import strutils, eth/db/kvstore export kvstore # Database access layer that turns errors in the database into Defects as the # code that uses it isn't equipped to handle errors of that kind - this should # be reconsidered when making more changes here. type DbBackend* = enum none, sqlite, rocksdb, lmdb const nimbus_db_backend* {.strdefine.} = "rocksdb" dbBackend* = parseEnum[DbBackend](nimbus_db_backend) when dbBackend == sqlite: import eth/db/kvstore_sqlite3 as database_backend elif dbBackend == rocksdb: import ./kvstore_rocksdb as database_backend type ChainDB* = ref object of RootObj kv*: KvStoreRef when dbBackend == rocksdb: rdb*: RocksStoreRef # TODO KvStore is a virtual interface and TrieDB is a virtual interface - one # will be enough eventually - unless the TrieDB interface gains operations # that are not typical to KvStores proc get*(db: ChainDB, key: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] = var res: seq[byte] proc onData(data: openArray[byte]) = res = @data if db.kv.get(key, onData).expect("working database"): return res proc put*(db: ChainDB, key, value: openArray[byte]) = db.kv.put(key, value).expect("working database") proc contains*(db: ChainDB, key: openArray[byte]): bool = db.kv.contains(key).expect("working database") proc del*(db: ChainDB, key: openArray[byte]): bool = db.kv.del(key).expect("working database") when dbBackend == sqlite: proc newChainDB*(path: string): ChainDB = let db = SqStoreRef.init(path, "nimbus").expect("working database") ChainDB(kv: kvStore db.openKvStore().expect("working database")) elif dbBackend == rocksdb: proc newChainDB*(path: string): ChainDB {.gcsafe, deprecated: "use newCoreDbRef(LegacyDbPersistent,)".} = let rdb = RocksStoreRef.init(path, "nimbus").tryGet() ChainDB(kv: kvStore rdb, rdb: rdb) elif dbBackend == lmdb: # TODO This implementation has several issues on restricted platforms, possibly # due to mmap restrictions - see: # # # It also has other issues, including exception safety: # {.error: "lmdb deprecated, needs reimplementing".} elif dbBackend == none: discard when dbBackend != none: export database_backend