# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or # distributed except according to those terms. ## Aristo (aka Patricia) DB records merge test import std/[algorithm, hashes, sequtils, sets, strutils, tables], eth/common, results, unittest2, ../../nimbus/sync/protocol, ../../nimbus/db/aristo, ../../nimbus/db/aristo/[ aristo_debug, aristo_desc, aristo_desc/aristo_types_backend, aristo_hashify, aristo_init/aristo_memory, aristo_init/aristo_rocksdb, aristo_persistent, aristo_transcode, aristo_vid], ./test_helpers const BlindHash = EmptyBlob.hash # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func hash(filter: FilterRef): Hash = ## Unique hash/filter -- cannot use de/blobify as the expressions ## `filter.blobify` and `filter.blobify.value.deblobify.value.blobify` are ## not necessarily the same binaries due to unsorted tables. ## var h = BlindHash if not filter.isNil: h = h !& filter.src.ByteArray32.hash h = h !& filter.trg.ByteArray32.hash for w in filter.vGen.vidReorg: h = h !& w.uint64.hash for w in filter.sTab.keys.toSeq.mapIt(it.uint64).sorted.mapIt(it.VertexID): let data = filter.sTab.getOrVoid(w).blobify.get(otherwise = EmptyBlob) h = h !& (w.uint64.toBytesBE.toSeq & data).hash for w in filter.kMap.keys.toSeq.mapIt(it.uint64).sorted.mapIt(it.VertexID): let data = filter.kMap.getOrVoid(w).ByteArray32.toSeq h = h !& (w.uint64.toBytesBE.toSeq & data).hash !$h # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc mergeData( db: AristoDbRef; rootKey: HashKey; rootVid: VertexID; proof: openArray[SnapProof]; leafs: openArray[LeafTiePayload]; noisy: bool; ): bool = ## Simplified loop body of `test_mergeProofAndKvpList()` if 0 < proof.len: let rc = db.merge(rootKey, rootVid) if rc.isErr: check rc.error == AristoError(0) return let proved = db.merge(proof, rc.value) if proved.error notin {AristoError(0),MergeHashKeyCachedAlready}: check proved.error in {AristoError(0),MergeHashKeyCachedAlready} return let merged = db.merge leafs if merged.error notin {AristoError(0), MergeLeafPathCachedAlready}: check merged.error in {AristoError(0), MergeLeafPathCachedAlready} return block: let rc = db.hashify # (noisy, true) if rc.isErr: when true: # and false: noisy.say "***", "dataMerge(9)", " nLeafs=", leafs.len, "\n cache dump\n ", db.pp, "\n backend dump\n ", db.to(TypedBackendRef).pp(db) check rc.error == (VertexID(0),AristoError(0)) return true proc verify( ly: LayerRef; # Database layer be: MemBackendRef|RdbBackendRef; # Backend noisy: bool; ): bool = ## .. let beSTab = be.walkVtx.toSeq.mapIt((it[1],it[2])).toTable beKMap = be.walkKey.toSeq.mapIt((it[1],it[2])).toTable for vid in beSTab.keys.toSeq.mapIt(it.uint64).sorted.mapIt(it.VertexID): let nVtx = ly.sTab.getOrVoid vid mVtx = beSTab.getOrVoid vid if not nVtx.isValid and not mVtx.isValid: check nVtx != VertexRef(nil) check mVtx != VertexRef(nil) return if nVtx != mVtx: noisy.say "***", "verify", " beType=", be.typeof, " vid=", vid.pp, " nVtx=", nVtx.pp, " mVtx=", mVtx.pp check nVtx == mVtx return if beSTab.len != ly.sTab.len or beKMap.len != ly.kMap.len: check beSTab.len == ly.sTab.len check beKMap.len == ly.kMap.len return true # ----------- proc collectFilter( db: AristoDbRef; filter: FilterRef; tab: var Table[FilterID,Hash]; noisy: bool; ): bool = ## Store filter on permanent BE and register digest if not filter.isNil: let fid = FilterID(7 * (tab.len + 1)) # just some number be = db.backend tx = be.putBegFn() be.putFilFn(tx, @[(fid,filter)]) let endOk = be.putEndFn tx if endOk != AristoError(0): check endOk == AristoError(0) return tab[fid] = filter.hash true proc verifyFiltersImpl[T: MemBackendRef|RdbBackendRef]( _: type T; db: AristoDbRef; tab: Table[FilterID,Hash]; noisy: bool; ): bool = ## Compare stored filters against registered ones var n = 0 for (_,fid,filter) in T.walkFilBe db: let filterHash = filter.hash registered = tab.getOrDefault(fid, BlindHash) if registered == BlindHash: check (fid,registered) != (0,BlindHash) return if filterHash != registered: noisy.say "***", "verifyFiltersImpl", " n=", n+1, " fid=", fid.pp, " filterHash=", filterHash.int.toHex, " registered=", registered.int.toHex check (fid,filterHash) == (fid,registered) return n.inc if n != tab.len: check n == tab.len return true proc verifyFilters( db: AristoDbRef; tab: Table[FilterID,Hash]; noisy: bool; ): bool = ## Wrapper let be = db.to(TypedBackendRef) kind = (if be.isNil: BackendVoid else: be.kind) case kind: of BackendMemory: return MemBackendRef.verifyFiltersImpl(db, tab, noisy) of BackendRocksDB: