import faststreams/input_stream, eth/common, stint, stew/endians2, ./witness_types type TreeBuilder = object input: InputStream func constructBranchMask(b1, b2: byte): uint {.inline.} = uint(b1) shl 8 or uint(b2) assert(result > 0) proc setBranchMaskBit(x: var uint, i: int) {.inline.} = assert(i >= 0 and i < 16) x = x or (1 shl i).uint func branchMaskBitIsSet(x: uint, i: int): bool {.inline.} = assert(i >= 0 and i < 16) result = ((x shr i.uint) and 1'u) == 1'u template readByte(t: var TreeBuilder): byte = proc readU32(t: var TreeBuilder): int = # TODO: what if the value overflow int32.high? result = fromBytesLE(uint32, t.input.readBytes(4)).int proc branchNode(t: var TreeBuilder, depth: int) proc extensionNode(t: var TreeBuilder, depth: int) proc accountNode(t: var TreeBuilder, depth: int) proc accountStorageLeafNode(t: var TreeBuilder, depth: int) proc hashNode(t: var TreeBuilder) proc treeNode(t: var TreeBuilder, depth: int = 0, accountMode = false) = assert(depth < 64) let nodeType = TrieNodeType(t.readByte) case nodeType of BranchNodeType: t.branchNode(depth) of ExtensionNodeType: t.extensionNode(depth) of AccountNodeType: if accountMode: # parse account storage leaf node t.accountStorageLeafNode(depth) else: t.accountNode(depth) of HashNodeType: t.hashNode() proc branchNode(t: var TreeBuilder, depth: int) = assert(depth < 64) let mask = constructBranchMask(t.readByte, t.readByte) for i in 0 ..< 16: if mask.branchMaskBitIsSet(i): t.treeNode(depth+1) proc extensionNode(t: var TreeBuilder, depth: int) = assert(depth < 63) let nibblesLen = int(t.readByte) assert(nibblesLen < 65) let pathNibbles = @( div 2 + nibblesLen mod 2)) assert(depth + nibblesLen < 65) let nodeType = TrieNodeType(t.readByte) case nodeType of BranchNodeType: t.branchNode(depth + nibblesLen) of HashNodeType: t.hashNode() else: raise newException(ValueError, "wrong type during parsing child of extension node") func toAddress(x: openArray[byte]): EthAddress {.inline.} = result[0..19] = x[0..19] proc accountNode(t: var TreeBuilder, depth: int) = assert(depth < 65) let nodeType = AccountType(t.readByte) let nibblesLen = 64 - depth let pathNibbles = @( div 2 + nibblesLen mod 2)) let address = toAddress( let balance = UInt256.fromBytesBE(, false) # TODO: why nonce must be 32 bytes, isn't 64 bit uint enough? let nonce = UInt256.fromBytesBE(, false) if nodeType == ExtendedAccountType: let codeLen = t.readU32() let code = @( # switch to account storage parsing mode # and reset the depth t.treeNode(0, accountMode = true) proc accountStorageLeafNode(t: var TreeBuilder, depth: int) = assert(depth < 65) let nibblesLen = 64 - depth let pathNibbles = @( div 2 + nibblesLen mod 2)) let key = @( let val = @( proc hashNode(t: var TreeBuilder) = let hash = @(