# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import stew/[byteutils, endians2], json, strutils, eth/[common, rlp], eth/trie/[trie_defs, nibbles, db], ./witness_types, ../nimbus/constants, ../nimbus/db/storage_types, ./multi_keys type DB = TrieDatabaseRef WitnessBuilder* = object db*: DB root: KeccakHash flags: WitnessFlags node: JsonNode jStack: seq[JsonNode] StackElem = object node: seq[byte] parentGroup: Group keys: MultiKeysRef depth: int storageMode: bool proc initWitnessBuilder*(db: DB, rootHash: KeccakHash, flags: WitnessFlags = {}): WitnessBuilder = result.db = db result.root = rootHash result.flags = flags result.node = newJObject() result.jStack = @[] template extensionNodeKey(r: Rlp): auto = hexPrefixDecode r.listElem(0).toBytes proc expectHash(r: Rlp): seq[byte] = result = r.toBytes if result.len != 32: raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "RLP expected to be a Keccak hash value, but has an incorrect length") template getNode(elem: untyped): untyped = if elem.isList: @(elem.rawData) else: @(get(wb.db, elem.expectHash)) proc rlpListToBitmask(r: var Rlp): uint = var i = 0 for branch in r: if not branch.isEmpty: result.setBranchMaskBit(i) inc i r.position = 0 proc writeByte(wb: var WitnessBuilder, x: byte, name: string) = wb.node[name] = newJString("0x" & toHex(x.int, 2)) proc write(wb: var WitnessBuilder, x: openArray[byte], name: string) = wb.node[name] = newJString("0x" & toHex(x)) proc write(wb: var WitnessBuilder, a, b: byte, name: string) = wb.node[name] = newJString("0x" & toHex(a.int, 2) & toHex(b.int, 2)) proc write(wb: var WitnessBuilder, x: bool, name: string) = wb.node[name] = newJBool(x) proc pushArray(wb: var WitnessBuilder, name: string) = var node = newJArray() wb.node[name] = node wb.jStack.add wb.node wb.node = node proc pushObject(wb: var WitnessBuilder, name: string) = var node = newJObject() wb.node[name] = node wb.jStack.add wb.node wb.node = node proc addObject(wb: var WitnessBuilder) = var node = newJObject() wb.node.add node wb.jStack.add wb.node wb.node = node proc pop(wb: var WitnessBuilder) = wb.node = wb.jStack.pop() proc writeU32Impl(wb: var WitnessBuilder, x: uint32, name: string) = let y = toBytesBE(x) wb.node[name] = newJString("0x" & toHex(y)) template writeU32(wb: var WitnessBuilder, x: untyped, name: string) = wb.writeU32Impl(uint32(x), name) template writeByte(wb: var WitnessBuilder, x: untyped, name: string) = writeByte(wb, byte(x), name) proc writeUVarint[T](wb: var WitnessBuilder, x: T, name: string) = # LEB128 varint encoding var data: array[50, byte] var len = 0 template writeByte(x) = data[len] = x.byte inc len var value = x while true: when T is UInt256: var b = value.truncate(int) and 0x7F # low order 7 bits of value else: var b = value and 0x7F # low order 7 bits of value value = value shr 7 if value != 0: # more bytes to come b = b or 0x80 # set high order bit of b writeByte(b) if value == 0: break wb.write(data.toOpenArray(0, len-1), name) template writeUVarint32(wb: var WitnessBuilder, x: untyped, name: string) = wb.writeUVarint(uint32(x), name) proc writeNibbles(wb: var WitnessBuilder; n: NibblesSeq) = # convert the NibblesSeq into left aligned byte seq # perhaps we can optimize it if the NibblesSeq already left aligned let nibblesLen = n.len let numBytes = nibblesLen div 2 + nibblesLen mod 2 var bytes: array[32, byte] doAssert(nibblesLen >= 1) doAssert(numBytes >= 0 and numBytes <= 64) for pos in 0.. EIP170_MAX_CODE_SIZE: raise newException(ContractCodeError, "code len exceed EIP170 code size limit") wb.writeUVarint32(code.len, "codeLen") wb.writeHashNode(acc.codeHash.data, "codeHash") # no need to write 'code' here return wb.writeByte(CodeTouched, "codeType") if acc.codeHash == blankStringHash: # no code wb.writeUVarint32(0'u32, "codeLen") return # the account have code and the EVM use it let code = get(wb.db, contractHashKey(acc.codeHash).toOpenArray) if wfEIP170 in wb.flags and code.len > EIP170_MAX_CODE_SIZE: raise newException(ContractCodeError, "code len exceed EIP170 code size limit") wb.writeUVarint32(code.len, "codeLen") wb.write(code, "code") proc writeStorage(wb: var WitnessBuilder, kd: KeyData, acc: Account) = wb.pushArray("storage") if kd.storageKeys.isNil: # the account have storage but not touched by