# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/typetraits, chronicles, eth/common, results, "../.."/[constants, errors], ./base/[api_new_desc, api_tracking, base_desc] from ../aristo import EmptyBlob, isValid const ProvideLegacyAPI = true ## Enable legacy API. For now everybody would want this enabled. EnableApiTracking = false ## When enabled, functions using this tracking facility need to import ## `chronicles`, as well. Tracking is enabled by setting `true` the flags ## `trackLegaApi` and/or `trackNewApi` in the `CoreDxTxRef` descriptor. EnableApiProfiling = true ## Enables functions profiling if `EnableApiTracking` is also set `true`. AutoValidateDescriptors = defined(release).not ## No validatinon needed for production suite. export CoreDbAccBackendRef, CoreDbAccount, CoreDbApiError, CoreDbBackendRef, CoreDbCaptFlags, CoreDbErrorCode, CoreDbErrorRef, CoreDbFnInx, CoreDbKvtBackendRef, CoreDbMptBackendRef, CoreDbPersistentTypes, CoreDbProfListRef, CoreDbRef, CoreDbSaveFlags, CoreDbSubTrie, CoreDbTrieRef, CoreDbType, CoreDxAccRef, CoreDxCaptRef, CoreDxKvtRef, CoreDxMptRef, CoreDxPhkRef, CoreDxTxRef const CoreDbProvideLegacyAPI* = ProvideLegacyAPI CoreDbEnableApiTracking* = EnableApiTracking CoreDbEnableApiProfiling* = EnableApiTracking and EnableApiProfiling when ProvideLegacyAPI: import ./base/api_legacy_desc export api_legacy_desc when AutoValidateDescriptors: import ./base/validate # More settings const logTxt = "CoreDb " legaApiTxt = logTxt & "legacy API" newApiTxt = logTxt & "API" # Annotation helpers {.pragma: apiRaise, gcsafe, raises: [CoreDbApiError].} {.pragma: catchRaise, gcsafe, raises: [CatchableError].} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ when EnableApiTracking: when EnableApiProfiling: {.warning: "*** Provided API profiling for CoreDB (disabled by default)".} else: {.warning: "*** Provided API logging for CoreDB (disabled by default)".} import std/times proc `$`[T](rc: CoreDbRc[T]): string = rc.toStr proc `$`(q: set[CoreDbCaptFlags]): string = q.toStr proc `$`(t: Duration): string = t.toStr proc `$`(e: EthAddress): string = e.toStr proc `$`(v: CoreDbTrieRef): string = v.toStr proc `$`(h: Hash256): string = h.toStr proc `$`(b: Blob): string = b.toLenStr when ProvideLegacyAPI: when EnableApiTracking: proc `$`(k: CoreDbKvtRef): string = k.toStr template setTrackLegaApi( w: CoreDbApiTrackRef; s: static[CoreDbFnInx]; code: untyped; ) = ## Template with code section that will be discarded if logging is ## disabled at compile time when `EnableApiTracking` is `false`. when EnableApiTracking: w.beginLegaApi(s) code const ctx {.inject,used.} = s template setTrackLegaApi*( w: CoreDbApiTrackRef; s: static[CoreDbFnInx]; ) = w.setTrackLegaApi(s): discard template ifTrackLegaApi*(w: CoreDbApiTrackRef; code: untyped) = when EnableApiTracking: w.endLegaApiIf: code template setTrackNewApi( w: CoreDxApiTrackRef; s: static[CoreDbFnInx]; code: untyped; ) = ## Template with code section that will be discarded if logging is ## disabled at compile time when `EnableApiTracking` is `false`. when EnableApiTracking: w.beginNewApi(s) code const ctx {.inject,used.} = s template setTrackNewApi*( w: CoreDxApiTrackRef; s: static[CoreDbFnInx]; ) = w.setTrackNewApi(s): discard template ifTrackNewApi*(w: CoreDxApiTrackRef; code: untyped) = when EnableApiTracking: w.endNewApiIf: code # --------- func toCoreDxPhkRef(mpt: CoreDxMptRef): CoreDxPhkRef = ## MPT => pre-hashed MPT (aka PHK) result = CoreDxPhkRef( fromMpt: mpt, methods: mpt.methods) result.methods.fetchFn = proc(k: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[Blob] = mpt.methods.fetchFn(k.keccakHash.data) result.methods.deleteFn = proc(k: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[void] = mpt.methods.deleteFn(k.keccakHash.data) result.methods.mergeFn = proc(k:openArray[byte]; v: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[void] = mpt.methods.mergeFn(k.keccakHash.data, v) result.methods.hasPathFn = proc(k: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[bool] = mpt.methods.hasPathFn(k.keccakHash.data) when AutoValidateDescriptors: result.validate func parent(phk: CoreDxPhkRef): CoreDbRef = phk.fromMpt.parent # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public constructor helper # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc bless*(db: CoreDbRef): CoreDbRef = ## Verify descriptor when AutoValidateDescriptors: db.validate when CoreDbEnableApiProfiling: db.profTab = CoreDbProfListRef.init() db proc bless*(db: CoreDbRef; trie: CoreDbTrieRef): CoreDbTrieRef = ## Complete sub-module descriptor, fill in `parent` and actvate it. trie.parent = db trie.ready = true when AutoValidateDescriptors: trie.validate trie proc bless*(db: CoreDbRef; kvt: CoreDxKvtRef): CoreDxKvtRef = ## Complete sub-module descriptor, fill in `parent`. kvt.parent = db when AutoValidateDescriptors: kvt.validate kvt proc bless*[T: CoreDxTrieRelated | CoreDbBackends]( db: CoreDbRef; dsc: T; ): auto = ## Complete sub-module descriptor, fill in `parent`. dsc.parent = db when AutoValidateDescriptors: dsc.validate dsc proc bless*( db: CoreDbRef; error: CoreDbErrorCode; dsc: CoreDbErrorRef; ): CoreDbErrorRef = dsc.parent = db dsc.error = error when AutoValidateDescriptors: dsc.validate dsc proc prettyText*(e: