# Fluffy # Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # As per spec: # https://github.com/ethereum/portal-network-specs/blob/master/state-network.md#content-keys-and-content-ids {.push raises: [].} import results, ssz_serialization, ../../../common/common_types export ssz_serialization, common_types, results const MAX_PACKED_NIBBLES_LEN = 33 MAX_UNPACKED_NIBBLES_LEN = 64 type Nibbles* = List[byte, MAX_PACKED_NIBBLES_LEN] type UnpackedNibbles* = seq[byte] func init*(T: type Nibbles, packed: openArray[byte], isEven: bool): T = doAssert(packed.len() <= MAX_PACKED_NIBBLES_LEN) var output = newSeqOfCap[byte](packed.len() + 1) if isEven: output.add(0x00) else: doAssert(packed.len() > 0) # set the first nibble to 1 and copy the second nibble from the input output.add((packed[0] and 0x0F) or 0x10) let startIdx = if isEven: 0 else: 1 for i in startIdx ..< packed.len(): output.add(packed[i]) Nibbles(output) func empty*(T: type Nibbles): T = Nibbles.init(@[], true) func encode*(nibbles: Nibbles): seq[byte] = SSZ.encode(nibbles) func decode*(T: type Nibbles, bytes: openArray[byte]): Result[T, string] = decodeSsz(bytes, T) func packNibbles*(unpacked: openArray[byte]): Nibbles = doAssert( unpacked.len() <= MAX_UNPACKED_NIBBLES_LEN, "Can't pack more than 64 nibbles" ) if unpacked.len() == 0: return Nibbles(@[byte(0x00)]) let isEvenLength = unpacked.len() mod 2 == 0 var output = newSeqOfCap[byte](unpacked.len() div 2 + 1) highNibble = isEvenLength currentByte: byte = 0 if isEvenLength: output.add(0x00) else: currentByte = 0x10 for i, nibble in unpacked: if highNibble: currentByte = nibble shl 4 else: output.add(currentByte or nibble) currentByte = 0 highNibble = not highNibble Nibbles(output) func unpackNibbles*(packed: Nibbles): UnpackedNibbles = doAssert(packed.len() <= MAX_PACKED_NIBBLES_LEN, "Packed nibbles length is too long") var output = newSeqOfCap[byte](packed.len() * 2) for i, pair in packed: if i == 0 and pair == 0x00: continue let first = (pair and 0xF0) shr 4 second = pair and 0x0F if i == 0 and first == 0x01: output.add(second) else: output.add(first) output.add(second) ensureMove(output) func len(packed: Nibbles): int = let lenExclPrefix = (packed.len() - 1) * 2 if packed[0] == 0x00: # is even length lenExclPrefix else: lenExclPrefix + 1 func dropN*(unpacked: UnpackedNibbles, num: int): UnpackedNibbles = var nibbles = unpacked nibbles.setLen(nibbles.len() - num) ensureMove(nibbles)