# Fluffy # Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import os, std/sequtils, unittest2, testutils, confutils, chronos, stew/byteutils, eth/p2p/discoveryv5/random2, eth/common/keys, ../common/common_types, ../rpc/portal_rpc_client, ../rpc/eth_rpc_client, ../eth_data/[history_data_seeding, history_data_json_store, history_data_ssz_e2s], ../network/history/[history_content, validation/historical_hashes_accumulator], ../tests/history_network_tests/test_history_util type FutureCallback[A] = proc(): Future[A] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} CheckCallback[A] = proc(a: A): bool {.gcsafe, raises: [].} PortalTestnetConf* = object nodeCount* {.defaultValue: 17, desc: "Number of nodes to test", name: "node-count".}: int rpcAddress* {. desc: "Listening address of the JSON-RPC service for all nodes", defaultValue: "", name: "rpc-address" .}: string baseRpcPort* {. defaultValue: 10000, desc: "Port of the JSON-RPC service of the bootstrap (first) node", name: "base-rpc-port" .}: uint16 proc connectToRpcServers(config: PortalTestnetConf): Future[seq[RpcClient]] {.async.} = var clients: seq[RpcClient] for i in 0 ..< config.nodeCount: let client = newRpcHttpClient() await client.connect(config.rpcAddress, Port(config.baseRpcPort + uint16(i)), false) clients.add(client) return clients proc withRetries[A]( f: FutureCallback[A], check: CheckCallback[A], numRetries: int, initialWait: Duration, checkFailMessage: string, nodeIdx: int, ): Future[A] {.async.} = ## Retries given future callback until either: ## it returns successfuly and given check is true ## or ## function reaches max specified retries var tries = 0 var currentDuration = initialWait while true: try: let res = await f() if check(res): return res else: raise newException(ValueError, checkFailMessage) except CatchableError as exc: if tries > numRetries: # if we reached max number of retries fail let msg = "Call failed with msg: " & exc.msg & ", for node with idx: " & $nodeIdx & ", after " & $tries & " tries." raise newException(ValueError, msg) inc tries # wait before new retry await sleepAsync(currentDuration) currentDuration = currentDuration * 2 # Sometimes we need to wait till data will be propagated over the network. # To avoid long sleeps, this combinator can be used to retry some calls until # success or until some condition hold (or both) proc retryUntil[A]( f: FutureCallback[A], c: CheckCallback[A], checkFailMessage: string, nodeIdx: int ): Future[A] = # some reasonable limits, which will cause waits as: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 seconds return withRetries(f, c, 3, seconds(1), checkFailMessage, nodeIdx) # Note: # When doing json-rpc requests following `RpcPostError` can occur: # "Failed to send POST Request with JSON-RPC." when a `HttpClientRequestRef` # POST request is send in the json-rpc http client. # This error is raised when the httpclient hits error: # "Could not send request headers", which in its turn is caused by the # "Incomplete data sent or received" in `AsyncStream`, which is caused by # `ECONNRESET` or `EPIPE` error (see `isConnResetError()`) on the TCP stream. # This can occur when the server side closes the connection, which happens after # a `httpHeadersTimeout` of default 10 seconds (set on `HttpServerRef.new()`). # In order to avoid here hitting this timeout a `close()` is done after each # json-rpc call. Because the first json-rpc call opens up the connection, and it # remains open until a close() (or timeout). No need to do another connect # before any new call as the proc `connectToRpcServers` doesn't actually connect # to servers, as client.connect doesn't do that. It just sets the `httpAddress`. # Yes, this client json rpc API couldn't be more confusing. # Could also just retry each call on failure, which would set up a new # connection. # We are kind of abusing the unittest2 here to run json rpc tests against other # processes. Needs to be compiled with `-d:unittest2DisableParamFiltering` or # the confutils cli will not work. procSuite "Portal testnet tests": let config = PortalTestnetConf.load() let rng = newRng() asyncTest "Discv5 - Random node lookup from each node": let clients = await connectToRpcServers(config) var nodeInfos: seq[NodeInfo] for client in clients: let nodeInfo = await client.discv5_nodeInfo() await client.close() nodeInfos.add(nodeInfo) # Kick off the network by trying to add all records to each node. # These nodes are also set as seen, so they get passed along on findNode # requests. # Note: The amount of Records added here can be less but then the # probability that all nodes will still be reached needs to be calculated. # Note 2: One could also ping all nodes but that is much slower and more # error prone for client in clients: discard await client.discv5_addEnrs( nodeInfos.map( proc(x: NodeInfo): Record = x.enr ) ) await client.close() for client in clients: let routingTableInfo = await client.discv5_routingTableInfo() await client.close() var start: seq[NodeId] let nodes = foldl(routingTableInfo.buckets, a & b, start) # A node will have at least the first bucket filled. One could increase # this based on the probability that x amount of nodes fit in the buckets. check nodes.len >= (min(config.nodeCount - 1, 16)) # grab a random node its `NodeInfo` and lookup that node from all nodes. let randomNodeInfo = sample(rng[], nodeInfos) for client in clients: var enr: Record enr = await client.discv5_lookupEnr(randomNodeInfo.nodeId) check enr == randomNodeInfo.enr await client.close() asyncTest "Portal State - Random node lookup from each node": let clients = await connectToRpcServers(config) var nodeInfos: seq[NodeInfo] for client in