return RdbBackendRef.verifyFiltersImpl(db, tab, noisy) else: discard check kind == BackendMemory or kind == BackendRocksDB # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public test function # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc test_backendConsistency*( noisy: bool; list: openArray[ProofTrieData]; # Test data rdbPath: string; # Rocks DB storage directory resetDb = false; doRdbOk = true; ): bool = ## Import accounts var filTab: Table[FilterID,Hash] # Filter register ndb = AristoDbRef() # Reference cache mdb = AristoDbRef() # Memory backend database rdb = AristoDbRef() # Rocks DB backend database rootKey = HashKey.default count = 0 defer: rdb.finish(flush=true) for n,w in list: if w.root != rootKey or resetDB: rootKey = w.root count = 0 ndb = newAristoDbRef BackendVoid mdb = newAristoDbRef BackendMemory if doRdbOk: if not rdb.backend.isNil: # ignore bootstrap let verifyFiltersOk = rdb.verifyFilters(filTab, noisy) if not verifyFiltersOk: check verifyFiltersOk return filTab.clear rdb.finish(flush=true) let rc = newAristoDbRef(BackendRocksDB,rdbPath) if rc.isErr: check rc.error == 0 return rdb = rc.value count.inc check ndb.backend.isNil check not mdb.backend.isNil check doRdbOk or not rdb.backend.isNil when true and false: noisy.say "***", "beCon(1) <", n, "/", list.len-1, ">", " groups=", count block: let rootVid = VertexID(1) leafs = w.kvpLst.mapRootVid VertexID(1) # for merging it into main trie block: let ndbOk = ndb.mergeData( rootKey, rootVid, w.proof, leafs, noisy=false) if not ndbOk: check ndbOk return block: let mdbOk = mdb.mergeData( rootKey, rootVid, w.proof, leafs, noisy=false) if not mdbOk: check mdbOk return if doRdbOk: # optional let rdbOk = rdb.mergeData( rootKey, rootVid, w.proof, leafs, noisy=false) if not rdbOk: check rdbOk return when true and false: noisy.say "***", "beCon(2) <", n, "/", list.len-1, ">", " groups=", count, "\n cache dump\n ", ndb.pp, "\n backend dump\n ", ndb.to(TypedBackendRef).pp(ndb), "\n -------------", "\n mdb cache\n ", mdb.pp, "\n mdb backend\n ", mdb.to(TypedBackendRef).pp(ndb), "\n -------------", "\n rdb cache\n ", rdb.pp, "\n rdb backend\n ", rdb.to(TypedBackendRef).pp(ndb), "\n -------------" when true and false: noisy.say "***", "beCon(4) <", n, "/", list.len-1, ">", " groups=", count var mdbPreSaveCache, mdbPreSaveBackend: string rdbPreSaveCache, rdbPreSaveBackend: string when true: # and false: #mdbPreSaveCache = mdb.pp #mdbPreSaveBackend = mdb.to(MemBackendRef).pp(ndb) rdbPreSaveCache = rdb.pp rdbPreSaveBackend = rdb.to(RdbBackendRef).pp(ndb) # Provide filter, store filter on permanent BE, and register filter digest block: let rc = mdb.stow(persistent=false, dontHashify=true, chunkedMpt=true) if rc.isErr: check rc.error == (0,0) return let collectFilterOk = rdb.collectFilter(mdb.roFilter, filTab, noisy) if not collectFilterOk: check collectFilterOk return # Store onto backend database block: #noisy.say "***", "db-dump\n ", mdb.pp let rc = mdb.stow(persistent=true, dontHashify=true, chunkedMpt=true) if rc.isErr: check rc.error == (0,0) return if doRdbOk: let rc = rdb.stow(persistent=true, dontHashify=true, chunkedMpt=true) if rc.isErr: check rc.error == (0,0) return if not ndb.top.verify(mdb.to(MemBackendRef), noisy): when true and false: noisy.say "***", "beCon(4) <", n, "/", list.len-1, ">", " groups=", count, "\n ndb cache\n ", ndb.pp, "\n ndb backend=", ndb.backend.isNil.not, #"\n -------------", #"\n mdb pre-save cache\n ", mdbPreSaveCache, #"\n mdb pre-save backend\n ", mdbPreSaveBackend, "\n -------------", "\n mdb cache\n ", mdb.pp, "\n mdb backend\n ", mdb.to(TypedBackendRef).pp(ndb), "\n -------------" return if doRdbOk: if not ndb.top.verify(rdb.to(RdbBackendRef), noisy): when true and false: noisy.say "***", "beCon(4) <", n, "/", list.len-1, ">", " groups=", count, "\n ndb cache\n ", ndb.pp, "\n ndb backend=", ndb.backend.isNil.not, "\n -------------", "\n rdb pre-save cache\n ", rdbPreSaveCache, "\n rdb pre-save backend\n ", rdbPreSaveBackend, "\n -------------", "\n rdb cache\n ", rdb.pp, "\n rdb backend\n ", rdb.to(TypedBackendRef).pp(ndb), #"\n -------------", #"\n mdb cache\n ", mdb.pp, #"\n mdb backend\n ", mdb.to(TypedBackendRef).pp(ndb), "\n -------------" return when true and false: noisy.say "***", "beCon(9) <", n, "/", list.len-1, ">", " groups=", count # Finally ... block: let verifyFiltersOk = rdb.verifyFilters(filTab, noisy) if not verifyFiltersOk: check verifyFiltersOk return true # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------