EVM wb.writeHashNode(acc.storageRoot.data) elif acc.storageRoot != emptyRlpHash: # the account have storage and the EVM use it var zz = StackElem( node: wb.db.get(acc.storageRoot.data), parentGroup: kd.storageKeys.initGroup(), keys: kd.storageKeys, depth: 0, # set depth to zero storageMode: true # switch to storage mode ) getBranchRecurse(wb, zz) else: # no storage at all wb.writeHashNode(emptyRlpHash.data) wb.pop() proc writeAccountNode(wb: var WitnessBuilder, kd: KeyData, acc: Account, node: openArray[byte], depth: int) = wb.addObject() wb.writeByte(AccountNodeType, "nodeType") var accountType = if acc.codeHash == blankStringHash and acc.storageRoot == emptyRlpHash: SimpleAccountType else: ExtendedAccountType wb.writeByte(accountType, "accountType") wb.write(kd.address, "address") wb.writeUVarint(acc.balance, "balance") wb.writeUVarint(acc.nonce, "nonce") if accountType != SimpleAccountType: wb.writeByteCode(kd, acc) wb.writeStorage(kd, acc) wb.writeByte(depth, "debugDepth") wb.write(keccakHash(node).data, "debugHash") wb.pop() proc writeAccountStorageLeafNode(wb: var WitnessBuilder, key: openArray[byte], val: UInt256, node: openArray[byte], depth: int) = wb.addObject() wb.writeByte(StorageLeafNodeType, "nodeType") wb.write(key, "key") wb.write(val.toBytesBE, "value") wb.writeByte(depth, "debugDepth") wb.write(keccakHash(node).data, "debugHash") wb.pop() proc getBranchRecurse(wb: var WitnessBuilder, z: var StackElem) = if z.node.len == 0: return var nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes z.node case nodeRlp.listLen of 2: let (isLeaf, k) = nodeRlp.extensionNodeKey let mg = groups(z.keys, z.depth, k, z.parentGroup) if not mg.match: # return immediately if there is no match writeHashNode(wb, keccakHash(z.node).data) return let value = nodeRlp.listElem(1) if not isLeaf: # recursion will go deeper depend on the common-prefix length nibbles writeExtensionNode(wb, k, z.depth, z.node) var zz = StackElem( node: value.getNode, parentGroup: mg.group, keys: z.keys, depth: z.depth + k.len, # increase the depth by k.len storageMode: z.storageMode ) getBranchRecurse(wb, zz) return # there should be only one match let kd = z.keys.visitMatch(mg, z.depth, k) if z.storageMode: doAssert(kd.storageMode) writeAccountStorageLeafNode(wb, kd.storageSlot, value.toBytes.decode(UInt256), z.node, z.depth) else: doAssert(not kd.storageMode) writeAccountNode(wb, kd, value.toBytes.decode(Account), z.node, z.depth) of 17: let branchMask = rlpListToBitmask(nodeRlp) writeBranchNode(wb, branchMask, z.depth, z.node) # if there is a match in any branch elem # 1st to 16th, the recursion will go deeper # by one nibble doAssert(z.depth != 64) # notLeaf or path.len == 0 let path = groups(z.keys, z.parentGroup, z.depth) for i in nonEmpty(branchMask): let branch = nodeRlp.listElem(i) if branchMaskBitIsSet(path.mask, i): # it is a match between multikeys and Branch Node elem var zz = StackElem( node: branch.getNode, parentGroup: path.groups[i], keys: z.keys, depth: z.depth + 1, # increase the depth by one storageMode: z.storageMode ) getBranchRecurse(wb, zz) continue if branch.isList: # short node appear in yellow paper # but never in the actual ethereum state trie # an rlp encoded ethereum account will have length > 32 bytes # block witness spec silent about this doAssert(false, "Short node should not exist in block witness") else: # if branch elem not empty and not a match, emit hash writeHashNode(wb, branch.expectHash) # 17th elem should always empty # 17th elem appear in yellow paper but never in # the actual ethereum state trie # the 17th elem also not included in block witness spec doAssert branchMask.branchMaskBitIsSet(16) == false else: raise newException(CorruptedTrieDatabase, "HexaryTrie node with an unexpected number of children") proc buildWitness*(wb: var WitnessBuilder, keys: MultiKeysRef): string = # witness version wb.writeByte(BlockWitnessVersion, "version") # one or more trees # we only output one tree wb.writeByte(MetadataNothing, "metadata") wb.write(wb.root.data, "rootHash") wb.write(false, "error") wb.pushArray("tree") var z = StackElem( node: @(wb.db.get(wb.root.data)), parentGroup: keys.initGroup(), keys: keys, depth: 0, storageMode: false ) getBranchRecurse(wb, z) wb.pop() result = wb.node.pretty()