# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import os, macros, json, strformat, strutils, parseutils, ospaths, tables, stew/byteutils, stew/ranges/typedranges, net, eth/[common, keys, rlp, p2p], ../nimbus/[vm_state, constants, config, transaction, utils], ../nimbus/db/[db_chain, state_db], ../nimbus/vm/interpreter/[gas_costs, vm_forks], ../tests/test_generalstate_failing const # from https://ethereum-tests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/test_types/state_tests.html forkNames* = { FkFrontier: "Frontier", FkHomestead: "Homestead", FkTangerine: "EIP150", FkSpurious: "EIP158", FkByzantium: "Byzantium", FkConstantinople: "ConstantinopleFix" }.toTable supportedForks* = {FkFrontier, FkHomestead, FkTangerine, FkSpurious, FkByzantium, FkConstantinople} type Status* {.pure.} = enum OK, Fail, Skip func slowTest*(folder: string, name: string): bool = result = (folder == "vmPerformance" and "loop" in name) or folder == "stQuadraticComplexityTest" or name in @["randomStatetest352.json", "randomStatetest1.json", "randomStatetest32.json", "randomStatetest347.json", "randomStatetest393.json", "randomStatetest626.json", "CALLCODE_Bounds.json", "DELEGATECALL_Bounds3.json", "CALLCODE_Bounds4.json", "CALL_Bounds.json", "DELEGATECALL_Bounds2.json", "CALL_Bounds3.json", "CALLCODE_Bounds2.json", "CALLCODE_Bounds3.json", "DELEGATECALL_Bounds.json", "CALL_Bounds2a.json", "CALL_Bounds2.json", "CallToNameRegistratorMemOOGAndInsufficientBalance.json", "CallToNameRegistratorTooMuchMemory0.json", # all these tests below actually pass # but they are very slow # constantinople slow tests "Create2Recursive.json", # byzantium slow tests "LoopCallsDepthThenRevert3.json", "LoopCallsDepthThenRevert2.json", "LoopCallsDepthThenRevert.json", "static_Call50000.json", "static_Call50000_ecrec.json", "static_Call50000_identity.json", "static_Call50000_identity2.json", "static_Call50000_rip160.json", "static_Call50000_sha256.json", "LoopCallsThenRevert.json", "LoopDelegateCallsDepthThenRevert.json", "recursiveCreateReturnValue.json", "static_Call1024PreCalls2.json", "Callcode1024BalanceTooLow.json", "static_Call1024BalanceTooLow.json", "static_Call1024BalanceTooLow2.json", "static_Call1024OOG.json", "static_Call1024PreCalls3.json", "static_Call1024PreCalls.json", "static_Call1MB1024Calldepth.json", # Homestead recursives "ContractCreationSpam.json", "Call1024OOG.json", "Call1024PreCalls.json", "CallRecursiveBombPreCall.json", "Delegatecall1024.json", "Delegatecall1024OOG.json", "JUMPDEST_Attack.json", "JUMPDEST_AttackwithJump.json", "ABAcalls1.json", "ABAcalls2.json", "CallRecursiveBomb0.json", "CallRecursiveBomb0_OOG_atMaxCallDepth.json", "CallRecursiveBomb1.json", "CallRecursiveBomb2.json", "CallRecursiveBombLog.json", "CallRecursiveBombLog2.json", "Call1024BalanceTooLow.json", # Frontier recursives "Callcode1024OOG.json", "callcallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json", "callcallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json", "callcodecallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json", "callcodecallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json", "callcodecallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json", "callcodecallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json", "callcallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json"] func failIn32Bits(folder, name: string): bool = return name in @[ "sha3_bigSize.json", # from vm_test # crash with OOM "static_Return50000_2.json", "randomStatetest185.json", "randomStatetest159.json", "randomStatetest48.json", # OOM