CoreDbErrorRef): string = ## Pretty print argument object (for tracking use `$$()`) if e.isNil: "$ø" else: e.toStr() proc prettyText*(trie: CoreDbTrieRef): string = ## Pretty print argument object (for tracking use `$$()`) if trie.isNil or not trie.ready: "$ø" else: trie.toStr() proc verify*(trie: CoreDbTrieRef): bool = ## Verify that the `trie` argument is `nil` or properly initialised. This ## function is for debugging and subject to change. trie.isNil or (trie.ready and trie.parent.methods.verifyFn trie) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public main descriptor methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc dbProfData*(db: CoreDbRef): CoreDbProfListRef = ## Return profiling data table (only available in profiling mode). If ## available (i.e. non-nil), result data can be organised by the functions ## available with `aristo_profile`. when CoreDbEnableApiProfiling: db.profTab proc dbType*(db: CoreDbRef): CoreDbType = ## Getter, print DB type identifier ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseDbTypeFn result = db.dbType db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc compensateLegacySetup*(db: CoreDbRef) = ## On the persistent legacy hexary trie, this function is needed for ## bootstrapping and Genesis setup when the `purge` flag is activated. ## Otherwise the database backend may defect on an internal inconsistency. ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseLegacySetupFn db.methods.legacySetupFn() db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed proc level*(db: CoreDbRef): int = ## Getter, retrieve transaction level (zero if there is no pending ## transaction) ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseLevelFn result = db.methods.levelFn() db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc parent*(cld: CoreDxChldRefs): CoreDbRef = ## Getter, common method for all sub-modules ## result = cld.parent proc backend*(dsc: CoreDxKvtRef | CoreDxTrieRelated | CoreDbRef): auto = ## Getter, retrieves the *raw* backend object for special/localised support. ## dsc.setTrackNewApi AnyBackendFn result = dsc.methods.backendFn() dsc.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed proc finish*(db: CoreDbRef; flush = false) = ## Database destructor. If the argument `flush` is set `false`, the database ## is left as-is and only the in-memory handlers are cleaned up. ## ## Otherwise the destructor is allowed to remove the database. This feature ## depends on the backend database. Currently, only the `AristoDbRocks` type ## backend removes the database on `true`. ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseFinishFn db.methods.destroyFn flush db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed proc `$$`*(e: CoreDbErrorRef): string = ## Pretty print error symbol, note that this directive may have side effects ## as it calls a backend function. ## e.setTrackNewApi ErrorPrintFn result = e.prettyText() e.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc `$$`*(trie: CoreDbTrieRef): string = ## Pretty print vertex ID symbol, note that this directive may have side ## effects as it calls a backend function. ## #trie.setTrackNewApi TriePrintFn result = trie.prettyText() #trie.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc rootHash*(trie: CoreDbTrieRef): CoreDbRc[Hash256] = ## Getter (well, sort of), retrieves the root hash for the argument `trie` ## descriptor. The function might fail if there is currently no hash ## available (e.g. on `Aristo`.) Note that a failure to retrieve the hash ## (which returns an error) is different from succeeding with an ## `EMPTY_ROOT_HASH` value for an empty trie. ## ## The value `EMPTY_ROOT_HASH` is also returned on a void `trie` descriptor ## argument `CoreDbTrieRef(nil)`. ## trie.setTrackNewApi RootHashFn result = block: if not trie.isNil and trie.ready: trie.parent.methods.rootHashFn trie else: ok EMPTY_ROOT_HASH # Note: tracker will be silent if `vid` is NIL trie.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, result proc rootHashOrEmpty*(trie: CoreDbTrieRef): Hash256 = ## Convenience wrapper, returns `EMPTY_ROOT_HASH` where `hash()` would fail. trie.rootHash.valueOr: EMPTY_ROOT_HASH proc recast*(account: CoreDbAccount): CoreDbRc[Account] = ## Convert the argument `account` to the portable Ethereum representation ## of an account. This conversion may fail if the storage root hash (see ## `hash()` above) is currently unavailable. ## ## Note that for the legacy backend, this function always succeeds. ## let stoTrie = account.stoTrie stoTrie.setTrackNewApi EthAccRecastFn let rc = if stoTrie.isNil or not stoTrie.ready: CoreDbRc[Hash256].ok(EMPTY_ROOT_HASH) else: stoTrie.parent.methods.rootHashFn stoTrie result = if rc.isOk: ok Account( nonce: account.nonce, balance: account.balance, codeHash: account.codeHash, storageRoot: rc.value) else: err(rc.error) stoTrie.