# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import std/[sequtils, typetraits, options, times], chronicles, chronos, nimcrypto, stint, stew/byteutils, json_rpc/rpcclient, eth/common, eth/rlp, eth/trie/hexary_proof_verification, eth/p2p, eth/p2p/rlpx, eth/p2p/private/p2p_types, #../../../sync/protocol, ../../../db/[core_db, distinct_tries, incomplete_db, storage_types], ../data_sources, ../../../beacon/web3_eth_conv, web3/conversions, web3 when defined(legacy_eth66_enabled): #import #../../../sync/protocol/eth66 as proto_eth66 from ../../../sync/protocol/eth66 import getNodeData export AsyncOperationFactory, AsyncDataSource type BlockHeader = eth_types.BlockHeader var durationSpentDoingFetches*: times.Duration var fetchCounter*: int proc makeAnRpcClient*(web3Url: string): Future[RpcClient] {.async.} = let myWeb3: Web3 = waitFor(newWeb3(web3Url)) return myWeb3.provider func blockHeaderFromBlockObject(o: BlockObject): BlockHeader = let nonce: BlockNonce = if o.nonce.isSome: distinctBase(o.nonce.get) else: default(BlockNonce) BlockHeader( parentHash: o.parentHash.ethHash, ommersHash: o.sha3Uncles.ethHash, coinbase: o.miner.ethAddr, stateRoot: o.stateRoot.ethHash, txRoot: o.transactionsRoot.ethHash, receiptRoot: o.receiptsRoot.ethHash, bloom: distinctBase(o.logsBloom), difficulty: o.difficulty, blockNumber: o.number.u256, gasLimit: GasInt(distinctBase(o.gasLimit)), gasUsed: GasInt(distinctBase(o.gasUsed)), timestamp: EthTime(distinctBase(o.timestamp)), extraData: distinctBase(o.extraData), #mixDigest: o.mixHash.ethHash, # AARDVARK what's this? nonce: nonce, fee: o.baseFeePerGas, withdrawalsRoot: ethHash o.withdrawalsRoot, blobGasUsed: u64 o.blobGasUsed, excessBlobGas: u64 o.excessBlobGas ) proc fetchBlockHeaderWithHash*(rpcClient: RpcClient, h: common.Hash256): Future[common.BlockHeader] {.async.} = let t0 = now() let blockObject: BlockObject = await rpcClient.eth_getBlockByHash(h.w3Hash, false) durationSpentDoingFetches += now() - t0 fetchCounter += 1 return blockHeaderFromBlockObject(blockObject) proc fetchBlockHeaderWithNumber*(rpcClient: RpcClient, n: common.BlockNumber): Future[common.BlockHeader] {.async.} = let t0 = now() let bid = blockId(w3BlockNumber n) let blockObject: BlockObject = await rpcClient.eth_getBlockByNumber(bid, false) durationSpentDoingFetches += now() - t0 fetchCounter += 1 return blockHeaderFromBlockObject(blockObject) #[ proc parseBlockBodyAndFetchUncles(rpcClient: RpcClient, r: JsonNode): Future[BlockBody] {.async.} = var body: BlockBody for tn in r["transactions"].getElems: body.transactions.add(parseTransaction(tn)) for un in r["uncles"].getElems: let uncleHash: Hash256 = un.getStr.ethHash let uncleHeader = await fetchBlockHeaderWithHash(rpcClient, uncleHash) body.uncles.add(uncleHeader) return body proc fetchBlockHeaderAndBodyWithHash*(rpcClient: RpcClient, h: Hash256): Future[(BlockHeader, BlockBody)] {.async.} = let t0 = now() let r = request("eth_getBlockByHash", %[%h.prefixHex, %true], some(rpcClient)) durationSpentDoingFetches += now() - t0 fetchCounter += 1 if r.kind == JNull: error "requested block not available", blockHash=h raise newException(ValueError, "Error when retrieving block header and body") let header = parseBlockHeader(r) let body = await parseBlockBodyAndFetchUncles(rpcClient, r) return (header, body) proc fetchBlockHeaderAndBodyWithNumber*(rpcClient: RpcClient, n: BlockNumber): Future[(BlockHeader, BlockBody)] {.async.