import db/[db_chain, state_db, capturedb], eth_common, utils, json, constants, vm_state, vm_types, transaction, p2p/executor, eth_trie/db, nimcrypto, strutils, ranges, ./utils/addresses, sets, chronicles proc getParentHeader(self: BaseChainDB, header: BlockHeader): BlockHeader = self.getBlockHeader(header.parentHash) proc prefixHex(x: openArray[byte]): string = "0x" & toHex(x, true) proc getSender(tx: Transaction): EthAddress = if not tx.getSender(result): raise newException(ValueError, "Could not get sender") proc getRecipient(tx: Transaction): EthAddress = if tx.isContractCreation: let sender = tx.getSender() result = generateAddress(sender, tx.accountNonce) else: result = proc captureAccount(n: JsonNode, db: AccountStateDB, address: EthAddress, name: string) = var jaccount = newJObject() jaccount["name"] = %name jaccount["address"] = %($address) let account = db.getAccount(address) jaccount["nonce"] = %(account.nonce.toHex) jaccount["balance"] = %(account.balance.toHex) let code = db.getCode(address) jaccount["codeHash"] = %($account.codeHash) jaccount["code"] = %(toHex(code.toOpenArray, true)) jaccount["storageRoot"] = %($account.storageRoot) var storage = newJObject() for key, value in storage[key.dumpHex] = %(value.dumpHex) jaccount["storage"] = storage n.add jaccount const senderName = "sender" recipientName = "recipient" minerName = "miner" uncleName = "uncle" proc traceTransaction*(db: BaseChainDB, header: BlockHeader, body: BlockBody, txIndex: int, tracerFlags: set[TracerFlags] = {}): JsonNode = let parent = db.getParentHeader(header) # we add a memory layer between backend/lower layer db # and capture state db snapshot during transaction execution memoryDB = newMemoryDB() captureDB = newCaptureDB(db.db, memoryDB) captureTrieDB = trieDB captureDB captureChainDB = newBaseChainDB(captureTrieDB, false) # prune or not prune? vmState = newBaseVMState(parent, captureChainDB, tracerFlags) var stateDb = newAccountStateDB(captureTrieDB, parent.stateRoot, db.pruneTrie) if header.txRoot == BLANK_ROOT_HASH: return assert(body.transactions.calcTxRoot == header.txRoot) assert(body.transactions.len != 0) var gasUsed: GasInt before = newJObject() after = newJObject() stateDiff = %{"before": before, "after": after} for idx, tx in body.transactions: let sender = tx.getSender let recipient = tx.getRecipient if idx == txIndex: vmState.enableTracing() before.captureAccount(stateDb, sender, senderName) before.captureAccount(stateDb, recipient, recipientName) before.captureAccount(stateDb, header.coinbase, minerName) let txFee = processTransaction(stateDb, tx, sender, vmState) if idx == txIndex: gasUsed = (txFee div tx.gasPrice.u256).truncate(GasInt) vmState.disableTracing() after.captureAccount(stateDb, sender, senderName) after.captureAccount(stateDb, recipient, recipientName) after.captureAccount(stateDb, header.coinbase, minerName) break result = vmState.getTracingResult() result["gas"] = %gasUsed result["statediff"] = stateDiff # now we dump captured state db if TracerFlags.DisableState notin tracerFlags: var n = newJObject() for k, v in pairsInMemoryDB(memoryDB): n[k.prefixHex] = %v.prefixHex result["state"] = n proc dumpBlockState*(db: BaseChainDB, header: BlockHeader, body: BlockBody): JsonNode = # TODO: scan tracing result and find internal transaction address # then do account dump as usual, before and after # cons: unreliable and prone to error. # pros: no need to map account secure key back to address. # alternative: capture state trie using captureDB, and then dump every # account for this block. # cons: we need to map account secure key back to account address. # pros: no account will be missed, we will get all account touched by this block # we can turn this address capture/mapping only during dumping block state and # disable it during normal operation. # also the order of capture needs to be reversed, collecting addresses *after* # processing block then using that addresses to collect accounts from parent block let parent = db.getParentHeader(header) memoryDB = newMemoryDB() captureDB = newCaptureDB(db.db, memoryDB) captureTrieDB = trieDB captureDB captureChainDB = newBaseChainDB(captureTrieDB, false) # we only need stack dump if we want to scan for internal transaction address vmState = newBaseVMState(parent, captureChainDB, {EnableTracing, DisableMemory, DisableStorage}) var before = newJObject() after = newJObject() stateBefore = newAccountStateDB(captureTrieDB, parent.stateRoot, db.pruneTrie) stateAfter = newAccountStateDB(captureTrieDB, header.stateRoot, db.pruneTrie) accountSet = initSet[EthAddress]() for tx in body.transactions: let sender = tx.getSender let recipient = tx.getRecipient if sender notin accountSet: before.captureAccount(stateBefore, sender, senderName) accountSet.incl sender if recipient notin accountSet: before.captureAccount(stateBefore, recipient, recipientName) accountSet.incl recipient before.captureAccount(stateBefore, header.coinbase, minerName) for idx, uncle in body.uncles: before.captureAccount(stateBefore, uncle.coinbase, uncleName & $idx) discard captureChainDB.processBlock(parent, header, body, vmState) for tx in body.transactions: let sender = tx.getSender let recipient = tx.getRecipient if sender notin accountSet: after.captureAccount(stateAfter, sender, senderName) accountSet.incl sender if recipient notin accountSet: after.captureAccount(stateAfter, recipient, recipientName) accountSet.incl recipient after.captureAccount(stateAfter, header.coinbase, minerName) for idx, uncle in body.uncles: after.captureAccount(stateAfter, uncle.coinbase, uncleName & $idx) result = %{"before": before, "after": after} proc traceBlock*(db: BaseChainDB, header: BlockHeader, body: BlockBody, tracerFlags: set[TracerFlags] = {}): JsonNode = let parent = db.getParentHeader(header) memoryDB = newMemoryDB() captureDB = newCaptureDB(db.db, memoryDB) captureTrieDB = trieDB captureDB captureChainDB = newBaseChainDB(captureTrieDB, false) vmState = newBaseVMState(parent, captureChainDB, tracerFlags + {EnableTracing}) var stateDb = newAccountStateDB(captureTrieDB, parent.stateRoot, db.pruneTrie) if header.txRoot == BLANK_ROOT_HASH: return assert(body.transactions.calcTxRoot == header.txRoot) assert(body.transactions.len != 0) var gasUsed = GasInt(0) for tx in body.transactions: let sender = tx.getSender txFee = processTransaction(stateDb, tx, sender, vmState) gasUsed = gasUsed + (txFee div tx.gasPrice.u256).truncate(GasInt) result = vmState.getTracingResult() result["gas"] = %gasUsed proc dumpDebuggingMetaData*(db: BaseChainDB, header: BlockHeader, body: BlockBody) = # TODO: tidying this up and make it available to debugging tool let ttrace = traceTransaction(db, header, body, body.transactions.len - 1, {}) trace "NIMBUS TRACE", transactionTrace=ttrace.pretty() let dump = dumpBlockState(db, header, body) trace "NIMBUS STATE DUMP", dump=dump.pretty() let blockTrace = traceBlock(db, header, body, {}) trace "NIMBUS BLOCK TRACE", blockTrace=blockTrace # dump receipt #195