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, stoTrie, result proc getTrie*( db: CoreDbRef; kind: CoreDbSubTrie; root: Hash256; address = none(EthAddress); ): CoreDbRc[CoreDbTrieRef] = ## Retrieve virtual sub-trie descriptor. ## ## For a sub-trie of type `kind` find the root node with Merkle hash `root`. ## If the `root` argument is set `EMPTY_ROOT_HASH`, this function always ## succeeds. Otherwise, the function will fail unless a root node with the ## corresponding argument Merkle hash `root` exists. ## ## For an `EMPTY_ROOT_HASH` root hash argument and a sub-trie of type `kind` ## different form `StorageTrie` and `AccuntsTrie`, the returned sub-trie ## descriptor will be flagged to flush the sub-trie when this descriptor is ## incarnated as MPT (see `newMpt()`.). ## ## If the argument `kind` is `StorageTrie`, then the `address` argument is ## needed which links an account to the result descriptor. ## ## This function is intended to open a virtual trie database as in: ## :: ## proc openAccountLedger(db: CoreDbRef, root: Hash256): CoreDxMptRef = ## let trie = db.getTrie(AccountsTrie, root).valueOr: ## # some error handling ## return ## db.newAccMpt trie ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseGetTrieFn result = db.methods.getTrieFn(kind, root, address) db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, kind, root, address, result proc getTrie*( db: CoreDbRef; root: Hash256; address: EthAddress; ): CoreDbRc[CoreDbTrieRef] = ## Shortcut for `db.getTrie(StorageTrie,root,some(address))`. ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseGetTrieFn result = db.methods.getTrieFn(StorageTrie, root, some(address)) db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, root, address, result proc getTrie*( db: CoreDbRef; address: EthAddress; ): CoreDbTrieRef = ## Shortcut for `db.getTrie(StorageTrie,EMPTY_ROOT_HASH,address).value`. The ## function will throw an exception on error. So the result will always be a ## valid descriptor. ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseGetTrieFn result = db.methods.getTrieFn( StorageTrie, EMPTY_ROOT_HASH, some(address)).valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, address, result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public key-value table methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc newKvt*(db: CoreDbRef; saveMode = AutoSave): CoreDxKvtRef = ## Constructor, will defect on failure. ## ## Depending on the argument `saveMode`, the contructed object will have ## the following properties. ## ## * `Shared` ## Subscribe to the common base object shared with other subscribed ## `AutoSave` or `Shared` descriptors. So any changes are immediately ## visible among subscribers. On automatic destruction (when the ## constructed object gets out of scope), changes are not saved to the ## backend database but are still available to subscribers. ## ## This mode would used for short time read-only database descriptors. ## ## * `AutoSave` ## This mode works similar to `Shared` with the difference that changes ## are saved to the backend database some time after automatic destruction ## when this becomes permissible, i.e. there is a backend available and ## there is no pending transaction on the common base object. ## ## * `TopShot` ## The contructed object will be a new descriptor with a separate snapshot ## of the common shared base object. If there are pending transactions ## on the shared base object, the snapsot will squash them to a single ## pending transaction. On automatic destruction, changes will be discarded. ## ## * `Companion` ## The contructed object will be a new separate descriptor with a clean ## cache (similar to `TopShot` with empty cache and no pending ## transactions.) On automatic destruction, changes will be discarded. ## ## The constructed object can be manually descructed (see `forget()`) without ## saving and can be forced to save (see `persistent()`.) ## ## The legacy backend always assumes `AutoSave` mode regardless of the ## function argument. ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseNewKvtFn result = db.methods.newKvtFn(saveMode).valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, saveMode proc get*(kvt: CoreDxKvtRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[Blob] = ## This function always returns a non-empty `Blob` or an error code. kvt.setTrackNewApi KvtGetFn result = kvt.methods.getFn key kvt.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, result proc getOrEmpty*(kvt: CoreDxKvtRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[Blob] = ## This function sort of mimics the behaviour of the legacy database ## returning an empty `Blob` if the argument `key` is not found on the ## database. ## kvt.setTrackNewApi KvtGetOrEmptyFn result = kvt.methods.getFn key if result.isErr and result.error.error == KvtNotFound: result = CoreDbRc[Blob].ok(EmptyBlob) kvt.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, result proc del*(kvt: CoreDxKvtRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[void] = kvt.setTrackNewApi KvtDelFn result = kvt.methods.delFn key kvt.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, result proc put*( kvt: CoreDxKvtRef; key: openArray[byte]; val: openArray[byte]; ): CoreDbRc[void] = kvt.setTrackNewApi KvtPutFn result = kvt.methods.putFn(key, val) kvt.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, val=val.toLenStr, result proc hasKey*(kvt: CoreDxKvtRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[bool] = ## Would be named `contains` if it returned `bool` rather than `Result[]`. ## kvt.setTrackNewApi KvtHasKeyFn result = kvt.methods.hasKeyFn key kvt.