# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import std/[json, tables, hashes], eth/trie/trie_defs, stint, stew/byteutils, chronicles, ../nimbus/[vm_state, vm_types], ../nimbus/utils/utils, ../nimbus/tracer, ../nimbus/db/[core_db, state_db/read_write], ../nimbus/core/executor, ../nimbus/common/common, "."/[configuration, downloader, parser, premixcore] const emptyCodeHash = blankStringHash proc store(memoryDB: CoreDbRef, branch: JsonNode) = for p in branch: let rlp = hexToSeqByte(p.getStr) let hash = keccakHash(rlp) memoryDB.kvt.put(hash.data, rlp) proc parseAddress(address: string): EthAddress = hexToByteArray(address, result) proc parseU256(val: string): UInt256 = UInt256.fromHex(val) proc prepareBlockEnv(parent: BlockHeader, thisBlock: Block): CoreDbRef = var accounts = requestPostState(thisBlock) memoryDB = newCoreDbRef DefaultDbMemory accountDB = newAccountStateDB(memoryDB, parent.stateRoot) parentNumber = %(parent.number.prefixHex) for address, account in accounts: updateAccount(address, account, parent.number) let accountProof = account["accountProof"] storageProof = account["storageProof"] address = parseAddress(address) acc = parseAccount(account) memoryDB.store(accountProof) accountDB.setAccount(address, acc) for storage in storageProof: let key = parseU256(storage["key"].getStr) val = parseU256(storage["value"].getStr) proof = storage["proof"] memoryDB.store(proof) accountDB.setStorage(address, key, val) if acc.codeHash != emptyCodeHash: let codeStr = request("eth_getCode", %[%address.prefixHex, parentNumber]) let code = hexToSeqByte(codeStr.getStr) accountDB.setCode(address, code) accountDB.setAccount(address, acc) result = memoryDB type HunterVMState = ref object of BaseVMState headers: Table[BlockNumber, BlockHeader] proc hash*(x: UInt256): Hash = result = hash(x.toBytesBE) proc new(T: type HunterVMState; parent, header: BlockHeader, com: CommonRef): T = new result result.init(parent, header, com) result.headers = Table[BlockNumber, BlockHeader]() method getAncestorHash*(vmState: HunterVMState, blockNumber: BlockNumber): Hash256 = if blockNumber in vmState.headers: result = vmState.headers[blockNumber].hash else: let data = requestHeader(blockNumber) let header = parseBlockHeader(data) result = header.hash vmState.headers[blockNumber] = header proc putAncestorsIntoDB(vmState: HunterVMState, db: CoreDbRef) = for header in vmState.headers.values: db.addBlockNumberToHashLookup(header) proc huntProblematicBlock(blockNumber: UInt256): Result[void, string] = let # prepare needed state from previous block parentNumber = blockNumber - 1 thisBlock = requestBlock(blockNumber) parentBlock = requestBlock(parentNumber) memoryDB = prepareBlockEnv(parentBlock.header, thisBlock) # try to execute current block com = CommonRef.new(memoryDB) discard com.db.setHead(parentBlock.header, true) let transaction = memoryDB.beginTransaction() defer: transaction.dispose() let vmState = HunterVMState.new(parentBlock.header, thisBlock.header, com) validationResult = vmState.processBlock(thisBlock.header, thisBlock.body) if validationResult.isErr(): transaction.rollback() putAncestorsIntoDB(vmState, com.db) vmState.dumpDebuggingMetaData(thisBlock.header, thisBlock.body, false) validationResult proc main() {.used.} = let conf = getConfiguration() if conf.head == 0.u256: echo "please specify the starting block with `--head:blockNumber`" quit(QuitFailure) if conf.maxBlocks == 0: echo "please specify the number of problematic blocks you want to hunt with `--maxBlocks:number`" quit(QuitFailure) var problematicBlocks = newSeq[UInt256]() blockNumber = conf.head while true: echo blockNumber if huntProblematicBlock(blockNumber).isErr: echo "shot down problematic block: ", blockNumber problematicBlocks.add blockNumber blockNumber = blockNumber + 1 if problematicBlocks.len >= conf.maxBlocks: echo "Problematic blocks: ", problematicBlocks break when isMainModule: var message: string ## Processing command line arguments if processArguments(message) != Success: echo message quit(QuitFailure) else: if len(message) > 0: echo message quit(QuitSuccess) try: main() except: echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()