# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/sequtils, ".."/[db/ledger, constants], "."/[code_stream, memory, stack, state], "."/[types], ./interpreter/[gas_meter, gas_costs, op_codes], ./evm_errors, ./code_bytes, ../common/[evmforks], ../utils/utils, ../common/common, eth/common/eth_types_rlp, chronicles, chronos export common logScope: topics = "vm computation" when defined(evmc_enabled): import evmc/evmc, evmc_helpers, evmc_api, stew/ptrops export evmc, evmc_helpers, evmc_api, ptrops const evmc_enabled* = defined(evmc_enabled) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template getCoinbase*(c: Computation): Address = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getTxContext().block_coinbase else: c.vmState.coinbase template getTimestamp*(c: Computation): uint64 = when evmc_enabled: # TODO: # while the choice of using int64 in evmc will not affect # normal evm/evmc operations. # the reason why cast[uint64] is being used here because # some of the tests will fail if the value from test vector overflow # see setupTxContext of host_services.nim too # block timestamp overflow should be checked before entering EVM cast[uint64](c.host.getTxContext().block_timestamp) else: c.vmState.blockCtx.timestamp.uint64 template getBlockNumber*(c: Computation): UInt256 = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getBlockNumber().u256 else: c.vmState.blockNumber.u256 template getDifficulty*(c: Computation): DifficultyInt = when evmc_enabled: UInt256.fromEvmc c.host.getTxContext().block_prev_randao else: c.vmState.difficultyOrPrevRandao template getGasLimit*(c: Computation): GasInt = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getTxContext().block_gas_limit.GasInt else: c.vmState.blockCtx.gasLimit template getBaseFee*(c: Computation): UInt256 = when evmc_enabled: UInt256.fromEvmc c.host.getTxContext().block_base_fee else: c.vmState.blockCtx.baseFeePerGas.get(0.u256) template getChainId*(c: Computation): uint64 = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getChainId() else: c.vmState.com.chainId.uint64 template getOrigin*(c: Computation): Address = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getTxContext().tx_origin else: c.vmState.txCtx.origin template getGasPrice*(c: Computation): GasInt = when evmc_enabled: UInt256.fromEvmc(c.host.getTxContext().tx_gas_price).truncate(GasInt) else: c.vmState.txCtx.gasPrice template getVersionedHash*(c: Computation, index: int): VersionedHash = when evmc_enabled: cast[ptr UncheckedArray[VersionedHash]](c.host.getTxContext().blob_hashes)[index] else: c.vmState.txCtx.versionedHashes[index] template getVersionedHashesLen*(c: Computation): int = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getTxContext().blob_hashes_count.int else: c.vmState.txCtx.versionedHashes.len template getBlobBaseFee*(c: Computation): UInt256 = when evmc_enabled: UInt256.fromEvmc c.host.getTxContext().blob_base_fee else: c.vmState.txCtx.blobBaseFee proc getBlockHash*(c: Computation, number: BlockNumber): Hash32 = when evmc_enabled: let blockNumber = BlockNumber c.host.getTxContext().block_number ancestorDepth = blockNumber - number - 1 if ancestorDepth >= constants.MAX_PREV_HEADER_DEPTH: return default(Hash32) if number >= blockNumber: return default(Hash32) c.host.getBlockHash(number) else: let blockNumber = c.vmState.blockNumber ancestorDepth = blockNumber - number - 1 if ancestorDepth >= constants.MAX_PREV_HEADER_DEPTH: return default(Hash32) if number >= blockNumber: return default(Hash32) c.vmState.getAncestorHash(number) template accountExists*(c: Computation, address: Address): bool = when evmc_enabled: c.host.accountExists(address) else: if c.fork >= FkSpurious: not c.vmState.readOnlyLedger.isDeadAccount(address) else: c.vmState.readOnlyLedger.accountExists(address) template getStorage*(c: Computation, slot: UInt256): UInt256 = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getStorage(c.msg.contractAddress, slot) else: c.vmState.readOnlyLedger.getStorage(c.msg.contractAddress, slot) template getBalance*(c: Computation, address: Address): UInt256 = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getBalance(address) else: c.vmState.readOnlyLedger.getBalance(address) template getCodeSize*(c: Computation, address: Address): uint = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getCodeSize(address) else: uint(c.vmState.readOnlyLedger.getCodeSize(address)) template getCodeHash*(c: Computation, address: Address): Hash32 = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getCodeHash(address) else: let db = c.vmState.readOnlyLedger if not db.accountExists(address) or db.isEmptyAccount(address): default(Hash32) else: db.getCodeHash(address) template selfDestruct*(c: Computation, address: Address) = when evmc_enabled: c.host.selfDestruct(c.msg.contractAddress, address) else: c.execSelfDestruct(address) template getCode*(c: Computation, address: Address): CodeBytesRef = when evmc_enabled: CodeBytesRef.init(c.host.copyCode(address)) else: c.vmState.readOnlyLedger.getCode(address) template setTransientStorage*(c: Computation, slot, val: UInt256) = when evmc_enabled: c.host.setTransientStorage(c.msg.contractAddress, slot, val) else: c.vmState.ledger. setTransientStorage(c.msg.contractAddress, slot, val) template getTransientStorage*(c: Computation, slot: UInt256): UInt256 = when evmc_enabled: c.host.getTransientStorage(c.msg.contractAddress, slot) else: c.vmState.readOnlyLedger. getTransientStorage(c.msg.contractAddress, slot) func newComputation*(vmState: BaseVMState, keepStack: bool, message: Message, code = CodeBytesRef(nil)): Computation = new result result.vmState = vmState result.msg = message result.gasMeter.init(message.gas) result.keepStack = keepStack if not code.isNil: result.code = CodeStream.init(code) result.memory = EvmMemory.init() result.stack = EvmStack.init() template gasCosts*(c: Computation): untyped = c.vmState.gasCosts template fork*(c: Computation): untyped = c.vmState.fork template isSuccess*(c: Computation): bool = c.error.isNil template isError*(c: Computation): bool = not c.isSuccess func shouldBurnGas*(c: Computation): bool = c.isError and c.error.burnsGas proc snapshot*(c: Computation) = c.savePoint = c.vmState.ledger.beginSavepoint() proc commit*(c: Computation) = c.vmState.ledger.commit(c.savePoint) proc dispose*(c: Computation) = c.vmState.ledger.safeDispose(c.savePoint) if c.stack != nil: if c.keepStack: c.finalStack = toSeq(c.stack.items()) c.stack.dispose() c.stack = nil c.savePoint = nil proc rollback*(c: Computation) = c.vmState.ledger.rollback(c.savePoint) func setError*(c: Computation, msg: sink string, burnsGas = false) = c.error = Error(evmcStatus: EVMC_FAILURE, info: move(msg), burnsGas: burnsGas) func setError*(c: Computation, code: evmc_status_code, burnsGas = false) = c.error = Error(evmcStatus: code, info: $code, burnsGas: burnsGas) func setError*( c: Computation, code: evmc_status_code, msg: sink string, burnsGas = false) = c.error = Error(evmcStatus: code, info: move(msg), burnsGas: burnsGas) func evmcStatus*(c: Computation): evmc_status_code = if c.isSuccess: EVMC_SUCCESS else: c.error.evmcStatus func errorOpt*(c: Computation): Opt[string] = if c.isSuccess: return Opt.none(string) if c.error.evmcStatus == EVMC_REVERT: return Opt.none(string) Opt.some(c.error.info) proc writeContract*(c: Computation) = template withExtra(tracer: untyped, args: varargs[untyped]) = tracer args, newContract=($c.msg.contractAddress), blockNumber=c.vmState.blockNumber, parentHash=($c.vmState.parent.blockHash) # In each check below, they are guarded by `len > 0`. This includes writing # out the code, because the account already has zero-length code to handle # nested calls (this is specified). May as well simplify other branches. let (len, fork) = (c.output.len, c.fork) if len == 0: return # EIP-3541 constraint (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3541). if fork >= FkLondon and c.output[0] == 0xEF.byte: withExtra trace, "New contract code starts with 0xEF byte, not allowed by EIP-3541" c.setError(EVMC_CONTRACT_VALIDATION_FAILURE, true) return # EIP-170 constraint (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3541). if fork >= FkSpurious and len > EIP170_MAX_CODE_SIZE: withExtra trace, "New contract code exceeds EIP-170 limit", codeSize=len, maxSize=EIP170_MAX_CODE_SIZE c.setError(EVMC_OUT_OF_GAS, true) return # Charge gas and write the code even if the code address is self-destructed. # Non-empty code in a newly created, self-destructed account is possible if # the init code calls `DELEGATECALL` or `CALLCODE` to other code which uses # `SELFDESTRUCT`. This shows