} = let t0 = now() let r = request("eth_getBlockByNumber", %[%n.prefixHex, %true], some(rpcClient)) durationSpentDoingFetches += now() - t0 fetchCounter += 1 if r.kind == JNull: error "requested block not available", blockNumber=n raise newException(ValueError, "Error when retrieving block header and body") let header = parseBlockHeader(r) let body = await parseBlockBodyAndFetchUncles(rpcClient, r) return (header, body) ]# proc fetchBlockHeaderAndBodyWithHash*(rpcClient: RpcClient, h: common.Hash256): Future[(common.BlockHeader, BlockBody)] {.async.} = doAssert(false, "AARDVARK not implemented") proc fetchBlockHeaderAndBodyWithNumber*(rpcClient: RpcClient, n: common.BlockNumber): Future[(common.BlockHeader, BlockBody)] {.async.} = doAssert(false, "AARDVARK not implemented") func mdigestFromFixedBytes*(arg: FixedBytes[32]): MDigest[256] = MDigest[256](data: distinctBase(arg)) func mdigestFromString*(s: string): MDigest[256] = mdigestFromFixedBytes(FixedBytes[32].fromHex(s)) type AccountProof* = seq[seq[byte]] proc fetchAccountAndSlots*(rpcClient: RpcClient, address: EthAddress, slots: seq[UInt256], blockNumber: common.BlockNumber): Future[(Account, AccountProof, seq[StorageProof])] {.async.} = let t0 = now() debug "Got to fetchAccountAndSlots", address=address, slots=slots, blockNumber=blockNumber #let blockNumberUint64 = blockNumber.truncate(uint64) let a = web3.Address(address) let bid = blockId(w3BlockNumber blockNumber) debug "About to call eth_getProof", address=address, slots=slots, blockNumber=blockNumber let proofResponse: ProofResponse = await rpcClient.eth_getProof(a, slots, bid) debug "Received response to eth_getProof", proofResponse=proofResponse let acc = Account( nonce: distinctBase(proofResponse.nonce), balance: proofResponse.balance, storageRoot: mdigestFromFixedBytes(proofResponse.storageHash), codeHash: mdigestFromFixedBytes(proofResponse.codeHash) ) debug "Parsed response to eth_getProof", acc=acc let mptNodesBytes: seq[seq[byte]] = proofResponse.accountProof.mapIt(distinctBase(it)) durationSpentDoingFetches += now() - t0 fetchCounter += 1 return (acc, mptNodesBytes, proofResponse.storageProof) proc fetchCode*(client: RpcClient, blockNumber: common.BlockNumber, address: EthAddress): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.} = let t0 = now() let a = web3.Address(address) let bid = blockId(w3BlockNumber blockNumber) let fetchedCode: seq[byte] = await client.eth_getCode(a, bid) durationSpentDoingFetches += now() - t0 fetchCounter += 1 return fetchedCode #[ const bytesLimit = 2 * 1024 * 1024 const maxNumberOfPeersToAttempt = 3 proc fetchUsingGetTrieNodes(peer: Peer, stateRoot: common.Hash256, paths: seq[SnapTriePaths]): Future[seq[seq[byte]]] {.async.} = let r = await peer.getTrieNodes(stateRoot, paths, bytesLimit) if r.isNone: raise newException(CatchableError, "AARDVARK: received None in GetTrieNodes response") else: return r.get.nodes proc fetchUsingGetNodeData(peer: Peer, nodeHashes: seq[common.Hash256]): Future[seq[seq[byte]]] {.async.} = let r: Option[seq[seq[byte]]] = none[seq[seq[byte]]]() # AARDVARK await peer.getNodeData(nodeHashes) if r.isNone: raise newException(CatchableError, "AARDVARK: received None in GetNodeData response") else: echo "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fetchUsingGetNodeData received nodes: " & $(r.get.data) return r.get.data # AARDVARK whatever return @[] proc findPeersAndMakeSomeCalls[R](peerPool: PeerPool, protocolName: string, protocolType: typedesc, initiateAttempt: (proc(p: Peer): Future[R] {.gcsafe, raises: [].})): Future[seq[Future[R]]] {.async.