# MetaMask configuration with Alchemy provider This document explains how to configure the proxy, and how to configure MetaMask to make use of the proxy. ### 1. Building the Nimbus Verified Proxy First build the Nimbus Verified Proxy as explained [here](../README.md#Build-light-client-proxy). ### 2. Configuring and running the Nimbus Verified Proxy To start the proxy for the Goerli network, run the following command (inserting your own `TRUSTED_BLOCK_ROOT` and Alchemy `API_KEY`): ```bash # From the nimbus-eth1 repository TRUSTED_BLOCK_ROOT=0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 # Replace this API_KEY=abcd # Replace this ./build/nimbus_verified_proxy \ --network=goerli \ --trusted-block-root=${TRUSTED_BLOCK_ROOT} \ --web3-url="wss://eth-goerli.g.alchemy.com/v2/${API_KEY}" ``` After startup, the Nimbus Verified Proxy will start looking for suitable peers in the network, i.e peers which serve consensus light client data, and will then start syncing. During syncing most of the RPC endpoints will be inactive and will fail to respond to queries. This happens because the proxy cannot verify responses from the data provider until the consensus light client is in sync with the consensus chain. When the consensus light client is in sync, the following line should be visible in the logs: ```bash NOT 2022-09-29 10:06:15.974+02:00 New LC optimistic block opt=81de61ec:3994230 wallSlot=3994231 ``` After receiving the first optimistic block, the proxy is ready to be used with MetaMask. ### 3. Configuring MetaMask extension to use a custom network To add custom network in MetaMask browser extension: 1. Go to MetaMask `settings`. 2. In `settings`, go to `networks` tab. 3. Click on the `Add a network` button. 4. Click on `Add a network manually`. 5. Type a Network name of choice, e.g. "Trusted Goerli". The `New RPC URL` field must be configured to point to the HTTP server of the proxy. In this example it will be ``. The `Chain ID` field must be set to the chain id of the network used by the proxy. The chain id for Goerli is `5`. If everything went smooth there should be a new network in `Networks` drop down menu. After switching to this network it should be possible to create new accounts, and perform transfers between them. > Note: Currently, adding a custom network with a chain id which already exists in the MetaMask configuration will be highlighted as an error. This should be ignored as this should be rather a warning, and is a known [bug](https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/13249) in MetaMask.