# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. {.push raises: [], gcsafe.} import ../../common/common, ../../utils/utils, ../../constants, ../../db/ledger, ../../transaction, ../../evm/state, ../../evm/types, ../dao, ../eip6110, ./calculate_reward, ./executor_helpers, ./process_transaction, eth/common/[keys, transaction_utils], chronicles, results, taskpools template withSender(txs: openArray[Transaction], body: untyped) = # Execute transactions offloading the signature checking to the task pool if # it's available if taskpool == nil: for txIndex {.inject.}, tx {.inject.} in txs: let sender {.inject.} = tx.recoverSender().valueOr(default(Address)) body else: type Entry = (Signature, Hash32, Flowvar[Address]) proc recoverTask(e: ptr Entry): Address {.nimcall.} = let pk = recover(e[][0], SkMessage(e[][1].data)) if pk.isOk(): pk[].to(Address) else: default(Address) var entries = newSeq[Entry](txs.len) # Prepare signature recovery tasks for each transaction - for simplicity, # we use `default(Address)` to signal sig check failure for i, e in entries.mpairs(): e[0] = txs[i].signature().valueOr(default(Signature)) e[1] = txs[i].rlpHashForSigning(txs[i].isEip155) let a = addr e # Spawning the task here allows it to start early, while we still haven't # hashed subsequent txs e[2] = taskpool.spawn recoverTask(a) for txIndex {.inject.}, e in entries.mpairs(): template tx(): untyped = txs[txIndex] # Sync blocks until the sender is available from the task pool - as soon # as we have it, we can process this transaction while the senders of the # other transactions are being computed let sender {.inject.} = sync(e[2]) body # Factored this out of procBlkPreamble so that it can be used directly for # stateless execution of specific transactions. proc processTransactions*( vmState: BaseVMState, header: Header, transactions: seq[Transaction], skipReceipts = false, collectLogs = false, taskpool: Taskpool = nil, ): Result[void, string] = vmState.receipts.setLen(if skipReceipts: 0 else: transactions.len) vmState.cumulativeGasUsed = 0 vmState.allLogs = @[] withSender(transactions): if sender == default(Address): return err("Could not get sender for tx with index " & $(txIndex)) let rc = vmState.processTransaction(tx, sender, header) if rc.isErr: return err("Error processing tx with index " & $(txIndex) & ":" & rc.error) if skipReceipts: # TODO don't generate logs at all if we're not going to put them in # receipts if collectLogs: vmState.allLogs.add vmState.getAndClearLogEntries() else: discard vmState.getAndClearLogEntries() else: vmState.receipts[txIndex] = vmState.makeReceipt(tx.txType) if collectLogs: vmState.allLogs.add vmState.receipts[txIndex].logs ok() proc procBlkPreamble( vmState: BaseVMState, blk: Block, skipValidation, skipReceipts, skipUncles: bool, taskpool: Taskpool, ): Result[void, string] = template header(): Header = blk.header let com = vmState.com if com.daoForkSupport and com.daoForkBlock.get == header.number: vmState.mutateLedger: db.applyDAOHardFork() if not skipValidation: # Expensive! if blk.transactions.calcTxRoot != header.txRoot: return err("Mismatched txRoot") if com.isPragueOrLater(header.timestamp): if header.requestsHash.isNone: return err("Post-Prague block header must have requestsHash") ?vmState.processParentBlockHash(header.parentHash) else: if header.requestsHash.isSome: return err("Pre-Prague block header must not have requestsHash") if com.isCancunOrLater(header.timestamp): if header.parentBeaconBlockRoot.isNone: return err("Post-Cancun block header must have parentBeaconBlockRoot") ?vmState.processBeaconBlockRoot(header.parentBeaconBlockRoot.get) else: if header.parentBeaconBlockRoot.isSome: return err("Pre-Cancun block header must not have parentBeaconBlockRoot") if header.txRoot != EMPTY_ROOT_HASH: if blk.transactions.len == 0: return err("Transactions missing from body") let collectLogs = header.requestsHash.isSome and not skipValidation ?processTransactions( vmState, header, blk.transactions, skipReceipts, collectLogs, taskpool ) elif blk.transactions.len > 0: return err("Transactions in block with empty txRoot") if com.isShanghaiOrLater(header.timestamp): if header.withdrawalsRoot.isNone: return err("Post-Shanghai block header must have