# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. ## Test Jwt Authorisation Functionality ## ==================================== import std/[base64, json, options, os, strutils, tables, times], ../nimbus/config, ../nimbus/rpc/jwt_auth, ./replay/pp, confutils/defs, chronicles, chronos/apps/http/httpserver, eth/[common, keys, p2p], json_rpc/rpcserver, nimcrypto/[hmac, utils], stew/results, stint, unittest2 type UnGuardedKey = array[jwtMinSecretLen,byte] const jwtKeyFile ="jwtsecret.txt" # external shared secret file jwtKeyStripped ="jwtstripped.txt" # without leading 0x jwtKeyCopy = jwtSecretFile # file containing effective data key baseDir = [".", "..", ".."/"..", $DirSep] repoDir = [".", "tests" / "test_jwt_auth"] let fakeKey = block: var rc: JwtSharedKey discard rc.fromHex((0..31).mapIt(15 - (it mod 16)).mapIt(it.byte).toHex) rc # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc findFilePath(file: string): Result[string,void] = for dir in baseDir: for repo in repoDir: let path = dir / repo / file if path.fileExists: return ok(path) err() proc say*(noisy = false; pfx = "***"; args: varargs[string, `$`]) = if noisy: if args.len == 0: echo "*** ", pfx elif 0 < pfx.len and pfx[^1] != ' ': echo pfx, " ", args.toSeq.join else: echo pfx, args.toSeq.join proc setTraceLevel = discard when defined(chronicles_runtime_filtering) and loggingEnabled: setLogLevel(LogLevel.TRACE) proc setErrorLevel = discard when defined(chronicles_runtime_filtering) and loggingEnabled: setLogLevel(LogLevel.ERROR) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private Functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc fakeGenSecret(fake: JwtSharedKey): JwtGenSecret = ## Key random generator, fake version result = proc: JwtSharedKey = fake proc base64urlEncode(x: auto): string = ## from nimbus-eth2, engine_authentication.nim base64.encode(x, safe = true).replace("=", "") func getIatToken*(time: uint64): JsonNode = ## from nimbus-eth2, engine_authentication.nim %* {"iat": time} proc getSignedToken*(key: openArray[byte], payload: string): string = ## from nimbus-eth2, engine_authentication.nim # Using hard coded string for """{"typ": "JWT", "alg": "HS256"}""" let sData = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9." & base64urlEncode(payload) sData & "." & sha256.hmac(key, sData).data.base64UrlEncode proc getSignedToken2*(key: openArray[byte], payload: string): string = ## Variant of `getSignedToken()`: different algorithm encoding let jNode = %* {"alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" } sData = base64urlEncode($jNode) & "." & base64urlEncode(payload) sData & "." & sha256.hmac(key, sData).data.base64UrlEncode proc getHttpAuthReqHeader(secret: JwtSharedKey; time: uint64): HttpTable = let bearer = secret.UnGuardedKey.getSignedToken($getIatToken(time)) result.add("aUtHoRiZaTiOn", "Bearer " & bearer) proc getHttpAuthReqHeader2(secret: JwtSharedKey; time: uint64): HttpTable = let bearer = secret.UnGuardedKey.getSignedToken2($getIatToken(time)) result.add("aUtHoRiZaTiOn", "Bearer " & bearer) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test Runners # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc runKeyLoader(noisy = true; keyFile = jwtKeyFile; strippedFile = jwtKeyStripped) = let filePath = keyFile.findFilePath.value fileInfo = keyFile.splitFile.name.split(".")[0] strippedPath = strippedFile.findFilePath.value strippedInfo = strippedFile.splitFile.name.split(".")