language: c # cache: directories: - rocksdbCache - vendor/nimbus-build-system/vendor/Nim/bin git: # when multiple CI builds are queued, the tested commit needs to be in the last X commits cloned with "--depth X" depth: 10 # disable LFS file downloading during regular cloning lfs_skip_smudge: true matrix: include: - os: linux sudo: required before_install: - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib" - os: osx before_install: - launchctl setenv LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib # for RocksDB install: # build our own rocksdb to test with a fixed version that we think works - vendor/nimbus-build-system/scripts/ rocksdbCache script: - set -e # fail fast - make -j2 - build/nimbus --help - make -j2 test test-reproducibility