# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) # at your option. # This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to # those terms. {.push raises: [].} import chronicles, chronos/timer, std/strformat, stew/io2, ./config, ./common/common, ./core/[block_import, chain], ./db/era1_db, beacon_chain/era_db var running {.volatile.} = true func shortLog(a: timer.Duration, parts = int.high): string {.inline.} = ## Returns string representation of Duration ``a`` as nanoseconds value. var res = "" v = a.nanoseconds() parts = parts template f(n: string, T: Duration) = if v >= T.nanoseconds(): res.add($(uint64(v div T.nanoseconds()))) res.add(n) v = v mod T.nanoseconds() dec parts if v == 0 or parts <= 0: return res f("w", Week) f("d", Day) f("h", Hour) f("m", Minute) f("s", Second) f("ms", Millisecond) f("us", Microsecond) f("ns", Nanosecond) res proc importBlocks*(conf: NimbusConf, com: CommonRef) = proc controlCHandler() {.noconv.} = when defined(windows): # workaround for https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4057 setupForeignThreadGc() running = false setControlCHook(controlCHandler) let start = try: com.db.getSavedStateBlockNumber().truncate(uint64) + 1 except RlpError as exc: error "Could not read block number", err = exc.msg quit(QuitFailure) chain = com.newChain() var imported = 0'u64 gas = 0.u256 txs = 0 time0 = Moment.now() template blockNumber(): uint64 = start + imported if isDir(conf.era1Dir.string): doAssert conf.networkId == MainNet, "Only mainnet era1 current supported" const # TODO the merge block number could be fetched from the era1 file instead, # specially if the accumulator is added to the chain metadata lastEra1Block = 15537393 if start <= lastEra1Block: notice "Importing era1 archive", start, dataDir = conf.dataDir.string, era1Dir = conf.era1Dir.string var headers: seq[BlockHeader] bodies: seq[BlockBody] func f(value: float): string = try: &"{value:4.3f}" except ValueError: raiseAssert "valid fmt string" template process() = let time1 = Moment.now() statsRes = chain.persistBlocks(headers, bodies) if statsRes.isErr(): error "Failed to persist blocks", error = statsRes.error quit(QuitFailure) txs += statsRes[].txs gas += uint64 statsRes[].gas let time2 = Moment.now() diff1 = (time2 - time1).nanoseconds().float / 1000000000 diff0 = (time2 - time0).nanoseconds().float / 1000000000 # TODO generate csv with import statistics info "Imported blocks", blockNumber, blocks = imported, txs, gas, bps = f(headers.len.float / diff1), tps = f(statsRes[].txs.float / diff1), gps = f(statsRes[].gas.float / diff1), avgBps = f(imported.float / diff0), avgTps = f(txs.float / diff0), avgGps = f(gas.truncate(uint64).float / diff0), # TODO fix truncate elapsed = shortLog(time2-time0, 3) headers.setLen(0) bodies.setLen(0) let db = Era1DbRef.init(conf.era1Dir.string, "mainnet").expect("Era files present") defer: db.dispose() while running and imported < conf.maxBlocks and blockNumber <= lastEra1Block: var blk = db.getBlockTuple(blockNumber).valueOr: error "Could not load block from era1", blockNumber, error break imported += 1 headers.add move(blk.header) bodies.add move(blk.body) if headers.lenu64 mod conf.chunkSize == 0: process() if headers.len > 0: process() # last chunk, if any for blocksFile in conf.blocksFile: if isFile(string blocksFile): # success or not, we quit after importing blocks if not importRlpBlock(string blocksFile, com): quit(QuitFailure) else: quit(QuitSuccess)