# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # https://github.com/ethereum/portal-network-specs/blob/master/history-network.md#content-keys-and-values {.push raises: [].} import std/math, nimcrypto/[sha2, hash], stew/byteutils, results, stint, ssz_serialization, ../../common/common_types from beacon_chain/spec/datatypes/capella import Withdrawal from beacon_chain/spec/presets/mainnet import MAX_WITHDRAWALS_PER_PAYLOAD export ssz_serialization, common_types, hash, results ## Types and calls for history network content keys const # Maximum content key size: # - 32 bytes for SSZ serialized `BlockKey` # - 1 byte for `ContentType` # TODO: calculate it somehow from the object definition (macro?) maxContentKeySize* = 33 type ContentType* = enum blockHeader = 0x00 blockBody = 0x01 receipts = 0x02 epochAccumulator = 0x03 BlockKey* = object blockHash*: BlockHash EpochAccumulatorKey* = object epochHash*: Digest # TODO: Perhaps this should be called epochRoot in the spec instead ContentKey* = object case contentType*: ContentType of blockHeader: blockHeaderKey*: BlockKey of blockBody: blockBodyKey*: BlockKey of receipts: receiptsKey*: BlockKey of epochAccumulator: epochAccumulatorKey*: EpochAccumulatorKey func init*(T: type ContentKey, contentType: ContentType, hash: BlockHash | Digest): T = case contentType of blockHeader: ContentKey(contentType: contentType, blockHeaderKey: BlockKey(blockHash: hash)) of blockBody: ContentKey(contentType: contentType, blockBodyKey: BlockKey(blockHash: hash)) of receipts: ContentKey(contentType: contentType, receiptsKey: BlockKey(blockHash: hash)) of epochAccumulator: ContentKey( contentType: contentType, epochAccumulatorKey: EpochAccumulatorKey(epochHash: hash), ) func encode*(contentKey: ContentKey): ByteList = ByteList.init(SSZ.encode(contentKey)) func decode*(contentKey: ByteList): Opt[ContentKey] = try: Opt.some(SSZ.decode(contentKey.asSeq(), ContentKey)) except SerializationError: return Opt.none(ContentKey) func toContentId*(contentKey: ByteList): ContentId = # TODO: Should we try to parse the content key here for invalid ones? let idHash = sha2.sha256.digest(contentKey.asSeq()) readUintBE[256](idHash.data) func toContentId*(contentKey: ContentKey): ContentId = toContentId(encode(contentKey)) func `$`*(x: BlockHash): string = "0x" & x.data.toHex() func `$`*(x: BlockKey): string = "blockHash: " & $x.blockHash func `$`*(x: ContentKey): string = var res = "(type: " & $x.contentType & ", " case x.contentType of blockHeader: res.add($x.blockHeaderKey) of blockBody: res.add($x.blockBodyKey) of receipts: res.add($x.receiptsKey) of epochAccumulator: let key = x.epochAccumulatorKey res.add("epochHash: " & $key.epochHash) res.add(")") res ## Types for history network content const MAX_TRANSACTION_LENGTH* = 2 ^ 24 # ~= 16 million MAX_TRANSACTION_COUNT* = 2 ^ 14 # ~= 16k MAX_RECEIPT_LENGTH* = 2 ^ 27 # ~= 134 million MAX_HEADER_LENGTH = 2 ^ 13 # = 8192 MAX_ENCODED_UNCLES_LENGTH* = MAX_HEADER_LENGTH * 2 ^ 4 # = 2**17 ~= 131k MAX_WITHDRAWAL_LENGTH = 64 MAX_WITHDRAWALS_COUNT = MAX_WITHDRAWALS_PER_PAYLOAD type ## Types for content # TODO: Using `init` on these lists appears to fail because of the constants # that are used? Strange. TransactionByteList* = List[byte, MAX_TRANSACTION_LENGTH] # RLP data Transactions* = List[TransactionByteList, MAX_TRANSACTION_COUNT] Uncles* = List[byte, MAX_ENCODED_UNCLES_LENGTH] # RLP data WithdrawalByteList* = List[byte, MAX_WITHDRAWAL_LENGTH] # RLP data Withdrawals* = List[WithdrawalByteList, MAX_WITHDRAWALS_COUNT] # Pre-shanghai block body # Post-merge this block body is required to have an empty list for uncles PortalBlockBodyLegacy* = object transactions*: Transactions uncles*: Uncles # Post-shanghai block body, added withdrawals PortalBlockBodyShanghai* = object transactions*: Transactions uncles*: Uncles withdrawals*: Withdrawals ReceiptByteList* = List[byte, MAX_RECEIPT_LENGTH] # RLP data PortalReceipts* = List[ReceiptByteList, MAX_TRANSACTION_COUNT] AccumulatorProof* = array[15, Digest] BlockHeaderProofType* = enum none = 0x00 # An SSZ Union None accumulatorProof = 0x01 BlockHeaderProof* = object case proofType*: BlockHeaderProofType of none: discard of accumulatorProof: accumulatorProof*: AccumulatorProof BlockHeaderWithProof* = object header*: ByteList # RLP data proof*: BlockHeaderProof func init*(T: type BlockHeaderProof, proof: AccumulatorProof): T = BlockHeaderProof(proofType: accumulatorProof, accumulatorProof: proof) func init*(T: type BlockHeaderProof): T = BlockHeaderProof(proofType: none)