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, result proc persistent*(dsc: CoreDxKvtRef): CoreDbRc[void] {.discardable.} = ## For the legacy database, this function has no effect and succeeds always. ## It will nevertheless return a discardable error if there is a pending ## transaction. ## ## This function saves the current cache to the database if possible, ## regardless of the save/share mode assigned to the constructor. ## ## Caveat: ## If `dsc` is a detached descriptor of `Companion` or `TopShot` mode which ## could be persistently saved, the changes are immediately visible on all ## other descriptors unless they are hidden by newer versions of key-value ## items in the cache. ## dsc.setTrackNewApi KvtPersistentFn result = dsc.methods.persistentFn() dsc.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc forget*(dsc: CoreDxKvtRef): CoreDbRc[void] {.discardable.} = ## For the legacy database, this function has no effect and succeeds always. ## ## This function destroys the current descriptor without any further action ## regardless of the save/share mode assigned to the constructor. ## ## For desciptors constructed with modes `saveMode` or`Shared`, nothing will ## change on the current database if there are other descriptors referring ## to the same shared database view. Creating a new `saveMode` or`Shared` ## descriptor will retrieve this state. ## ## For other desciptors constructed as `Companion` ot `TopShot`, the latest ## changes (after the last `persistent()` call) will be discarded. ## dsc.setTrackNewApi KvtForgetFn result = dsc.methods.forgetFn() dsc.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public Merkle Patricia Tree, hexary trie constructors # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc newMpt*( db: CoreDbRef; trie: CoreDbTrieRef; prune = true; saveMode = AutoSave; ): CoreDbRc[CoreDxMptRef] = ## MPT sub-trie object incarnation. The argument `prune` is currently ## ignored on other than the legacy backend. The legacy backend always ## assumes `AutoSave` mode regardless of the function argument. ## ## If the `trie` argument was created for an `EMPTY_ROOT_HASH` sub-trie, the ## sub-trie database will be flushed. There is no need to keep the `trie` ## argument. It can always be rerieved for this particular incarnation unsing ## the function `getTrie()` on this MPT. ## ## See the discussion at `newKvt()` for an explanation of the `saveMode` ## argument. ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseNewMptFn result = db.methods.newMptFn(trie, prune, saveMode) db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, prune, saveMode, result proc newMpt*( db: CoreDbRef; kind: CoreDbSubTrie; address = none(EthAddress); prune = true; saveMode = AutoSave; ): CoreDxMptRef = ## Shortcut for `newMpt(trie,prune,saveMode)` where the `trie` argument is ## `db.getTrie(kind,EMPTY_ROOT_HASH).value`. This function will always ## return a non-nil descriptor or throw an exception. ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseNewMptFn let trie = db.methods.getTrieFn(kind, EMPTY_ROOT_HASH, address).value result = db.methods.newMptFn(trie, prune, saveMode).valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prune, saveMode proc newMpt*(acc: CoreDxAccRef): CoreDxMptRef = ## Constructor, will defect on failure. ## ## Variant of `newMpt()` where the input arguments are taken from the ## current `acc` descriptor settings. ## acc.setTrackNewApi AccToMptFn result = acc.methods.newMptFn().valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() acc.ifTrackNewApi: let root = result.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, root proc newAccMpt*( db: CoreDbRef; trie: CoreDbTrieRef; prune = true; saveMode = AutoSave; ): CoreDbRc[CoreDxAccRef] = ## Accounts trie constructor, will defect on failure. The argument `prune` ## is currently ignored on other than the legacy backend. The legacy backend ## always assumes `AutoSave` mode regardless of the function argument. ## ## Example: ## :: ## let trie = db.getTrie(AccountsTrie,).valueOr: ## ... # No node with ## return ## ## let acc = db.newAccMpt(trie, saveMode=Shared) ## ... # Was not the state root for the accounts sub-trie ## return ## ## This function works similar to `newMpt()` for handling accounts. Although ## this sub-trie can be emulated by means of `newMpt(..).toPhk()`, it is ## recommended using this particular constructor for accounts because it ## provides its own subset of methods to handle accounts. ## ## See the discussion at `newKvt()` for an explanation of the `saveMode` ## argument. ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseNewAccFn result = db.methods.newAccFn(trie, prune, saveMode) db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, prune, saveMode, result proc newAccMpt*( db: CoreDbRef; root = EMPTY_ROOT_HASH; prune = true; saveMode = AutoSave; ): CoreDxAccRef = ## Simplified version of `newAccMpt()` where the `CoreDbTrieRef` argument is ## replaced by a `root` hash argument. This function is sort of a shortcut ## for: ## :: ## let trie = db.getTrie(AccountsTrie, root).value ## result = db.newAccMpt(trie, prune, saveMode).value ## ## and will throw an exception if something goes wrong. The result reference ## will alwye be non `nil`. ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseNewAccFn let trie = db.methods.getTrieFn(AccountsTrie, root, none(EthAddress)).valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() result = db.methods.newAccFn(trie, prune, saveMode).valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prune, saveMode proc toMpt*(phk: CoreDxPhkRef): CoreDxMptRef = ## Replaces the pre-hashed argument trie `phk` by the non pre-hashed *MPT*. ## Note that this does not apply to an accounts trie that was created by ## `newAccMpt()`. ## phk.setTrackNewApi PhkToMptFn result = phk.fromMpt phk.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = result.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie proc toPhk*(mpt: CoreDxMptRef): CoreDxPhkRef = ## Replaces argument `mpt` by a pre-hashed *MPT*. ## Note that this does not apply to an accounts trie that was created by ## `newAaccMpt()`. ## mpt.setTrackNewApi MptToPhkFn result = mpt.toCoreDxPhkRef mpt.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = result.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public common methods for all hexary trie databases (`mpt`, `phk`, or `acc`) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc isPruning*(dsc: CoreDxTrieRefs): bool = ## Getter ## dsc.setTrackNewApi AnyIsPruningFn result = dsc.methods.isPruningFn() dsc.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc getTrie*(acc: CoreDxAccRef): CoreDbTrieRef = ## Getter, result is not `nil` ## acc.setTrackNewApi AccGetTrieFn result = acc.methods.getTrieFn() acc.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc getTrie*(mpt: CoreDxMptRef): CoreDbTrieRef = ## Variant of `getTrie()` mpt.setTrackNewApi MptGetTrieFn result = mpt.methods.getTrieFn() mpt.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc getTrie*(phk: CoreDxPhkRef): CoreDbTrieRef = ## Variant of `getTrie()` phk.setTrackNewApi PhkGetTrieFn result = phk.methods.getTrieFn() phk.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc persistent*(acc: CoreDxAccRef): CoreDbRc[void] = ## For the legacy database, this function has no effect and succeeds always. ## It will nevertheless return a discardable error if there is a pending ## transaction. ## ## This function saves the current cache to the database if possible, ## regardless of the save/share mode assigned to the constructor. ## ## Caveat: ## If `dsc` is a detached descriptor of `Companion` or `TopShot` mode which ## could be persistently saved, no changes are visible on other descriptors. ## This is different from the behaviour of a `Kvt` descriptor. Saving any ## other descriptor will undo the changes. ## acc.setTrackNewApi AccPersistentFn result = acc.methods.persistentFn() acc.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc persistent*(mpt: CoreDxMptRef): CoreDbRc[void] {.discardable.} = ## Variant of `persistent()` mpt.setTrackNewApi MptPersistentFn result = mpt.methods.persistentFn() mpt.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = mpt.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, result proc persistent*(phk: CoreDxPhkRef): CoreDbRc[void] {.discardable.} = ## Variant of `persistent()` phk.setTrackNewApi PhkPersistentFn result = phk.methods.persistentFn() phk.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = phk.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, result proc forget*(acc: CoreDxAccRef): CoreDbRc[void] {.discardable.} = ## For the legacy database, this function has no effect and succeeds always. ## ## This function destroys the current descriptor without any further action ## regardless of the save/share mode assigned to the constructor. ## ## See the discussion at `forget()` for a `CoreDxKvtRef` type argument ## descriptor an explanation of how this function works. ## acc.setTrackNewApi AccForgetFn result = acc.methods.forgetFn() acc.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc forget*(mpt: CoreDxMptRef): CoreDbRc[void] {.discardable.} = ## Variant of `forget()` mpt.setTrackNewApi MptForgetFn result = mpt.methods.forgetFn() mpt.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = mpt.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, result proc forget*(phk: CoreDxPhkRef): CoreDbRc[void] {.discardable.} = ## Variant of `forget()` phk.setTrackNewApi PhkForgetFn result = phk.methods.forgetFn() phk.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = phk.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public generic hexary trie database methods (`mpt` or `phk`) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc fetch*(mpt: CoreDxMptRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[Blob] = ## Fetch data from the argument `trie`. The function always returns a ## non-empty `Blob` or an error code. ## mpt.setTrackNewApi MptFetchFn result = mpt.methods.fetchFn key mpt.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = mpt.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, key=key.toStr, result proc fetch*(phk: CoreDxPhkRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[Blob] = ## Variant of `fetch()" phk.setTrackNewApi PhkFetchFn result = phk.methods.fetchFn key phk.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = phk.