} = var attempts: seq[Future[R]] while true: #info("AARDVARK: findPeersAndMakeSomeCalls about to loop through the peer pool", count=peerPool.connectedNodes.len) for nodeOfSomeSort, peer in peerPool.connectedNodes: if peer.supports(protocolType): info("AARDVARK: findPeersAndMakeSomeCalls calling peer", protocolName, peer) attempts.add(initiateAttempt(peer)) if attempts.len >= maxNumberOfPeersToAttempt: break #else: # info("AARDVARK: peer does not support protocol", protocolName, peer) if attempts.len == 0: warn("AARDVARK: findPeersAndMakeSomeCalls did not find any peers; waiting and trying again", protocolName, totalPeerPoolSize=peerPool.connectedNodes.len) await sleepAsync(chronos.seconds(5)) else: if attempts.len < maxNumberOfPeersToAttempt: warn("AARDVARK: findPeersAndMakeSomeCalls did not find enough peers, but found some", protocolName, totalPeerPoolSize=peerPool.connectedNodes.len, found=attempts.len) break return attempts proc findPeersAndMakeSomeAttemptsToCallGetTrieNodes(peerPool: PeerPool, stateRoot: common.Hash256, paths: seq[SnapTriePaths]): Future[seq[Future[seq[seq[byte]]]]] = findPeersAndMakeSomeCalls(peerPool, "snap", protocol.snap, (proc(peer: Peer): Future[seq[seq[byte]]] = fetchUsingGetTrieNodes(peer, stateRoot, paths))) proc findPeersAndMakeSomeAttemptsToCallGetNodeData(peerPool: PeerPool, stateRoot: Hash256, nodeHashes: seq[Hash256]): Future[seq[Future[seq[seq[byte]]]]] = findPeersAndMakeSomeCalls(peerPool, "eth66", eth66, (proc(peer: Peer): Future[seq[seq[byte]]] = fetchUsingGetNodeData(peer, nodeHashes))) proc fetchNodes(peerPool: PeerPool, stateRoot: common.Hash256, paths: seq[SnapTriePaths], nodeHashes: seq[common.Hash256]): Future[seq[seq[byte]]] {.async.} = let attempts = await findPeersAndMakeSomeAttemptsToCallGetTrieNodes(peerPool, stateRoot, paths) #let attempts = await findPeersAndMakeSomeAttemptsToCallGetNodeData(peerPool, stateRoot, nodeHashes) let completedAttempt = await one(attempts) let nodes: seq[seq[byte]] = completedAttempt.read info("AARDVARK: fetchNodes received nodes", nodes) return nodes ]# proc verifyFetchedAccount(stateRoot: common.Hash256, address: EthAddress, acc: Account, accProof: seq[seq[byte]]): Result[void, string] = let accKey = toSeq(keccakHash(address).data) let accEncoded = rlp.encode(acc) let accProofResult = verifyMptProof(accProof, stateRoot, accKey, accEncoded) case accProofResult.kind of ValidProof: return ok() of MissingKey: # For an account that doesn't exist yet, which is fine. return ok() of InvalidProof: return err(accProofResult.errorMsg) type CodeFetchingInfo = tuple[blockNumber: common.BlockNumber, address: EthAddress] proc fetchCode(client: RpcClient, p: CodeFetchingInfo): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.} = let (blockNumber, address) = p let fetchedCode = await fetchCode(client, blockNumber, address) return fetchedCode proc verifyFetchedCode(fetchedCode: seq[byte], desiredCodeHash: common.Hash256): Result[void, common.Hash256] = let fetchedCodeHash = keccakHash(fetchedCode) if desiredCodeHash == fetchedCodeHash: ok() else: err(fetchedCodeHash) proc fetchAndVerifyCode(client: RpcClient, p: CodeFetchingInfo, desiredCodeHash: common.Hash256): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.} = let fetchedCode: seq[byte] = await fetchCode(client, p) let verificationRes = verifyFetchedCode(fetchedCode, desiredCodeHash) if verificationRes.isOk(): return fetchedCode else: let fetchedCodeHash = verificationRes.error error("code hash values do not match", p=p, desiredCodeHash=desiredCodeHash, fetchedCodeHash=fetchedCodeHash) raise newException(CatchableError, "async code received code for " & $(p.address) & " whose hash (" & $(fetchedCodeHash) & ") does not match the desired hash (" & $(desiredCodeHash) & ")") proc putCode*(db: CoreDbRef, codeHash: common.Hash256, code: seq[byte]) = when defined(geth): db.kvt.put(codeHash.data, code) else: db.kvt.put(contractHashKey(codeHash).toOpenArray, code) proc putCode*(trie: AccountsTrie, codeHash: common.Hash256, code: seq[byte]) = putCode(trie.db, codeHash, code) proc storeCode(trie: AccountsTrie, p: CodeFetchingInfo, desiredCodeHash: common.Hash256, fetchedCode: seq[byte]) = trie.putCode(desiredCodeHash, fetchedCode) proc assertThatWeHaveStoredCode(trie: AccountsTrie, p: CodeFetchingInfo, codeHash: common.Hash256) = # FIXME-Adam: this is a bit wrong because we're not checking it against the blockNumber, only the address. (That is, # if the code for this address has *changed* (which is unlikely), this check isn't the right thing to do.) let maybeFoundCode = trie.maybeGetCode(p.address) if maybeFoundCode.isNone: error("code didn't get put into the db", p=p, codeHash=codeHash) doAssert false, "code didn't get put into the db" else: let foundCode = maybeFoundCode.get let foundCodeHash = keccakHash(foundCode) if foundCodeHash != codeHash: error("code does not have the right hash", p=p, codeHash=codeHash, foundCode=foundCode) doAssert false, "code does not have the right hash" proc assertThatWeHaveStoredAccount(trie: AccountsTrie, address: EthAddress, fetchedAcc: Account, isForTheNewTrie: bool = false) = let foundAcc = ifNodesExistGetAccount(trie, address).get if fetchedAcc != foundAcc: error "account didn't come out the same", address=address, fetchedAcc=fetchedAcc, foundAcc=foundAcc, isForTheNewTrie=isForTheNewTrie doAssert false, "account didn't come out the same" doAssert(trie.hasAllNodesForAccount(address), "Can I check the account this way, too?") proc verifyFetchedSlot(accountStorageRoot: common.Hash256, slot: UInt256, fetchedVal: UInt256, storageMptNodes: seq[seq[byte]]): Result[void, string] = if storageMptNodes.len == 0: # I think an empty storage proof is okay; I see lots of these # where the account is empty and the value is zero. return ok() else: let storageKey = toSeq(keccakHash(toBytesBE(slot)).data) let storageValueEncoded = rlp.encode(fetchedVal) let storageProofResult = verifyMptProof(storageMptNodes, accountStorageRoot, storageKey, storageValueEncoded) case storageProofResult.kind of ValidProof: return ok() of MissingKey: # This is for a slot that doesn't have anything stored at it, but that's fine. return ok() of InvalidProof: return err(storageProofResult.errorMsg) proc assertThatWeHaveStoredSlot(trie: AccountsTrie, address: EthAddress, acc: Account, slot: common.UInt256, fetchedVal: UInt256, isForTheNewTrie: bool = false) = if acc.storageRoot == EMPTY_ROOT_HASH and fetchedVal.isZero: # I believe this is okay. discard else: let foundVal = ifNodesExistGetStorage(trie, address, slot).get if (fetchedVal != foundVal): error("slot didn't come out the same", address=address, slot=slot, fetchedVal=fetchedVal, foundVal=foundVal, isForTheNewTrie=isForTheNewTrie) doAssert false, "slot didn't come out the same" proc verifyFetchedBlockHeader(fetchedHeader: common.BlockHeader, desiredBlockNumber: common.BlockNumber): Result[void, common.BlockNumber] = # *Can* we do anything to verify this header, given that all we know # is the desiredBlockNumber and we want to run statelessly so we don't # know what block hash we want? ok() proc storeBlockHeader(chainDB: CoreDbRef, header: common.BlockHeader) = chainDB.persistHeaderToDbWithoutSetHeadOrScore(header) proc assertThatWeHaveStoredBlockHeader(chainDB: CoreDbRef, blockNumber: common.BlockNumber, header: common.BlockHeader) = let h = chainDB.getBlockHash(blockNumber) doAssert(h == header.blockHash, "stored the block header for