerBlock(electra) if blobGasUsed > maxBlobGasPerBlock: return err("blobGasUsed " & $blobGasUsed & " exceeds maximum allowance " & $maxBlobGasPerBlock) if headerBlobGasUsed != blobGasUsed: return err("calculated blobGas not equal header.blobGasUsed") if headerExcessBlobGas != excessBlobGas: return err("calculated excessBlobGas not equal header.excessBlobGas") return ok() proc validateBlobTransactionWrapper*(tx: PooledTransaction): Result[void, string] {.raises: [].} = if tx.networkPayload.isNil: return err("tx wrapper is none") # note: assert blobs are not malformatted let goodFormatted = tx.tx.versionedHashes.len == tx.networkPayload.commitments.len and tx.tx.versionedHashes.len == tx.networkPayload.blobs.len and tx.tx.versionedHashes.len == tx.networkPayload.proofs.len if not goodFormatted: return err("tx wrapper is ill formatted") let commitments = tx.networkPayload.commitments.mapIt( kzg.KzgCommitment(bytes: it.data)) # Verify that commitments match the blobs by checking the KZG proof let res = kzg.verifyBlobKzgProofBatch( tx.networkPayload.blobs.mapIt(kzg.KzgBlob(bytes: it)), commitments, tx.networkPayload.proofs.mapIt(kzg.KzgProof(bytes: it.data))) if res.isErr: return err(res.error) # Actual verification result if not res.get(): return err("Failed to verify network payload of a transaction") # Now that all commitments have been verified, check that versionedHashes matches the commitments for i in 0 ..< tx.tx.versionedHashes.len: # this additional check also done in tx validation if tx.tx.versionedHashes[i].data[0] != VERSIONED_HASH_VERSION_KZG: return err("wrong kzg version in versioned hash at index " & $i) if tx.tx.versionedHashes[i] != kzgToVersionedHash(commitments[i]): return err("tx versioned hash not match commitments at index " & $i) ok() proc loadKzgTrustedSetup*(): Result[void, string] = const vendorDir = currentSourcePath.parentDir.replace('\\', '/') & "/../../vendor" trustedSetupDir = vendorDir & "/nim-kzg4844/kzg4844/csources/src" trustedSetup = staticRead trustedSetupDir & "/trusted_setup.txt" # If the baked-in trusted setup was loaded successfully, it's harmless to # try again (which happpens in tests) var loaded {.global.}: bool if not loaded: ?loadTrustedSetupFromString(trustedSetup, 0) loaded = true ok()