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, key=key.toStr, result proc fetchOrEmpty*(mpt: CoreDxMptRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[Blob] = ## This function returns an empty `Blob` if the argument `key` is not found ## on the database. ## mpt.setTrackNewApi MptFetchOrEmptyFn result = mpt.methods.fetchFn key if result.isErr and result.error.error == MptNotFound: result = CoreDbRc[Blob].ok(EmptyBlob) mpt.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = mpt.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, key=key.toStr, result proc fetchOrEmpty*(phk: CoreDxPhkRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[Blob] = ## Variant of `fetchOrEmpty()` phk.setTrackNewApi PhkFetchOrEmptyFn result = phk.methods.fetchFn key if result.isErr and result.error.error == MptNotFound: result = CoreDbRc[Blob].ok(EmptyBlob) phk.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = phk.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, key=key.toStr, result proc delete*(mpt: CoreDxMptRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[void] = mpt.setTrackNewApi MptDeleteFn result = mpt.methods.deleteFn key mpt.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = mpt.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, key=key.toStr, result proc delete*(phk: CoreDxPhkRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[void] = phk.setTrackNewApi PhkDeleteFn result = phk.methods.deleteFn key phk.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = phk.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, key=key.toStr, result proc merge*( mpt: CoreDxMptRef; key: openArray[byte]; val: openArray[byte]; ): CoreDbRc[void] = mpt.setTrackNewApi MptMergeFn result = mpt.methods.mergeFn(key, val) mpt.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = mpt.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, key=key.toStr, val=val.toLenStr, result proc merge*( phk: CoreDxPhkRef; key: openArray[byte]; val: openArray[byte]; ): CoreDbRc[void] = phk.setTrackNewApi PhkMergeFn result = phk.methods.mergeFn(key, val) phk.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = phk.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, key=key.toStr, val=val.toLenStr, result proc hasPath*(mpt: CoreDxMptRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[bool] = ## This function would be named `contains()` if it returned `bool` rather ## than a `Result[]`. ## mpt.setTrackNewApi MptHasPathFn result = mpt.methods.hasPathFn key mpt.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = mpt.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, key=key.toStr, result proc hasPath*(phk: CoreDxPhkRef; key: openArray[byte]): CoreDbRc[bool] = ## Variant of `hasPath()` phk.setTrackNewApi PhkHasPathFn result = phk.methods.hasPathFn key phk.ifTrackNewApi: let trie = phk.methods.getTrieFn() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, trie, key=key.toStr, result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public trie database methods for accounts # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc fetch*(acc: CoreDxAccRef; address: EthAddress): CoreDbRc[CoreDbAccount] = ## Fetch data from the argument `acc`. ## acc.setTrackNewApi AccFetchFn result = acc.methods.fetchFn address acc.ifTrackNewApi: let stoTrie = if result.isErr: "n/a" else: result.value.stoTrie.prettyText() debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, address, stoTrie, result proc delete*(acc: CoreDxAccRef; address: EthAddress): CoreDbRc[void] = acc.setTrackNewApi AccDeleteFn result = acc.methods.deleteFn address acc.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, address, result proc stoFlush*(acc: CoreDxAccRef; address: EthAddress): CoreDbRc[void] = ## Recursively delete all data elements from the storage trie associated to ## the account identified by the argument `address`. After successful run, ## the storage trie will be empty. ## ## caveat: ## This function has currently no effect on the legacy backend so it must ## not be relied upon in general. On the legacy backend, storage tries ## might be shared by several accounts whereas they are unique on the ## `Aristo` backend. ## acc.setTrackNewApi AccStoFlushFn result = acc.methods.stoFlushFn address acc.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, address, result proc merge*( acc: CoreDxAccRef; account: CoreDbAccount; ): CoreDbRc[void] = acc.setTrackNewApi AccMergeFn result = acc.methods.mergeFn account acc.ifTrackNewApi: let address = account.address debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, address, result proc hasPath*(acc: CoreDxAccRef; address: EthAddress): CoreDbRc[bool] = ## Would be named `contains` if it returned `bool` rather than `Result[]`. ## acc.setTrackNewApi AccHasPathFn result = acc.methods.hasPathFn address acc.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, address, result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public transaction related methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc newTransaction*(db: CoreDbRef): CoreDbRc[CoreDxTxRef] = ## Constructor ## db.setTrackNewApi BaseNewTxFn result = db.methods.beginFn() db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, newLevel=db.methods.levelFn(), result proc level*(tx: CoreDxTxRef): int = ## Print positive argument `tx` transaction level ## tx.setTrackNewApi TxLevelFn result = tx.methods.levelFn() tx.