withdrawalsRoot") if blk.withdrawals.isNone: return err("Post-Shanghai block body must have withdrawals") for withdrawal in blk.withdrawals.get: vmState.ledger.addBalance(withdrawal.address, withdrawal.weiAmount) else: if header.withdrawalsRoot.isSome: return err("Pre-Shanghai block header must not have withdrawalsRoot") if blk.withdrawals.isSome: return err("Pre-Shanghai block body must not have withdrawals") if vmState.cumulativeGasUsed != header.gasUsed: # TODO replace logging with better error debug "gasUsed neq cumulativeGasUsed", gasUsed = header.gasUsed, cumulativeGasUsed = vmState.cumulativeGasUsed return err("gasUsed mismatch") if header.ommersHash != EMPTY_UNCLE_HASH: # TODO It's strange that we persist uncles before processing block but the # rest after... if not skipUncles: let h = vmState.com.db.persistUncles(blk.uncles) if h != header.ommersHash: return err("ommersHash mismatch") elif not skipValidation and rlpHash(blk.uncles) != header.ommersHash: return err("ommersHash mismatch") elif blk.uncles.len > 0: return err("Uncles in block with empty uncle hash") ok() proc procBlkEpilogue( vmState: BaseVMState, blk: Block, skipValidation: bool, skipReceipts: bool ): Result[void, string] = template header(): Header = blk.header # Reward beneficiary vmState.mutateLedger: if vmState.collectWitnessData: db.collectWitnessData() # Clearing the account cache here helps manage its size when replaying # large ranges of blocks, implicitly limiting its size using the gas limit db.persist( clearEmptyAccount = vmState.com.isSpuriousOrLater(header.number), clearCache = true, ) var withdrawalReqs: seq[byte] consolidationReqs: seq[byte] if header.requestsHash.isSome: # Execute EIP-7002 and EIP-7251 before calculating stateRoot # because they will alter the state withdrawalReqs = processDequeueWithdrawalRequests(vmState) consolidationReqs = processDequeueConsolidationRequests(vmState) if not skipValidation: let stateRoot = vmState.ledger.getStateRoot() if header.stateRoot != stateRoot: # TODO replace logging with better error debug "wrong state root in block", blockNumber = header.number, blockHash = header.blockHash, parentHash = header.parentHash, expected = header.stateRoot, actual = stateRoot, arrivedFrom = vmState.parent.stateRoot return err("stateRoot mismatch, expect: " & $header.stateRoot & ", got: " & $stateRoot) if not skipReceipts: let bloom = createBloom(vmState.receipts) if header.logsBloom != bloom: debug "wrong logsBloom in block", blockNumber = header.number, actual = bloom, expected = header.logsBloom return err("bloom mismatch") let receiptsRoot = calcReceiptsRoot(vmState.receipts) if header.receiptsRoot != receiptsRoot: # TODO replace logging with better error debug "wrong receiptRoot in block", blockNumber = header.number, parentHash = header.parentHash.short, blockHash = header.blockHash.short, actual = receiptsRoot, expected = header.receiptsRoot return err("receiptRoot mismatch") if header.requestsHash.isSome: let depositReqs = ?parseDepositLogs(vmState.allLogs, vmState.com.depositContractAddress) requestsHash = calcRequestsHash([ (DEPOSIT_REQUEST_TYPE, depositReqs), (WITHDRAWAL_REQUEST_TYPE, withdrawalReqs), (CONSOLIDATION_REQUEST_TYPE, consolidationReqs) ]) if header.requestsHash.get != requestsHash: debug "wrong requestsHash in block", blockNumber = header.number, parentHash = header.parentHash.short, blockHash = header.blockHash.short, actual = requestsHash, expected = header.requestsHash.get return err("requestsHash mismatch") ok() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc processBlock*( vmState: BaseVMState, ## Parent environment of header/body block blk: Block, ## Header/body block to add to the blockchain skipValidation: bool = false, skipReceipts: bool = false, skipUncles: bool = false, taskpool: Taskpool = nil, ): Result[void, string] = ## Generalised function to processes `blk` for any network. ?vmState.procBlkPreamble(blk, skipValidation, skipReceipts, skipUncles, taskpool) # EIP-3675: no reward for miner in POA/POS if not vmState.com.proofOfStake(blk.header): vmState.calculateReward(blk.header, blk.uncles) ?vmState.procBlkEpilogue(blk, skipValidation, skipReceipts) ok() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------