block " & $(blockNumber)) proc raiseExceptionIfError[V, E](whatAreWeVerifying: V, r: Result[void, E]) = if r.isErr: error("async code failed to verify", whatAreWeVerifying=whatAreWeVerifying, err=r.error) raise newException(CatchableError, "async code failed to verify: " & $(whatAreWeVerifying) & ", error is: " & $(r.error)) const shouldDoUnnecessarySanityChecks = true # This proc fetches both the account and also optionally some of its slots, because that's what eth_getProof can do. proc ifNecessaryGetAccountAndSlots*(client: RpcClient, db: CoreDbRef, blockNumber: common.BlockNumber, stateRoot: common.Hash256, address: EthAddress, slots: seq[UInt256], justCheckingAccount: bool, justCheckingSlots: bool, newStateRootForSanityChecking: common.Hash256): Future[void] {.async.} = let trie = initAccountsTrie(db, stateRoot, false) # important for sanity checks let trie2 = initAccountsTrie(db, newStateRootForSanityChecking, false) # important for sanity checks let doesAccountActuallyNeedToBeFetched = not trie.hasAllNodesForAccount(address) let slotsToActuallyFetch = slots.filter(proc(slot: UInt256): bool = not (trie.hasAllNodesForStorageSlot(address, slot))) if (not doesAccountActuallyNeedToBeFetched) and (slotsToActuallyFetch.len == 0): # Already have them, no need to fetch either the account or the slots discard else: let (acc, accProof, storageProofs) = await fetchAccountAndSlots(client, address, slotsToActuallyFetch, blockNumber) # We need to verify the proof even if we already had this account, # to make sure the data is valid. let accountVerificationRes = verifyFetchedAccount(stateRoot, address, acc, accProof) let whatAreWeVerifying = ("account proof", address, acc) raiseExceptionIfError(whatAreWeVerifying, accountVerificationRes) if not doesAccountActuallyNeedToBeFetched: # We already had the account, no need to populate the DB with it again. discard else: if not justCheckingAccount: populateDbWithBranch(db, accProof) if shouldDoUnnecessarySanityChecks: assertThatWeHaveStoredAccount(trie, address, acc, false) if doesAccountActuallyNeedToBeFetched: # this second check makes no sense if it's not the first time assertThatWeHaveStoredAccount(trie2, address, acc, true) doAssert(slotsToActuallyFetch.len == storageProofs.len, "We should get back the same number of storage proofs as slots that we asked for. I think.") for storageProof in storageProofs: let slot: UInt256 = storageProof.key let fetchedVal: UInt256 = storageProof.value let storageMptNodes: seq[seq[byte]] = storageProof.proof.mapIt(distinctBase(it)) let storageVerificationRes = verifyFetchedSlot(acc.storageRoot, slot, fetchedVal, storageMptNodes) let whatAreWeVerifying = ("storage proof", address, acc, slot, fetchedVal) raiseExceptionIfError(whatAreWeVerifying, storageVerificationRes) if not justCheckingSlots: populateDbWithBranch(db, storageMptNodes) # I believe this is done so that we can iterate over the slots. See # persistStorage in `db/ledger`. let slotAsKey = createTrieKeyFromSlot(slot) let slotHash = keccakHash(slotAsKey) let slotEncoded = rlp.encode(slot) db.kvt.put(slotHashToSlotKey(slotHash.data).toOpenArray, slotEncoded) if shouldDoUnnecessarySanityChecks: assertThatWeHaveStoredSlot(trie, address, acc, slot, fetchedVal, false) assertThatWeHaveStoredSlot(trie2, address, acc, slot, fetchedVal, true) proc ifNecessaryGetCode*(client: RpcClient, db: CoreDbRef, blockNumber: common.BlockNumber, stateRoot: common.Hash256, address: EthAddress, justChecking: bool, newStateRootForSanityChecking: common.Hash256): Future[void] {.async.