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc commit*(tx: CoreDxTxRef, applyDeletes = true): CoreDbRc[void] = tx.setTrackNewApi TxCommitFn: let prvLevel {.used.} = tx.methods.levelFn() result = tx.methods.commitFn applyDeletes tx.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prvLevel, result proc rollback*(tx: CoreDxTxRef): CoreDbRc[void] = tx.setTrackNewApi TxRollbackFn: let prvLevel {.used.} = tx.methods.levelFn() result = tx.methods.rollbackFn() tx.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prvLevel, result proc dispose*(tx: CoreDxTxRef): CoreDbRc[void] = tx.setTrackNewApi TxDisposeFn: let prvLevel {.used.} = tx.methods.levelFn() result = tx.methods.disposeFn() tx.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prvLevel, result proc safeDispose*(tx: CoreDxTxRef): CoreDbRc[void] = tx.setTrackNewApi TxSaveDisposeFn: let prvLevel {.used.} = tx.methods.levelFn() result = tx.methods.safeDisposeFn() tx.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prvLevel, result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public tracer methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc newCapture*( db: CoreDbRef; flags: set[CoreDbCaptFlags] = {}; ): CoreDbRc[CoreDxCaptRef] = ## Constructor db.setTrackNewApi BaseCaptureFn result = db.methods.captureFn flags db.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc recorder*(cp: CoreDxCaptRef): CoreDbRc[CoreDbRef] = ## Getter cp.setTrackNewApi CptRecorderFn result = cp.methods.recorderFn() cp.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc logDb*(cp: CoreDxCaptRef): CoreDbRc[CoreDbRef] = cp.setTrackNewApi CptLogDbFn result = cp.methods.logDbFn() cp.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc flags*(cp: CoreDxCaptRef): set[CoreDbCaptFlags] = ## Getter cp.setTrackNewApi CptFlagsFn result = cp.methods.getFlagsFn() cp.ifTrackNewApi: debug newApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public methods, legacy API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ when ProvideLegacyAPI: proc parent*(cld: CoreDbChldRefs): CoreDbRef = ## Getter, common method for all sub-modules result = cld.distinctBase.parent proc backend*(dsc: CoreDbChldRefs): auto = dsc.setTrackLegaApi LegaBackendFn result = dsc.distinctBase.backend dsc.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed # ---------------- proc kvt*(db: CoreDbRef): CoreDbKvtRef = ## Legacy pseudo constructor, see `toKvt()` for production constructor db.setTrackLegaApi LegaNewKvtFn result = db.newKvt().CoreDbKvtRef db.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc get*(kvt: CoreDbKvtRef; key: openArray[byte]): Blob = kvt.setTrackLegaApi LegaKvtGetFn result = kvt.distinctBase.getOrEmpty(key).expect $ctx kvt.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, result proc del*(kvt: CoreDbKvtRef; key: openArray[byte]): void = kvt.setTrackLegaApi LegaKvtDelFn kvt.distinctBase.del(key).expect $ctx kvt.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr proc put*(kvt: CoreDbKvtRef; key: openArray[byte]; val: openArray[byte]) = kvt.setTrackLegaApi LegaKvtPutFn kvt.distinctBase.parent.newKvt().put(key, val).expect $ctx kvt.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, val=val.toLenStr proc contains*(kvt: CoreDbKvtRef; key: openArray[byte]): bool = kvt.setTrackLegaApi LegaKvtContainsFn result = kvt.distinctBase.hasKey(key).expect $ctx kvt.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, result # ---------------- proc toMpt*(phk: CoreDbPhkRef): CoreDbMptRef = phk.setTrackLegaApi LegaToMptFn result = phk.distinctBase.toMpt.CoreDbMptRef phk.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed proc mptPrune*(db: CoreDbRef; root: Hash256; prune = true): CoreDbMptRef = db.setTrackLegaApi LegaNewMptFn let trie = db.methods.getTrieFn(GenericTrie, root, none(EthAddress)).valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() & ": " & $ctx mpt = db.newMpt(trie, prune).valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() & ": " & $ctx result = mpt.CoreDbMptRef db.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, root, prune proc mptPrune*(db: CoreDbRef; prune = true): CoreDbMptRef = db.setTrackLegaApi LegaNewMptFn result = db.newMpt(GenericTrie, none(EthAddress), prune).CoreDbMptRef db.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prune # ---------------- proc toPhk*(mpt: CoreDbMptRef): CoreDbPhkRef = mpt.setTrackLegaApi LegaToPhkFn result = mpt.distinctBase.toPhk.CoreDbPhkRef mpt.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed proc phkPrune*(db: CoreDbRef; root: Hash256; prune = true): CoreDbPhkRef = db.setTrackLegaApi LegaNewPhkFn let trie = db.methods.getTrieFn(GenericTrie, root, none(EthAddress)).valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() & ": " & $ctx phk = db.newMpt(trie, prune).valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() & ": " & $ctx result = phk.toCoreDxPhkRef.CoreDbPhkRef db.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, root, prune proc phkPrune*(db: CoreDbRef; prune = true): CoreDbPhkRef = db.setTrackLegaApi LegaNewPhkFn result = db.newMpt( GenericTrie, none(EthAddress), prune).toCoreDxPhkRef.CoreDbPhkRef db.