in AppVeyor, not on my machine "randomStatetest36.json" ] func allowedFailInCurrentBuild(folder, name: string): bool = when sizeof(int) == 4: if failIn32Bits(folder, name): return true return allowedFailingGeneralStateTest(folder, name) func validTest*(folder: string, name: string): bool = # we skip tests that are slow or expected to fail for now result = not slowTest(folder, name) and not allowedFailInCurrentBuild(folder, name) proc lacksSupportedForks*(fixtures: JsonNode): bool = # XXX: Until Nimbus supports Byzantine or newer forks, as opposed # to Homestead, ~1k of ~2.5k GeneralStateTests won't work. var fixture: JsonNode for label, child in fixtures: fixture = child break # not all fixtures make a distinction between forks, so default to accepting # them all, until we find the ones that specify forks in their "post" section result = false if fixture.kind == JObject and fixture.hasKey("transaction") and fixture.hasKey("post"): result = true for fork in supportedForks: if fixture["post"].hasKey(forkNames[fork]): result = false break macro jsonTest*(s: static[string], handler: untyped): untyped = let testStatusIMPL = ident("testStatusIMPL") # workaround for strformat in quote do: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/8220 symbol = newIdentNode"symbol" final = newIdentNode"final" name = newIdentNode"name" formatted = newStrLitNode"{symbol[final]} {name:<64}{$final}{'\n'}" result = quote: var filenames: seq[(string, string, string)] = @[] var status = initOrderedTable[string, OrderedTable[string, Status]]() for filename in walkDirRec("tests" / "fixtures" / `s`): if not filename.endsWith(".json"): continue var (folder, name) = filename.splitPath() let last = folder.splitPath().tail if not status.hasKey(last): status[last] = initOrderedTable[string, Status]() status[last][name] = Status.Skip if last.validTest(name): filenames.add((filename, last, name)) for child in filenames: let (filename, folder, name) = child # we set this here because exceptions might be raised in the handler: status[folder][name] = Status.Fail let fixtures = parseJSON(readFile(filename)) if fixtures.lacksSupportedForks: status[folder][name] = Status.Skip continue test filename: echo folder / name `handler`(fixtures, `testStatusIMPL`) if `testStatusIMPL` == OK: status[folder][name] = Status.OK status.sort do (a: (string, OrderedTable[string, Status]), b: (string, OrderedTable[string, Status])) -> int: cmp(a[0], b[0]) let `symbol`: array[Status, string] = ["+", "-", " "] var raw = "" var okCountTotal = 0 var failCountTotal = 0 var skipCountTotal = 0 raw.add(`s` & "\n") raw.add("===\n") for folder, statuses in status: raw.add("## " & folder & "\n") raw.add("```diff\n") var sortedStatuses = statuses sortedStatuses.sort do (a: (string, Status), b: (string, Status)) -> int: cmp(a[0], b[0]) var okCount = 0 var failCount = 0 var skipCount = 0 for `name`, `final` in sortedStatuses: raw.add(&`formatted`) case `final`: of Status.OK: okCount += 1 of Status.Fail: failCount += 1 of Status.Skip: skipCount += 1 raw.add("```\n") let sum = okCount + failCount + skipCount okCountTotal += okCount failCountTotal += failCount skipCountTotal += skipCount raw.add("OK: " & $okCount & "/" & $sum & " Fail: " & $failCount & "/" & $sum & " Skip: " & $skipCount & "/" & $sum & "\n") let sumTotal = okCountTotal + failCountTotal + skipCountTotal raw.add("\n---TOTAL---\n") raw.add("OK: $1/$4 Fail: $2/$4 Skip: $3/$4\n" % [$okCountTotal, $failCountTotal, $skipCountTotal, $sumTotal]) writeFile(`s` & ".md", raw) func