[0] dataDir = filePath.splitPath.head localKeyFile = dataDir / jwtKeyCopy dataDirCmdOpt = &"--data-dir={dataDir}" jwtSecretCmdOpt = &"--jwt-secret={filePath}" jwtStrippedCmdOpt = &"--jwt-secret={strippedPath}" suite "EngineAuth: Load or generate shared secrets": test &"Load shared key file {fileInfo}": let config = @[dataDirCmdOpt,jwtSecretCmdOpt].makeConfig secret = fakeKey.fakeGenSecret.jwtSharedSecret(config) lines = config.jwtSecret.get.string.readLines(1) check secret.isOk check 0 < lines.len let hexKey = "0x" & secret.value.UnGuardedKey.toHex hexFake = "0x" & fakeKey.UnGuardedKey.toSeq.toHex hexLine = lines[0].strip noisy.say "***", "key=", hexKey noisy.say " ", "text=", hexLine noisy.say " ", "fake=", hexFake # Compare key against tcontents of shared key file check hexKey.cmpIgnoreCase(hexLine) == 0 # Just to make sure that there was no random generator used check hexKey.cmpIgnoreCase(hexFake) != 0 test &"Load shared key file {strippedInfo}, missing 0x prefix": let config = @[dataDirCmdOpt,jwtStrippedCmdOpt].makeConfig secret = fakeKey.fakeGenSecret.jwtSharedSecret(config) lines = config.jwtSecret.get.string.readLines(1) check secret.isOk check 0 < lines.len let hexKey = secret.value.UnGuardedKey.toHex hexFake = fakeKey.UnGuardedKey.toSeq.toHex hexLine = lines[0].strip noisy.say "***", "key=", hexKey noisy.say " ", "text=", hexLine noisy.say " ", "fake=", hexFake # Compare key against tcontents of shared key file check hexKey.cmpIgnoreCase(hexLine) == 0 # Just to make sure that there was no random generator used check hexKey.cmpIgnoreCase(hexFake) != 0 test &"Generate shared key file, store it in {jwtKeyCopy}": # Clean up after file generation defer: localKeyFile.removeFile # Maybe a stale left over localKeyFile.removeFile let config = @[dataDirCmdOpt].makeConfig secret = fakeKey.fakeGenSecret.jwtSharedSecret(config) lines = localKeyFile.readLines(1) check secret.isOk let hexKey = "0x" & secret.value.UnGuardedKey.toHex hexLine = lines[0].strip noisy.say "***", "key=", hexKey noisy.say " ", "text=", hexLine # Compare key against tcontents of shared key file check hexKey.cmpIgnoreCase(hexLine) == 0 proc runJwtAuth(noisy = true; keyFile = jwtKeyFile) = let filePath = keyFile.findFilePath.value fileInfo = keyFile.splitFile.name.split(".")[0] dataDir = filePath.splitPath.head dataDirCmdOpt = &"--data-dir={dataDir}" jwtSecretCmdOpt = &"--jwt-secret={filePath}" config = @[dataDirCmdOpt,jwtSecretCmdOpt].makeConfig # The secret is just used for extracting the key, it would otherwise # be hidden in the closure of the handler function secret = fakeKey.fakeGenSecret.jwtSharedSecret(config) # The wrapper contains the handler function with the captured shared key handler = secret.value.jwtAuthHandler suite "EngineAuth: Http/rpc authentication mechanics": test &"JSW/HS256 authentication using shared secret file {fileInfo}": # Just to make sure that we made a proper choice. Typically, all # ingredients shoud have been tested, already in the preceeding test # suite. let lines = config.jwtSecret.get.string.readLines(1) hexKey = "0x" & secret.value.UnGuardedKey.toHex hexLine = lines[0].strip noisy.say "***", "key=", hexKey noisy.say " ", "text=", hexLine check hexKey.cmpIgnoreCase(hexLine) == 0 let time = getTime().toUnix.uint64 req = secret.value.getHttpAuthReqHeader(time) noisy.say "***", "request", " Authorization=", req.getString("Authorization") setTraceLevel() # Run http authorisation request let htCode = req.handler noisy.say "***", "result", " htCode=", htCode check htCode.isOk setErrorLevel() test &"JSW/HS256, ditto with protected header variant": let time = getTime().toUnix.uint64 req = secret.value.getHttpAuthReqHeader2(time) # Assemble request header noisy.say "***", "request", " Authorization=", req.getString("Authorization") setTraceLevel() # Run http authorisation request let htCode = req.handler noisy.say "***", "result", " htCode=", htCode check htCode.isOk setErrorLevel() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Main function(s) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc jwtAuthMain*(noisy = defined(debug)) = noisy.runKeyLoader noisy.runJwtAuth when isMainModule: const noisy = defined(debug) setErrorLevel() noisy.runKeyLoader noisy.runJwtAuth # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------