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prune # ---------------- proc isPruning*(trie: CoreDbTrieRefs): bool = trie.setTrackLegaApi LegaIsPruningFn result = trie.distinctBase.isPruning() trie.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc get*(mpt: CoreDbMptRef; key: openArray[byte]): Blob = mpt.setTrackLegaApi LegaMptGetFn result = mpt.distinctBase.fetchOrEmpty(key).expect $ctx mpt.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, result proc get*(phk: CoreDbPhkRef; key: openArray[byte]): Blob = phk.setTrackLegaApi LegaPhkGetFn result = phk.distinctBase.fetchOrEmpty(key).expect $ctx phk.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, result proc del*(mpt: CoreDbMptRef; key: openArray[byte]) = mpt.setTrackLegaApi LegaMptDelFn mpt.distinctBase.delete(key).expect $ctx mpt.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr proc del*(phk: CoreDbPhkRef; key: openArray[byte]) = phk.setTrackLegaApi LegaPhkDelFn phk.distinctBase.delete(key).expect $ctx phk.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr proc put*(mpt: CoreDbMptRef; key: openArray[byte]; val: openArray[byte]) = mpt.setTrackLegaApi LegaMptPutFn mpt.distinctBase.merge(key, val).expect $ctx mpt.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, val=val.toLenStr proc put*(phk: CoreDbPhkRef; key: openArray[byte]; val: openArray[byte]) = phk.setTrackLegaApi LegaPhkPutFn phk.distinctBase.merge(key, val).expect $ctx phk.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, val=val.toLenStr proc contains*(mpt: CoreDbMptRef; key: openArray[byte]): bool = mpt.setTrackLegaApi LegaMptContainsFn result = mpt.distinctBase.hasPath(key).expect $ctx mpt.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, result proc contains*(phk: CoreDbPhkRef; key: openArray[byte]): bool = phk.setTrackLegaApi LegaPhkContainsFn result = phk.distinctBase.hasPath(key).expect $ctx phk.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, key=key.toStr, result proc rootHash*(mpt: CoreDbMptRef): Hash256 = mpt.setTrackLegaApi LegaMptRootHashFn result = mpt.distinctBase.methods.getTrieFn().rootHash.valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() & ": " & $ctx mpt.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result proc rootHash*(phk: CoreDbPhkRef): Hash256 = phk.setTrackLegaApi LegaPhkRootHashFn result = phk.distinctBase.methods.getTrieFn().rootHash.valueOr: raiseAssert error.prettyText() & ": " & $ctx phk.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result # ---------------- proc getTransactionID*(db: CoreDbRef): CoreDbTxID = db.setTrackLegaApi LegaGetTxIdFn result = db.methods.getIdFn().expect($ctx).CoreDbTxID db.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed proc shortTimeReadOnly*( id: CoreDbTxID; action: proc() {.catchRaise.}; ) {.catchRaise.} = id.setTrackLegaApi LegaShortTimeRoFn var oops = none(ref CatchableError) proc safeFn() = try: action() except CatchableError as e: oops = some(e) # Action has finished now id.distinctBase.methods.roWrapperFn(safeFn).expect $ctx # Delayed exception if oops.isSome: let e = oops.unsafeGet msg = "delayed and reraised" & ", name=" & $e.name & ", msg=\"" & e.msg & "\"" raise (ref TxWrapperApiError)(msg: msg) id.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed proc beginTransaction*(db: CoreDbRef): CoreDbTxRef = db.setTrackLegaApi LegaBeginTxFn result = (db.distinctBase.methods.beginFn().expect $ctx).CoreDbTxRef db.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, newLevel=db.methods.levelFn() proc commit*(tx: CoreDbTxRef, applyDeletes = true) = tx.setTrackLegaApi LegaTxCommitFn: let prvLevel {.used.} = tx.distinctBase.methods.levelFn() tx.distinctBase.commit(applyDeletes).expect $ctx tx.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prvLevel proc rollback*(tx: CoreDbTxRef) = tx.setTrackLegaApi LegaTxCommitFn: let prvLevel {.used.} = tx.distinctBase.methods.levelFn() tx.distinctBase.rollback().expect $ctx tx.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prvLevel proc dispose*(tx: CoreDbTxRef) = tx.setTrackLegaApi LegaTxDisposeFn: let prvLevel {.used.} = tx.distinctBase.methods.levelFn() tx.distinctBase.dispose().expect $ctx tx.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prvLevel proc safeDispose*(tx: CoreDbTxRef) = tx.setTrackLegaApi LegaTxSaveDisposeFn: let prvLevel {.used.} = tx.distinctBase.methods.levelFn() tx.distinctBase.safeDispose().expect $ctx tx.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, prvLevel # ---------------- proc capture*( db: CoreDbRef; flags: set[CoreDbCaptFlags] = {}; ): CoreDbCaptRef = db.setTrackLegaApi LegaCaptureFn result = db.newCapture(flags).expect($ctx).CoreDbCaptRef db.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed proc recorder*(cp: CoreDbCaptRef): CoreDbRef = cp.setTrackLegaApi LegaCptRecorderFn result = cp.distinctBase.recorder().expect $ctx cp.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed proc logDb*(cp: CoreDbCaptRef): CoreDbRef = cp.setTrackLegaApi LegaCptLogDbFn result = cp.distinctBase.logDb().expect $ctx cp.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed proc flags*(cp: CoreDbCaptRef): set[CoreDbCaptFlags] = cp.setTrackLegaApi LegaCptFlagsFn result = cp.distinctBase.flags() cp.ifTrackLegaApi: debug legaApiTxt, ctx, elapsed, result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------