ethAddressFromHex*(s: string): EthAddress = hexToByteArray(s, result) func safeHexToSeqByte*(hexStr: string): seq[byte] = if hexStr == "": @[] else: hexStr.hexToSeqByte func getHexadecimalInt*(j: JsonNode): int64 = # parseutils.parseHex works with int which will overflow in 32 bit var data: StUInt[64] data = fromHex(StUInt[64], j.getStr) result = cast[int64](data) proc setupStateDB*(wantedState: JsonNode, stateDB: var AccountStateDB) = for ac, accountData in wantedState: let account = ethAddressFromHex(ac) for slot, value in accountData{"storage"}: stateDB.setStorage(account, fromHex(UInt256, slot), fromHex(UInt256, value.getStr)) let nonce = accountData{"nonce"}.getHexadecimalInt.AccountNonce let code = accountData{"code"}.getStr.safeHexToSeqByte.toRange let balance = UInt256.fromHex accountData{"balance"}.getStr stateDB.setNonce(account, nonce) stateDB.setCode(account, code) stateDB.setBalance(account, balance) proc verifyStateDB*(wantedState: JsonNode, stateDB: ReadOnlyStateDB) = for ac, accountData in wantedState: let account = ethAddressFromHex(ac) for slot, value in accountData{"storage"}: let slotId = UInt256.fromHex slot wantedValue = UInt256.fromHex value.getStr let (actualValue, found) = stateDB.getStorage(account, slotId) doAssert found doAssert actualValue == wantedValue, &"{actualValue.toHex} != {wantedValue.toHex}" let wantedCode = hexToSeqByte(accountData{"code"}.getStr).toRange wantedBalance = UInt256.fromHex accountData{"balance"}.getStr wantedNonce = accountData{"nonce"}.getInt.AccountNonce actualCode = stateDB.getCode(account) actualBalance = stateDB.getBalance(account) actualNonce = stateDB.getNonce(account) doAssert wantedCode == actualCode, &"{wantedCode} != {actualCode}" doAssert wantedBalance == actualBalance, &"{wantedBalance.toHex} != {actualBalance.toHex}" doAssert wantedNonce == actualNonce, &"{wantedNonce.toHex} != {actualNonce.toHex}" proc getFixtureTransaction*(j: JsonNode, dataIndex, gasIndex, valueIndex: int): Transaction = result.accountNonce = j["nonce"].getHexadecimalInt.AccountNonce result.gasPrice = j["gasPrice"].getHexadecimalInt result.gasLimit = j["gasLimit"][gasIndex].getHexadecimalInt # TODO: there are a couple fixtures which appear to distinguish between # empty and 0 transaction.to; check/verify whether correct conditions. let rawTo = j["to"].getStr if rawTo == "": result.to = "0x".parseAddress result.isContractCreation = true else: result.to = rawTo.parseAddress result.isContractCreation = false result.value = fromHex(UInt256, j["value"][valueIndex].getStr) result.payload = j["data"][dataIndex].getStr.safeHexToSeqByte var secretKey = j["secretKey"].getStr removePrefix(secretKey, "0x") let privateKey = initPrivateKey(secretKey) let sig = signMessage(privateKey, result.rlpEncode) let raw = sig.getRaw() result.R = fromBytesBE(Uint256, raw[0..31]) result.S = fromBytesBE(Uint256, raw[32..63]) result.V = raw[64] + 27.byte proc hashLogEntries*(logs: seq[Log]): string = toLowerAscii("0x" & $keccakHash(rlp.encode(logs))) proc setupEthNode*(capabilities: varargs[ProtocolInfo, `protocolInfo`]): EthereumNode = var conf = getConfiguration() keypair: KeyPair keypair.seckey = conf.net.nodekey keypair.pubkey = conf.net.nodekey.getPublicKey() var srvAddress: Address srvAddress.ip = parseIpAddress("") srvAddress.tcpPort = Port(conf.net.bindPort) srvAddress.udpPort = Port(conf.net.discPort) result = newEthereumNode(keypair, srvAddress, conf.net.networkId, nil, "nimbus 0.1.0", addAllCapabilities = false) for capability in capabilities: result.addCapability capability