clients: let nodeInfo = await client.portal_stateNodeInfo() await client.close() nodeInfos.add(nodeInfo) for client in clients: discard await client.portal_stateAddEnrs( nodeInfos.map( proc(x: NodeInfo): Record = x.enr ) ) await client.close() for client in clients: let routingTableInfo = await client.portal_stateRoutingTableInfo() await client.close() var start: seq[NodeId] let nodes = foldl(routingTableInfo.buckets, a & b, start) check nodes.len >= (min(config.nodeCount - 1, 16)) # grab a random node its `NodeInfo` and lookup that node from all nodes. let randomNodeInfo = sample(rng[], nodeInfos) for client in clients: var enr: Record try: enr = await client.portal_stateLookupEnr(randomNodeInfo.nodeId) except CatchableError as e: echo e.msg # TODO: For state network this occasionally fails. It might be because the # distance function is not used in all locations, or perhaps it just # doesn't converge to the target always with this distance function. To be # further investigated. skip() # check enr == randomNodeInfo.enr await client.close() asyncTest "Portal History - Random node lookup from each node": let clients = await connectToRpcServers(config) var nodeInfos: seq[NodeInfo] for client in clients: let nodeInfo = await client.portal_historyNodeInfo() await client.close() nodeInfos.add(nodeInfo) for client in clients: discard await client.portal_historyAddEnrs( nodeInfos.map( proc(x: NodeInfo): Record = x.enr ) ) await client.close() for client in clients: let routingTableInfo = await client.portal_historyRoutingTableInfo() await client.close() var start: seq[NodeId] let nodes = foldl(routingTableInfo.buckets, a & b, start) check nodes.len >= (min(config.nodeCount - 1, 16)) # grab a random node its `NodeInfo` and lookup that node from all nodes. let randomNodeInfo = sample(rng[], nodeInfos) for client in clients: var enr: Record enr = await client.portal_historyLookupEnr(randomNodeInfo.nodeId) await client.close() check enr == randomNodeInfo.enr asyncTest "Portal History - Propagate blocks and do content lookups": const headerFile = "./vendor/portal-spec-tests/tests/mainnet/history/headers/1000001-1000010.e2s" accumulatorFile = "./vendor/portal-spec-tests/tests/mainnet/history/accumulator/epoch-record-00122.ssz" blockDataFile = "./fluffy/tests/blocks/mainnet_blocks_1000001_1000010.json" let blockHeaders = readBlockHeaders(headerFile).valueOr: raiseAssert "Invalid header file: " & headerFile epochRecord = readEpochRecordCached(accumulatorFile).valueOr: raiseAssert "Invalid epoch accumulator file: " & accumulatorFile blockHeadersWithProof = buildHeadersWithProof(blockHeaders, epochRecord).valueOr: raiseAssert "Could not build headers with proof" blockData = readJsonType(blockDataFile, BlockDataTable).valueOr: raiseAssert "Invalid block data file" & blockDataFile clients = await connectToRpcServers(config) # Gossiping all block headers with proof first, as bodies and receipts # require them for validation. for (contentKey, contentValue) in blockHeadersWithProof: discard ( await clients[0].portal_historyPutContent( contentKey.toHex(), contentValue.toHex() ) ) # TODO: Fix iteration order: Because the blockData gets parsed into a # BlockDataTable, iterating over this result in gossiping the block bodies # and receipts of block in a different order than the headers. # Because of this, block bodies and receipts for block # 0x6251d65b8a8668efabe2f89c96a5b6332d83b3bbe585089ea6b2ab9b6754f5e9 # come right after the headers with proof. This is likely to cause validation # failures on the nodes, as the block bodies and receipts require the header # to get validated. await sleepAsync(seconds(1)) # Gossiping all block bodies and receipts. for b in blocks(blockData, false): for i, value in b: if i == 0: # Note: Skipping the headers, they are handled above already continue # Only sending non empty data, e.g. empty receipts are not send # TODO: Could do a similar thing for a combination of empty # txs and empty uncles, as then the serialization is always the same. if value[1].len() > 0: let contentKey = history_content.encode(value[0]).asSeq().toHex() contentValue = value[1].toHex() discard (await clients[0].portal_historyPutContent(contentKey, contentValue)) await clients[0].close() for i, client in clients: # Note: Once there is the Canonical Indices Network, we don't need to # access this file anymore here for the block hashes. for hash in blockData.blockHashes(): # Note: More flexible approach instead of generic retries could be to # add a json-rpc debug proc that returns whether the offer queue is empty or # not. And then poll every node until all nodes have an empty queue. let content = await retryUntil( proc(): Future[Opt[BlockObject]] {.async.} = try: let res = await client.eth_getBlockByHash(hash, true) await client.close() return res except CatchableError as exc: await client.close() raise exc, proc(mc: Opt[BlockObject]): bool = return mc.isSome(), "Did not receive expected Block with hash " & hash.data.toHex(), i, ) check content.isSome() let blockObj = content.get() check blockObj.hash == hash for tx in blockObj.transactions: doAssert(tx.kind == tohTx) check tx.tx.blockHash.get == hash let filterOptions = FilterOptions(blockHash: Opt.some(hash)) let logs = await retryUntil( proc(): Future[seq[LogObject]] {.async.} = try: let res = await client.eth_getLogs(filterOptions) await client.close() return res except CatchableError as exc: await client.close() raise exc, proc(mc: seq[LogObject]): bool = return true, "", i, ) for l in logs: check: l.blockHash == Opt.some(hash) # TODO: Check ommersHash, need the headers and not just the hashes # for uncle in blockObj.uncles: # discard await client.close()