on Mainnet blocks 6001128..6001204, where the # gas difference matters. The new code can be called later in the # transaction too, before self-destruction wipes the account at the end. let gasParams = GasParamsCr(memLength: len) codeCost = c.gasCosts[Create].cr_handler(0.u256, gasParams) if codeCost <= c.gasMeter.gasRemaining: c.gasMeter.consumeGas(codeCost, reason = "Write new contract code"). expect("enough gas since we checked against gasRemaining") c.vmState.mutateLedger: db.setCode(c.msg.contractAddress, c.output) withExtra trace, "Writing new contract code" return if fork >= FkHomestead: # EIP-2 (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2). c.setError(EVMC_OUT_OF_GAS, true) else: # Before EIP-2, when out of gas for code storage, the account ends up with # zero-length code and no error. No gas is charged. Code cited in EIP-2: # https://github.com/ethereum/pyethereum/blob/d117c8f3fd93/ethereum/processblock.py#L304 # https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/401354976bb4/core/vm/instructions.go#L586 # The account already has zero-length code to handle nested calls. withExtra trace, "New contract given empty code by pre-Homestead rules" template chainTo*(c: Computation, toChild: typeof(c.child), after: untyped) = c.child = toChild c.continuation = proc(): EvmResultVoid {.gcsafe, raises: [].} = c.continuation = nil after proc execSelfDestruct*(c: Computation, beneficiary: Address) = c.vmState.mutateLedger: let localBalance = c.getBalance(c.msg.contractAddress) # Register the account to be deleted if c.fork >= FkCancun: # Zeroing contract balance except beneficiary # is the same address db.subBalance(c.msg.contractAddress, localBalance) # Transfer to beneficiary db.addBalance(beneficiary, localBalance) db.selfDestruct6780(c.msg.contractAddress) else: # Transfer to beneficiary db.addBalance(beneficiary, localBalance) db.selfDestruct(c.msg.contractAddress) trace "SELFDESTRUCT", contractAddress = c.msg.contractAddress.toHex, localBalance = localBalance.toString, beneficiary = beneficiary.toHex # Using `proc` as `addLogEntry()` might be `proc` in logging mode proc addLogEntry*(c: Computation, log: Log) = c.vmState.ledger.addLogEntry(log) # some gasRefunded operations still relying # on negative number func getGasRefund*(c: Computation): GasInt = # EIP-2183 guarantee that sum of all child gasRefund # should never go below zero doAssert(c.msg.depth == 0 and c.gasMeter.gasRefunded >= 0) var gasRefunded = c.vmState.gasRefunded if c.isSuccess: gasRefunded += c.gasMeter.gasRefunded GasInt gasRefunded func addRefund*(c: Computation, amount: int64) = c.vmState.gasRefunded += amount # Using `proc` as `selfDestructLen()` might be `proc` in logging mode proc refundSelfDestruct*(c: Computation) = let cost = gasFees[c.fork][RefundSelfDestruct] let num = c.vmState.ledger.selfDestructLen c.gasMeter.refundGas(cost * num) func tracingEnabled*(c: Computation): bool = c.vmState.tracingEnabled func traceOpCodeStarted*(c: Computation, op: Op): int = c.vmState.captureOpStart( c, c.code.pc - 1, op, c.gasMeter.gasRemaining, c.msg.depth + 1) func traceOpCodeEnded*(c: Computation, op: Op, opIndex: int) = c.vmState.captureOpEnd( c, c.code.pc - 1, op, c.gasMeter.gasRemaining, c.gasMeter.gasRefunded, c.returnData, c.msg.depth + 1, opIndex) func traceError*(c: Computation) = c.vmState.captureFault( c, c.code.pc - 1, c.instr, c.gasMeter.gasRemaining, c.gasMeter.gasRefunded, c.returnData, c.msg.depth + 1, c.errorOpt) func prepareTracer*(c: Computation) = c.vmState.capturePrepare(c, c.msg.depth) template opcodeGasCost*( c: Computation, op: Op, gasCost: static GasInt, tracingEnabled: static bool, reason: static string): EvmResultVoid = # Special case of the opcodeGasCost function used for fixed-gas opcodes - since # the parameters are known at compile time, we inline and specialize it when tracingEnabled: c.vmState.captureGasCost( c, op, gasCost, c.gasMeter.gasRemaining, c.msg.depth + 1) c.gasMeter.consumeGas(gasCost, reason) template opcodeGasCost*( c: Computation, op: Op, gasCost: GasInt, reason: static string): EvmResultVoid = let cost = gasCost if c.vmState.tracingEnabled: c.vmState.captureGasCost( c, op, cost, c.gasMeter.gasRemaining, c.msg.depth + 1) c.gasMeter.consumeGas(cost, reason) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------