} = await ifNecessaryGetAccountAndSlots(client, db, blockNumber, stateRoot, address, @[], false, false, newStateRootForSanityChecking) # to make sure we've got the codeHash let trie = initAccountsTrie(db, stateRoot, false) # important for sanity checks let acc = ifNodesExistGetAccount(trie, address).get let desiredCodeHash = acc.codeHash let p = (blockNumber, address) if not(trie.hasAllNodesForCode(address)): let fetchedCode = await fetchAndVerifyCode(client, p, desiredCodeHash) if not justChecking: storeCode(trie, p, desiredCodeHash, fetchedCode) if shouldDoUnnecessarySanityChecks: assertThatWeHaveStoredCode(trie, p, desiredCodeHash) proc ifNecessaryGetBlockHeaderByNumber*(client: RpcClient, chainDB: CoreDbRef, blockNumber: common.BlockNumber, justChecking: bool): Future[void] {.async.} = let maybeHeaderAndHash = chainDB.getBlockHeaderWithHash(blockNumber) if maybeHeaderAndHash.isNone: let fetchedHeader = await fetchBlockHeaderWithNumber(client, blockNumber) let headerVerificationRes = verifyFetchedBlockHeader(fetchedHeader, blockNumber) let whatAreWeVerifying = ("block header by number", blockNumber, fetchedHeader) raiseExceptionIfError(whatAreWeVerifying, headerVerificationRes) if not justChecking: storeBlockHeader(chainDB, fetchedHeader) if shouldDoUnnecessarySanityChecks: assertThatWeHaveStoredBlockHeader(chainDB, blockNumber, fetchedHeader) # Used in asynchronous on-demand-data-fetching mode. proc realAsyncDataSource*(peerPool: PeerPool, client: RpcClient, justChecking: bool): AsyncDataSource = AsyncDataSource( ifNecessaryGetAccount: (proc(db: CoreDbRef, blockNumber: common.BlockNumber, stateRoot: common.Hash256, address: EthAddress, newStateRootForSanityChecking: common.Hash256): Future[void] {.async.} = await ifNecessaryGetAccountAndSlots(client, db, blockNumber, stateRoot, address, @[], false, false, newStateRootForSanityChecking) ), ifNecessaryGetSlots: (proc(db: CoreDbRef, blockNumber: common.BlockNumber, stateRoot: common.Hash256, address: EthAddress, slots: seq[UInt256], newStateRootForSanityChecking: common.Hash256): Future[void] {.async.} = await ifNecessaryGetAccountAndSlots(client, db, blockNumber, stateRoot, address, slots, false, false, newStateRootForSanityChecking) ), ifNecessaryGetCode: (proc(db: CoreDbRef, blockNumber: common.BlockNumber, stateRoot: common.Hash256, address: EthAddress, newStateRootForSanityChecking: common.Hash256): Future[void] {.async.} = await ifNecessaryGetCode(client, db, blockNumber, stateRoot, address, justChecking, newStateRootForSanityChecking) ), ifNecessaryGetBlockHeaderByNumber: (proc(chainDB: CoreDbRef, blockNumber: common.BlockNumber): Future[void] {.async.} = await ifNecessaryGetBlockHeaderByNumber(client, chainDB, blockNumber, justChecking) ), # FIXME-Adam: This will be needed later, but for now let's just get the basic methods in place. #fetchNodes: (proc(stateRoot: Hash256, paths: seq[seq[seq[byte]]], nodeHashes: seq[Hash256]): Future[seq[seq[byte]]] {.async.} = # return await fetchNodes(peerPool, stateRoot, paths, nodeHashes) #), fetchBlockHeaderWithHash: (proc(h: common.Hash256): Future[common.BlockHeader] {.async.} = return await fetchBlockHeaderWithHash(client, h) ), fetchBlockHeaderWithNumber: (proc(n: common.BlockNumber): Future[common.BlockHeader] {.async.} = return await fetchBlockHeaderWithNumber(client, n) ), fetchBlockHeaderAndBodyWithHash: (proc(h: common.Hash256): Future[(common.BlockHeader, BlockBody)] {.async.} = return await fetchBlockHeaderAndBodyWithHash(client, h) ), fetchBlockHeaderAndBodyWithNumber: (proc(n: common.BlockNumber): Future[(common.BlockHeader, BlockBody)] {.async.} = return await fetchBlockHeaderAndBodyWithNumber(client, n) ) )